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MARCH 2025

Photo: Monument Paying Tribute To Russian Volunteers Appears In Syria

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A photo of the monument paying tribute to Russian volunteers established in Syria has appeared online. The monument is dedicated to volunteers and private military contractors (PMC) opearing in the country against terrorists on the side of the Syrian government.

Units consisting of Russian volunteers and PMCs played an important role in the operations against ISIS in the provinces of Homs, Deir Ezzor and Aleppo. Many of them operate in close cooperation with the Russian-trained 5th Assault Corps of the Syrian Army.

Photo: Monument Paying Tribute To Russian Volunteers Appears In Syria

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Solomon Krupacek

the pilot killed by turks deserve statue. but putin, who defiles his memory, deserves prison.

Tudor Miron

Like this one? http://vesti-lipetsk.ru/pamyatnik-geroyu-rossii-olegu-peshkovu-ustanovili-v-amurskoj-oblasti/ Or this one? http://www.in-lipetsk.ru/news/?id=11346


He wasn’t a volunteer.

Solomon Krupacek

All soldiers in missions abroad are volunteers. But what if not? He was hero, putin heroraper.

Gregory Louis

Why would Putin make a statute for him….. pretty sure if that soldier was alive he wouldn’t give two shits about the statute tbh

Solomon Krupacek


and putin cut deals with turks

Gregory Louis

Yeah cause their the big neighbor to the north that already has big influence in the Idlib province……

Solomon Krupacek

this was in the beginning, when turkey was enemy. AFTER he changed and sold out russia´s honor for petrodollars. russia in this war made all mistakes. and lost the rest of positive reputations.

Gregory Louis

Your are fucking retarded and don’t understand politics at all do you? You said they sold themselves….why would Russia sell itself to a NATO member Turkey approached Russia after their intial operations in Syria…you said Russia has lost reputation but they gained a notable NATO member within their sphere of influence…the greatest mistake Russia coul’ve done was sit this war out but it didn’t it rushed to the aid of a foreign government that’s their allies and supported them till now….Other countries will see this an will favor Russia over the US

Solomon Krupacek

i understand politics and understand to word allied.

russia is a megasperm country. the same shitmountain as the ussr were. worse then usa. putin simoly misused assads situation. ifi were assad, make peace with israel and usa and kick out russians and iranians. plus kurds.

Gregory Louis

“make peace” with the same people who wanted Assad dead….”Assad must go” campaigning and curse and the kurds will be dealt with by the Turks don’t worry about that


Tudor Miron showed your statement to be very wrong. Any comebacks?

Solomon Krupacek

tumor moron is fsb agent. car thief. his comments are unimportant.


That isn’t a comeback on what Tudor Miron has proven. Where is your proof?

Solomon Krupacek

clearly: i dont read his bullshits


Clearly you suffer from cognitive dissonance and shouldn’t comment in here or anywhere else on the internet.

Solomon Krupacek


You can call me Al

Just block the creature, it will cleanse the thread.


Don’t waste your time with kike trolls, just block them

Tudor Miron

Nah :) let this creature keep posting here. His hatred towards all Russian is amusing and is actually good to remind sane people who are those chosen people that try hard to enslave us. Problem is he seem to be often abusing alcohol and/or illegal substances and than it is kind of hard to understand what he is ranting about.

“later betrayed everything”(c) – Khazarians hate the fact that Putin managed to get a hostile NATO country to become almost an ally.

Hind Abyad

Nobody knows about https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/60a47ec194b2d1d448cefb4d340f17687b6b17491a8cf513534da928b9937f92.jpg Russian Christians genocide.


IN the US military there are procedures for people suffering from SK’s problems:

“Section 8 is a category of discharge from the United States military, used for a service member judged mentally unfit for service. It also came to mean any service member given such a discharge or behaving as if deserving such a discharge, as in the expression, “he’s a Section 8″”


And then they give them dangerous drugs:

– FDA Extends Black-Box Warning to All Antipsychotics –



A car thief! XD…hilarious!!! Probably the first time in your life you have been called a car thief?

Solomon Krupacek

my proff is the reality. putin mad statues in the early beginning. later betrayed everything. shit on honor of russia, made deal with turks for petrodollars. this terrible change is what i criticise. moron is tipical commie liar. he sghows something old, from another time. i talk about last 12 montzhs. and kgb agent, war criminal tumor had nothing annulated from my sentences.

but he will have another big problems. he is mercenary from moldavia, podnyester republic. he was criminal and had to move in fatherland russia. but today began a new movement, in 2 towns already was plebiscit about unite with romania. kremlin will send him back to fight.


I’m pretty sure the pilot wouldn’t want to see any Russian killed in a useless and counter-productive conflict with Turkey. After all he was one of those that gave his life for his country.

Solomon Krupacek

What you told has nothing common with putins politics. licks erdogans ass for stupid bluestream, turkstream. betrayed ownd army, assad, etc. putin, the dwarf is giant defiler.


Politics is a dirty game if you play it well.

