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Philip M. Giraldi: “Israel’s War Crimes Have Killed Americans”

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Philip M. Giraldi: "Israel's War Crimes Have Killed Americans"

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Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Imagine if you will a ship from a nation not at war with anyone sailing in international waters on a quiet June day being suddenly attacked by unidentified warplanes and torpedo boats, their markings covered up to conceal their country of origin. The vessel under attack had little with which to defend itself, but its crew heroically made sure that a large national flag was hoisted to demonstrate that it was not a belligerent in anyone’s conflict. The attackers noted the nationality of the vessel, but persisted in their aggression in a clear attempt to sink the ship and kill all its crew. The officers on the ship radioed that they were under attack and asked for help, but even though friendly fighter aircraft were within striking distance and were automatically dispatched, they were then mysteriously recalled. The attacks lasted for two hours, longer than the Pearl Harbor attack that brought about American entry into World War 2, killing and wounding more than two hundred of the crew. Life rafts lowered into the water as the vessel seemed to be sinking were machine gunned by the attacking aircraft and torpedo boats to make escape or evacuation of the wounded impossible but the captain and survivors worked heroically, and successfully, to keep the ship afloat. When the vessel finally made it back to port, the officers and crew were sworn to silence by their own government and a cover-up was initiated that has persisted to this day. Many of the ship’s survivors have died since that day 53 years ago, and the attempts of the remainder to see justice before they are also gone have been ignored.

I am, of course, referring to the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, which took place on June 8, 1967, nearly 53 years ago. The anniversary of the attack is coming up in a month and the remaining officers and crew will hold a ceremony at the Navy memorial in Washington D.C. to honor the memory of their thirty-four shipmates killed and the 172 who were wounded. Seventy per cent of the crew were casualties, the highest percentage of casualties on any ship that remained afloat in the history of the U.S. Navy. The lightly armed intelligence gathering vessel Liberty and its heroic crew emerged from the near destruction as the most decorated ship for valor in a single action in the United States Navy.

Israeli willingness to attack and kill Americans unnecessarily, apparently to send a message, has been noted before. There is the case of Rachel Corrie run over by an Israeli bulldozer and of Furkan Dogan, a Turkish-American who was, like the crew of the Liberty, killed in international waters when he sailed on the Gaza relief vessel Mavi Marmara. But in spite of that, the deliberate attempt to destroy the Liberty, which, according to former U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, was clearly approved at the highest level of the Jewish state’s government, still has shock value.

Israel’s apologists, a virtual fixture at all levels in the U.S. government as well as in academia and the media, have long been making the argument that the attack on the Liberty was some kind of “friendly fire” accident. But the relatively recent discovery that a Navy spy plane intercepted and recorded Israeli both helicopter and fighter pilots mentioning the American flag displayed by the ship during the attack suggests otherwise. Other recordings made of the Israeli communications revealed that some of the pilots did not want to attack. One pilot said, “This is an American ship. I can see the flag. Do you still want us to attack?” Israeli ground control responded, “Yes, follow orders. Hit it!” before admonishing the pilots to “finish the job.”

But while one expects the Israelis to behave abominably, based on any assessment of the years of war crimes committed in places like Lebanon and what remains of Palestine, the greatest crime against the Liberty crew was committed by the United States government itself. President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara reportedly were informed of the attack shortly after it began and it was Johnson who twice personally ordered the recall of the U.S. fighter planes going to rescue the Liberty. Admiral Lawrence Geis, commander of the carrier group in the Mediterranean that the planes had launched from, objected and McNamara responded testily that “President Johnson is not going to go to war or embarrass an American ally over a few sailors.” It was McNamara, again acting on LBJ’s orders, who had the crew sequestered after the ship made it to Malta, issuing a “gag-order” over the incident with the understanding that anyone who spoke up would be secretly court martialed and imprisoned.

To maintain the cover-up, Captain William McGonagle, who was awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for his role in saving the ship, had his medal awarded without any publicity in a private ceremony at the Washington Naval Yard rather than at the White House as was otherwise normal. The President of the United States did not make the award, yet another dismissal of the valor of the Liberty crew.

