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Photos Allegedly Show Damage Caused To Russian Aircraft At Khmeimim Air Base From Militant Shelling

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Following the reports about a militant shelling that targeted Russia’s Khmeimim air base in Syria on December 31, three photos appeared online allegedly showing a damage caused to Russian aircraft deployed there.

According to the Russian Defense Ministry, “a mobile militant subversive group” shelled the airbase with a mortar and killed 2 service members. The ministry said that the initial media reports about 7 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces, which were allegedly destroyed by the shelling, are fake.

Photos Allegedly Show Damage Caused To Russian Aircraft At Khmeimim Air Base From Militant Shelling

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Photos Allegedly Show Damage Caused To Russian Aircraft At Khmeimim Air Base From Militant Shelling

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Photos Allegedly Show Damage Caused To Russian Aircraft At Khmeimim Air Base From Militant Shelling

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how do we know what the truth is?


In fact, those photo’s could come from anywhere, any time.

Tudor Miron

Some times even Dutchy is making sense :)


Dutch’s alter ego sometimes does :)


We all forgot UKRAINE.

How about if we go a few years back??? Rain and what not???

Gary Sellars

OMG, I upvoted Dutch (cuz his comment was spot on..)

Don’t think I can do this regularly… it seems… unnatural… LOL


You never do. That’s assuming there even is such a thing as ‘the truth’. The guy from Dilbert has it there is not even something as ‘reality’. Everyone is just experiencing a movie that his or her mind made up to make sense of what their senses experience. Our brains basically construct a picture of reality. That is why there is no such thing as common sense. Or why what seems so perfectly logical to you does not get accepted by others. Or why people can hold such extreme views. We’re all the stars in our personal home movie in our own reality bubble. We all live in our own personal Matrix.


That is bullshit. Of course there is truth. There can be billion opinions, but what hapened, the truth is only one.


There is a reality that the US seeks to ‘skate around’ though but cannot ignore and that is when a person or people actually get shot or blown apart in the US ‘narrative wars.

Facebook and Twitter warfare are all very well but as the US regime is not bothered about what the people say, what is the point? And do the mass of Twitter followers care anyway ?

paul ( original )

In a time of Photoshop, pictures may always lie.

Igor Dano

Russians have to do the same to the jewels and Americans.


As President Putin withdrew some military personnels guarding air base so militants look for week points and in the result they got the access to the air base to cause damage.


The pictures depict the rear of an SU 24, but the damage resembles that of a strike from a solid , maybe a bird ??????? There is simply not enough shrapnel damage to prove it was caused by a motor round. The ground is soaking wet in all photos, so its anybodies guess where these pictures were taken…………………. Manchester ????????? ( Hey I’m joking !!!!!!!!!)


I just spotted this comment from another blogger “Starlight”, which is related to this incident, and I think he has hit the truth on the head…………….

Starlight • 38 minutes ago

Here’s a clue for the clueless. The jewish terror state, thanks to billions of dollars of FREE cash from poor USA taxpayers, has a myriad of satelites constantly taking excellent photos of Russian facllities everywhere. When Russia suffers any kind of ‘black eye’, the jews publish images and gloat.

The gloating howls like a demon in places like the Syria war reddit forum. Or liveleak. When a few years back the Russians lost a ton of planes to fire on a very poorly serviced airbase in Syria, the photos of the destruction appeared the next day (tho it took Russia a LONG time to admit the disaster).

Yet this time- NOTHING. No pictures- no gloating. And then, in a Russian newspaper controlled by Britain’s MI6, this. Just in time for Russia’s election cycle.

So NO LEAKED jewish Israeli satellite images. No forum gloating at the time. NOTHING.

So all the evidence points to a SUCCESSFUL insertion of British MI6 FAKE NEWS into a major (fake) independent news outlet in Russia. That- guys- is how Britain plays the Great Game.

But british spooks are REJOICING at the response, as witnessed in the comments here. FUD (google it) is designed to have thickie chattering classes fall over themsleves to discuss the FAKE facts of the FUD.

Learn to spot fake news, guys, and ignore it. Fake news is designed to be ‘exciting’ to tempt the terminally naive to waste time talking about it- and thus absorbing its message.

