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MARCH 2025

People Against NATO War In Ukraine

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People Against NATO War In Ukraine

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People Against NATO War In Ukraine

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Despite the loud statements of the Western elite about their unity in support of the Nazi Kiev regime, it turns out that the population of their respective countries does not support their attempts to incite a large-scale war in Europe.

A new wave of demonstrations against NATO military aid to Ukraine swept across Europe and other countries. Along with calls to refuse to transfer weapons to Ukrainian nationalists, there are demands to stop killing people in the Donbass, and to force the Kiev regime to immediately launch negotiations. People across the West are demanding that their governments to stop the escalation of the proxy war in Europe, take back the sovereignty of their countries and dissolve NATO.

About 2.5 thousand people gathered near the US Ramstein Air base in Germany. It is the largest stronghold of the US Air Force outside the continental US. The Germans demanded that the airbase be shut down and called for American soldiers to go home.

Tens of thousands of Germans took part in the mass rally “Uprising for Peace” organized by the member of Die Linke party Sarah Wagenknecht and writer Alice Schwarzer. Earlier, they published a “Manifesto for Peace”, which was already signed by more than half a million people, including well-known public and political figures.

The rallies swept through almost three dozen French cities. The protesters surrounded two military factories near Versailles and Lyon, where howitzers and tanks are produced and then sent to Ukraine.

The head of the “Patriots” movement Florian Philippot became one of the leaders of the anti-NATO protests in France. About 10 thousand people came to his first rally in the French capital. Now, there are more than two million participants across the country.

In Madrid, thousands of people took to the streets with posters saying “No war, no NATO, no tanks,” and in Amsterdam, the European Union was added to the crossed-out list.

A rally was held in the Canadian city of Halifax. Earlier, on the eve of the Biden’s notorious visit to Kiev, the “March of Rage against the war machine” was organized by the Libertarian Party in Washington.

The Kiev regime and its Western patrons allocated millions of dollars for various PR campaigns dedicated to the anniversary of the conflict, but the manufactured PR turned out to be so mediocre that it had the opposite effect.

While German tanks with Nazi symbols are on their way to Ukraine, a damaged Russian tank was installed in front of the Russian Embassy in Berlin, showing the alleged failure of Russia. However, the Germans turned it into the memorial for the victims of the conflict. Thousands of Germans brought flowers and attached anti-war posters to the tank.

Similar events took place in the Baltic countries as well. Pro-Russian citizens went to lay flowers on the tanks in Vilnius, Tallinn, and Riga, despite the attempts of the police to stop them.

The MSM confirmed that people around Europe were carrying flowers to commemorate the dead Russian soldiers. However, they, as according to their tradition, referred to the thousands of Western citizens as “Putin activists.”

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William White

Good to see I hope it will take off because if they don’t get a million at the big centers it won’t shake the US. A stop to business with America would be a good tack as money is the only language they speak.


Yes, thats the right way. We must stop the finance of big US-Companies. Everybody can do a little step.


To stop or hinder big us companies, is to first demoralize as one step, and another as to find alternative replacements such as German Japanese Turkiye Idlib North Korea, and not jewish gay or satanic like kikerael caineada or ungrateful shitstain or sufyani whoever that definitely is.

Joseph Day

The empire is crumbling. Keep going Russia.


Except in Syria lay off Idlib STAT.

JFK Reborn

Syria is a complete mess. Russian’s are supporting Assad and the SAA. I think it’s NATO and specifically Turkey who should go away. The dream of a Kurdistan pipeline has been so costly. It’s not even a proxy war, Turkey openly support HTS. Turkey should also remove the 12+ bases from northern Iraq. But no the Lira is worthless and it’s a war economy for the Turk’s.

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

We want to be friends with Russia, to sell them Mercedes and hollydays resorts and buy gas, oil, caviar, military gear and military surplus, learn and compete with their athletes… 💝


Northern Germanic EU is definitely welcome in Asia due to NS, however no more of this jewish satanic stuff and the murder and denegration of society type cuntries like great shitstain or london, vatican, or dc satanic oriented.

Accipiter Nisus

Sahra Wagenknecht and Alice Schwarzer are the antirussian West. The demonstrators in Ramstein have nothing to do with the Left in Germany and the organizations which organizated the demonstration in Ramstein are discriminated in Germany by the AntiFA, which is payed by the Party Die Linke. Every monday are demonstrations in mainly east Germany, from the organizations which organized the demonstration in Ramstein and the people of these demonstrations are actively combated by the AntiFA. A few weeks ago, the car of a cameraman filming the demonstration in Ramstein was set on fire by the Anti-Fascist Action (Antifa), and official cars were also destroyed by activists of the organization Free Saxons by the leftists. Counter-demonstrations and violent attacks against free journalists of the organizers of the demonstration in Ramstein occur regularly, as well as mass media agitation and political attacks such as arrests, discrimination and use of violence.


