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Philip M. Giraldi: Israel Has “The Most Moral Army in the World”?

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Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Eight days ago eleven Palestinian buildings containing seventy family apartments located in the illegally Israeli occupied East Jerusalem village of Wadi al-Hummus were demolished in a military-led operation by more than 1,000 Israeli soldiers, policemen and municipal workers using bulldozers, backhoes and explosives. Residents who resisted were beaten by the soldiers, kicked down flights of stairs and even shot at close range with rubber bullets. The soldiers were recorded laughing and celebrating as they did their dirty work. Occupants who did not resist and who held their hands up in surrender were also not spared the rod, as were also foreign observers who were present to add their voices to those who were protesting the outrage. The injuries sustained by some of the victims have been photographed and are available online.

Philip M. Giraldi: Israel Has "The Most Moral Army in the World"?

A Merkava IV tank. FILE PHOTO: Rafael Advanced Defense Systems

Twelve Palestinians and four British observers were injured badly enough to be hospitalized. The British reported that they were “stamped on, dragged by the hair, strangled with a scarf and pepper sprayed by Israeli border police.” One who was hospitalized described how Israeli soldiers dragged him by his feet, lifting him up, and kicking him in the stomach, while one soldier stamped on his head four times “at full force” before standing on his head and pulling his hair. Another suffered a fractured rib after “[the policeman] then stamped on my throat and others started punching my torso. It was a sadistic display of violence…”

Yet another foreign observer was dragged out of the house, “…her hands were crushed so badly that she suffered a fractured knuckle on her left hand, and her right hand suffered severe tissue damage ‘which will be permanently misshapen unless she gets cosmetic surgery.’”

Edmond Sichrovsky, an Austrian activist of Jewish origin, who was in one of the houses, described how Israeli forces broke the door down, first dragging out the Palestinians, “knocking the grandfather to the floor in front of his crying and screaming grandchildren.” Cell phones were forcibly removed to eliminate any picture taking or filming before soldiers began attacking him and four other activists. “I was repeatedly kicked and kneed, which left a bloody nose and multiple cuts, as well breaking my glasses from a knee in the face. Once outside, they slammed me against a car while shouting verbal insults at me and women activists, calling them whores.”

The buildings were destroyed due to claims that they were too close to Israel’s illegal separation wall, with the Benjamin Netanyahu government citing “security concerns.” The families living in the buildings that did not have either the time or ability to remove their furniture and other personal items will now have to comb through the rubble to see what they can recover, if the Israeli soldiers will even allow them that grace. They will also have to find new places to live as the Israelis have made no provision for housing them.

The homes were legally constructed on land that is nominally controlled by the Palestinian Authority (PA), a fine point that the Israeli authorities chose to consider irrelevant. When the Palestinians object to such arbitrary behavior, they are sent to Israeli military courts that always endorse the government decisions. And the Netanyahu regime of kleptocrats has made clear that it does not recognize international law about treatment of people who are under occupation.

The buildings were destroyed a few days after rampaging Israeli settlers on the West Bank continued their campaign to destroy the livelihoods of their Palestinian neighbors. Hundreds of olive trees were burned on the West Bank on July 10th, a deliberate attempt to drive the Arabs from their land by making it impossible to farm, strangling the local economy. Olive trees are particularly targeted as they are a cash crop and the trees take many years to mature and produce. The Israeli settlers have also been known to kill livestock, poison water, destroy crops, burn down buildings, and beat and even kill the Palestinian farmers and their families. And in Hebron the settlers have surrounded the old town, dumping excrement and other refuse on the Palestinians shops below that are still trying to do business. It should surprise no one that the Jewish settlers who engage in the violence are rarely caught, even less often tried, and almost never punished. The ghastly Benjamin Netanyahu’s government has declared that what was once Palestine is now a country called Israel and it is only for Jews. Killing a Palestinian by a Jewish Israeli is considered de facto to be a misdemeanor.

And meanwhile the carnage continues in Gaza, with the death toll of unarmed demonstrating Palestinians now at more than 200 plus several thousand wounded, many of them children and medical workers. Recently, orders to the Israeli army snipers direct them to shoot demonstrators in the ankles so they will be crippled for life. This is what it takes to be the “most moral army” in the world as defined by French fop pseudo intellectual Bernard-Henri Levy, demonstrating only yet again that the tribe knows how to stick together. But the war crimes carried out by Israel also require unlimited support from the United States, both in money and political cover to allow it all to happen. Israel would not be killing Palestinians with such impunity if it were not for the green light from Donald Trump and his settler-loving mock Ambassador David Friedman backed up by a congress that seems to cherish Israelis more than Americans.

How is it that the horrific treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis as aided and abetted by the worldwide Jewish diaspora is not featured in headlines all over the world? Why isn’t my government with its highly suspect but nevertheless declared agenda of bringing democracy and freedom to all saying anything about the Palestinians? Or condemning Israeli behavior as it once did regarding South Africa?