AM Hants

Brilliant comment and so glad you shared it for others to read. Seriously makes sense and no doubt there will be many incidents like the above, before the Russian Presidential Elections.


Many thanks, but the credits go to “Starlight”.

John Whitehot

“When a few years back the Russians lost a ton of planes to fire on a very poorly serviced airbase in Syria”

Lolololololol you oughta call this starlight and ask him where on earth has he read about this. Also watch out before crediting his posts because he’s know to hid things in them like “Putin’s weak and won’t defend Syria” etc.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes , he does as it’s a US operation under the starlight moniker.

Graeme Rymill

“The starlight moniker”!!!!???? Doe he know the secret handshake though?


Good points, but sometimes I disregard the B.S. and filter it for the “meat”if it rings true. Occasionally even crap oysters drop the odd decent pearl. We’re living in interesting times John.

John Whitehot

“We’re living in interesting times John”

I concur, probably more interesting that most realize.


Was also wondering about the cited claim, ‘… a few years back the Russians…lost a ton of planes to fire…in Syria…’, err, when exactly, Mr Starlight?!!

John Whitehot

:D, besides if we were to go into hilarious mode, we could say that “a ton of planes” equates to about 1/15 of a Sukhoi-27 ..

Graeme Rymill

RT knew about it:



Where to even start with this one…’ton of [Russian] planes’…?!!

No, unverified claims of four destroyed Russian helicopters disputed by Russian MoD. And unverified claims of ISIS attack. Again, disputed by Russian MoD. Actual origin of these claims? Not actually RT, who merely reported on the claims and Russian MoD responses – but rather claims originate with STRATFOR – the US intelligence related think-tank. Highly speculative, and anti-Russian, fake news from a US CIA aligned think-tank…

Graeme Rymill

You did read this bit, did you Bob?

“Meanwhile Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing a source at the T4 base, that that the helicopters were damaged as a result of a fire at the airfield.

‘The cause of the fire is unknown. It began near the area where the four helicopters were stationed, with fire-trucks unable to get close to the epicenter of the blaze due to a sudden mortar attack by terrorists. The flame quickly spread to helicopters,’ the source told the agency, adding no one has been injured in the shelling.

“THE SOURCE TOLD THE AGENCY” – so not the source told Startfor, not the source told the CIA, nor even that the source told the American Boy Scouts – but the source told the RIA Novosti news agency – the state-operated domestic Russian-language news agency.

When you put blinkers on Bob you can blind yourself to what is being written. None of this proves beyond a doubt that it happened but you can’t say there isn’t evidence.


Oh dear – that’s getting rather desperate Graeme. Did you even read the same article? An unaccredited ‘source’ at the Russian airfield …so…who.. exactly…meanwhile all of the serious allegations come from STRATFOR. Everything in that article is predicated upon STRATFOR claims based on some dude in Virginia perusing satellite photographs. Notably, this was shortly after the Russians took US by complete surprise with military-aviation intervention in Syria to halt the foreign US-Gulf sponsored proxy war on the Syrian state. STRATFOR is y no means a credible news agency – it is a CIA affiliated think-tank, who rather have a biased interest the fight. — Stratfor (@Stratfor) May 24, 2016

Graeme Rymill

Starlight misremembered an article from over 18 months ago. He said “planes” when the alleged event was about helicopters. Big deal! You couldn’t even manage to remember that with your “did the rest of the world somehow miss that event?!!” The event wasn’t missed for example by SouthFront… they didn’t believe it but they still reported it. https://southfront.org/satellite-imagery-prove-that-4-russian-mi-24-attack-helicopters-have-been-destroyed-in-syria/

As to the source – it is being reported by RIA Novosti an official Russian Government media outlet – not CNN or the New York Times. Is RIA Novosti unreliable “fake news” main stream media too? Oh yes I forgot…..they are totally reliable, total truthful unless of course they happen to report something that goes against your personal narrative. Who is really doing the bypassing? You or me?

For the slow learners in the class (that’s you!) let’s go through the various claims.

Stratfor alleges ISIS attacked and destroyed 4 Russian helicopters and backs its claims with some satellite photos

The Russian Defence Ministry denies the claims.

