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MARCH 2025

Pentagon Says Ukraine Will Survive and the US Will Arm It for Years to Come

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Pentagon Says Ukraine Will Survive and the US Will Arm It for Years to Come

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Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen Hicks says the US is looking how to support Ukraine five, 10, and 20 years into the future

Originally published on AntiWar

On Monday, Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks said Pentagon leaders believe the state of Ukraine will survive Russia’s invasion and that the US is preparing to arm the country for years to come.

“I think what we can assure ourselves today is that there will be a country called Ukraine. It will be a sovereign country and that country will have a military that will need to defend it,” Hicks said at the Defense One Tech Summit.

“And so as we look ahead, we’re thinking through what are the kinds of capabilities that the Ukrainians need to protect themselves over the long term,” she added.

So far, the US has allocated about $54 billion to spend on Ukraine’s war effort, the majority of which will go towards military assistance. The funds are meant to last through the 2022 fiscal year, which ends on September 30 for the federal government.

But Hicks said the Pentagon is looking to support Ukraine in the long-term, over the next five, 10, and 20 years into the future. “We’re trying to think through the kinds of both equipment but also any kind of longer-term training and defense establishment efforts that they will need,” she said.

Hicks’ comments signal that the Biden administration has no plans to reduce tensions with Russia as one of Moscow’s main motivations to invade Ukraine was Kyiv’s alignment with the US and NATO and the military support the Western powers started providing in 2014.


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Amazing how their narrative changes, what happend to Pelosi “we’re with you till victory”

hunter bidé lab pork !

Pelosi the Parazite is driking vodka and eating bugs !!!


Nancy Antoinette eating steak while taxpayers eat bugs is more like it.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Pelo ss i the drunk titanic is floating in coktail molotovs with gin and covaids !!

Sandra Lundy

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Last edited 2 years ago by Sandra Lundy

She orders Grey Goose to be delivered to her office by the case.

Günter Düsterhus

What happened to Pelosi? Clearly she’s going to hell first!

Bozo the Clown

About time, she goes. The ugly bitch is starting to look more and more like Michael Jackson. just before his final departure.


perpas they send in some “The Only Way To Be Sure (Aliens 1986)”

Icarus Tanović

Yeah, Lieutenant Hicks.

Retired Troll

The problem is that the most evil Jews like Blinken and the corrupt gay clown Zelensky have pathological hatred of Russia and the Slavs and the Ukrainian idiots have become their patsies and cannon fodder. They aim to bog Russia in Ukraine and try to bleed it to oblivion. But they will fail as Russia is fighting on home ground in an existential battle for its soul, land and people.


Maybe the dickhead should have a word with the American tax payer.

Florian Geyer

There will no longer be a Ukraine for the US to arm after these latest US threats toward Russia.


Indeed,its time Russia took out the SBU HQ in Kiev and other targets where the criminal orders are coming from,they could also bomb the American Embassy in Kiev then say it was a mistake,they were using out of date maps,lol! thats what the Americans said when they hit the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

It would be the end of the war if the leadership of the Donbass region sent a precision missile to the clown in Kyiv.

It should not be difficult to find out where the Zionist lackey is.

maybe he is in Poland ?

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Adolf Hitler survived 11 assassination attempts.

Possibly the warlord from Kyiv is hiding knowing that many are looking for him as well.

helene matz

or in tel aviv,with weekends in colombia


I produce eighty 5 dollars each hour for in operation an online job at .st03 I ne’er thought i’ll have it off but my relief makes 10 thousand greenbacks monthly operating this job and she or he or he instructed coniferous tree State to be told further concerning it. The potential with this will be endless. For a lot of detail…… 𝐜𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐞.𝐭𝐤/

Last edited 2 years ago by Julia

Should but Bidet won’t. Bidet is busy protecting his and other elite’s financial best interests. Taxpayers are simply peasants supplying the revenue so he can get what he wants. If the revenue is not there, Congress will borrow the necessary funding and, as usual, force repayments via “Debt Held By Public”. Especially when the majority of taxpayers do not agree with the expenditure and want the federal government to address Bidenflation and consumer shortages.


Americunt tax payers are vax’d up dying from blood clots and are too busy at PRIDE parades. Americans are the biggest sheep on earth. They let a 2% jew minority boss them around. They deserve everything they get. Stupid vaccinated fat fucks have millions of guns and they just use them as dildos. Ameripussies are faggots.

Eddie Truncaro

The West has used and abused the Ukraine. US/NATO is prepared to fight all the way to the last living Nazi soldier.