Solomon Krupacek

sure. but if 1 country betrayes all of its friends, in critical D-day will stand alone. and fall.

Robert Ferrin

And I bet you have “stupidity resides here tattooed on your forehead” for most trolls do…

Solomon Krupacek

do you know, how burn 1 kilo russians? see and wonder.


Hind Abyad

Keep burning https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e8b19a0d8ec29853d0cb8b01c1c3b86c78713d5824f109aa69a7bb9a852f75f0.jpg

Robert Ferrin

Indeed and that’s the only place you will find it on businessinsider which is very well known for its propaganda…


Solomon has a Star of David tattooed of his forehead so all can see an idiot J£w approaching :)

Solomon Krupacek

your proud has finished



Glad to see the Zionist opinion. Keep on dreaming.


Hhhhmmm, not sure about this, I mean do Blackwater agents get monuments?

Tudor Miron

They don’t because what they usually do in the countries that they are sent to could be described with one word – looting.


Plus Rape , child abuse and murder Tudor. Even the UN Blue Helmets do this as well. It has been proven.


The UN Blue Helmets are US vassals. Their soldiers come from vassal states such as South Korea, Jordan, Honduras, El Salvador, Colombia, Brazil and so on.


They do indeed. They learn well from their masters in the US and NATO.


You don’t get monuments for killing innocent civilians and training terrorist..


Blackwater are mercenaries, not volunteers. The difference here is so huge that only a complete fool could try to compare Russians’ fight AGAINST terrorists with American paid thugs who literally ARE terrorists.


I have to admite I don’t know what the Rusian volunteer situation is. If I recall they seem to be ‘contractors’ whenever they get caught or shot. I just dont have data on ordinary Russians volunteering to fight for Assad.

Toni Liu

SF already done video story about russian contractors in syria

Virgil Cane

volunteers don’t get paid by security firms so these aren’t “volunteers”

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

These are volunteers, just that Wagner is not a Typical PMC as they recruit a lot of volunteers and many are acting in security protection roles such as supply convoys of aid (water, medicine and food)to the civilians. Blackwater or Academi, Craft, Grey all those guys are fully trained military personnel indirectly recruited by the DOJ,CIA,MI6,MOSSAD etc. Just operating outside the law and rarely within it.

Just a heads up on who stole that Golden Mosque dome in Iraq was US contractors working for the CIA, these guys kill civilians for sport and are involved in looting them.

Graeme Rymill

“Just a heads up on who stole that Golden Mosque dome in Iraq was US contractors working for the CIA,” The Al-Askari Shrine in Samarra in Iraq, A Shia holy site, has a famous golden dome. Is that the one you are referring to? It was destroyed in a 2006 Sunni bombing. The two golden minarets surrounding it were destroyed in another al-Qaeda in Iraq bombing in 2007. It was rebuilt in 2009. Stolen? Zero evidence.


Well if they solely cared for money – then they would look to be on the side that pays more. And I am pretty sure that Saudis or Turks, Israelis or Qataris would pay them much much more the Syria possibly could.


A monument to US and I am sad to say UK mercenaries is now required in Saudi Arabia. The US and UK mercenaries have been bravely torturing the Saudi ruling class during the last couple of months who fell out of favour with the Crown Prince who essentially wants their money.


The Crown Prince has openly stated that foreigners were used to ‘ interrogate’ the victims and I know someone from the UK who personally who works as a security operative contractor for the Saudi’s. He was not involved with torture.

David Pryce

There’s a fucking huge difference between how the Russians behave and Blackwater who where a mish mash of the worst scum t

northerntruthseeker .

A fitting monument would be Syrian soldiers blasting away at Blackwater scumbags.

Samuel Boas

Blackwater are terrorists.

Tudor Miron

This is heart warming to see that Syrians are expressing gratitude to those who risk their life for liberation of Syria.


Seeing how there (probably) wasn’t a ceremonial presentation by the Syrians I wouldn’t rule out a smart PR guy in a Russian contracting firm. These kind of statues are culturally more a Russian than an Arab thing. Arabs are more likely to make statues of their leaders than of the ‘unknown soldier’. Still a nice move (and nice statue) though.

You can call me Al

What a ridiculously sour comment.


What a wonderful tribute!


Guess we won’t see one honoring Yanks in Afghanistan any time soon.

northerntruthseeker .

SO True… But the monument in Afghanistan would be one of American soldiers protecting Opium poppy fields.

Solomon Krupacek

but ruskies also not :))

northerntruthseeker .

A beautiful tribute to a brave bunch of men who were indeed fighting against pure evil…

Virgil Cane

I hope readers can recognize propaganda regardless of what “side” it appears on.

You can call me Al

When I see some, I will, but I haven’t seen any yet.


The monument says “to the Russian Volunteers’ Lets NOT forget all of the volunteers and paid Russian mercenaries fighting alongside SAA, NDF, Liwa-al-Quds and all pro-government-pro Syrian-anti-Zionist forces in Syria!!! Thanx Mr. Vagner&Co!!!!

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