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MARCH 2025

Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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On March 18, the Russian Kalibr missile hit the military facility of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city of Mykolaiv. The 79th Air Assault Brigade was based in the facility. The strike destroyed several buildings, the military barracks were also damaged.

The number of victims is yet to be revealed. According to the report by Swedish journalist from the spot, at least 40 Ukrainian soldiers were killed.

Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Photos 18+: Russian Kalibr Missile Hit Ukrainian Military Facility In Mykolaiv. Dozens Of Casualties Reported

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Tzar Igor

It could ended day 2 but Zioniskie refused. Now what? He gets order from Nato and West. A Nato puppet who is a great actor while ordinary Ukrainians die because HE REFUSES. IDIOT! Minsk agreement was also refused. Now if you have any normal brain function – when Minsk agreement was signed the area held by Russians in Ukraine was MUCH larger then just before the military operation. So who was the aggressor when the areas where ethnic Russians lived was becoming smaller and smaller? And you forbid Russian language? You threatened with Nato – it was YOUR WORDS and now the people are paying for it because of your agenda and mouth.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tzar Igor

Stop blaming the victim! Nobody is buying this crap.

Putin's Brass Balls teabagging Bangdera

8 years of shelling civilians in Donbass and you’re crying victim. Kolomoisky has blood on his hands and Putin is just taking out the trash. Russia winning, Ukraine losing.


That’s Putin’s fault he’s supporting the separatists


And the Empire sponsored an illegal coup in Ukraine and installed a puppet and neo-Nazis to use as cannon fodder against Russia. The Russian part of Ukraine said, “no thanks, we’ll be going our own way now”, which they had every right to do. And they asked Russia for help, which Russia has every right to provide, just like you claim the Empire has the right to help its puppet neo-Nazi regime.

jens holm

Im so tired of that socallled illegale coup version. Facts were and are those Russians in East was not even a big minority but was supportred by Moskwa and did not represent why Ukra went to be a Country.

By that its tru there came a non lected Goverment. But it was to elect one. After a lot of quamire drowned in corruption and incompetens(which theyy didnt invent), they now has normal parlamentasrisme and a public elecrted president.

Zelinsky it more and better elected then Putin. In the narrominded Russia normal kinds of opposition for needed changes are not even allowed to be elected.

Ukra nazis got 2,15% of the votes. Where are the rest in the Russian version?

The PM and Zelinsky even are named as Nazi like. But they are lected in a relative sober way.

Those Russians was not at all.


Putin made the CIA overthrow the Ukrainian government in 2014. Putin forced the Ukronazis to conduct an ethnic cleansing terror operation against their own citizens in Donbas. He is so awful!


-16 – so difficult to recognise irony?

Tom Bombastadillo

Maybe Clyde forgot the sarc tag. But I doubt it.


I read it as sarc as well, only way too read it and it still make any sense.

jens holm

They are denied to understand by total propaganda enemy making. Maybee the Eastern Bunny has left him for cry a river Clyde.

Tom Bombastadillo

You don’t have a functioning brain, do you. Putin did none of that.

jens holm

There we go again. Where are the Ukras i this???? You has censured the away.

Ukra was in crashlanded and rotten bad Governess as the rest of USSR. By that we all from outside try to help them in all kinds of changes to the better.

So here You forget the many needed reforms and investmenets we has made as the important parts.

Now many companies and Danish ones too are there. Danes are there being experts in not only modern private farming but in advanced productions for the markets in east.

We dont plunder. There is nothing to plunder. There is potential.

So its a help to help themself and something for something to raise the livingstandards all over.

Its very simple. If they dont produce things by themself or at least apere paid by invstorcompanies, they can buy our stuff, they can produce themself.

That the kapitalist model but having a hard time in its ancint corrupt, infected Russian/Ukras tradition.

Where I live CIA is more a friend then an enemy compared to what else try to infect us. They are more like cousins we sometimes dont like at all. But mainly we are on the same side even they sometimes should clam down.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

“compared to what else try to infect us.” Do you dare not say outright that it is the Muslims you mean. The Zionists made the plan to flood Europe with Islamists so that in the future Europeans will experience war and misery in the same way as Israel does and become friends on the battlefield with Israel. The difference is that Europeans do not own a stolen piece of land.


Is this a joke?


That’s it, that’s the final straw for me. Me and my other LGBT friends from reddit are leaving Ukraine. Not only am I constantly being misgendered by Ukrainian soldiers, who then laugh in my face when I explain the intricacies of genders, but also this is not at all what I signed up for. They said we’d be fighting side by side with Miss Ukraine and the ghost of Kiev, but so far all I’ve seen is scorched bodies. Also this place is apparently full of white supremacist nazis. Yikes… I think ill just stick to protests for now, if I manage to get out of Ukraine in 1 piece that is.

jens holm

Nobody believed You not even know where it is.


LOL Okay now THAT was funny.

mike tyson

prove me wrong.

ukraine was peaceful and minding its own business before 2014. all of a sudden, us showed up and staged the maidan coup. since then, all hell broke loose.

jens holm

I hope You soon will get internet and read what went on in Ukraine in those days. The whole – peacefull – quagmire collpased, crashed and none was quailified to somethhing else.

Ukraine didnt mind it own business. They were silent, passive inhabitants not used to decide anything by themlsef. Thats a good reasosn for they collapsed.

