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Photo Of Russia’s Orion UAV Armed With Guided Munitions Appears Online

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Photo Of Russia's Orion UAV Armed With Guided Munitions Appears Online

Source: mk.ru

On July 20, Russia’s newspaper Moskovskiy Komsomolets released photo of a development prototype the Russian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Orion armed with unidentified guided munitions.

The Orion UAV project is developed by Russian conglomerate company OJSC JFSC Sistema under under a contract with the country’s defense ministry.

Orion is a medium altitude, long endurance reconnaissance UAV, which is also capable to carry out some armaments. The first armed Orion was showcased to President Vladimir Putin in July 2017.

Orion has the length of 8m, the wing span of 16m and the paying load of 200 kg. Its flight endurance is 24 hours. Orin’s flight tests were started in early 2016.

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So the Russians finally have an answer to the Predator drone, although this looks larger (which is a blessing and a curse in aviation).


Again fuck off Rosenberg.


I keep getting these replies from someone I’ve already blocked. Someone doesn’t realize they’re wasting their time.

Daniel Miller

Yea tho the Russians dont seem that much in a hurry to adopt them since in a real war UCAV’s are more or less useless


Biased much?

Daniel Miller

how exactly is that biased? Its well known in a real large scale war drones will become more or less useless if your enemy has good EW capabilities.


If the Russians are working on something at the same time that America is, you insist that the Russians are miles ahead. If the Russians are copycatting something that exists in America, you insist it is unimportant.

You ain’t as good a liar as you think.

Daniel Miller

Russia has had drones for years why do you think they have not developed UCAV for years? Why do you think the US still uses the MQ-1 and MQ-9? UCAV become obsolete in a EW environment.

That is a fact and you can call me bias all you want but you cant change that :D.


Ahem, but EW is to drones as bazookas is to tank, limiting their effectiveness. But I haven’t heard of any drone being brought down solely by jamming.

Russia has a much more limited budget than their western counterparts, which is why they focus on key projects (like hypersonics). There has been a series of facelifts that have made good progress for Russia from the the deepest part of their post-USSR era economic depression, but most units still use antique Soviet equipment. List of a few of the science projects Russia hasn’t gotten around to doing yet:

Stealth bombers. Dual Band Radar. Magnetic catapults and arresting gears. Reusable spaceships/drones. Hubble space telescope. Wearable tech for soldiers. Dial-a-yield bunker busters. Gavitational-wave observatory. Loitering missiles. SR-71. Ramjet powered artillery shells.

In fact, after the 2008 war in Georgia Israel got permission from the US to sell obsolete drones to Russia in exchange for a promise that they would not sell the S-400 to Iran. The irony being that Israel has shot down a few drones over Syria that have distinctly Israeli design features. Also, the computer you’re reading this with was more than likely designed in America while being built in China. Economics and geography are very unforgiving sciences.

Daniel Miller

Ok lets disect how badly your agruments stand up. 1. “Ahem, but EW is to drones as bazookas is to tank, limiting their effectiveness. But I haven’t heard of any drone being brought down solely by jamming.” Bazookas are not very effective vs tanks in WW2 they had little penetration and did very little damage the Panzershrek was the better option,really you have never heard of a UAV beeing brought down by EW? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93U.S._RQ-170_incident this is the most faimous incedent in wich a advanced stealth drone was brought down by EW (note this was done by Iran).

2.”Russia has a much more limited budget than their western counterparts, which is why they focus on key projects (like hypersonics). There has been a series of facelifts that have made good progress for Russia from the the deepest part of their post-USSR era economic depression, but most units still use antique Soviet equipment.”

you do realise that budget means nothing for the Russian military since they own the means of production and weapons research right? They focus on projects they deem to be most practical (combat drones is not one of them). also no 95% of all contract soldiers (witch make up 60% of the Russian military now) use modent gear while the other 45% do use soviet era and very early Russian gear they do not get ratnik since they are conscripts and are viewed as reserve unites.

ok let me debunk these one by one as quick as possible.

Stealth bombers like the B2 are massive wastes of money with current stealth tech avalable (i wold argue bombers in general are obsolete but thats a whole diffrent story)

the Nebo-M system has dual band radar systems

carryers in general do not fit Russian naval droctrine even in soviet times they had 3 carryers max it dose not fit with the Russian navy’s combat doctrine unless they change it they will never advance in that technology since in their eyes they do not need it.

you mean like the Buran form the 1980’s? yea it is unfortunate that project never got fully developed tho it seems they want to revive it.

ok now you are just getting desperate a space telescope? Really? what military aplication can that have? tho you are right that they do not have that type of system.

….are you really this ignorant of Russian equipment? Have you seen what the Ratnik-2 gear composes of?

“Dial-a-yield bunker busters” nuclear bunker busters? they do have that standard nuclear bunker busters they have that too. i do not understand what do you mean by this.

do you mean Gravitational-wave observatory? if so yes they have observed and are able to observe gravetational waves just like LIGO is.

yea they dont have Loitering munitions well atleast i dont think so since i never seen them.

actually they have something better the MiG25 it can go almost as fast but can also carrye weapons something the SR-71 can never do (unless you count the A-12)

yea but i really dont see what that has to offer over rocket assisted shells (like the 2S35’s new rocket assisted shell witch can go almost as far by the calims of its manufacturer).

yea 10 years ago Russia’s drone industry was crap. Not so much anymore now they manufacture their own drones for recon and now they managed to make a combat drone too.

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