Normally an attack on a U.S. Navy vessel would have mandated an official Court of Inquiry, but in the case of the Liberty an improvised team consisting of Admiral Isaac Kidd and Chief Counsel Ward Boston was pulled together in the Mediterranean under orders from Admiral John S. McCain, father of Senator John McCain, who was based in London. The Navy’s official ‘Court of Inquiry’ therefore consisted in reality of just Kidd and Boston making a quick visit to the Liberty at sea and then rushing back to Washington via London, where McCain endorsed the 700 page draft document without reading it. The hastily prepared report bypassed all ordinary fact-finding and legal review procedures and no one knows what channels the ‘Findings of the Court of Inquiry’ followed in Washington.

Acting under orders from the White House, the inquiry had been given only a week to prepare its report, a procedure that normally requires six months. The result was also predetermined by McNamara acting for LBJ, who ordered that the conclusion would be that the attack on the Liberty had been a “case of mistaken identity.”

No crewmen from the Liberty were even allowed to provide formal testimony during the inquiry proceedings. Nevertheless, the inquiry’s chief counsel Ward Boston subsequently confirmed in a sworn affidavit that he and Kidd had strongly disagreed with the coerced findings, believing instead that Israel had staged an unprovoked attack intending to sink the ship and kill all the crew. Admiral Kidd referred to the Israelis as “murderous bastards.” Boston also observed that the transcript of the court of inquiry that was subsequently released had been altered, presumably by someone acting on behalf of the White House, to delete and change testimony damaging to Israel.

As is often the case, there is a back story to what happened to the Liberty. In the years prior to the attack on the Liberty, President John F. Kennedy was concerned over powerful and wealthy American Jews attempting to hijack U.S. foreign policy to favor Israel. He also took steps to prevent Israeli development of nuclear weapons. After he was assassinated, his successor as president Lyndon B. Johnson, who has been described as having a political career “interwoven with Jews,” saw things quite differently. He turned a blind eye over the Israeli nuclear program and surrounded himself with Jewish friends and advisors who were actively engaged in promoting the Zionist agenda, some of them plausibly as actual agents of Mossad.

Most prominent among that group were the Krims, Arthur and Mathilde, he a leading media lawyer and studio head who was a Democratic Party fundraiser and she a geneticist, a Swiss born convert to Judaism who had lived in British Mandate Palestine with her first husband, an Irgun terrorist. Jewish terror was a cause which she actively supported. The Krims were regular companions of LBJ throughout his presidency, with a reserved room in the White House and a house near his ranch in Stonewall Texas when he was on vacation there. Johnson also stayed at their mansion in New York.

At the time of the Six Day War when the Liberty was attacked, the Krims were constantly at the side of LBJ and it is generally accepted that they were both working on behalf of the Israeli government to cultivate a decisive presidential tilt towards Israel. Johnson, in fact, was informed of the Israeli intention to go to war against its neighbors in advance and gave the green light, even agreeing to come to the aid of the Jewish state if things went wrong. To seal the deal, Mathilde was even having an affair with LBJ, a situation well known to White House staff and to the Secret Service.

Since 1967, there have been a number of documentaries, books and unofficial inquiries regarding the attack on the Liberty, but resistance from the usual suspects has meant that the story has not become better known. Meanwhile Congress, the Pentagon and the White House have refused to authorize fair and impartial formal hearings that would recognize the deficiencies in the 1967 inquiry and which would include testimony from the remaining Liberty survivors. Senator John McCain was notorious for his offhand treatment of entreaties from the survivors as was then congressman and now governor Ron DeSantis of Florida, a former Navy Seal. DeSantis now calls himself the most pro-Israel governor in the United States.