An official Russian media outlet also denies that the helicopters were destroyed but instead says they were in fact damaged, not by ISIS, but by a fire.

The Russian Ministry of Defence notably failed to brand this new version from RAI Novosti “fake news”!!!!

So your contention that all these claims emanate from Stratfor is simply wrong. Some of course do come from Stratfor. Some come quite separately from an official Russian media source that refutes Startfor’s account and substitutes its own.

You may not agree with Starlight’s comments. He did get the facts jumbled but he didn’t make the whole thing up as you and the others imply.


‘He [Starlight] did get the facts jumbled…’ ‘So your contention that all these claims emanate from Stratfor is simply wrong. Some of course do come from Stratfor.’

Some smooth logic there, dude.

So you essentially confirmed the claims of ‘Starlight’ were factually wrong and that the RT report concerned speculative claims from STRATFOR think tank analysts – that were refuted by Russian MoD.

Graeme Rymill

He read it on the RT news site:


“Meanwhile Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency reported, citing a source at the T4 base, that that the helicopters were damaged as a result of a fire at the airfield.

‘The cause of the fire is unknown. It began near the area where the four helicopters were stationed, with fire-trucks unable to get close to the epicenter of the blaze due to a sudden mortar attack by terrorists. The flame quickly spread to helicopters,’ the source told the agency, adding no one has been injured in the shelling.”

John Whitehot

you fail to report the whole part in which the ministry of defence denies any chopper has been damaged and obviously only talk about an “unnamed source”.

I remember the episode, stratfor had come out with photoshopped pics, its spokeperson struggling before cameras trying to underline how “an entire combat section of helicopters were destroyed by ISIS mortars”; after which, the US intelligence community distanced themselves from stratfor and stated that damage was caused by “a fire starting in a fuel tank” but there was no sign of ISIS attacks, which is exactly what the “unnamed source” stated.

Blue Centurion

Whats the Frequency Kenneth?


These are fakes. A mortar round would spatter lots of holes on the planes sides. The damages are more like being struck with single object.

Definitely. Fake

Jim Prendergast

This is unfortunate but not overwhelming. My uncle fought in the Battle of Britain and all of his wing were strafed to pieces on the runway, ground-crews killed and most pilots burned. They sill won the war.


Is time to returnig Russians and burn all unauthorised rats in Syria !


Two pics of a damaged rear wing (only hillbillies from the US will believe shrapnel does this).. aaand a single tiny hole causing a leak while the rest of the plane is in perfect condition. Damn I’m convinced.

Graeme Rymill

We have no idea how big the mortar rounds were (60mm? 82mm? 120mm?); were they high explosive rounds or high explosive plus fragmentation?; how many rounds were fired?; how close they possibly landed to any planes? (assuming they did land near planes)

You guys know nothing definite about the incident except that 2 Russians were killed. Yet all of a sudden you and Joe and dontlietome are experts on the blast and fragmentation effects of mortars. You make me laugh with your instant “expert” opinions.

Gary Sellars

Don’t be a schmuck. If this Su-24 had been hit by a mortar round or a HE shell its CLEAR the damage wouldn’t be confined to the elevator and that shrapnel damage and charring would be visible over the rear fuselage.

Graeme Rymill

Clear to who? You? You may have a pre-conceived idea of what a mortar round does when it explodes. I suspect it come from Hollywood movies though…

Gary Sellars

Again, you are being a schmuck. HE shells inflict blast and fragmentation damage. They don’t simply twist and tear up metal.

For how long have you been a terror-supporter? Do they pay you in Saudi Rials?

Graeme Rymill

So according to you when a mortar shell explodes say some distance from its target it ALWAYS inflicts both blast and fragmentation damage? It NEVER inflicts just blast damage or just fragmentation damage along any axis within its cone of destruction.

This sort of thought process (or perhaps lack of a thought process) tells me you know jackshit about what you are so vehemently maintaining.

Gary Sellars

Aircraft are soft skinned. If a blast wave from a detonated munition is severe enough to rip a sizeable chunk from a Su-24 elevator flap, then its going to be close enough to suffer fragmentation damage. I’d also expect to see frag damage on the remnants of the elevator panel and similar blast damage (to some degree) on the rudder and fuselage, but there is nothing.