Can one even imagine what The New York Times and Washington Post would be headlining if American soldiers and police were evicting and beating the residents of a housing project in a U.S. city? But somehow Israel always gets a pass, no matter what it does and politicians from both parties delight in describing how the “special relationship” with the Jewish state is cast in stone.

In the wake of the home demolitions, Washington yet again shielded Israel from a United Nations censure for its behavior by casting a Security Council veto. The Jewish state is consequently never held accountable for its bad behavior, and let us be completely honest, Israel is the ultimate rogue regime, dedicated to turning its neighbors into smoking ruins with U.S. assistance. It is evil manifest and it is not in America’s own interest to continue to be dragged down that road.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org

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The author of course is absolutely correct. And this is a microcosm of what the Jews did to Russia and it’s neighbors for 50 years last century severely stunting it’s growth. And is yet another example of why Judaism needs to be outlawed and extinct


amen to that


it is not only judaism, all religions peddle the same bigoted bull shit


How so?

I was raised Catholic and Judaism is diametrically opposed to the morality that I was taught. The Talmud is a criminal cult manual.

British Free Corps

They behaved rather poorly in the Old Testament too.

Hasbara Hunter

Them Catholics haven’t done very nice things either https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/47c00b7607ac66e816519cd4ac10c734bbfeb8d5b867293e4122004ecd708edd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cb0521cdb39eb442c8f2f63398567ae61181ff35a75e043a0ad89d41396f1f43.jpg …. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/33d4592ef5f2ef49b56244b61145a1faa542a980909d8fce89818c14f0186b3c.jpg

Decatur Guy

Yes, the moneyed-man was (((Wall Streeter))) Jacob Schiff for those unaware. Congressman Adam Schiff is the elder’s grandson. Ghouls, nothing short of soulless ghouls.

British Free Corps

They don’t change their behaviour when converted.


It probably takes a few generations free of cult brain washing.

Hasbara Hunter

They are Imposters & Shapeshifters… they have done it for Centuries…They will do it again….The Khazarian Ashke Nazi Mafia is a Global Criminal Organisation… An Indepent Court (Yet to be Created) has to Judge ALL THE RATS…SEIZE THEIR ASSETS IF FOUND GUILTY & SENTENCE THEM TO DEATH…IT WILL BE THE ONLY WAY TO ERADICATE THE CANCER….


The trials, or pseudo trials depending on how you want to look at it have already been done. But there’s no one to enforce the verdict. You can name and shame, and that’s a start. But until you can do to them what they do to others. You’re s— outa luck.

Hasbara Hunter

I still doubt that they have all this Technology & Special Weapons to beam Folks to another dimension… creating FEAR has been the Elites Core-Business for Centuries…What if they haven’t got a damn thing? Then you can just kick in their door…drag them out…and create a court…We used to do that in Europe back in the good Ol’ Days… Though I have to admit that Europeans have become Pussies…


There is sequestered technology. 911 is an illustration of it as described by Dr. Judy Wood’s expose of the use of directed energy technology during the WTC take down. I’m assuming that it was of terrestrial origin. But I’m not ruling out that it might have been ET intervention. Like when they disable nukes.

The US military is the least Jew infested of all of the major components of the US government. “Only” 1/2 of 1% of US military are Jews. But even a small number of Jews can cause huge problems.

And the recent joint Israel US missile tests demonstrate the extent of Jew infiltration into the high technology sector.

Dr. Steven Greer, who is married to a Jew and lived in Israel for 3 years. Who I’ve talked with more than once. Describes a criminal high tech sector of the US government and corporate world beyond the reach of law enforcement and legislative and administration oversight. That has control of advanced ET derived technology that provides it immunity from prosecution. Where the facts stop and the fiction begins I don’t know. Very few do.

I’m doing my own thing in unregulated areas that officially don’t exist. But parallel what the government’s and high tech corporate sector’s are doing in unacknowledged programs as Greer describes them.

911 was a big problem created by Jews. And it’s clear to me that the misuse of the high tech end of things is a big part of the problem.

Hasbara Hunter

The Enemy I behold is one of Flesh & Blood…it appears to be of “Human” origin…I will not exclude Evil Alien intervention…But in my Personal opinion them Khazarian Elitists Zio-Pigs want to Blame the Aliens for what they have done themselves…

Pictures of installing Detonators… https://www.markdotzler.com/Mark_Dotzler/WTC_Artists.html


Conventional explosives may have been part of the stage craft. But it doesn’t explain the missing debris. The misuse of some form of directed energy technology does.

Blame shifting isn’t going to cover up the Jew’s crimes. There’s to much evidence.


Jews have been conjuring up bad ETs/EDs from the beginning of Judaism. These are negative non conventional sentient life forms tat are part of the problem.


I would think that any aliens who are able to visit earth in the future will be intelligent. Ergo the first people they will need to dominate are those who control much of the world.

This being the case, the jews and their acolytes are toast :)


This is every day Jew crime. The only reason it wasn’t covered up was because the victim has a US passport. https://youtu.be/gEshOhfrw7E


There is no economic sanctions in the world. The economic sanction is in fact economic terrorism on which terrorist states want to starve a nation which is even worst terrorism in the world. A couple of years ago I have prepared a list of top ten terrorist states.

