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MARCH 2025

Philip M. Giraldi: “Virginia Goes Zionist”

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Philip M. Giraldi: "Virginia Goes Zionist"

Written by Philip M. Giraldi; Originally appeared at The Unz Review

Politicians, bureaucrats and media talking heads have long turned a blind eye to legislation and policies that benefit the state of Israel to the detriments of United States’ interests. The U.S. Treasury is plausibly describable as a gift that never stops giving to the people and governments of Jewish state. Since the foundation of Israel in 1948, the federal government in Washington has provided some $142.3 billion in direct aid of various kinds. Currently, Israel receives $3.8 billion per annum guaranteed for ten years, a sum that is supplemented by various giveaways, tax concessions and co-production arrangements from the government. Private “charitable” donations from individuals, businesses and foundations, some of which are fraudulent, considerably augment those numbers, making the total that Israel receives annually from the United States well in excess of $10 billion. A considerable proportion of that money is technically illegal, as it goes in support of the Israeli settlements on Arab land. No other country has received anything even approaching what Israel gets from the American taxpayer in one form or another and the one-way flow of money is also remarkable in that it has been guaranteed well into the future.

Other benefits obtained by Israel from the United States are less easy to quantify, to include the theft of U.S. military technology, which is then copied and sold by the Israeli arms industry, directly eliminating American jobs in one of the few manufacturing sectors that is relatively speaking thriving. There is also the observable transfer of high-tech jobs from the U.S. to Israel, engineered by Jewish billionaires like Paul Singer who are able to influence such decisions in the corporate world.

Israel also benefits enormously from the United States-Israel Free Trade Agreement of 1985, which is, by design, intended to give the Jewish state free access to the huge U.S. market without any real reciprocity for U.S. companies to enter the tiny Israeli market. Israel also is able to bid on U.S. government contracts, including classified defense contracts, a practice that has led to several lawsuits when the Israeli company gets a contract by lowballing the bid but then fails to perform. In some cases, Israeli companies have submitted low bids to obtain contracts at state and federal levels even when they had no relevant experience and no facilities that can actually perform the work. They pocket the subsidies and advance payments they receive from local governments and states and then effectively disappear.

The desire of some American Jews who occupy powerful positions to aid Israel at the expense of the United States is despicable, sustained by the lie that Israel is an ally and that both countries ultimately benefit from the process. Israel’s ability to impose its own priorities at the levels of Congress and the White House has long been observed, but its political manipulation and ability to corrupt U.S. democracy on behalf of a foreign power have lately been extended to the state and local levels. This shift is due in part to the desire on the part of Israel’s promoters to shut down the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. It has proven difficult to pass an unconstitutional national level ban on non-violent criticism of Israel going through Congress, so the Israel firsters have instead concentrated on the states. Twenty-eight states now have some form of legislation that denies state services or jobs to anyone who does not sign an agreement to not boycott Israel. A particularly draconian bill being considered in Florida equates any criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism, enabling any critic to be sued in courts for hate speech.

A particularly egregious and also unique example of a state’s economic policies being manipulated by a dedicated Israeli fifth column in government is the Virginia Israel Advisory Board. Grant Smith, long a critic of the VIAB, heads the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy (IRMEP). He has written a new book entitled The Israel Lobby Enters State Government: Rise of the Virginia Israel Advisory Board, which documents in considerable detail how the conspiracy by powerful Jews in Virginia to benefit Israel has actually operated, much of it secretly through special arrangements and deals. He has also had a long interview with Scott Horton of Antiwar.com regarding the book which is well worth listening to.

The VIAB is unique because it is actually part of the Virginia state government. It is funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia and is able to access funds from other government agencies to support Israeli businesses. It is staffed by Israelis and American Jews drawn from what has been described as the “Israel advocacy ecosystem” and is self-administered, appointing its own members and officers. While there are many Israel business promotion entities active in the United States, only Virginia has such a group actually sitting within the government itself, ready to make secret preferential agreements, to arrange special concessions on taxes and to establish start-up subsidies for Israeli businesses. Israeli business projects have been, as a result, regularly funded using Virginia state resources with little accountability. Bear in mind that this agency exists not to promote Virginia businesses but rather to give an advantage to Israeli businesses, some of which might even be competing with existing Virginia companies and putting local people out of work.