The most serious unofficial inquiries have involved former military officers. In 2003, Admiral Thomas Moorer, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, formed an independent commission of inquiry to look into the attack. It produced Loss of Liberty, a documentary that included actual interviews with survivors. The commission, which included Rear Admiral Merlin Staring, Marine General Ray Davis, and Ambassador James Akins, reviewed all documentary evidence in the case and interviewed both survivors and other naval officers who were involved indirectly. They learned that the Liberty had been surveilled by the Israelis for at least eight hours prior to the attack and that the ship was both clearly marked as American and was unmistakable as a uniquely configured and immediately recognizable intelligence collection vessel, not even close to the profile of an Egyptian horse transporter as Israel subsequently claimed. During the carefully planned attack, Israeli used radio jamming in an attempt to prevent the Liberty from radioing its predicament.

Moorer’s commission concluded that Israel had deliberately attacked the Liberty and sought to sink it and kill its entire crew. The crewmen who were killed were “murdered” by Israel while the U.S. should have regarded the attack as an act of war and responded appropriately. The cover-up of what had taken place was ordered by the White House and the fact that the truth about the incident continues to be hidden is a “national disgrace.” In an op-ed Moorer wrote in 2004, he concluded by asking “Did our government put Israel’s interest ahead of our own? If so, why?”

In October 2003 the Moorer commission presented its report on Capitol Hill, though its audience was often limited to congressional staffers rather than the understandably fearful members. One year later Representative John Conyers of Michigan overcame considerable resistance to have the report and some accompanying information entered into the Congressional Record. Moorer and Admiral Staring, a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, who had been the legal officer in the McCain office in London who had not been allowed to carefully review the Court of Inquiry report, continued to advocate for an honest investigation of the attack on the Liberty until they died in 2004 and 2013 respectively.

Which leads us to the present and the question of justice for the U.S.S. Libertysurvivors who will be gathering next month. The tale of the Liberty demonstrates that even fifty-three years ago the United States government was betraying its own people out of deference to Jewish power and to the state of Israel. If anything, as horrific as the killing of 34 personnel on board of the Liberty was, the situation has gotten even worse as Washington sends billions of dollars to the Jewish state annually while also giving its kleptocratic government a green light to commit war crimes and other aggressions that will ultimately draw in the United States, and could plausibly bring about our ruination. It is unpleasant to say the least to watch an unrestrained and unprincipled client state do terrible damage to a much larger patron enabled by the machinations of a dual-loyalty fifth column, but that is what we are seeing.

And the actual rot really began with the attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, when patriotic Americans died at the whim of a feckless president who loved a foreign country more than his own. One hopes he is rotting in hell. Today few Americans even know about the Liberty even though they are now facing an election in which two presidential candidates will seek to outdo each other in expressing their love for Israel. Trump and Biden should instead take pause and first demand as a sine qua non justice for the survivors of the U.S.S. Liberty.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.

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That was setup by wanker johnson who the other wankers put in charge after they murdered Kennedy! Tells alot about skulls n bones nazi/jews back then too,either way if there’s no justice,capitalists lose!!


“Philip Giraldi (born c. 1946) is a former counter-terrorism specialist and military intelligence officer of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and a columnist and television commentator who is the Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, an anti-Israel organisation, since 2010. As an author and analyst, Giraldi writes a regular column for the far-right webzine The Unz Review, of which he is national security editor.In his articles, he has written denouncing Judaism and Jews and expressed contentious opinions about the Holocaust.”

Or in short, just a retarded 74 years old Putz. Someone should tell that old man not to get a heart attack.

Zionism = EVIL

Only way for humanity to survive is to eliminate the Zionist cancer from the planet, it is worse than any virus you stupid PUNK faggot!


People who have no way to win the debate on the facts, attack the character of the person speaking. Shoot the messenger is a way old tactic, and frankly quite boring – even when you just argue for Zionist supremacy, you make more sense than when you snipe at people reporting information.

Ashok Varma

Zionists have devoted millions of people to promote their lies globally, especially targeting the gullible western populations.


Zionism just says the Jews want their own land. Fair enough. The methods used to gain it – robbery and genocide, are the problem. That comes straight from the fai6h of Judaism though. The problem is the faith, much more so than the political ideology (although that is criminal too).

Ashok Varma

Two failed states were created by British imperialists at the same time, Israel and Pakistan, to plant the seeds of endless conflict and both have been a disaster. Zionism is like Apartheid, a racist supremacist repressive system being propped up by western taxpayers in whose name horrendous crimes against Palestinians and others are being committed.


