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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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The Iranian news agency Tasnim has released a big photo report showing training exercises of members of Basij (the Mobilisation Resistance Force). Basij is a volunteer militia integrated into the the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). When the mainstream media reports about “IRGC members” in Syria, in many cases, these are Basji members deployed in the country.

Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Photo Report: Iranian Basij Militia Training Exercises

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Some lighter practices are applied to high school and pre-university students too, including a book dedicated to self defence and armed combat, in addition to trips to the iran-iraq war fronts for field investigation, very interesting but what is more interesting is that the students themselves welcome these exercises.

Michał Hunicz

Iranians are woke, they know that they are at the brink of WW3, unlike kike societies of Europe.

Michał Hunicz

Iran, Russia and China should help to form the second Tiger Forces like unit or at least double size of the Tiger Forces. The SAA doesn’t have enough powerful elite formations.


Tiger forces legitimate because they’re made of Syrians. The only legitimate allies it can really counts for is Iraq because they’re both victims and mutually pursuing defeat of insurgency ASAP in their country. Iran still trying to play political goal that empower the Shiite.


So, judging by that first pic Iranian ballet dancers also join up? My groin just hurts looking at him.


Thr first picture is funny lol. You’ll have a lot of trouble recovering from that position. In my opinion.

Manuel Flores Escobar

Not because after firing he lies on his left an roll…


I still try to figure out how he stop into that position.


we all agree it is more a show how flexible he is than a practical shooting position


Yeah probably. Like that his upper body would absorb most energy from recoil without his hip giving assistance.

Alexander Lyapunov

God bless them, and may they be succesfull in slaughtering takfiri terrorist, so that the great nation of Syria may be restored and the Resistance become even stronger.


No doubt learning from their own Iraqi – Syrian experiences.


Ahhh, the Basij, Vanguard of the Iranian invasion of Israel. This is the first Iranian troops the IDF will encounter, and the last. ideologically driven, blindly fanatical to conquering Jerusalem, we wish you God Speed. I do believe there is a missing message though…. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/cfc4729e8177e8b56cacf7bfd1c7f7ef58155886f75e4bab5b92f09adb619b4e.jpg


Israel is too confidence in her air power, but she has not realized that Hizbolah can change (with the help of Russia) this situation totally. Better to make peace with the enemy who has a lot of ground war experience.

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