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MARCH 2025

Pentagon Shared Video Of Drone Crash Over The Black Sea

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The Pentagon has released a video filmed by MQ-9 Reaper which crashed in a close proximity to the Russian borders over the Black Sea. The video shows that the drone’s propeller was bent as a result of the maneuver.

On March 16, Russian specialists detected the UAV in the Black Sea. According to the sources close to the Russian Defense Ministry, the drone was found at the bottom of the sea, 60 kilometers from Sevastopol, at a depth of 850–900 meters.

“An underwater robot discovered the MQ-9 Reaper at a depth of about 850-900 meters. A deep–water branch of the South Stream gas pipeline runs not far from this area,” the sources said.

At the moment, a Russian warship is on duty in the area where the US aircraft crashed. The zone of the drone crash site is also guarded by the military. The source reports that now experts are developing a decision on further actions to lift this drone.


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Great, but next time it’s better to use missiles, because such maneuvers can lead to loss of a plane. Shot down and say loud about it: we did it and will do next time. + bomb L’vov to the dust, this is my personal wish.


Why would they waste money to shoot down a trash can?

Russian jets can tank a few hits unlike Western jets and those pilots now their stuffs.

Also, Russia can play like West (NATO/US), they didn’t shoot it down or anything it cashed by itself. Remember how West play dumb about Nord stream pipeline?


US Weeper Drone does not cope being pissed on by Russia jet.

Last edited 1 year ago by leviathan

sadly again a russian proapagda defeat, because russia was denying any colision or contact, while the vid proofs that the drone rotor was struck by the su27 as seen on damaged rotor blades after the last su27 overfly. anyway thats fine to bring down anything that flys from the americunts.


Bollocks. If the jet had struck that drone there wouldn’t have been much left of either.


The jet didn’t need to strike it. The mere proximity and fuel plus turbulence would be enough to damage the propeller.


nope. Look at all the youtube posts about ‘Russia jet pees on US drone’, ‘don’t pee on out drone’, ‘dog marks its territory on US drone’, ‘US air force needs x2 400k missiles to take down a balloon but russia just dumps some fuel to take down a US drone’, ‘what is US surveillance drone doing 5000km from home in war zone?’, ‘US can shoot dow a balloon so russia can shoot down a US drone surveilling its war zone’ .

Huge PR win for Russia!

Michel LeBlanc

I looked at the video a bunch of times. Its disjointed at best.

It.could be a copy past for all we know.

What material is this propeller made of anyways?

Will it bend?

Last edited 1 year ago by Michel LeBlanc

The footage doesn’t show any damage to the propeller. Why was the drone there? Didn’t the US keep extending its territorial waters in WW2 to stop the Germans sinking US ships that were actively providing support for England whilst claiming neutrality. The Russians aren’t stupid and nor are we. The drone was there for nefarious purposes and has to be a legitimate target.


Had a quick check. The US seems to be in breach because the area even if international is not part of its physical territory. Having a military vehicle outwith its neutral physical territory draws it directly into the conflict. That presumably is why the US kept expanding its territorial waters in WW2.

Last edited 1 year ago by Mbiyd

The full video does indeed show a bent propeller blade and it’s not caused by any rolling shutter effect.


Is that supposed to be a video of the event? How ridiculous! Come on US, you must do better than that. We don’t all live in hollywood-comic-strip land.

Florian Geyer

It fooled the audience in Hollywood Star Wars, LOL.


The Russians will study it and make improvements starting with the propeller.. they can thank the US taxpayers for the gift.

Sgt. Based

An article said after the impact the operators managed to glide into international waters

Implying it was in Russian territory at the time

Michel LeBlanc

Of course the operators would do everything they can to dump the drone in the deepest water they could find.

Tis war after all.


The 2nd video is a fake. The stripes on the propeller blades are missing. Sloppy work.


I doubt that the video is fake, although I wouldn’t put it past them. If you look at the compass on the camera reticle, the aircraft is facing in the opposite direction in the second shot. This could mean that the blades are now backlit and the stripes are not visible.

I don’t believe that the Russian jets would have risked a mid-air collision to make contact with the prop, but maybe the lightweight blades hitting the heavy fuel at high speed would have been enough to bend them and cause the crash.

Either way, the US has no excuse for crying over a downed drone after the intel that they gather with these drones is used to kill Russians.

Another 30M of US taxpayer money now goes to General Atomics Aeronautical to replace the drone, with plenty of kickbacks to their government friends.


Look closely at the images. The first propeller shown has two yellow stripes at the tip of each propeller blade. The propeller shown that has the damage visible on it lacks these yellow stripes. It is a different aircraft and the video is a forgery.

Crimea is 100% Liberated

Is this first time mq-9 reaper uav was sent over the black sea? In this incident UAV was close to Crimea. previous times rq-4 global hawk uav was sent many times over black sea, so why did they sent rq-9 reaper this time? Does the Reaper UAV need to be so close to spy on Crimea whereas the Global Hawk dose not? The Reaper has limited spying range whereas the Global Hawk is not?


Great, but next time it’s better to use missiles, because such maneuvers can lead to loss of a plane. Shot down and say loud about it: we did it and will do next time.



Notice the clouds patent. 3D video games have better render than this fake crap.


Yeah, looks strange, but it may be from bright sunlight, hard to say precisely. In other hand, Washington love to lie a lot, so they can make 3D graphics instead real footage or film another similar UAV in different place. You probably know that Pentagon bought or lent few Su-27 and MiG-29 along with some USSR-made tanks, APCs and helicopters, so they can shoot any movie even without graphics.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон
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