Why should I even bother to reply to lies? even more so, from a man that identify himself with neo-nazis. You can choose to believe it for all I care, I dont take him seriously at all, I give him maximum 10 more years before he meets his creator anyway.

Spencer goto

when do you meet your creator in hell?


Lies, show them as so through evidence – that reveals a liar. Not a label.

Guilt by assossiation is boring too – not everyone under one ideology is horrible. Ask the ‘anti-semists’ here, mostall would agree there are good kind Jews, regardless of their take on the failures of the faith. The ones that don’t are idealogues, and have their own cockroaches in their heads to deal with (I think this may be a Russian saying!)

cechas vodobenikov

observe that Zion replies w insults not evidence–her insecurity does amuse

Spencer goto

a good zionist is a dead zionist

Concrete Mike

Sure , because israel CANNOT BE CRITICIZED?

How full of yourself are you? We can bitch at Israel if we want, and itsnot you and your fascist little chums that will stop me, EVER!

Call me nazi all you want, thats your only defense attack the person, because you cant deny your crimes of agression, so just attack the person.

He is an american, he feels america has been cheated by jewish political power, and he is not wrong about that. He has the right to complain about it.

But of course he threatens israeli policies, so little attack dogs like you are sent out to discredit.

I can still think critically, as do.most of us here. You also know that, your only here to start shit and hide in the dust.


It’s not about Israel Mike, this guy hates Jews to the bone and he probably also has an Adolf picture in his house. He is way too biased for me, and you might find it shocking but we don’t control the world like you may think, not everything is about us.

Concrete Mike

Well your cohorts sure have alot to say in my parts of the world.

I hate jew.bashing too, a pointless endeavour.

That being said, israel and world jewry has to be more accepting of constructive criticism. Surely your people can improve , dont rely on the political leaders to do so, as they are ALL HOGS lining up at the troth to fill their pockets, on your blood might I add.

Right here right now, its about a crime israel comitted in cold blood in 1967. You had nothing to do with that, I assume your around my age, maybe a little less.

Calling someone a nazi does not absolve the israeli military command from it murdrer in 1967.

Those sailors deserve better, dont they?

Put politics aside for a moment, these were innocent men( maybe women i dont know), murdered by your countrymen.

Come on man, this was no accident.

You can have a frank discussion with me, im a little hot headed, as you know, but at the base im still a rational guy.

My door is always open, but be honest.


Regarding the 1967 war, we took the West Bank from Jordan and up until then there was not a single demand for a Palestinian state. The moment we captured the area, they started asking for independence, would they have asked it from Jordan too if we lost? I’m not so sure. Anyway, I support them having a state so they won’t be dependent on us and we don’t need to rule over 3M Palis it’s bad for our demographics. Solution? two states, but they must compromise because they always want everything. Check Camp David 2000 proposed deal or even now Trump’s peace plan, they get most of their demands, not all but most. Still, not enough. The coin has two sides, and they are both equal.


There is no equality in any of those two state proposals. You’re misrepresenting what has and is happening as though it’s fair when you know that it’s not.


91% of the West Bank returning back to them is not fair? what is your proposal?


It’s not 91%. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2020/01/29/00/24008680-7939037-image-a-2_1580257283871.jpg


It was 91% back in 2000, since then the Jewish population grew in that area and they lost more %. Everytime they decline a peace offer, they lose more lands. Tell it to them, Israel has shown we are ready to solve it.


Israel has no interest in solving anything, it’s all a bait and switch that Israel plans to violate before the ink is even dry. Which is why negotiating with Israel is a waste of time.


Fine then so don’t complain that we annex more land, if it is a waste of time….


NATO is rapidly going down the tubes. The US and certainly not the UK and France will be in a position to support Israel. Resolving the Israel problem can be handled reasonably. Whether it is will depend on how Israel deals with it. You have a choice individually and collectively on how the Israel problem is resolved.


