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MARCH 2025

Photo: Russian TOS-1 Heavy Flamethrower System Moving To Hama To Purge Terrorists

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Photo: Russian TOS-1 Heavy Flamethrower System Moving To Hama To Purge Terrorists

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Three Russian heavy flame-thrower systems, TOS-1A “Solntsepyok”, are reportedly heading to the Hama countryside in order to purge al-Qaeda-linked terrorists advancing against government forces in the area.

Accorinng to a media activist from the Syrian town of Tartus, Ali Hamdan, released a photo of one of the systems en route from Tartus to Hama.

If confirmed, TOS-1A systems will play a major role in the expected government counter-attack in northern Hama.

A unit of the Russian Military Police was reportedly escoring the convoy.

Photo: Russian TOS-1 Heavy Flamethrower System Moving To Hama To Purge Terrorists

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More about the system:

Photo: Russian TOS-1 Heavy Flamethrower System Moving To Hama To Purge Terrorists

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John Brown

Yes very good. But for situations like this in HAMA where the terrorists are out in the open Russia needs an equivalent to the American DAISY CUTTER BOMB the Largest Conventional Bomb in Existence. http://www3.nd.edu/~techrev/Archive/Spring2002/a8.html

The Daisy Cutter bomb weighs in at 15,000 pounds and destroys anything in a 600-yard radius. First used during the Vietnam War, these huge bombs have since been employed in the Gulf War and most recently in Afghanistan. Although the “Daisy Cutter” bomb is not a nuclear weapon, its use in battle has caused controversy because of its terrifying and utterly destructive nature.

Because of the cumbersome size of the Daisy Cutter and its deadly results, it must be uniquely deployed and detonated. It is launched on a delivery trolley and forced out the back of a C-130 cargo plane. The plane itself must be at least 6,000 feet off the ground to avoid the bomb’s massive shock wave.

Russia has big enough transport planes to drop this type of bomb.


The Russians the the Father of all bombs, the destructive power is great, yet you need to consider the damage to th infrastructure.


Yes FOAB is one I would love to see in use, but you must have the correct conditions to use it.

john mason

all the conditions are their, many terrorists and the infrastructure is not significant anymore.


I was wondering lately if they have an active version. Meaning a missile or something that can deliver the huge weight without a strategic bomber.

john mason

don’t really know if Russia does but an ICBM would be perfect for the job, not nuclear but some other like incendiary.

Mr. Perfect

You’re a bunch of idiots. U.S bombs are much stronger than those faulty Russian bombs, bahaha. Get a grip. Russians are impoverished and you expect us to believe that Russia has superior bombs? Hahahahahaha. The U.S has THOUSANDS of different types of bombs in hiding that nobody has ever seen or heard about. Learn something.


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your idiot.


Faulty Russian bombs. What happens? Do they blow up? Must be nice to know everything.


yea and they bomb schools, hospitals, mosques with them and claim they are fighting terrorism


Pot calling kettle black.

John Brown

Thank you. Yes they need to use these bombs ASAP in the HAMA offensive when the terrorists are out in the open. Don’t let them go back to Idlib to hide out among civilians again. Probably the most interesting thing about this weapon is that it is clearly designed to be carried by a large bomber… no Flanker variant could carry a weapon of this weight.

It is basically a huge fuel air explosive bomb, so it destroys by heat and the shockwave is rather slower than with conventional high explosives, but it is still present, so buildings will still be damaged. The other kill mechanism would be oxygen starvation and enormous pressure changes.


A Tu160 would do it.

Mr. Perfect

You’re a bunch of idiots. U.S bombs are much stronger than those faulty Russian bombs, bahaha. Get a grip. Russians are impoverished and you expect us to believe that Russia has superior bombs? Hahahahahaha. The U.S has THOUSANDS of different types of bombs in hiding that nobody has ever seen or heard about.

El Diablo

I bet they are are hidden up in your ass :D

Mr. Perfect

Whoa, that was such a good joke! You got me there!

How old are you, 12?

Pathetic, impoverished foreigner. Get bombed.