Is that fair to the Ukraine? Of course it isn’t.


20 years of US tax payers trillion dollars going to corrupted nazi hands

Rick Jefferson

The Ukes are allowing the US warmongers to use them as cannon fodder. How many Ukes protested the terror campaign that their government has been waging against Ukes that are ethnic Russians for the last eight years? How many of the so-called good Ukes confronted or challenged any Uke Nazis? How many Ukes protested the CIA coup that overthrew their democratically elected government in 2014? How many of them who publicly proclaim their support for freedom and independence support the freedom and independence Donbas Republics? The only innocent Ukes that I see are the Uke soldiers who kill their Nazi commanders or refuse to serve them.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Pentagon …i will survive …..lgbt terrorist digital monkey nazis !!! lets print more fiat money and eat bugs !!!! the slaves are dumb !!! lets fight till the last ukro and then send Izzisrael to the moon !!! but eat bugs !!!!

hunter bidé lab pork !

Penta sheizen nobody cares about lgbts terrorists like you !!! the world is going and you are F Up !!!! nato gays also !!!!


Another beautiful country turned into a war zone to feed the Zionist. This war isn’t going to end anytime soon unless Ukraine gets hit hard like how SAA, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia hit terrorist hard in Syria and took back most of their land


People who were in the abandoned US created puppet governments in Afghanistan and Vietnam pointing and laughing!

Klaus meier

In 15-20 Jahren sind die USA eine andere Nation. Da stellen sich solche Fragen nicht mehr. Biden weiß das… deshalb redet der solch populistischen Mist.


Wow what a complete ignoranus. The statement that the U.S. will continue to support Ukraine with weapons for the next 10-20 years is exactly the excuse that Russia can now use to take over all of Ukraine including Kiev and all of west Ukraine. Now Russia can say hey we had no choice but to completely take over all of Ukraine otherwise there would be an aggressive militant neighbor in Kiev and the main goal of Russia’s SMO is the complete demilitarization of all of Ukraine. Looks like there won’t even be a rump state of Ukraine left.


I wonder if Russia taking over all of the Ukraine is what the US wants and hopes for. As the US could then fund an insurgency until the cows come home.

I am sure Russia is aware of the problem; I believe they will take steps to take all of Ukraine and then immediately offer referendums allowing certain areas to “return” to Poland, Moldovia, Armenia, and anyone else who ever held any Ukraine territory.

This would end the war and end Ukraine, destroying any rationale for the US to fund a Ukraine insurgency. Russia could also predicate the arrangement on both the nations absorbing and the areas absorbed being neutral zones in perpetuity. Maybe require Russian troops stay for an extended period to make sure the integration goes well.


Very important point you have made. Based on Biden’s stupidity, Ukraine will be a European Gaza Strip that even Poland will be sure not to entertain too seriously.

Peter Jennings

Isn’t it odd that the most recent culture, the american culture, which is barely 400 years old, is dictating to cultures around the world which are thousands of years old.

European countries are steeped in culture, and their despots past have already made the same mistakes that american despots are making today. Empires come and go. The US empire hasn’t made it past 60, possibly 70 years, and its already crumbling, under the weight of its own fraud and avarice.

Arming Ukrainian’s to the teeth and sending them to their death isn’t going to change anything, apart from the shape of the Ukrainian border.


Talking about history/traditions:

Ukraine = U + kraine

kraine means country or land U mean next to or by (“U domu” means next to the house, or by the house)

U-kraine was created as peripheries of the motherland country



Europe has been depopulated before, what Americans in the USA call the French-Indian War, was the 30 years war in Europe, where rats out-populated humans in much of Germany, Europe will survive, weakened, but it will survive.

I suppose Ukraine will survive, but in what form?


The evil empire together with English speaking nazi lovers had already created their dream scenario to bleed Russia into submission until the last drop of Ukrainian blood. However, it’s never gonna happen and eventually EU would soon wake up and realise that buydem and Bojo are hell-bent to prolong and even spread the hostilities among the Europeans contrary to the peace as primary goal of EU. Judging from the changing rhetoric, this war would soon be over soon by way of overthrowing the comedian by its close acquaintances or Bloodymyr would declare formal capitulation to live in exile and enjoy the wealth he accumulated from the conflict. SLAVA ROSSIYA.


Russia made little progress after 110 days of fighting (as per the above map). US and it’s lackeys are pouring in weapons worth billions of dollars. Already ukraine is the third biggest military spending country globally for this year (54 billion dollars). By the end of the year, ukraine will be far ahead of Russia in this matter. Now pentagon says that this will continue for years to come. US and NATO countries have the resources to sustain this military aid for ever. This war will continue for ever or till the time Russia cannot afford to fight..