Virginia already runs an estimated $500 million trade deficit with Israel due to the federal Free Trade Agreement and the promotion of Israeli businesses in the state, which repatriate their profits to Israel, adds considerably to that sum. Smith reports how VIAB is not just an economic mechanism. Its charter states that it was “created to foster closer economic integration between the United States and Israel while supporting the Israeli government’s policy agenda.” Smith also has observed that “VIAB is a pilot for how Israel can quietly obtain taxpayer funding and official status for networked entities that advance Israel from within key state governments.”

Jewish federations and groups active on behalf of Israel were present in Virginia before VIAB was founded in 1996. Its Godfather was Eric Cantor, a state legislator who later entered Congress as the only Jewish Republican, where he was a powerful advocate for Israel. The board grew significantly under governor Terry McAuliffe’s administration (2014-2018). McAuliffe, regarded by many as the Clintons’ “bag man,” received what were regarded as generous out-of-state campaign contributors from actively pro-Israeli billionaires Haim Saban and J.B. Pritzker, who were both affiliated with the Democratic Party. McAuliffe met regularly in off-the-record “no press allowed” sessions with Israel advocacy groups and spoke about “the Virginia Advisory Board and its successes.” That was, of course, a self-serving lie by one of the slimiest of the Clinton unindicted criminals.

And wherever Israel goes there is inevitably going to be the usual hanky-panky. Many of the Israeli companies chowing down on the Virginia feed bag are located on land stolen from Arabs on the West Bank. They are illegal under international law, even if President Donald Trump and company have declared otherwise. And then there are the conflicts of interest. VIAB board member Aviva Frye, whose family mostly resides in Israel and who worked to obtain the government approvals for an Israeli solar and wind energy company called Energix, located on the West Bank, was subsequently rewarded with a company directorship. And one hand inevitably washes the other. Board member Eileen Filler-Corn, a leading advocate for Israel, recently became the first woman to become speaker of the Virginia House of Delegates. Grant Smith reports how she benefited greatly in her campaign by virtue of large donations from other board members as well as from Jewish groups and Israeli companies.

The VIAB is little more than a mechanism set up to carry out licensed robbery of Virginia state resources being run by a cabal of local American Jews and Israelis to benefit their co-religionists in Israel. Grant Smith observes how some pushback is finally in evidence, due to fraud in accounting procedures that have been exposed as well as environmental devastation for various projects that were never completed. Some human rights groups have also begun to challenge the illegality of the Israeli West Bank settlement-based companies involved. But it is not enough and it is probably too late as Israel is never held accountable for anything by the American Establishment. For my part, as a Virginia resident I have written and called the governor’s office and the offices of my state Senator and Delegate. No one has returned my calls or responded to my letters. Whose America is it? one might well ask.

Philip M. Giraldi, Ph.D., is Executive Director of the Council for the National Interest, a 501(c)3 tax deductible educational foundation (Federal ID Number #52-1739023) that seeks a more interests-based U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Website is councilforthenationalinterest.org, address is P.O. Box 2157, Purcellville VA 20134 and its email is inform@cnionline.org.

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wow – just one thing to do, terminate the jews occupying palestine and see what the jewish american thugs can do about it. an alliance with turkey, iran, iraq, syria, hezbollah and a few more would wipe the jews out of the palestinian history and free the land to the rightful inhabitants – the palestinian people.

Jens Holm

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giraldi …

Ricky Miller



LOL…Abdul from his bug infested momma’s couch threatens others but hasn’t the balls to get fitted for his suicide vest to collect his Darwin Award and get his family house bulldozed. But look on the bright side. Your mom will get a framed picture and an IOU for a maybe future Martyr’s Pension to buy a replacement bug infested couch.

Hasbara Hunter

Entire Murica is one Big ZioNazi-State….

Jens Holm

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Giraldi …..

Joao Alfaiate

Just shows the power of the friends of the zionist enterprise to slander and defame people. Why else would the MSM in the USA, for example, consistently support the actions of occupiers and usurpers?


When did you stop raping your little kids? And were did you bury the wife you murdered? That is the kind of question you are asking, dodo. Now please indicate what in that Wiki biography about this tinfoil hat loony toon is not accurate?

itibi ra

…and i keep downvoting you and “Jens” without even reading a word of your posts! Keep ’em coming and i’ll keep downvoting you! Thanks for the fun! :)


You’re one where as good at that as the Disqus Down Voting Bot. But than again, a simple bot is smarter than you it seems. And that’s no joke.