You habve no idea about the differend´ce to here. Manyh companies has given up to changes those lazybum, no wahts and working only 15 hours a week in a very ineffective way.

Its about the same as for the rest of USSR. Its always said Russia has everything and a potential. BUT its not used apart from the military stuff.

The big difference from here is, theree are no well educated middleclass to increase things and distribute it. That backbone is not there.

Low educated and some very good scientist is where the problems are. So a number on too is edating people to do advaced or semiadvanced jobs and millionjs are needed.

In thes days its tempting to compare and see the Ukra military forces doing very well for their seize. They are in good structure, are well ecucated and so have some advanced tools as well.


Stfu you overt Nazi. No one is buying YOUR trash.

jens holm

Its not written for some ignorants like You but for the ones, which are learners. Not even most Gods can defaet pure stupidity.

As far away form there, I can compare well, because i have all indformation about it. I also can see it in my home, outside my window, in my street, at my hospital, at the scholls and education systems.


No, it’s your fault cause of your intolerance to other ethnic groups in ukraine, rus, hungarians, roma. Burned people in Odessa, shelled people in Donbass.

jens holm

You are right but You forget so many parts in that area is like that too. EU try to inorove things in several countries by the treaties about it.

As long as people has not found their ID or has found it as in the old days based on religion as well, there will be only small improvements.

Purin is there very much too as front runnner. Orban in Hungary is there. Poles dont hold back.

EU is those matters try to be gluie for the konglometartes, so I have hopes.

Its worse he it was here in Denmark 60 years ago, but we have changed attitudes by the parlaments and a lot in peoples minds. Its very much about womens right too and both educate, work, has own bankaccount and women decide about their own bodies.

We also educate Youngsters very indeoendent from the parents money and influence, where I live. They of cuerse should listen to them but the sate give them very good advices and You can by a doctoir or a laywer even You have no money.

Its simple investment. The get better well paid jobs and by that pay more tax producing more and better.

We dont punish the loosers. They are nt many. The cheaters and loosers should not decide how to treat thew rest of us.

Abu Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

You are right in much of what you write about Denmark’s system. The cake you now share must become larger as the population increases. It remains to be seen if you can do it in the long run when the resources you have at your disposal have their limitations. Many “new Danes” have a background that lies centuries after our time and they bring with them a religion that does not guarantee prosperity for most people. Is just to look at the countries they come from. When new Danes make up a majority of the population, they will be able to establish an Islamic caliphate in Denmark through legal elections. Good luck with the future.


feminized nazi in arkansas trailer park—impotent

jens holm

Yerrh. Russia in the usually was forced the contrasts hard as elefant in the strawberries. But parts of the other side wasnt nice at all.

We see the same for Estonia and parts, where the Russians has been imigrated to. They make their own isolated state having only Russian TV and Radio in their own towns not connected to the sountry, they live in.

By that things has not been nice in Astonia as well even its calmed down in some resignated versions.

USSR/Russia dont den to understand they have made those confrontations themself by movin around millions to make all look like Sovjet Citicens and a excuse to interviene.

jens holm

Here we have 99 denying simple facts. If Putins are that perfect things would not be as they are today.

If my neighbor tryed to decide what to grow in my garden and where the bench is, I would be angry too.

And if they had a son or daughter renting a room or something here, there would be a sober contract. That was not possible. The main confrontations was made by Russia but parts of the Ukras was not innocent as well.

Arch Bungle

Those separatists deserve all the support they can get.

Amber Room

No. Putin as President of Russia is aiding the plight of the The Ethnic Russian Rebels and Freedom Fighters in the majority ethnic Russian east of Ukraine. Whose territories have been systemically politically repressed and militarily attacked by the the Kiev-Poroshenko-Zelensky-Regimes for many years now. Accordingly, Russia has begun an expanded special operation, like a “humanitarian military intervention”, to free the eastern provinces from the grip of violence imposed by the Kiev Regime and its armed forces, both the formal AUF and uncontrolled neo-Nazi and foreign legion militias.

There fixed it for you. No charge.

Last edited 2 years ago by Amber Room
Joao M...

They say payback is a bitch.

Rubber Biscuit

payback is zelenskys mom

jens holm

Killing 1000s of people and make for billions of destuctions seemes far out to me.


Yesterday there was nice news (among others) from General Konashenko: “11:05 Denazification of the city department of the SBU took place in Kramatorsk.” You should try to understand the meaning!


sorry that was meant for the Bandera dog.

jens holm

Usin Banderas being there for a short while is a typical Russian propaganda trick. By that the whole area is infected and the semipoles and semibelarus and others are guilty and intimidated forever.

By that it was legalized to take care of those criminals and expell them west.

But its a very good hiding for a lot of other things. Fx millions of jews was not evacuated but left for Hitler.

jens holm

I agree. As a minimum we have ro see both sides. Its not true Zelinsky and some few nazis are the agressers only.

Thats no defence for the violence against those 17,8% Russian/Russians.

Its forgotten that Ukrainiens not wanted their new country runned by 20% communist freaks being a part of Moskwa. Thats not an own country.

Ever since it has been declared nazis run Ukraine. facts are the few nazis profiled themself hard and grew and they were needed in the name of nationalisme tp make the unification, we see now.