It was designed to be a waste of time knowing that there was next to no international support for it and that it was unacceptable to the Palestinians. It provides zero justification for further Israeli war crimes.


My proposal? You’ve read it here many times. Clearing the IDF back to the 67 lines with a regional coalition. And implementing the UN resolutions that Israel is in violation of.


It won’t be 1967 again, it can be ALMOST but not exactly.


Israel has an insurmountable credibility deficit. That’s why you lose at the UN with lopsided or essentially unanimous defeats.


Again, I have said that I want them to have a state. There is also a thing called reality, we won’t destroy already built cities in the West Bank where tens of thousands of Jews live. That’s why it won’t be 100%, but around 85% now. They can take it or leave it, but they must know that if they keep saying no then it will just make the Israeli public vote for people like BIbi that wants to annex the Jordan Valley by law.


What you want and what Israel does are two different things. Israel is implementing your evil cult’s racist supremacist ideology. Dissenting from that doesn’t change it.

cechas vodobenikov

I dismiss Zion however the Palestinians have defeated them selves w there corruption—arafat the worst…Hamas exists only because he had no interest in the palestian people…how does Israel negotiate w either? both provide lifetime pensions for families when a member kills a Jew—this sort of bad faith has allowed Israelis to dismiss the Palestinians as agreement incapable


The Jews kill exponentially more Palestinians. So if paying for killing is the measure of which party is an unfit negotiating partner. The Jews are far worse.

cechas vodobenikov

something fully examined by finklestein

Concrete Mike

Tabarnak quit stalling and changing the subject!

This article is not about the war, its about IAF attacking and killing americans, when they clearly knew it was an american ship. Thats cold blooded murder.

Why not adress this? Too many skeletons in the closet?

Stick to the ship, never mind the rest.


You’re free to disprove Giraldi here. But you don’t even try, because you know that what he writes is true. Istead you peddle lies and diversion attempts.

What does that say about you?


That i don’t take people like him seriously, because he writes out of hate rather than facts. I don’t tell others here what to think, freedom of speech.


That’s a dodge. If his info isn’t factual, then you shouldn’t have any trouble disproving it. You know that his info is true. So you don’t even try to disprove it.

Concrete Mike

Right, using your argument, the israeli military must reall hate america for attack that UNARMED ship.

Why did you attack the ship?

How the fuck are we supposed to be ok with this?

The facts are as follows. Israel killed american sailors and tried to sink an american ship.

USAF was cockblocked from stepping in ,cockblocked from above.

I await your response.


I don’t know what exactly happened since I wasn’t even born, but I read it was a mistake in identification and we thought it was an Egyptian ship durign the war. Don’t try to make it look like we sank it on purpose, it’s a lie.

Concrete Mike

Yes thats the nice story out there, mistaken identity.

I beleive very strongly its a lie.

The pilots that machine gunned the ship, those guys in their classroom training, they go through ship identification training, over and over and over. I have a hard to beleivr the israeli pilots did not recognize the ship as american.

There are radio.communications intercepts, in those, the pilots are telling their commanders that its an american ship, they were ordered to attack regardless.

Its not like its 1 attack, they attack that ship for a long time, the sailors had time to hoist a huge stars and stripes up.

Surely you cant say all that evidence is fabricated can you?

We have done our homework in this one, you have not.

Its ok, its an inconvinient truth that your foolish leaders have to absolutly cover up at all costs.

Why attack your main ally wtf were these boneheads thinking.


I don’t know Mike, I have no idea what were the reasons back then to bomb the USS Liberty. If we did do it then my apologies, I think we also paid compensation to the families. You are talking about an incident so long ago, things have changed including the technology and I don’t recall it even happening again. I don’t usually say sorry, but I’m saying it now for the lost of American sailors, whether it was a mistake or not. My regrets.

Concrete Mike

Thank for your honesty. Even though we view our world differently, id still drink beer with ya haha.

Once again, i appreciate you being frank with me.