Hasbara Hunter

Hahahaha…a little taste of their own medicine…



– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –

https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus 3


LOL…you are ignorantly redundant. Go get your GED. Even after 45 years it may not be too late for you to get a rudimentary education, Adolf.


“Sweden has taken a slightly different approach to coronavirus than the rest of the world, allowing life to go on as ‘normal’ with a few exceptions.

Unlike neighboring Denmark – which has restricted meetings to 10 people or less, Swedes are still going out to nightclubs, hanging out with friends, and even ‘enjoying ice creams beneath a giant Thor statue in Mariatorget square …

Sweden has had 4,435 confirmed cases and 180 deaths from the coronavirus.”

– Sweden Decides to Let Coronavirus to Run Its Course in Country Without Destroying Its Economy or Future –

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/sweden-decides-to-let-coronavirus-play-out-in-country-without-destroying-its-economy-or-future/ 2


The facts speak for themselves. It shouldn’t be surprising that a Zionist like you hates them.

Jens Holm

I dont become japanese just because I buy a camara from them … I have tryed that. Nothing happend. I not even bought me some chopstickers.

The article is highly biased as usual from him.

There are many reasons. A good one is USA is populated by people, which had nowhere else to go.

Another is the sick one extermination a whole etnicity and even for own bad reasons.

Let me remind You USA fx also made Liberia having the Capitol named Monrovia and other countries such as USSR and AArgentina also tryed to make space for Jews, so they could live in peace or something.

We have seen it many other places for own purpose as well as for other.

Facts are this guy have writtren the same for decades and represent right wing bias and forget a lot of facts about it.


He’s also a 9-11 and Holocaust Denier. Haven’t checked it out but he might also be a Flat Earther who doesn’t believe the US landed on the Moon and that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Often, these loony gadflies have well more than one screw loose.

Jens Holm

I am with Jake321 in this. The tin foil hat seemes to cover Your ears and eays too.

Ricky Miller

Of course you are. You are both Russia hating Imperial trolls who probably are employed by each of your national cyber commands, or corporate cyber farms who just dream everyday about getting their dirty greedy mits on Russia’s resources. Never going to happen, no matter how much you arch your girlie back for Jake.


NAHHHHHHHHHH…not me. But you do seem to speak for yourself, Igor.


“Russia should be Yenisean-speaking.”

Ricky Miller



Who’s asking you, Adolf or Igor as the case might be? Not much difference nowadays. Anyway, little one or big one, again, it won’t be your neo-Nazis and Putz Putin the Poisoner aficionados who would win. But anyway, as the Putz’s troll you likely are, you better worry more about the collapse and breakup of the Putz’s RF starting when the Karma hits hard later next month.

Hasbara Hunter

You are nothing but a Paedophile ZioNazi Faggot…they are comin’ for you boy…


Sure Igor. Now do prove your point and lick those public doorknobs and handrails, already.

Hasbara Hunter

Already have antibodies against your ISraeli COVID-19…back to the lab boy…need somthin’ more potent…B*rrp


LOL…you’re for sure anti anybody rational. Anyway, go prove your claim by doing that licking already. If not, go do something else to express your idiocy like get fitted for a suicide vest then practice a lot, Adolf,

Hasbara Hunter

Back to the Lab of Dr. Mengele loser….the world is comin’ for y’all…ehmmm just gotta be sure we can neutralize the Samson-Nukes you Demons will Surely fire from the Negev…You push that button & ISraHell turns into glass….how lovely…put an end to Evil…


LOL…always with that “we.” Do something yourself, just don’t rant. Your suicide vest and Darwin Award await, Adolf or Igor as the sorry case may be.

Ricky Miller

Don’t you need to go scrub some shit off the sidewalk in front of your studio apartment in South San Francisco? Scumbag piece of Imperial shit


Nahhhhhhhh…I’m on the other side of the Bay on the top floor of a very nice condo with a panoramic view of the Bay Area with near no Pandemic to be seen because we went on stay at home early. And that shit is all for you guys who follow your hero, Adolf’s, predilections. Or if not, go cure the Virus like your Islamic Iranian heroes do with alcohol…of the wooden kind when you run out of your Vodka ration which will be used for sanitizes.