Its not rocket science…. Now kindly STFU and stop shilling for the Wahabbi camel-fondlers.

Graeme Rymill

Aircraft are soft skinned? Gosh! I am learning from the master!

Your reply indicates you believe a mortar bomb explosion occurs in a predictable fashion with both blast and fragmentation damage being evenly distributed around the cone of destruction. This tells me all I really need to know about how much you know about this topic: fuck all!

Gary Sellars

Did I make any statements about fragments distribution? No, I clearly didn’t. I simply stated the fucking obvious.

Aircraft are soft skinned, just like you apparently….

Graeme Rymill

I am soft skinned???? You’re not coming on to me are you Gary? I love you like a brother but I am not into that!

Gary Sellars


soft skinned = easily upset, no resilience, whines little a butthurt little bitch when proved wrong.

Graeme Rymill

I think the phrase you are struggling with is “thin skinned”…..

Rex drabble



I lived in a warzone (aleppo city.. near bustan al-basha) for the length of the war. I’m not an expert.. but i learned what mortars do as time went by. And anyway no one can claim destroying 7 aircraft and damaging others by showing a damaged rear wing and a leak.

Graeme Rymill

You are missing my point: I don’t claim these photos prove anything! I claim that these photos DON’T disprove that a mortar attack damaged or destroyed planes.

To me the photos are inconclusive – to the fanboys on this site just by looking at these 3 photos they KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt that no mortar ever hit these planes. It is this arrogant certainty that they can, with their perfect accuracy and analysis, interpret these photos is what i find laughable.

AM Hants

The wonder of photo shop.


Mr.Putin twice dont finish his job and leave batterfield.His people pay for this by life !


What a bullshit fake argument. Sorry, you failed.

Tudor Miron

Honestly, I’m not really sure that this pictures are taken in Syria – looking at the clothing of people there. Anyway I see one Su-24 being damaged and it’s obvious that plane will be rebuild fairly easily (but not within Hmeimim airbase).

Graeme Rymill

This is what Russian Air Force Ground crew in Syria normally wear: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e729957f02926c9ac5353e90f1d935b17d86b456918d57fdc01954ea2936c0d4.jpg

However for late December in Syria it might be a bit cool for shorts and t-shirts. It got as low as 11 degrees that day in Latakia and there was 7mm of rain!

See: https://www.wunderground.com/history/airport/OSLK/2017/12/31/DailyHistory.html?req_city=Latakia&req_state=LA&req_statename=Syria&reqdb.zip=00000&reqdb.magic=1&reqdb.wmo=40022


It is winter now, so I presume they wear warmer clothes.

John Whitehot

I think I’ve read somewhere that Hmeinim has infrastructure to repair any damage that isn’t a “written off” (too damaged to economically justify a repair)

Gary Sellars

Agreed as Su-24 are old style ex-Soviet and the design emphasis was on serviceability in the field. They’ll replace the damaged components, patch the skin as needed, and send her back in.


Something odd about the pictures, seems like the damage was from the inside -out. Can’t be from a shelling. Also this damage is fixable with the right parts. Anyways we’ll learn more in a few hours.


The timing is perfect, with the now aborted uprising (with just 15k people in total from different cities in Iran). US asking the UNSC to meet on Iran protests (the UNSC refused to meet on this issue). Pakistan dropping the USD in favor of the Yuan. The Koreas are talking without the US as intermediate.

All this is showing some kind of desperation from the US and they will use all their might to stir up as much trouble as they can.

Weldon Cheek

Are the protests pretty much over now?i noticed a few comments saying there has been massive overstatement of the scale but that there are still protests going on(although not nearly as volitile as has been reported in msm).

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They always protest the inflation in that country it’s nothing new show me a country that doesn’t protest inflation.


Well said, I had not thought to connect those dots.

Nigel Maund

Well said and almost certianly correct. The US – CIA – Mossad engineers so much trouble it would blow you mind to see just how much they are responsible for around the world. Human life means absolutely nothing to these people. They have no moral compass whatsoever. Indeed, if the were navigators they would be perpetually lost and would never reach any port except by pure chance.