Daniel Castro

FOAB is the strongest conventional bomb in the world, it has much more destructive power than the murican one, and this is confirmed by the pentagon.


If only war was about wiping entire cities of the map it would be much easier… not everyone is like USA psycopaths that nuke entire cities fiilled with civilians just to send a message.

Mr. Perfect

Don’t lie to yourself! Long live Zionism!

Daniel Castro


Charlie rad

Baahh. Baaabby. Your goat is calling. Or is it your sister,

Charlie rad

You are 100% correct. Finally the facts.


Also FOAB weighs less than MOAB, yet still is way more powerful.

El Diablo

I’ve reason. They are decidedly hidden up your ass :D


you are the definition of stupid white trash

Charlie rad

The guys a Jihadi Troll pretending to be an American so many lately. Sitting Raqqa or Londonistan mounting his goat. Daadddy !!

Charlie rad

Miss purrfucked is a Jihadi Troll folks. No substance all bull. Hey Abdullah go back to your wife the Goat. Baaahhh .


Russia is the only nation with 100 Mton hydrogen bombs ready to be launch anywhere they decide to. USA had even problem to construct 7 Mton bomb (they made miscalculation and huge contamination in the Pacific islands). You can check this by yourself, everything about this is well officially reported.

john mason

Russian FOAB is the most devastating, 4 times as powerful as the US MOAB.

Charlie rad

100% correct. Great fact. Ignore the Jihadi troll.






Jihadi kebabs.

Mr. Perfect

Russians are getting vaporized.


in ur dreams, hopefully soon YOU will be!

Charlie rad

your sister & your wife & mommy the Goats . Baaahhhh

Charlie rad

don’t worry sweetie. We have a package coming to you real soon. Smile . KaBOOM !!


This is just troll bait – don’t bother feeding or giving it attention.

Trustin Judeau

Al Toilette offensive have lost its momentum .This is what rebel supporter is saying – Doesn’t sound good. Amateurism of last Aleppo battle: not enough manpower, tactical mistakes. Costly with Regime/Russia firepower ” Now SAA must solve Tadef situation also . Daraa offensive repelled,Damascus offensive ended now this 2 things

john mason

don’t be so pessimistic Trustin. All part of the battle plan, getting the terrorists in one area namely Idlib and then surrounding the district. It frees up the seasoned soldiers for Raqqa.

DJ Double D

This was what I said before. Before Turkey entered into Syria, the Support for the Rebels was there but even more so now that she is inside Syria. So you see my point. Erdogan is in Syria for his own plan and Syria won’t see peace now unless somehow he is seriously thought a Military lesson.

Trustin Judeau

The problem is that in Syria there isnt friends . Everybody is free for all mode like in the games .Kurds are hostile to FSA and sometimes to the goverment . Now to ES . On the other side there are HTS and company . And there are so called moderate rebels in the South


i see your point,some of readers like me thinking normalize FSA, HTS and so-called moderat rebels would be the first priority according the situation near Raqqa when ISIS besieged by SDF. Normally ISIS will flee along Palmyra frontline. and dont forget Deir Ezzor is mainly target right now as we can see that SDF doesnt encircle the way to Deir Ezzor. The best strategic to beat FSA backed Turk is Hit and Negotiate, Hit and Negotiate. dont let them striking first. ISIS is quite different in mentality with FSA, we dont know when FSA and Company looks gentle or barbaric.

Maj Dan

That ordnance was being disposed of in the 1980″s because it was self detonating while in storage. I am not sure if we salvaged the container vessels and fill them with more stable stuff. The daisy cutter was last use during the Mayaquez incident (to my knowledge) and saved a lot of Marines lives. We now have bigger more stable replacements in the inventory – I believe they thermoberic monsters!


HTS does massively use of UAV. SAA needs anti-UAV systems like these https://southfront.org/us-troops-use-anti-uav-defense-system-to-combat-isis-drones-in-mosul/


The diagram above is pretty interesting, have never seen pics of support vehicles before, and the fire vehicle’s crews look seriously stocked with small arms if get in any unexpected trouble.

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