CIA bot

The only crap is in your mouth. You shithead keep repeating how they are winning. Do these mutilated corpses look like winners to you? And no, I’m not gloating like you shithead every time you see a dead body, it’s all one big tragedy. Entirely on demons from Washington DC that you serve so obediently. This war didn’t start in february 2022. it started in 2014. and the only reason why still continues is because Washington demands more blood. More human sacrifice on their satanic altar… They don’t give a flying fuck about Ukraine, they never did. A friendly Indian tribe to fight against other Indians. To kill and to die for their masters. While the US senators are laughing like hyenas, sending more weapons for more death.

Last edited 2 years ago by CIA bot
Washington DCorruption

The show must go on: Pentagon&CIA production and directors , Zelensky the main role , these are just anonymous extras .

jens holm

Do You even believe in that Yourself. Your children has told it?

Joao M...

I do feel sorry about the poor dead mutilated Ukrainians. Multi billionaire Judas Zelinsky just cares about $$$$$


No one forced them to support the criminal Regime in Kiev,if the Ukrainian army and security forces had done the right thing in 2014 and not supported the fascists coup this wouldn’t be happening.

jens holm

Facsts are they for very good reasosns did not. EWe see the same dilemma many times.

People do as You prefare, because they know nothing else. Armies should not rune anything. they dont do, where I live.

Armies are a tool for the state just as diplomacy.

jens holm

Sure some are in Rubels.

jens holm

But Ukra was treated like a Russian Oblast. None there wanted 17,8% Russians rundbs more then 80% none.

You are sober, but that side is forgotten in Your version.

And Sure USA were and are the only stopper for something like that. Normal words are laughed at or even added threats.

You also ignore Your only real friends in this are Eritrea, Assad, Cuba, Borth Korea and Assads.

So be with them and dont come here.

I will remind You, that right now Russia has inavded Urkaine killing a lot of people added total destructions for billions. So far about 3 millions has left Ukraine.

Thats must be the Syrian model. Here more them 9 million are npt even in the coutry. I admit others are assisting. And where do they go.

Its alwaysto where I live. So why dont You make changes, so people can live in their own country. dont think You should blame USAthat much a You are Yourself.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

Nobody has blamed Donbas, the real victim. So calm your SBU tits.


i hope SBU HQ in kieve has been taken off the map,it was infested with CIA roaches.

jens holm

There we go again. 95,8% of the Ukras not even exist.

I might be like that too. I woud love Russia, if theee waere no russians in it.


Can you just fuck off, eat shit and die already? You’re an idiot.


Squat down. Nor turn your head all the way down and back. See that? It’s your world.

Biden's Laptop

staaaahp blaming!!!!!!! ReEeEEeEeEEeE


Stop worshiping the Empire, which has murdered 100 millions in its existence, including many millions this century, and is completely responsible for the crisis in Ukraine, which it has subjugated and militarized to be cannon fodder in the Empire’s centuries-long war of aggression against Russia.

jens holm

Thats no worship.


Like someone stated days ago. Ukrainians need to put russion POWs into these kind of facilities. If then russia decides to bomb them, russia will always also kill dozens of its own soldiers. That will maybe make Putin think twice before ordering such massive bombardments of camps and facilities.

If Ukrainians do not react by now changing tactics and putting POWS into the facilities, then it is sure they will have to learn it the hard way, and more of its soldiers will be unnecessarily die due to those strikes in the weeks to come. That’s for sure.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mickey

Disgusting degenerate, it’s not just against Geneva convention but there are more ukro POWs. In this case Russians should use them as a human shield in Mariupol and everywhere else – just force them to go first. but it’s easy for you to talk crap from your basement you inhuman piece of shit.

The maharaja

Its his first time seeing dead Ukrainians he thought it was a game, with really cool characters like the Ghost of Kieve and the Snake Island 12! Then he watched for 21 days as Russians were being defeated and destroyed with only one Ukrainian killed to Russias 12,000 kia. Now he sees that there is another side and he is in a panic, still believes that the men over 50 with large guts and ill fitting uniforms are Russian POWs.Its starting to sink in that Russia is actually wining and he was lied to by the press and by the clown Ukraine elected.

jens holm

It never was anything like that by Zelinsky.

You seemes to have no memory card for what Putin told the whole world about his entrence.

After less then a week all the Russians would love to be liberated and support.Maybee its the killed ones, which now has no arms and legs for those flags. ‘

Maybee Putin by accident has burned all those flags.

Tom Bombastadillo

So you want the UAF to use POWs as human shields …. That is very cowardly.

jens holm

They know that stupid argumentation well but are not You slaves but their own and even as a country with PM and Governess tradtions in the last 30 years.

You are right in one think. Russians only undertsnad, when they are spnaked themself. Maybee the brain with one shitty eye is there too.


Crap?!? It’s the truth. Overthrow a democratically elected president and then ethnically cleanse a region that did not support the new puppet regime and now you wanna play victim!

F*cK YOU!!!!

It is allowed for the rest of the world to have more then one oppinion made by Putty.

Martin Rapavý

He is not blaming the victim, he is blaming the arsonist. Moreover, it does not matter much who started it (Oleksandr Valentynovyč Turčynov), what matters more is who refuses to hold negotiations to end it. And that is the whole Kievan junta.

jens holm

I partly agree. Minsk 2 has not been kept in a very stubborn way.


nazi in arkansas eats crap

Thomas Turk

I am

Peter Ceter

Not a poor victim, sorry


Really who is the victim? Bandera scum or the innocent children and residents of any of the villages, town and cities where these Nazis have violated numerous Genera Conventions. You are wrong to back these Khazarians dupes. If you follow the money you will understand.