Ricky Miller

Emeryville then? Not to worry the chaos is spreading toward you from Oakland and soon. America’s rot is spreading fast.


Washington state virus deaths for the “pandemic”. 10,000 people have died here over the past 2 months. Less than 200 from the virus. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c2948e4cce3a46d14a035cc3c9966b5469e9bd3bb56c9a888ccee05c67c58768.png

– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –



So? Less than two weeks ago your prime example of why the Pandemic was a nothing burger was Italy. Hey, AH, after you get your GED come back and try to sound educated.


“Sweden has taken a slightly different approach to coronavirus than the rest of the world, allowing life to go on as ‘normal’ with a few exceptions.

Unlike neighboring Denmark – which has restricted meetings to 10 people or less, Swedes are still going out to nightclubs, hanging out with friends, and even ‘enjoying ice creams beneath a giant Thor statue in Mariatorget square …

Sweden has had 4,435 confirmed cases and 180 deaths from the coronavirus.”

– Sweden Decides to Let Coronavirus to Run Its Course in Country Without Destroying Its Economy or Future –

https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/03/sweden-decides-to-let-coronavirus-play-out-in-country-without-destroying-its-economy-or-future/ 3


The house arrest prisoner here under martial law is having trouble with the elementary school mathematics that 50,000 Italians die every month, and that only 12% of the 10,000 dead who tested positive for the virus, actually died from the virus as a cause of death on the death certificate. Which results in only 3% of the Italians who died this month, having died from the virus.

And that this is a rounding error that has zero effect on the over mortality that he keeps hysterically claiming in his chicken little routine is the deadly pandemic that we should be cowering in fear from locked up under house arrest like he is.

Would somebody please show this retard how to use a calculator?


The nothing burger was your Zionist lie about virus deaths being a higher mortality rate issue.

Ricky Miller

Scum troll bitch.


Says the Putz Putin the Poisoner Troll working for his Vodka ration, a few Kopecks and that all important draft deferment. So entertaining.

Ricky Miller

That’s President Putin to you, you disrespectful worm. You shouldn’t be permitted to comment here, being just a troll with nothing but Russia hatred to spread. I need to accelerate my Russian language lessons so I can comment at Russian nationalist news sites and leave SF behind. It’s clearly run by British expats in Moscow who continue to allow you to spout non factual CIA propaganda here. I had an IM exchange with a former commentator and supporter here who told me he never comes here anymore because of trolls like you running amuck talking endless unsupressed trash.

Ricky Miller

Later, later later. For you the collapse of Russia will always be next week, next month, next year. People have been predicting Russia’s collapse for the past 1100 years yet Russia is still there. It’s the United States in dire danger of collapse; out of control debt, underfunded pension plans, manufacturing base collapse, snowflake culture run amuck, military overextension, a fracturing society, demographic earthquakes, fake news and millions of more people all over the world hating on and swearing off doing business with Americans each and every year. Karma sure is coming around for somebody, but not the people of the Volga.


Oh, look there. It is the Great and Glorious Russian Soviet Empire way down there in the dustbin of history. Oh, look there. Crying on its shoulder is the Late Great and Glorious Russian Czarist Empire. Oh, and look at all those cute little Ex-Russian Greats of past times scurrying around them. And soon they will have the Great and Glorious Russian Federation to keep them company while the folk who survive in Siberia will have to speak Mandarin.

Ricky Miller

They’ve taken their knocks, as one would expect for a civilization more than a thousand years old. They survived and outlasted the Byzantine, the Vikings, the Mongols, the Swedish wonderking, the Polish and Lithuanian “Empires” as well as Napoleon, Hindenburg, Hitler, and the USSR. They lost the Crimea to the Turks, British and French but a generation later won it back. They lost it again in 1991, but have again won it back. They lost to Japan in humiliating fashion in 1905 but in 1941 and 1945 smashed them but good. Who begs whom for the Kuril Island return? The United States allegedly won the cold war but here we are a generation later and Russia is back, again. In fact, Russia is on the cusp of a major strategic nuclear and hypersonic technology advantage over the United States! It’s an incredible story, to anyone open minded enough to get to the truth. They take their punches but come back even stronger. No one can keep them down. Russia will still be an international force, with sovereignty and independence long after the United States is a failed state mess and my home state of Ohio is an independent country and can keep our tax dollars in our own 88 counties instead of feeding the beltway beasts. Good riddance. Unlike Russia, when the artificial construct called America goes down she won’t be coming back. As in D E A D.