Whatever they are (I don’t think they’re anti-Russian, few ppl really are), people gathered there to express their discontent with the war. No matter who called for the rally. Yes, it could have been even bigger and included more organisers, but I think most people went not because of the two figures. The lying down of flowers at the Russian tank was a powerful symbol. Even though lots of Ukrainian thugs were in the street, often quite aggressively trying to stop people from getting to the tank. Actually, I’m not easily scared, I’ve lived in many places that are supposedly ‘dangerous’ but when the Ukrainian mob was marching – it felt like something else, not good. Now, it’s important to remember that there are very many Ukrainians now in Berlin and Germany, most of which are decent, good people, not Nazi-mobsters.

720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

People in Europe are waking up. More protest actions are planned for coming Weekend in ALL European big cities.


Yes, a good development, we must stopp the weapons… all people on the street

Accipiter Nisus

In Germany, the problem is that the police are prevented from the top to investigate crimes of the left, as well as the Anti-Fascist Action and other government crimes. The Anti-Fascist Action is financed and ideologically supported by the government. In the eyes of the AntiFA, every German who says: “Germany is my homeland” is a rightist. Alice Schwarzer met with the Deep State. There are photos with her, Angela Merkel and Ursula von der Leyen. Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke) is trying to collect votes with such actions in order to be installed as autocrat [dictator] in Germany with the help of the Kremlin.

Accipiter Nisus

The police, however, cooperate in parts with Antifascist Action, as it has been proven on several demonstrations, they exchange symbolism and coordinate their terrorism together.

Civil society actively supports the ideas used by Anti-Fascist Action to paint critics of the government as “right-wingers.”

Last edited 2 years ago by Accipiter Nisus

hasbara and illuminatti are part of these zionist satanists who will be stopped abruptly.


The Kremlin doesn’t install dictators. That is the exclusive divine right of Washington and London.


you mean americunt dc and great shitstain.

Accipiter Nisus

The best foreign friends of the Kreml are real dictators.


azov is false NS, asov is khazar, so definitely Germany should pivot to China Koreas Japan SEA India Africa who are primarily Maghrebin which will replace western zionist antiSemetism. And Russia & China should cut all ties with jewish orthodoxy as a show of Loyalty to Jesus and heed his warnings.

JFK Reborn

Putin own’s “Rosatom” among other huge private industries in Russia … He’s a YGL… Like Macron, Merkle, Trudeau and countless other’s. Don’t hold your breath! Why do you think JFK was assassinated? Was it the Gold standard? Was it his decision to gut the CIA? Was it his political position in the Cold War, that the Military Informational Industrial Complex found unacceptable? Who knows?!

JFK Reborn

“Yarovaya law” Russia is hindering religion. Including Jesus Christ.


I don’t know if I’m going to be censored again on this platform when I post information. But in France, a strong nationalist leader ‘Bardella’ is pro-Ukrainian. As for the Le Pen woman, she would probably do the same as the ‘Meloni’ in Italy, who outbid pro-Christian demagogy, and once elected, joined the American satanist left and its NATO lgbt. The French Philippot looks like a cache sex, but behind the French extreme right, has always looked like the Italian and Spanish

Romanian whore

The extremely heavy 100 wagons train can’t stop instantly. Same for the colonial european economy. It take time to reach a stand still. But first bad things are starting to show up. It’s only 1 year. A real very hurting effect will be next year as I said many times before. The total fail of the entire vassal economy need 5 years and more. Only after then you will see ocean like manifestations, chain governments toppling and chaos everywhere as peoples will get poor, poorer and poorer and the inequalities will reach heights not seen from the XIX century.

Last edited 2 years ago by Romanian whore

Unless all these protests turn into votes for the opposition political parties so the current parties in office are replaced, and the government is replaced with an anti conflict one, all this banner and flag waving will be to no avail.


How much do votes really count at the end of the day, the message here is that its the industrialists at thei helm and the resources in ukraine are the prize and the people do not matter.


So by your logic if the current party comprising German government was replaced by the AfD and other non conflict parties with a large majority, the political landscape wouldn’t change regarding this anti-Russian malaise?


LOL! https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2023/2/24/un-tells-russia-to-leave-ukraine-how-did-countries-vote

Accipiter Nisus

Zimbabwe should be ashamed of itself for not voting against it!

Accipiter Nisus

And Mongolia. https://t.me/International_Army_Games/450


I’m against this war that will only benefit oligarchs and wall street insiders. But what is the big deal with nazi symbols? How is the soviet union any better? Even mainstream history has the soviet gulag death toll at 40+ million, compared to the 11 million by the nazis. It’s also illegal in Russia to question the jewish experience at nazi camp, and also illegal to belittle the soviet union or Stalin. How is Russia immune from this parasitic rootless international clique? Seems like they just support the other current thing.

JFK Reborn

Because it’s a False Dichotomy! Read about “Yarovaya law.” It’s kind of like the “Patriot Act” in the United States.

Last edited 2 years ago by JFK Reborn

I am an American and anyone here that can still think opposes Biden’s Rothschild war. Nathan Rothschild stated that Ukraine must not be lost as it is part of their global chessboard. Satanists seek to destroy Christian Russia to plunder it’s wealth. The average American is clueless as to what’s going on. We are under heavy corporate new propaganda

Buford T. Justice

I guarantee you , more westerners are against this war and our involvement in it than the media will let on.

Last edited 2 years ago by Buford T. Justice
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