Later dude! Muthafuckin friday!!!!

cechas vodobenikov

to criticise Israel is to hate jews—insecure like amerikans


Alot has passed since then LR, we took our country by force from the Brits I agree, but we tried to avoid as much as possible from civilians deaths. But Hamas and Hezbollah shoot directly on Israeli centers, that’s why they must all die.


but he sure as a klucking bell puts the jews in the limelight as the perpetrators of crimes worse than even adolf hitler w guilty of.

cechas vodobenikov

cotton candy Zion like all children resorts to insecure insults when faced w the truth…ben grunion (gurion)and his terrorist cronies murdered 38 civilians in a hotel in 1948

Daniel Martin

“According to former U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk, was clearly approved at the highest level of the Jewish state’s government, still has shock value”

Which one of the two Jewish states did he refer to I wonder, the U.S, Israel, or both? ?

Zionism = EVIL

The Zionist cunts are a British imperialist creation to divide the Arabs and plant an alien monstrosity in heart of the Arab world and when the Brits became beggars in 1945, they passed on the Zionist cancer to the dumbass Americunts who already had the evil Jew cunts crawling up their lardarse as they controlled Wall Street, banks, media, Hollywood and even the educational system. The average brainwashed fuckwit Americunt is the only paying for the Zionist virus as their tax dollars are being milked while the rednecks live worse than dogs as the recent Pimpeovirus has shamefully demonstrated. The world will never see an iota of humanity until the Zionist cancer is eliminated.


cechas vodobenikov

“we do the illegal immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer”. Henry K

Icarus Tanović

80% of those are fake Jews, converts, all sorts of garbage, but all of them are Zionists. Not Jews, but Zionists. Remember that girl Rachel, and she was Jewish who bravely stood up in front of that killing machone God forbid…

cechas vodobenikov

Kandinsky wrote, “the truth is that many Christians and Jews r in fact atheists”

Zionism = EVIL

Zionism is an insult to humanity, in what other pathetic parasitic entity could a convicted criminal like Nutter Yahoo be the “prime minister”. A petty criminal stealing from dumbass Americunt taxpayers.

Damien C

The USA through congress gave money to Israel out of sympathy after WW2 the Jewish nation took the money given to them and ploughed it straight back into sponsoring Congressmen and Senators who in turn increased the money to Israel who in turn sponsored even more Senators and Congressmen/women.

Israel today sponsors through donations nearly 90% of every single politician running for election today. The plan is very simple if you don’t go along with their agenda they cut off the money and donate to your direct rival instead.

Republican or Democrat it makes no difference to Tel Aviv they are big donators to both and the ironic thing is these politicians are being bribed with the same money they give to Israel in aid which stands at $3 billion a year every year plus hidden aid which the taxpayers are not entitled to know about.

So in a sense Israel owns the USA government and directs their foreign policy and aid programes. They decide who gets bombed and who gets bribed who gets assasinated and who gets contracts, what laws the USA make and pass. It’s all done with the tax dollar of US citizens

Ashok Varma


Concrete Mike

Your image lacks context.

That being said, i dont like CAT, all the brand new machines they gave to al nusrah, its a shame.

John Deere all the way!!

Icarus Tanović

Chtz bulldozers, Libherr and Komatsu! Is this better…

Concrete Mike

We dont like liebherr very much, it takes so long for parts to come from germany, its a pain in the ass.

I will admit, nothing sounds better than a cat 980g loader, the roar is…intoxicating!


I worked on a CAT loader in a naval port. It was some of my best time of my life, that beast was faster than my actual gaming pc.

Concrete Mike

What you have like a 938 or a tool carrier?

John Deere 544k is my beast today.


938 FTW :)

Concrete Mike


My fav i ever ran was a volvo 120. Volvo are hands down best loaders.


True that. I only heard about it.

Jimmy Jim



The United States of Israel has the best Cohengress that money can buy

Concrete Mike

Lol cohengress, good one!!

Zionism = EVIL

Zionist rotten cunts are killing humanity, let alone brainwashed dumbass Americunts.

Icarus Tanović

And Ziowahhabis, Spiritualistic Satanistic cult of Wahhabism.

