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Persecution Against Scott Ritter Shows US Not Democracy Anymore

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Persecution Against Scott Ritter Shows US Not Democracy Anymore

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

The persecution of political dissidents in the US is becoming commonplace. People who oppose Washington’s aggressive foreign policy are being seen as enemies and treated as criminals, even when there is no plausible reason to charge them. Recently, military analyst Scott Ritter had his passport confiscated by US authorities without any specific reason, showing the advanced levels of tyranny in the country.

Ritter was on a plane at the New York airport. His plan was to travel to the Russian Federation, as he had a special invitation to participate in the St. Petersburg Economic Forum, which will begin in the next few days. Ritter was already boarding when three policemen suddenly forcibly removed him and seized his documents. When asked about the reason for this action, the policemen said they were following orders from the US State Department and refused to clarify any details about the case.

“I was boarding the flight. Three [police] officers pulled me aside. They took my passport. When asked why, they said ‘orders of the State Department’. They had no further information for me (…) They pulled my bags off the plane, then escorted me out of the airport. They kept my passport,” he told journalists.

Without his passport, Ritter is unable to leave the US territory. In practice, he will begin living under a regime similar to house arrest, not only being monitored by American authorities, but also being prevented from leaving the country. It is curious that this happened precisely during a trip by Ritter to Russia. It seems that Washington is trying to make it clear to all its citizens that there will be no tolerance for citizens who maintain any form of ties with Moscow.

Ritter has long been one of the most vocal critics of military support for Ukraine. In his interviews and articles, he openly advocates for an end to arms supply and for a friendly policy between the US and Russia. Ritter has repeatedly exposed the truth about Ukrainian Nazism and Western collusion with ultranationalism and racism. In addition, his main work as a military analyst consists of providing detailed, technical analyses that show the situation of the sides in the conflict.

While Western media have long claimed that Kiev is “winning the war,” Ritter has emerged as a dissenting voice proving the opposite, saying that military control of the conflict belongs to the Russian Federation. He has refuted fallacious narratives such as the “Ukrainian victory in Kiev” or the “Kherson counteroffensive.” Using impartial and technical military analysis, Ritter has substantiated each of his arguments about Russia winning the war. Today, his work is recognized as one of the best among military experts around the world, with many of his predictions having come true.

This is not the first time that Ritter has suffered persecution in his own country. In the past, he has been criticized, defamed and even detained by American authorities because of his stance against Washington’s war initiatives. Ritter severely criticized the American decision to invade Iraq, stating that there were no weapons of mass destruction in the country. At the time, he was a UN weapons inspector and had privileged information about the real situation in the Middle East.

Currently, in addition to providing military analysis on the war in Ukraine, Ritter has also been strongly critical of Israeli violence in the Gaza Strip, which has certainly generated discontent among radical Zionists in American domestic politics. In addition, he has worked to refute fallacies and stereotypes about Russia and the Russian people, making frequent trips to Russia to show the local reality. Recently, Ritter was in Chechnya, Moscow and St. Petersburg and spoke to the Western media about what real life is like in Russia today, explaining that the country is in a favorable economic situation, without any effect of Western sanctions.

It is already clear that persecution is the fate of any American dissident. When US citizens disagree with their country’s policies, the authorities attack, arrest and defame them. Unfortunately, this is the reality in the country that claims to be the global guardian of democracy. However, this lie is increasingly discredited. Despite all the propaganda efforts, it is already clear to the world that the US is no longer a democracy.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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the ww2 propaganda never stopped.

jens holm

me too. old dead presidents looking into to the past as tank commanders still in ww2

JH swendson

if you dont agree to follow hunter bidens pipe warmongerism, you are a enemy of state. so your passport will be taken and you will be thrown to jail

jens holm

the rest of the world are in trump mode.


jh, we all need to boycott all american airlines. fjb. pass it around.


lol and they then claim totalitarianism and dictoatorships in other countries 🤣. assange should have been a wake up call for the western people

jens holm

it is mr and mrs moron.

i know your version of socalled people. we dont join communisme because some mistakes are made.

another example here today about slamming a door in italy is same thing. its debate and not fx all or nothing.


there is nothing undemocratic about it. you people are stupid about democracy.

jens holm

thats right. i support democacrasy and parle.

i see the results every day.


if you love democracy, then you hate god.

this is just to get you to hate god, and it’s apparently working.


which god out of the thousands mankind has made up over the millennia? where is the objectively verifiable evidence for *anything* supernatural? afaik, such evidence hasn’t ever been presented and independently confirmed.


concept of democracy sounds well, but in reality it comes to pure sodomic/satanic crap as we are able too see in bright pictures of our daily life. that’s why it’s about to collapse.

jens holm

he is so outdated out of time. anal ist

dtgwrtg r

he is more updated than you ever could be in 100 years. with just half of your age, he has more knowledge than you and your entire family combined


outdated one is the clown of kiev, jensy. and the rada will be outdated soon in 28th of august, because state of emergency and rada’s term can be prolonged by the president only, but there is no president. outdated marionette president, outdated sock puppet parliament, outdated rural reich.


echoes of gonzalo lira – perhaps he can still get into mexico if he has his driving license, claim to be a refugee and escape to nicaragua or venezuela or something like that.or buy an ocean going yacht and quietly set off on a very long sailing trip?

dtgwrtg r

rip crp , we will vengeance your assassination


boycott all american airlines….hit them back. fjb


won’t help. it’s the order of the state dept, i.e. crooked politicians from washington’s swamp like aunt nuland.

South Front Is Pure Joke

ritter in early march 2022: “6 weeks and this war is over. russia won.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

dtgwrtg r

a pure joke that you like to read, like and comment everyday like a jealous groupie 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


it was over. but the americans pulled the corpse of the ukrainian armed forces up by the collar and continue to use it as a human shield.

Gneaus stapo

sure,we all remember the ukrainian masses welcome russian flatheads with bread and flowers , totaly over as u stated. then all of a sudden nato war against russia.

Gneaus stapo

ritter is a pedo and found willing ivan flatheads to pay for his living.


oh, i thought it started with assange in the ecuadorian embassy and then belmarsh.


the truth will prevail…. blessings & góod wishes to scott


scott has nothing much sensible and visionary to say.. hard to understand the “persecution”

Conan M

it’$ not a democracy. it’s a republic. and the chowder heads that keep dutifully paying all of their taxes and saluting the mic war machine are going to get the biggest surprise when the printing pre$$ “defaults”… and judging from the minute hand on my trusty watch we are about 10 years past due. otherwise you wouldn’t be witnessing the lunacy that is nato provoking the most sophisticated nuclear triad on the planet with terrorism the past 10 years.

Last edited 4 months ago by Conan M
Ray Douglas

there is more to this than meets the eye. funny how the russian who invited ritter was arrested at the same time. i am not saying that ww3 is about to be launched but something is afoot.

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