Arch Bungle

The ‘victim’ has been killing women and children for 8 years.

Wake the f**k up polly anna!


Dude, people should know when they are conquered. Unnecessary deaths on both sides.


Woe betide anyone who gets in Tzar Igor way!

Joao M...

Judas Zelinsly will fight to the very last Ukranian… Then board a luxury jet to New York.

Arzt Injektion

Is there no one in Ukraine that could take over? Is there no one in Ukraine with a backbone? Is the Minister of Defense for Ukraine wedded to this? Zelenskyy is not even in the country. I can’t understand why Ukrainians do not remove Zelenskyy.

jens holm

Of course there is. They have rules for that. 2/3 also can vote teh president down. They have a whole parlament for that.

But Yiu have to understand better that elinky was chosen bacuse none of the rest sould make anything well for them. At least they now has got the hope.

Its about the same in France. None of the old ones could be a choise for too many. I allow me to say both are doing fine if I compare with the alternatives.

I doint know for Ukraine. Some countries as in USA has a Vicepresident. Others go to the administration takes over and they make a fst election. In some sountries, they find a majority candidate in the Parlament.


What happened to your english?


he got $34 millions house in the Palm Beach in the Florida !!!!!!!

jens holm

I heard Putin will be married in Fairbanks with Sara Palin.


To join saakashvili club

jens holm

Countries has to find themself. Those new countries didnt grow up bt freedom movements but in collapased chaos.

By that they take in the ones, which seemes to give the best hopes for the better. Often they are not. They are well organized minorities.

Its very visible for the new EU members. Even helped a lot, they still has a lot of internal and external problems. But there are improvements.

Its also a need to see the laternatives might be worse.


The longer war drags on, less nationalist he has to worry about, politics is a dirty business.

jens holm

More can be created or forced to. I suddenly remember Berlin and the tank killings by RPGs.

Rubber Biscuit

plus he is heating things up by constantly telling ww3 has begun and crap like that. shythead


Can you hand over your freedom to terrorist dictator idiot. Stupid idiot you fight for your freedom maggot

jens holm

Well people actually do and the opposite too.

Thats why we prefare normal and sober elections, where we dont burn buildings, chairs and shooes.

Its because there is a next time if You are better or eemes to be better. It makes less desperations. It seemes to make better decidings as well.

jens holm

Dont come with Your shit. You write big brother/father/mother treating the little ones as being an owner is all right.

Im sure we here are not as you have written at all. We have asked and demanded for a sober solution as well. You only write this to excuse the Russian again collapsed state to regain stolen land.

That goes for Ukraine as well.

Ykraine also is nortt Ukraine as it was. It has been moved west and Russians has migrated to Russsian jobs in the eastern jobs for industrialisation and devellopments. That part makes sense. A lot was destrpyed in WW2.

But the language and culture crap is far out. The Ukraine versions systematictly has been destroyed or written away. Russians of today just simple has learned the Russian Stalin USSR version.

Thats not that strange. But Denmark dont deny Swedes or Norweigians to have their own spellings and cultures. We dont do it for germans as well. That goes for Islandics as well as inuits.

A great part of Ukraine is, are or were polish. That goes for Belarus and several other western enclaves and the coastline to the Black Sea as well as Asov.

Those people are all removed west, are expelled and a lot was killed. Its alos forgotten million of jwes were there invited from west once upon a time ago by the Polish-lituainian Governes.


shit is what describes your every post. very stupid shit


Just you pointed out: he is a globalist sorosist puppet and execute ONLY theirs agenda.


Well, at least his TV show is back on Netflix, so there’s that.

Last edited 2 years ago by Slobodan
Peter Ceter

So true. If Zelensky was inteligent, he have could used the position of Ukraine between the east and the west to Ukraines advantage, by picking the cherries of both side. He could have made Ukraine a prosperous country. Instead, he fell for the idiotic anti-russian propaganda and the duress of the Neonazis. Now Ukraine pays the price for its stupid anti-russian stance. Any responsible president of any country would have stopped the war as soon as possible to prevent damage to its people and economy. But now average Ukrainians will live in long poverty.


All of this is USA NOTHING goes on in Ukraine that is not directly sanctioned by Washington…


I am afraid if Russia starts to show its true strength things are going to get ugly, all these young man died for someone who is serving his US/Cabal masters.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

More grind meat made out of banderites? Shocking…


Chicken Kiev for dinner

jens holm

The Bandara is true but it only was there for a small while. Not evacuating 3 million jews by that is a very good cover. It also made it legal to take that moronland from Poland and expell poles, belarussians and Germans from there.

Nice trick. And you never learned that in school and You dont dare to check all those facts. Gulag might catch You if it can.

jens holm

You wríte propaganda of the worst kind. You only read about the homemade paranoia and forget it collapsed itsself. We did not.

And we do invest there and under very infected conditions. None can repair a car like that unless its for a museum. So we are many new there and its another economic system.

You of course deny to see USA is the biggest tradepartner for Ukraine. So the many representatives You see is normal business, devellopments and education.

And we are Masters. After the USSR collapse there was no future just impoortant stuff worth nothing or amost nothing as it was.