There is no evidence that the Ukraine military has taken any new territory in the Donbass. On the other hand, Russia has acquired about another 20% of Ukraine. There will be no Ukrainian victory..Russia is too powerful.


War of attritions. Destroy the other army and then the territorial gain will come as side effect


“We’ll give you money and weapons but you provide the dead bodies”..

Florian Geyer


Samatar Koseean

The US, in the same country that rejected $40 billion for restaurants and others while accepting $40 billion in military assistance for Ukraine which is very close to +$60 billion of Russia’s military GDP.

Dick Von D'Astard

Biden will not survive and he is throwing U.S. taxpayers money into the molten furnace of a Russian weapons live-testing firing range that western Ukraine has become due to his countries political interferences internally.

Last edited 2 years ago by Dick Von D'Astard

I once thought how stupid are those arabs who let themselves be used as cannonfodder. Now i know that Europeans are as stupid as them. :-(


agreed. War is part of Human Nature, as much as sane heads would like to stop it, or find a better way.

Hans raus

great news, more killed russian invaders on ukrainian soil = better for NATO and superior europe. Its great deal to be able to weaken russian army by killing them in ukraine and no need NATO troops there. Sanctions on russian military industry is just bonus – russian military industry is dependent on western technology. Again 5D chess by NATO and dumb checkers by russia xaxaxaxaxaxa Hans happy, rusobots….not :D

Last edited 2 years ago by Hans raus

There is the proof not about humanitarian isssues or protecting Ukraine It is all about protecting the assets the uk/ USA have spent in Ukraine over the last 8 years Biden Pelosi have family interests supposedly in deals there That is the only reason they are spending the earth to keep it Note the difference between what israel does stealing land in Lebanon Syria and Palestine and no response from the world. Won’t even allow boycotts by the people like BDS let alone government boycotts and weapon sales

jens holm

That’s funny how they phrase it. There will be a Ukraine… of course. But smaller. And it can be armed, but neutral and not in the NATO


Support Ukraine 20 years from now? If they can’t do it now, they will surely not be able to do it in the future.


This shows the insanity of the US. They have too much invested in Ukraine both economically and criminally to let it completely fall apart. But the insane thing is Ukraine is close to falling apart now, and the Ukrainians are being stupid listening to Zelensky and Biden. It is their lives being destroyed by these warmongers. The US don’t care about Ukrainian people… hell they don’t even care for their OWN people.

It’s time to surrender, cede land, remove the nazis so people can live their lives. Get rid of Zelensky and Biden… these are evil vermin.

hunter bidé lab pork !

Penta goon says a lot of sheizen !!!! only the fake nazi merdia listen to urubus !!!


Women have such delusional talks to reinsure themselves.. Uki soldier already understand this is not their war and try to surrender en masse.. Not sure how this trend can do anything else than amplify.. Then who will be there to fight this war the US cant fight itself for fear of been ridiculed?


They are going to support Ukraine for a “political lifetime” which in US terms mean “until the mid-terms are over”. Lets see just how generous the USA is after that.

The magic printing press is losing the angry pixies that make it go … I think they packed up and left for Russia. There are more sellers of US treasuries today than buyers. The only reason people are paying ridiculous prices for oil is because Venezuela, Iran and Russia are sanctioned by the USA and if Russia … a nuclear peer of the USA … can be sanctioned anyone can.The USA is even hunting down Russians expats and seizing their assets.

Over the last 2 years there have been more sellers of US treasuries today than buyers. Yesterday it was announced that Iran and Brazil both proposed candidates for a new international reserve currency. More and more countries are trading in their own currencies and Russia is demanding rubles for their products. It’s turning into a bloodbath for the value of the $USD

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_Norica
Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

If there are peaceful conditions in the world, the dollar is done.

Now the dollar has strengthened because the war industry is experiencing Klondike conditions.

It’s temporary. It’s just staving off the inevitable. If interest rates rise over 2% (I think that’s the magic number but I’m not certain) they default on the interest on government debt and they can no longer print money to cover the interest payments because there are more sellers than buyers for $USD and that trend is only going to increase.

They are insolvent. Either they suffer hyperinflation as more $USD returns home or they default on their debt.

The $USD used to be better than gold as a stable, universally accepted currency during war time but that’s only if there is demand for the $USD … demand is slipping.

Last edited 2 years ago by HB_Norica
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