“Russia” should be de-Slavicized (because they’re not actually Slavic-speaking) in both sides of the Urals; since Uralic-speaking people are actually came from China (north of the Huai) and tthe Baikals, the original language of “Russia” and most of Siberia should be Yeniseian languages.

Icarus Tanović

Hey man, haven’t seen you for some long time. Great to see you back! Cheers…

Hasbara Hunter

Training….Training…Training…I haven’t got a clue what them AngloZioNazis are up to next…I even wonder if they themselves know what their next Babylonian Magic Trick will be…Ready for Anything…Let the AngloZioNazis Bring it on!

Jens Holm


Pave Way IV

It’s getting harder and harder to argue that there’s a U.S. worth saving. And I’m getting too old, tired and incoherent to convince anybody.


LMFAO…this loony gadfly is also a 9-11 and Holocaust Denier who thinks the Virus is an American bio-weapon to help Trump beat the Chinese in the trade war. And as most all tinfoil hat nut cases, is a bigot about Israel and Jews in general. But damn, most of the posters on this site believe the same. Very funny and sad.

Ricky Miller

You calling someone loony is especially funny, in a sick sort of way. What the writer isn’t wrong about is? You criticise other opinions of his not related to this article in order to invalidate his factual points inside the article here. Israel has received hundreds of billions in support from the U.S., Israeli companies are often involved in illegal activities in the occupied territories and in fact try to hide their West Bank operations from trading partners in Europe. There have been dozens of laws in the U.S. trying to restrict speech as it relates to Israel in an ongoing assault on the first amendment. Many people are bigots about Jews and about Israel but not every critic of Israeli policies are bigoted nor are many critics of taxpayer aid being stripped from the Treasury year after year when there is a growing number of people here in the United States who need and deserve help first, before the next multi billion dollar giveaway to the IDF. BTW, the Walker spy ring was real, not a loony myth. And that theft of American technology was just the tip of the iceberg, with not a loon required to understand any of that.


Because “Palestinians” should be speaking Hebrew, especially the Samaritan dialects. In general, predominantly Arabic-speaking Middle East is too boring!

PS: Just wait from Pamela Geller and company to seize power in the United Nations.



– 2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak (COVID-19) –

https://www.doh.wa.gov/emergencies/coronavirus 2

Jaime Galarza

When you want to rebut somebody’s findings, can you at least avoid ad hominems? You totally discredit yourself.


I knew when I read the title of the article that the hasbara brigade would be out in force. They did not disappoint, did they? I’ve been saying this all along, that especially in the old South, the Zionists and their mindless minions, evangelical Christians, have taken over state capitals and bought everyone they could. Sooner or later, their little house of cards is going to collapse. When that time comes, I wouldn’t want to be them. NONE of these laws will pass a constitutional check and the time is coming when they will be challenged. These may be state statutes, but they have to follow the constitution as well. All these criminals masquerading as loyal Americans will have the results of rebellion on their heads. They have the power right now, but what happens when TSHTF? Maybe they should study Mussolini.

Marcus Porcius Cato

Like maggots emerging from rotten meat the Zio-trolls are here.

Hasbara Hunter

Desperate little parasites crawling from shitholes where the sun doesn’t shine…they’ve already lost but still get their $hekels per Post…


at the center of the thing is what the jews in the dysfunctional states call israel and what the rest of the world call palestine (!) and it’s this palestine that is in contention. what the jews in the dysfunctional does is one thing but the vulnerable part is the jews occupying palestine and that is where it’s possible to break the jews and bring them to termination. and only the regional parties can do that – turkey, iran, iraq, syria, hezbollah and a few others as well (once the jews are on the way into their graves the other local entities are likely to join the fight against the jews and help bury them six feet under). it is entirely unacceptable that the jews can blackmail the world with their nukes and that must be stopped – and only the world can do that by raising the same kind of threat against the jews that the jews are using against the world.

Karen Berger


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