By that we and they has been teachers, instrutors and menthors. No offence but which adviced coul Russia do to a needed open economy with the rest of the world. It was NONE.

And it si something for something. We invest to be paid in and improved way. Its both ways. They can make stuff for themself and buy ours, if the dont nake noney themself.


Already 80 killed 200 wounded, many of them seriously wounded. Ukraine again does not recognize its losses, fortunately Swedish reporters filmed the consequences of the strike

Karl Wolfe

Russia have warnings and broadcast, which is FAR MORE than the “coalition” did with their murdering “Shock and Awe” campaign – which had PLENTY of photos and videos JUST LIKE THIS but were completely censored so the American people wouldn’t see the real death of war. Since it serves the war monger Neo-Con purpose after 50 years of complete censorship by US media BUSINESSES, we see that war and all the trillions spent on weapons merely brings new instruments to kill. I’m reminded of how Madeline Albright responded to the ONE question about the deaths of more than 200,000 Iraq children just from economic sanctions alone and felt perfectly fine about it. Get ready because the New Mengele doctor Fauci and his evil cohorts have new plagues coming for their Depopulation Agenda.


The correct number from Albright’s interview is 500,000 Iraqi kids. 500,000!

jens holm

It seemes forgotten it was under the food for oil program, where so much money evaporated into the wrong pockets. Those was western ones too.

Egypt gave Iraq billions of crakers having almost zero neutrasions in them as a good example.

The number also is contested beacuse You has to subtract, what Saddas did. Even its terrible the 500.000 for very good reasons are contestet.

300.000 is terrible too.

I also will allow me to say the reasosn for it was what Saddam did or not. Iran attacked. Kuwait attacked. Kurds gasses or removed to places, wherenone could live and with no healt systems.

The best would be to avoid such things. I see none of that in Ykraine of today and hope the Russians soon will starve or die because of no medical equipment.

jens holm

It was exact the same for Russians inAfhanistan as well of Tjejenia. Half of it was a lie and the rest was not true. Very much was muh worse.

And Your KEPT from americans also wasnt true. It partly was fixed to look better but USA as well as the rest of us could read the statistics better and add and subtract.

So far as I know its still contested how many Russians and others which were killed by Stalin and afterwards by terrible incomopetence by not only Stalin but also Hitler and the rest.

Fine to focus on USA in this, but I allow me to compare. Im sure americans, CIA, Mossad and the jews killes no one in Ukraine. If You like people, You should stop this.

If You are oligarc based on coffins its probatly fine. Building contructor might be fine as well.


In reality Ukros lost 15-20.000 troops so far. They are desperately trying to recruit more by force.

Yamil Perez

20,000 dead. 50-60,000 wounded. That means 50+% of the UAF is toast. The other half is about to get toasted. Zellerboy will throw the last ukrobot under the bus before retiring to Langley to enjoy his well earned pension.

jens holm

Thats overestyimation. If true, they could not keep their lines as they do. My John Wayne sling slotter says 10.000 dead, 30.000 wounded but 1/3 back in combat.

Its reflexions made just as making weatherraports by my window.

There are sector numbers for many thinsg, but they are difficult to add and subtrast.

Arzt Injektion

That would be my guess and who knows how many “Territorial Defenders” they have thrown into the meat grinder.

jens holm

Yes all has to be included, but I think many of the territoria defenders mainly makes dence lines and logistics and will remain so.

The homeguard is a of very unknown seize. They die too.


Please, fuck off! Go somewhere else. You are truly the most stupid person I have never met.

jens holm

Thats not by force. 1000s has returned home from many countries for it moron.

The problem is to make new well organized and armed units.

A link for the 15-20.000 might be usefull, for the Russians as well as the civilians.

I give You a Youtube. Hope You cna see it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhbSp_-w8CA russiske tab

Yamil Perez

Oy gevalt… I think Im fainting…😨

jens holm

In Russia You cant even see Your own bewhind unless You have VPN.

jens holm

Actually they are in war and countings migh not be number one unless they loose units. Im familiar with many numbers by different organisations. Red cross has many local ones such as this.

We have only one danish Journaolist close to the frontzone, but thare are in Lvov and at the border to Poland. We also has transporters in and out. Those almost all are civile NGS.

I wish luck for the swedes too.


Even the Polish media have already recognized 267 killed and 450 wounded as a result of the yavoriv strike. But there are no losses


Why they were there at all? When Serbia was bombed by NATO, all potential targets were emptied long before the attack.

Martin Rapavý

Because it was the gathering point of the so-called volunteers in the NATO training range.

jens holm

Nato is not in that. If they were, I as Dane would know. I know exactly where Our troops there are. Its in the Baltics. We have less then 1000 soldiers and about 4 F16s. Soon we will have a Korvette there too. It will be filled up with missiles for local defence.

Thats what You can get by local Goverments and Medias here.

Thats no Nato training range. Its most likely by USA and UK important help, becaue the Ukra forces are re organized by them.

You should respect they seemes to have done a good job. The old was old and should go west kindly assisted by nukes. Ukra could need those nukes right now.

jens holm

Serbs was adviced. remember there was histages at the TV trasmitters too. If You bombarde bases, those also are defended having crews for it and the rest in shelters. Sometimes shelters is not enough.