1. America 2. United Kingdom 3. Saudi Arabia 4. Bahrain 5. UAE 6. Egypt 7. Australia 8. Canada 9. Ukraine 10. India

These aforementioned states support the following non state terrorist groups in the world.

1. Israel 2. ISIS 3. Al-Qaeda 4. Al-Shabab 5. Bokoharam


isisrael is the only proper name… ☕


the value of the illegal settlement called israel is negligible and can thus be discontinued forth with. illegal occupants should be starved out of palestine, like the apartheid forces once were forced out of south africa and to find a new home, they should apply for green cards for the dysfunctional states of A(rschlöchen) and hope that the 90% of the people not on the take will accept the influx of millions of war criminals from palestine, where they have lived for some hundred years or so engaged in a perpetual criminal pursuit of eradicating the indigenous people from the land that is theirs.

and since the value of the squatters is negative, they can be evicted post haste – fortunately both erdogan and Iran are of this view together with about 95 percent of the world’s population.

British Free Corps

Black people were treated better in South Africa and Rhodesia than Palestinians are by Israelis, and the transition of power from white conservatives to Communist terrorists who sing “Kill the Boer, Shoot the Boer” have placed the country on a downward spiral due to incompetence and negligence. When they eventually carry out a complete reverse-apartheid by murdering and confiscating the property of any remaining Boers and Afrikaaners, South Africa will be no different than Zimbabwe.



70+ years of war.

killing and raping unarmed peoples.

israel is holocausting its own people.

Елена Перельман

What there was actually, but not in stories of anti-semites who are also lying that: …shooting attack on May 2, 2004, in which Palestinian militants killed Tali Hatuel, a Jewish settler, who was eight months pregnant, and her four daughters, aged two to eleven. ( The Israeli reaction to this terrible murder of the pregnant woman and four small peaceful children was insignificant: killing of two terrorists – not children, not women, but two adult murderers – and destruction of several houses from where terrorists shot. And it is very typical Jewish reaction to numerous massacre and wounds of Jews by the Arab terrorists – to kill and wound much less Arabs, than they killed and wounded Jews, and only terrorists, not children, women and even male citizens; in response to repeated murder – not to kill and even not to wound Arabs in general, to be limited to destructions of buildings and arrests.)

…shooting attack on May 2, 2004, in which Palestinian militants killed Tali Hatuel, a Jewish settler, who was eight months pregnant, and her four daughters, aged two to eleven. ( The Israeli reaction to this terrible murder of the pregnant woman and four small peaceful children was insignificant: killing of two terrorists – not children, not women, but two adult murderers – and destruction of several houses from where terrorists shot. And it is very typical Jewish reaction to numerous massacre and wounds of Jews by the Arab terrorists – to kill and wound much less Arabs, than they killed and wounded Jews, and only terrorists, not children, women and even male citizens; in response to repeated murder – not to kill and even not to wound Arabs in general, to be limited to destructions of buildings and arrests.)

– “palestinians”, there are a lot of years regularly attacking, hurting and murdering the Jewish settlers, including children and women and together approving these crimes – “peaceful and innocent”, and their Jewish victims “kill the palestinian farmers and their families”. It is a little examples of murders of children and adult settlers by “innocent Palestinians”: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Shalhevet_Pass The murder of Shalhevet Pass was a shooting attack which was carried out on March 26, 2001, in Hebron, West Bank, in which a Palestinian sniper killed the ten-month-old Israeli infant Shalhevet Pass. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murders_of_Koby_Mandell_and_Yosef_Ishran …on 8 May 2001, when two Jewish teenagers, Yaakov “Koby” Mandell and Yosef Ishran, were killed on the outskirts of the Israeli settlement of Tekoa in the West Bank, where they lived with their families.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Hatuel_family …shooting attack on May 2, 2004, in which Palestinian militants killed Tali Hatuel, a Jewish settler, who was eight months pregnant, and her four daughters, aged two to eleven. ( The Israeli reaction to this terrible murder of the pregnant woman and four small peaceful children was insignificant: killing of two terrorists – not children, not women, but two adult murderers – and destruction of several houses from where terrorists shot. And it is very typical Jewish reaction to numerous massacre and wounds of Jews by the Arab terrorists – to kill and wound much less Arabs, than they killed and wounded Jews, and only terrorists, not children, women and even male citizens; in response to repeated murder – not to kill and even not to wound Arabs in general, to be limited to destructions of buildings and arrests.)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Itamar_attack …The victims were the father Ehud (Udi) Fogel, the mother Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children—Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, the youngest, a three-month-old infant.




Read more about “Palestinian” terror against Israeli civilians: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Terrorist_attacks_against_Israelis_in_the_2000s https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Terrorist_attacks_against_Israelis_in_the_2010s Over hundred of attacks, thousands of murdered and wounded Jews… and Giraldi lie: “Palestinians are innocent and Israelis are villains”. FACEPALM.

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