The actual weather forecast for Latakia is 9-13 Celsius and lots of rain. So the weather on the photos is realistic, also the clothes. The green grass in the background could also grow during winter time. So far the location settings could be correct. The damage from mortar shelling could be everything, from a single hole to massiv destruction. But it is fact that the shelling took place and it is very likely that as a result some equipment could have been damaged. The airbase is 24/7 on duty, so not all aircrafts have been in shelter. As we can see, the aircraft with the single hole was fully equipped with bombs and ready for take off.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The 2 look like they didn’t get their damage from mortars as the hole in the tank could be from a rivet popping out temperature changes can affect aluminum adversely. The plane with rear torn tail can happen when in air under these circumstances have seen similar problems on US air bases so don’t be surprised about it happening.

Graeme Rymill

I should have known Woolpuller would be a world expert on the forensics of combat aircraft damage! Rivets popping due to temperature changes? I don’t suppose you have any sources for that? Oh.. I forgot.. you never do….

John Whitehot

“The green grass in the background could also grow during winter time”

That grass doesn’t grow up if you don’t plant it. The base was bare land in all pics I saw so far, the only grass that could grow there is some isolated weed.

You talk about shelters, and there are only few, if any at Hmeinim.

I also took the liberty of downloading the pics, and they are suspiciously low-resolution for being taken in 2018. Also, who did release them? Because it’s very strange that the Russians would release any pic of the incident.

This is very unconvincing, and is pretty much taking the shape of one of those bullshittery contest made by yanks for propaganda hits.

Graeme Rymill

“The base was bare land in all pics I saw so far”

I am not even sure there is any green grass in those pictures above.. there’s something green though.

In any case your search for grassy pics wasn’t very thorough John:


http://america.aljazeera.com/multimedia/photo-gallery/2015/10/photos-russian-offensive-in-syria.html [See photos 2 and 3 ]


David BlackBeard

Putin said , if Assad will need some help we will come back .. ( something like that ))) but I Think , HTS decided to not wait for Assad to ask for extra help , so they did it by themself … )))) they asked to get wiped out like isis did ))) HTS , guys , very smart very very very smart of you ))


So was not fake news..Very wrong Putin decision to withdraw part of troops from Syria


I simply cannot agree…………….. with all the other incidents world-wide co-incidentally occurring now, the Pres. needs his army at home. This not a prank for the voters at home, this was agreed with Pres.Assad before hand. Look at Iran at the mo’, what if the US/Zio sponsored coup had taken hold…………..and with Iran sharing a border with Russia, do you not think that perhaps Pres.Putin knew something was in the offing ?

That Guy

If this did happen for real, then a major operation should be launched north, northeast, and east of Latakia, to expand a buffer zone for Hmemim airbase, and surveillance should be done strictly and carefully to prevent any mobile infiltrator from getting near the airbase.


The enemy was headed by Spec.Ops from either SAS/Delta/Israeli/Nato……….. or all of them, and they were receiving intel in real time from the Israelis whose Satellites observe the Russian installations 24/7.Frankly , I will admit that I saw this coming months ago, I am only very saddened by the loss of 2 very brave men who died on the field very far from their home.

Graeme Rymill

“The enemy was headed by Spec.Ops from either SAS/Delta/Israeli/Nato”

Based on what exactly? Your gut feeling?


Yes, its just an assumption, but let’s consider what we do “know”. We know that all of the above are still very active in the country. We know this from certain websites who can be considered good sources of factual intel. We also have photographic evidence, and then we even have the Jewish owned MSM crowing the Israeli involvement because they are proud of it and regard themselves as untouchable. Israeli commando’s/spec ops are very active, you only have to peruse the Debka files to read how they aid the ISIS terrs. The SAS are active there, I have first-hand knowledge of this, so its a fact. As for the operation itself, most ISIS are still a bunch of ragtag morons who can carry an rpg or swap the clip of an a.k. but they have no leadership qualities in the slightest, hence they get outside help. Consider also that they fired from an area that is relatively well dominated by the SAA and outside the Russian defence troops buffer zone. So how did they get intel as too the layout of the airbase ? How did they infil and exil , and not get seen let alone caught ? Who set up the mortar and knew where the aircraft were parked ? All of this requires outside expertise. So what’s your take, if you consider mine to be faulty ?