Zionism = EVIL

Personally, as I have said on numerous occasions, I am not fan of the Abrahamic desert cults. They have not benefited humanity and are divisive and barbaric by definition.

cechas vodobenikov

this struggling little US colony depends upon the 3 billion USD they receive each year…too weak to survive with out begging for welfare from their masters, they act no differently

Ashok Varma

The UN and International Criminal Court has listed over 1700 “Israeli war crimes”. The more than 3 pages are in this category against western nations and nationals like killing of peace activists like Rachel Cory out of 3,975 total Zionist war crimes. This list may not reflect recent changes as the killing of Turkish peace activists and other European citizens.



Just 1700? I am very disappointed, I expected 20,000 warcrimes over 100 pages.

Ashok Varma

You just a silly hate-filled brat and a liar. You are the reason people hate Jews globally and even their synagogues have to hide behind Fort Knox style security..


Got clean water already Ashok? use it to wash your mouth on the way. Let me know when we reach out 20,000 warcrimes, I can’t wait.

Jimmy Jim



I expect you are trolling but seriously there is nothing to be proud of war crimes.


I am, I like to mess up with Ashok.

Furkan Sahin

IDF: in response to the rocket fired from Gaza at Israel tonight, we just targeted 3 Hamas military posts in Gaza haha Israel waste bomb

cechas vodobenikov

cotton candy Zion resembles a little girl–insecure racist

cechas vodobenikov

excepting in Iran and Russia where Sinagouges don’t even bother to lock their doors and r free of grafittii

Concrete Mike

Your guilty of the crime of agression, as this article clrealy shows.

One is enough. I dont need a million charges, one cowardly treasonous act is enough for me.

Go on and toot your own horn if you wish, that will NEVER absolve you of the supreme crime of aggression.

Over and over, and yet no one has the balls to stand up to you.

Its up to you to stop this madness.

Grow a pair and give peace a chance, you claim your a world leader, prove it!!!! By taking the peacful path for once.


don’t bother with the leper ironzion since he’ll be the first to suffer once the world decide to eradicate the jewry around the world, which s bound to happen in a short while.

Icarus Tanović

Well said, Mike.

Concrete Mike

Thanks brother. Your support is very appreciated.

Jimmy Jim


Blas de Lezo

AIPAC is a racket, Shame on politicians from both parties, they disagree on everything except on one thing: when Israel says jump , they say how high? no wonder the Lord is specially punishing our country with the pandemic.


Victoria is zionist run seems to be,here the media are saying gates foundation gave 10 million grant to the murdoch children disease lab,thus to promote some kinda vaccine,where in realm the government have csiro allready onto the matter,than we got clive palmer whom allready brang 32.990 prescripts of that 98% proven to be effective corona killer,even donated 1 million dollars to hospotals in brisbane to deal with the very modest cases,and the murdoch medias are crying foul like as if Palmer is the biggest dumbass in the souther hemisphere allthough in reality such trolls who branded him are the same packa degenerate kweers with the severe wannabe rich complex disorders,so much for nwos!


Andrews is a vile deep state/soris flogged nazi,it would not surprise a bit is victoria becomes the biggest breeders of corona disease,they allready hit the schools and meat factorys,then ask about the gates foundation 10 million grant makes you wonder is mainly to prolong the epidemic for fkn it$? Australia has the cure,we defeated the virus (period) but no,nwo want to extort tax$ for WHO: https://www.palmerfoundation.com.au/

AM Hants

As I started reading the article, the first thing I thought of was the USS Liberty, then my mind wondered.

A few months ago I remember reading an article and was it true that President Johnson actually came up with the idea, to take out his own forces, to help Israel and blame it on Egypt?


The Most Incredible Story Never Told: LBJ’s Order to Destroy the USS Liberty Rosemary W. Pennington ROSEMARY W. PENNINGTON · 11 APRIL, 2015 22…

‘…Some researchers believe that LBJ was the mastermind behind JFK’s assassination and researcher Phillip F. Nelson wrote a book documenting his investigation on this issue: LBJ: The Mastermind of JFK’s Assassination.