The parts of Ukraine where the main fighting are are million and 100.000 cities and town. You cant just move them to somewhere else. They actally try. At least 3 million today is outside Ukraine.

jens holm

The Russians has no losses or almost none too. Thats strange too.

Numbers like polish are comming in. Its difficult to try to add and subtract.


“Its difficult to try to add and subtract.” Yes. I believe simple math is very difficult for you. Correct spelling and basic English grammar is also very, very difficult for you. You are a clown.


Hopefully there were a lot of Foreign Legionaries among them.

Slava Kalibr!


yeah, I like seeing them killed more than Ukrainians to be honest. Many soldiers are just doing their job or they were just recruited. But foreign “volunteers” are nothing but scum.


Then they should surrender or turn their guns against the terrorist regime in Kiev owned by CIA

Otherwise – kill them all and let Bandera sort them out

jens holm

Only enemies write crap like that. Ukras are more loyal to Zelinsky and the public elected and determinant Parlament then ever.

A public elected Parlament with many very different parties is no regime. Nazis are not there. They got 2,15% of the votes.


But they are not just doing their job,they are serving the illegal Kiev regime and the Oligarchs/US.

jens holm

Most likely they have more real majority then Putin. Everyone can be elected in Ukraine and are. Most Russians cant be elected in Russia.

jens holm

Only enemies says so. But Yur kind migh be surpriced just as me. They might do a good job against Your kind of scum.

Yamil Perez

Amen. No mercy for Azovisis. Bo mercy for baby killers.

Last edited 2 years ago by Yamil Perez
jens holm

You could be lucky. It makes sense to divide the light reinforcements in Ukras and non Ukras.


I feel sorry for this men who died as US infantry.

jens holm

In which country ?


Russia used over 1000 ballistic missiles during this war. The Ukrainians keep emerging from their ashes. Russia used missile terror, it didn’t work, then it bombed civilians and it didn’t work. Now it’s going back to missiles and it still won’t work. The Ukrainians will keep fighting the Russians. With every missile fired, with every bullet shot, they increase the hatred between the two nations. There can never be reconciliation between Ukraine an Russia. Because there is no reconciliation without having justice first. And the only justice Russian know is when they’re accusers, judges and executioners. That is false justice. That justice is actually injustice. The Russian nation can never be forgiven for their genocide of the Ukrainian people under the veil of justice.


Na man it’s like oddessa back in 2014, I’m sure these idiots just fired a missle at their own barracks just like those pro Russian protesters lit their own building on fire, lit themselves on fire, beat each other to death on the ground and the pregnant woman on the top floor obviously strangled herself. Yup sounds like an unfortunate Ukrainian accident.

jens holm

I heard Allah only allow ISIS suicide killers kill themself, if they want to go to heaven and have space.

They have to have 72 male virgins but has to share.


BanderaStepson: https://cdn.osxdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/animoji-poop-from-iphone-as-gif.gif

Last edited 2 years ago by 🍌🍌🍌

wait to see some justice in mariupol


What you said there actually applies for all US imperial wars since ww2 onwards.

I’m not saying i like that Russia started this war with Ukraine, but they tried doing diplomacy too. Many times. Minsk 1, Minsk 2, asking for security guarantees, etc. This war is clearly due to stiff necks on the Western side and inability to do talks and diplomacy. Afterall, this is not so much a war between Russia and Ukraine, but a war to keep NATO away, from the last patch of land where Russia can still prevent it. Russia knows Ukrainians are pawns and useful idiots, that’s why they hold back as much as possible. They have all the resources to carpet bomb everything like US does. But they chose not to.

jens holm

None in the whole EU and Nato want any Russian amoin us.

But we do want countreis has to decide their own destinay and make normal trade with no collpased kombinates, kolkoses and sovekoses in the Angels infected centralized Russian version of totalitarisme.

And it do make sense Nato also includes weapons in the new countries. Thats none of Your business.

We already has the many rotten apples made by You expansing forced naocolonialisme of the worst kind.

You could have been like us by USA Marshall help, but then.

And yes we will never allow any russian shitholes to divide Europe and from the rest of the world. Now it for the third time within 100 years will collpase again. And as for the two times before that, the reasosns aree exact the same.

Countries are countries and union are unions if we include people and unite them by debating and voting. Here we also elect so we can change and devellop. The opposition dont uprice. If they are better, they can replace the not so god ones.

jens holm

Russai would have had a change if Gorbatjov or Jeltzin and their kind of people was in the seat 20 years before they were.

By thats it could have found a kind or chinese model or an own communist internal version. Yours did none of that. It was only more potato growing at the daccas.

Those Ukras and we dont see them as pawns and iddiots. You descriebe Russian propaganda for how it almost was in 2014 or before that in its Russian propagandsa version.

Russians already has lost any possibility for keep.Now its 150%.

Yamil Perez

Cool story Trollstoy 🤗🤡


Ukrainians got brainwashed, got a CIA coup government, conducted ethnic cleansing against Ukrainian citizens for eight years, and tried to hand their country over to the US and NATO as an instrument with which to attack Russia. Very unfortunate.

jens holm

Ukriane now is more part of the rest of the world. We here has direct connection to kriane by the refugees as well. hey have mobile phones and androids.

Those mainly are vomen and children and more the 50% are children. They of course has a refugee perspective but also are given direct pictures, videos and speak form there.

None is not even close to Your kind of crap.