To quote you;- “Dutchnational (and me too!) enjoy pointing out mistakes because of the unthinking acceptance that all pro-Assad news is true and all bad news (bad news from the Assadist perspective) is “fake news” or “zio lies”. It is time you guys looked a little more critically at information. Otherwise you end up looking like a bunch of tunnel visioned fools.” Who the fuck are you to tell us what to do or think ? You are a non-entity with no more knowledge or experience than most others here. Dutch National is a hubris-hate filled monster and is treated as such, and if you ever manage to bring anything of real interest, other than criticism, then that will be the day. But I doubt it. From what I have read of your posts , you consider yourself some sort of “One-eyed-King in the kingdom of the blind”, the know all, but with nothing too offer………………..if you don’t like what people write on a website that you obvious deride, then expect a rough ride…………….more fool you.


It doesn’t take many spare parts to fix such damage.

David Colin Leach

So Planes were damaged ? Make your mind up ffs.

Weldon Cheek

So the russians admit that yes,a mortar landed killing two personel ,damaged couple of planes aswell,BIG WHOOP!! THE RUSSIANS ARE SENDING THE WAHABBI MONKEYS STRAIGHT TO HELL IN FRAGMENTS ON A CONSTANT DAILY BASIS!! If the russians HADDENT had a few misshaps here and there then that would of been dodgy news! One things for sure,for the price of a couple of personel and a bit of aluminium patches those jihadis will ay one hell of a price, wonder if its time for a F.O.A.B????

John Whitehot

I’m not sure the pics depict planes hit on the ground. The first pic shows an aircraft that has had fluid coming out and washing back, apparently due to air drag action. This means it has sustained battle damage and has reentered.

The last pic shows a plane with a puncture in the right fuel conduits, yet it has a bomb loaded, and it’s unlikely (although not impossible) that parked planes sit on the tarmac with bombs loaded.

In any case, the damage shown can be repaired in few hours, having access to spare parts, and is very far from the claim “7 planes destroyed” made by ragheads

Graeme Rymill

“the damage shown…….is very far from the claim ‘7 planes destroyed’ made by ragheads” But if true it is also very far from the claims of “fake news” and “Photoshopped” made by the Assadist cheerleaders on this site…. so there you go…..it’s a complex world as I always say! :-)

Gary Sellars

Have you finished embarrassing yourself?

No? Yeah, I afraid that was the case…

John Whitehot

“it’s a complex world as I always say! :-)”

yep, complex enough for your kind to “fish in the mud”, if you know what I mean.

You have failed to convince a single “Assad cheerleader” that your beloved jihadist pets managed to cause any kind of substantial damage, beside the casualties.


Take you photoshopped pics, your Stratfor claims, your paid dissidents and GFY while falling down a cliff.


Look not at the gaping hole, but the immediate surrounding material and construction, its virtually flawless, and no holes what so ever if it was supposedly hit my an granat, witch usually shoots never the less, scrap metals around the wound (aka the explosion, witch is an metal casing), and look also at the material/plate in the hole, no holes shining thru, so I think this are cut out of some plains, that probably have had some accident, in flight or static, and the leak, well, an lucky rifle shoot may have done that, etc, again, the inconsistency of lacking more physical profs, incl the impact zone to verify anything else, an not an granate from whatever, no way. Simply put, this images are to clean.


Graeme Rymill

Are the pictures true? Who knows?

Why pretend though that you have any real knowledge of what a plane should look like if hit or near-missed by a mortar? You analysis is just made up bullshit couched in terms that you think make you sound technically knowledgeable.

John Whitehot


American C-123 hit by mortars in NAM

Graeme Rymill

so what? what does this picture tell us about the recent pictures? nothing!

Langaniso Mhlobo

Western colleagues won’t stop promoting terrorism.

Manuel Flores Escobar

I remember western propagande telling about 4 Russian helicopter destroyed by ISIS artillery attack on one base in Palmyra in 2016…of course it was a fake as russian helicopter were deployed in Homs air base near Shayrat..they posted photoshop image of 4 Syrian Mi 8 out of service parked!

John Whitehot

they even claimed a Syrian Mig-25 destroyed in the event, a plane that was lying there since before the start of the war


If the ministry of defense denied, then who took the pictures? a Spy?

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