However, one of the greatest unknown chapters in LBJ’s presidency is that he personally gave the order to Israel to bomb and utterly destroy the USS Liberty and its entire crew of 294 Americans. Astoundingly, when the mission went awry and Sixth Fleet Commanders were ordering the rescue of the besieged and bloodied USS Liberty crew, LBJ ordered that rescue operations be called back, at least twice. Against all odds, the USS Liberty survived but after the attack, 34 Americans lay dead. Except for four worthless .50 caliber machine guns, the USS Liberty was unarmed and defenseless against the far superior firing power of the Israeli navel and air force armada that descended upon it with relentless and unspeakable terror…

…The real story is that President Johnson, who was being battered in the polls over the Vietnam War and facing a general election loss and even losing the Democrat primary, [encouraged] the Israelis to bomb the Liberty to create a casus belli and to secure a Gulf-of-Tonkin-style resolution to explode the world into war — because in America everybody loves an outraged and indignant president who will use the full force of the military at the slightest provocation, even a government-planned false flag attack.

The USS Liberty, however, encompasses far more than a murderous psychopathic American president resorting to hideously evil deeds to get re-elected. In addition to ordering the total destruction of the USS Liberty and potentially sending 294 Americans to a watery grave in the Mediterranean Sea, LBJ also ordered the nuclear bombing of Cairo, an event specifically designed to create a nuclear war by blaming the entire USS Liberty affair on Russia or Egypt. More horrifying, it’s documented that US planes were on emergency standby orders as pilots waited on the runways in their planes armed with nuclear weapons. The nuclear bombing of Cairo was called off only three minutes before the nuclear bomb drops.

As fate would have it, LBJ’s plan blew up in his face and the world got a reprieve from a US-induced nuclear holocaust.

How did all this happen? First, it must be understood that the USS Liberty was supposed to be destroyed and sunk within minutes and without any survivors…”



1947 – CIA launched and the first exercise was Operation Paperclip. Safe passage for the Bolshevik and Nazi Elite, following the end of WWII.

Allen Dulles, the first director of the CIA, who together with SS Intelligence Officer Reinhard Gehlen and Earl Browder (father of Bill), Head of the US Communist Party, chose who would be provided safe passage, via ‘Operation Paperclip’.

Krushchev, the Ukrainian who led the Soivet Bolshevik Communist Party, who took Crimea from Russia and handed it to Ukraine, as a thank you for their votes, before he went on to become the leader of the Soviet Union, in time for the Cuba Missile Crisis. How did Dulles fit into that?

1953 Allen Dulles oversaw the Iranian Coup D’etat.

Dulles, who left the CIA, owing to being thrown out by John F Kennedy and wasn’t he involved with the Atlantic Council, which was launched in 1961?

1963 John F Kennedy assassinated and his VP Johnson takes over as the President of the US.

Icarus Tanović

There’s something to do with Vietnam…

cechas vodobenikov

Philip Salter vote, “amerikans have always been genocidal, enjoying killing from afar”. he attributed the invasions of Vietnam and Iraq—both fully supported by 80% of amerikans, to “a particular culture and the pschology of that culture” Moisede Ostrogoski wrote, “of all peoples in an advanced stage of economic civilization amerikans r least accessible to long views, always and everywhere in a hurry to get rich they give no thought to remote consequences—they see only present advantages…amerikans do not remember, amerikans do not feel—amerikans live in a materialist dream”


Judaism needs to be outlawed and the US and the planet dejudified so that it’s Jew free.


yep the only way to save the world!

cechas vodobenikov

the racist/fascist Americans and Israelis support any fascist government on the planet—when Carter prohibit military aid to Guatemala, the CIA funneled millions$$ so they could purchase Israeli Uzis—both immoral people…it was the Israelis that provided the unintelligence to the fascist Uruguay dictatorship that eradicated the Tupamaros—as an Israeli commented to me several months ago in Colombia—“nobody likes amerikans”

Rafik Chauhan

American soldier are themselves stupid who work for thier Zionist in israel they will lick thier feet even if they killed by israeli soldier. most of the US people are Zionist feet lickers so should not be trusted at all.

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