Can’t fight back when you are entirely decimated. The transnistria front, odessa amphibious attack and the real second echelon hasn’t even started. More and more missiles, uavs, pgms, glide bombs, krasnopols, and advanced technology is being used. You guys are toast. The heat is just being turned up

They know and so what. We support them the best we can. hope sactons migh be a help.

Russia seemes to be supported well by Assads, Cuba, Bellarus, Eritrea and North Korea. Here we see who the real regulars are.


Turn off your TV dipshit.

jens holm

Thats how it is. I hope they can be isolated, so they stay in their own country.

The Covid was the pilot projekt for it.


One sick Ukrop (black helmet left ,second pic) looks like he is actually laughing???


perhaps he is a Russian forcefully recruited into UAF? Maybe he tipped them off lol


maybe he is so nervous looking at the scene

jens holm

Its sometimes like that. Laugh and cry can be imprvements.

Truth Hurts

If you look closely at all the photos the soldiers are either smiling or laughing. Strange no?


Most likely just strange grimaces before vomiting…

jens holm

it could be. Transporting dead ones is not what many asks for.

jens holm

They work hard and has made a result. Some might hope its time for a cup of coffee or tea.


I do not think he is laughing but he has got the impression of being amused. By the way the corps of the deads are nearly totaly annihilated or burried under the rubble. It seems that the missiles which hit the targets are rather big calibers.


Very nice, though I see many still alive. They should repeat this as much as needed. Ukros think war is romantic and fun, a bit of rummaging through their own corpses might change their mind. They are dying for the interests of NATO and their hired actor Zelensky. Russia must knock very hard on their thick skulls to wake up their brain to see how they are being used. Next strikes should happen closer to Donbass to break that agglomeration of mercenaries and terrorist NATO minions.

Last edited 2 years ago by Redguard
jens holm

You dont think Youself. They seemes to be very determinant.

Nato being mine is not there at all. Our are in the Baltics with up to 1000 soldiers, abiut 4 F16s and soon a korvette with many missiles.

Our enemies dont decide, where we are. Its a duty and a right to defend Our members.

Simple man

Roasted chicken kievs hahaha!

President Vladimir Putin

My fav.

Shopping minion

I just went to my local supermarket and all the chicken kievs were reduced. Bought some and put them in the freezer. Not my best story but at least it is true.

jens holm

I have about the same here. because of the Covid the Chinese dont buy much pork. By that its cheep and in the freezer too.

Hopefully cows and chicken loves me for that.


No one loves you. Maybe that’s the root of your problems?


Great Lynyrd Skynyrd tune!

Muhammad your Prophet

Another crappy Russian commander just got killed. This time from a parachute assault regiment. Scooby, the corpses of those top ranked Russians are piling up. Maybe Putin the terrorist cockroach should join the frontlines too since he’s the military genius. https://www.newsweek.com/sergei-sukharev-top-russian-commander-killed-ukraine-invasion-1689411

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet

shut up yamilet perez


Lol you get 1 death for every 500-1000 of ours lol. Time to speed it up a bit, ukronazis more useless and slower than a snail on heroin and downers trololol

Yamil Perez

Another crappy Ukrainian commander just got killed. This time the commander of the 25th separate airborne brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Oleg Zenchenko.


Fake news dude! The MSM reported 20 commanders dead… thats why Russia is winning!

Loser go back to your shithole

Tom Bombastadillo

Straight from Newsweak. That’s really weak.

Tom Bombastadillo

BTW he was only a colonel and not a general.

Did you know that every colonel is a nut?

jens holm

The killing of him and the rest of the grops is not verified at all.

I allow me to commennt, that Newsweek always has been a little too loyal to USA.

So might have been killed might be true.

Apart from that its a very good magazine. Most things are not about war.


All this destruction and death because a handful of idiots who want to have their centuries old wet dream of having the entire population subjugated under the dictatorial authority of a One World Government…

Russia is not fighting against Ukrainians, they are just mere pawns in the crossroads… We are witnessing a clash of the titans with Ukraine as it’s theater… We are witnessing essentially 2 centuries old arch rivals fight it out… The Empire of Lies (coined by President Putin) vs Russia.

The destruction of the United States is also upcoming… As soon as they have no need for this nation, they will set about fomenting another civil war and make it break apart into many new States. Large nations, especially independent ones have no place in the One World Government plan they envisioned for this planet… This is why Yugoslavia was destroyed and many attempts made against Russia; Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan… Whoever doesn’t bend the knee is shattered and mauled

A new situation is also developing in the SouthEast China Sea… A few more months pretty sure we will start seeing a new situation unravel… They haven’t forgotten China and this is the perfect opportunity to start stir things up in Taiwan

Last edited 2 years ago by Shenk

From what I hear, it sounds like NATO wants to vote to enter into the conflict. Then it’s really on….


What you hear is absolute rubbish.


with their mercenary/terrorist forces, their surveillance providing intel, their covert direction of ukro forces, they already are in on it!

Yamil Perez

Oy vey… My precious koshernazi baby killers 😥


May they rest in pieces.

Corrupt Shithole of Ukropisstan

A cruise missile a day keeps Azovisis away 🤗


Add Kinzal now , Just fired one today, busted some underground Ukro weapon/missile depot.

Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy

Condolences to the fallen wahabimossad and CIAisis operators. May they rest in pieces…


Noice!!! Give ’em hell! In my knowledge is always good to repeat strike on the same spot after 30 minutes…


Exactly. Just look how many of them gathered together at the same place. Perfect opportunity for another strike…


There are a lot of civilians among them, firefighters, ambulance medics, even journalists. Another strike would be a massacre, and contrary to Western media lies – Russians play by the book.

Tom Bombastadillo

A second strike to kill first responders is the Israeli method. Because you are just an animal to them.


Agreed! The Russians are far more civilised and honest than the lying western powers!


If your goal is just to kill the most amount of people, yes that’s an effective tactic. If your goal was to take out a specific facility/threat while making a point, and that goal is accomplished, then there is no need to slaughter more.

Also those that are responding to the scene are more likely to have higher pct of non-combatants than the initial strike, not to mention ones own local sources might be ordered to respond to the aftermath. It’s like with the recent strike at the airbase complex in Lviv, the RU military appear to be hitting only what they care about (atm) and have surprisingly (to me anyway) been leaving most of it intact, including from some sat photos we’ve seen parked military aircraft ripe for destruction.

Whether trying to do minimal damage is truly a top priority for them or it’s just practical conservation of sorties, munitions,attention to priorities I can’t know for sure. What has been clear to me though at least up through when I type this is RU military doesn’t appear interested in maximizing body counts. They appear more interested in doing the minimum required to achieve the desired result/end-state with it’s neighbor.

edited: the spam filter didn’t like something.

Last edited 2 years ago by Justaguy

I’m only surprised Ukrops didn’t stop Swedish tv from filming this. I guess they hoped they would say it was a hospital or something


I am surprise that Sweden, Denmark and others are showing the truth. It looks like they aren’t totally on-board with uncle Sam and in search of an opportunity to kick him out of Europe.


Here in Australia our main stram media told us that ’40 civilains have died’ – hence the release of images and video to back a news story and to generate sympathy which can then be converted into support for more support for Zelensky. I call BS! If the west was serious about wanting this to end, they would stop pouring more and more weapons into Ukraine!


PS – my heart goes out to all the poor soldiers brainwashed into thinking they are serving their country – they are only serving the interests of the elite! This does not include mercenaries who are fighting for pay, and to the evil ukronazis full of bile and hatred – let them suffer the consequences. Common Ukrainian soldiers get my sympathy as do the Russian soldiers. May this end soon!


Mate, these were 79th Air Assault Brigade, directly involved in the genocide of the people of Donbass. No sympathy for them.


Revenge is a dish best served by a heat seeking fucking missile!!!!

Glorious comrades!!!!!


All the dead NATO mercenaries…so sad…. LOL

Tom Bombastadillo

I’m American, and I hate NATO.


whoever doubts the power of Russia to strike precisely from very far away is naive.

The Manly man

This won’t be shown in the mainstream media


It will be shown, with the title “Russians kill 5000 children in a mil…ehm pediatric hospital”.

Did you read the last from the deputy mayor of Mariupol. The people killed in the theater are miraculously alive. Really you cannot do this s**t.

The truth? Over a hundred of azovisis thugs exterminated.

Tom Bombastadillo

mushroom media – feed ’em nothing but BS.

Diego Sagredo

Dios mío maldita guerra, cual es el propósito de desperdiciar esas vidas

Tom Bombastadillo

Para proteger unas otras vidas.

James WDC

What a disaster! They got hammered like it was God’s furious anger! They must have hundreds dead from the pictures posted here. No denying that this was Black Day for the Ukraine.


any foreign mercs among the dead?


Sadly looks like there weren’t any. Next time.


See one serious difference between US and Russian military execution? If this was US fighting, those Ukrainian soldiers carrying out rescue would have been struck several times with missiles to cause maximalist damage. It’s what they did everywhere they fought. Guys bombed funerals.

Tom Bombastadillo

Every US president since Bush I is or was an egregious war criminal.

General (posthumous) M'quve

Short of regarding this as blatant fake, there is at least a serious lack of context. No definite confirmation is found on russian sites, such as Readovka. Photos appear to be recycled from an analogous attack, dated March 7th, and do not match the videos. I seriously hope that Southfront is not going down the “Ghost of Kiev” propaganda route…


Even BBC admits the Ukrainians got obliterated in this attack. Still, that was a very good try that you made.

General (posthumous) M'quve

No “try” really. Assuming that the war is still worth to be waged, Russian forces should interdict or, better, suppress all AFU positions, even if not actively engaged, instead of persisting in this morbid fantasy of capturing Ukraine as much “intact” as possible. More strikes and less tank manoeuvring, please!

That being said, this episode is still unclear and I cannot find your alleged BBC confirmation.

Tom Bombastadillo

The fog of war will thin out and you will be able to see once again.


I think the link below to BBC will give you the confirmation you were asking for. PS; Seemingly it was published on BBC about 10 minutes ago !


Last edited 2 years ago by Ceasar
General (posthumous) M'quve

Well… Thank you, also on behalf of other stupid or lazy readers.

The moral and intellectual bankruptcy of those supposedly authoritative sources was already evident long time ago. But they did NOT hide or delay the report of straight military facts… Now they do.


So you’re too stupid, too lazy, or lying? BBC’s report is literally the first thing that comes up on Google.


reality and truth upsetting for amerikant hillbilly in arkansas

Last edited 2 years ago by Yuri
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