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MARCH 2025

Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City “Occupied By Assad Regime”

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While the Syrian “moderate opposition” and the mainstream media continue blaming the “Assad regime” for the “occupation” of the city of Aleppo, photos circulating online show a bit different picture of the situation in the city.

Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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Photos: Christmas In Aleppo City "Occupied By Assad Regime"

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John Whitehot

it’s heartwarming to see children be able to celebrate Christmas, and their mothers to be near them without the obligation to wear headgear,

Perhaps the democratic, civilized medias of the western nations which were glorifying jihadism and fundamentalism should show us pictures of Aleppo and other city “liberated” by the moderate jihadists during the Christmas period, and then let western people decide by themselves which is the bloody dictatorship.



There are some 50 ‘Muslim’ nations. While traditional in many of them most do not mandate headscarves so let’s not tar all ‘Muslim’ with the brush of Saudi Arabia and Iran.

John Whitehot

i didn’t say “Muslims”, but “Jihadists” and “Fundamentalists”.


You said: “their mothers to be near them without the obligation to wear headgear.’

John Whitehot

exactly. in countries where a state of law exist it is not an obligation, exactly like Syria, Egypt, Algeria and so on – they are Muslim majority countries without sharia law.

In the end, it’s very zionist to make Islamic populations be coincident with sharia at all costs.

It’s zionist money, dollars, that paid for the formation of religious fanatics in the 80ies, because the plan was to introduce the seeds of jihadism in Soviet controlled central Asia.

Hide Behind

Now this is more like it, and the only uniforms expressed is that of the innocence of children in Santa clothes. No camoflage, or AK toting bearded killers, only people enjoying peace, not just the peace from wars chaos ending, but the peace of people’s hearts rejoicing together. No fear of the unknown man or woman beside them suddenly going beserk; in an insane rage, turning the lights of celebration of life, into the red of blood stained streets. Sounds not of bombs and bullets, the moans of agony and then the praising to unknown God’s for their terrible deeds. That night, that feeling should last, but sadly it is not the people’s there gathered who will decide wether it does or not; no it will be decided by a peoples outside of their natoon, a peoples that do not and cannot stand peace.

It is not just because of a man made holiday of peace , no it is the search for peace by living every day in search of it, that matters.

Pave Way IV

Celebrating Christmas?? This is an outrage!

Chopper in some White Helmets and TOWs immediately. Stage an Assad chemical weapons attack on the Christmas tree crowd – but don’t let them see our drone this time. Hire Sharia Patrols (Germany has plenty) to hunt down and beat those infidel children with rubber hoses. Then take out more Syrian infrastructure: just tell Bibi that Hezbollah has a missile factory in the basement of the power plant. Syrians want a white Christmas? They’ll get a white phosphorous Christmas!

Syrians must learn to appreciate the gift of corrupt western democracy – the gift that never stops giving. We can strap suicide vest on Wahhabized elves if that’s what it will take.


Look at all those “Barrel bombs” being dropped by the “Assad regime” on the “Democracy loving” “Moderate” opposition who rose up in a “Grassroots revolution” against his “Dictatorial” rule.


These are beautiful and heart warming pictures.


Lovely to see Aleppo free and happy!

Eric Holt

Too many fools. A couple thousand people on one street corner are not representative of “all Syrian People” Christians in syria are an absolute minority. NO…repeat NO muslim will celebrate xmas. It violates his very belief of islam! Whether he be a good or bad muslim. This is staged propaganda to fool the world…. but it only fools, fools! Congrats for joining those ranks! Time to be real, folks. The death and destruction is just behind them there buildings with all the pretty lil satas making a mokery of Islam. It “would” be heartwarming to see a real xmas there one day!

Hide Behind

Damn, there is always at least one Grinch in every crowd, looking to make trouble. Who gives a Fly’n pig if Chritians are a minority, they have been partaking of their faith upon Syrian lands long before Islam became a political force. And someone should go back and read what profits said upon treat.ent of Christians. He’ll as a Deist, I do not give a darn what religion one is, just don’t try to jam it down by force. What is writen? HEy the whole world is a stage, and one with backwards, ignorant, intolerance, actors. The fact of they are not living under threat of freaked fanatics , and their government shows acceptance of their religious rights, and uses it as propaganda,. That it shows World at large more truth of Syria than any Islamic group on or not of outside Syrian Islamics payrolls , have done in last 5 years.


Why would muslims celebrate Christmas ??? Do you celebrate muslim festivities ???? And these people are christian.

leon mc pilibin

Muslims and Christians have been living in harmony in Syria,Iraq,and Palestine for thousands of years.its only Zionist scumbags that want to change this fact.Sunni’s are the majority in the Syrian armed forces,yet the Zionists want us to believe that the Shi’a are the enemy,but they fight Zionism together,as proven by Iranians. By the way,the largest Jewish population outside of israhell is in IRAN,but they don’t want anything to do with the fake Zionist variety occupying Palestine.


Thank you…I couldn’t have said it better. The western public has been led to believe the worst of lies concerning the ME. Yet it is a mystery as to why Israel gets a pass, even when they are beating and stealing from Christians, let alone Muslims. To make matters worse, Christians in the US continue to support Israel, even as they commit the worst of crimes. But, Assad must go.


Sorry, they never lived in harmony for thousands of years. Which and why one group of them is rising and rest is quickly dying? Syria was the oldest and largest Christian country 16 hundreds years ago.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I prefer to see Syrian children wearing Santa suites instead of wearing army greens and toting guns. Why is it you think these kids or even their parents are making a mockery of Islam just because they’re celebrating a religious festival. By your reckoning that means that all Muslims living in a non Islamic countries are just disrespecting those countries whenever they adhere to their own religious customs, maybe some do but not all. I do hear what the vast majority of Syrians from all the different factions are saying and that is, stop killing our children and destroying our country. You have to remember that Aleppo was one of the first areas to rebel against the government, and has only recently been liberated allowing the citizens to have any sort of voice. Take a look at the pro government rallies they held in Aleppo after the liberation. The vast majority of the people rallying were Muslims and a lot of them were anti Assad to begin with, but they got to see first hand what the alternative to Assad was and changed their minds. No decent parent wants to see their children dying for rich men’s greed. The natural gas and oil pipeline to Europe is the jewel they’re all fighting for, the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Europe on one side, Iran Iraq and Russia on the other, along with Turkey and Qatar which have switched sides. The only fools around here, are the ones that believe the governments that rule the western world, are doing anything but looking after themselves, they don’t care about the welfare of families, even in their own countries, just profit margins and power bases. If you think that people that believe this is anything but propaganda are fools, then I’m a total imbecile and happy about it.


It’s called inclusiveness. It was this way before in Syria. That’s why the west bombed them to near oblivion…can’t have different ethnicities or religions co-existing is peace now can they? The west has to have fake animosity for their plans to work. From these people celebrating, I’d say their plan is kaput. Different religions in Syria have always looked out for each other…regardless of what MSM would have us to believe.

Alexander Malinowski

NO Muslim will celebrate Xmas, you mean no bad muslim will celebrate xmas. Why we even talk about those intolerant biggots??? They have no right to exists on our planet in 21st century. We need secular Muslims and people with whom we can celebrate.


This Christmas are real, because they are in such difficult conditions after such horrible times of terror. You can see good man and his wife, non Christians who were able to freed their Christian people from evil. Course this are not your “real Christmas” under the Christmas tree somewhere in TESCO.

Manuel Flores Escobar

USA and their western countries puppets wish for other countries that consider them enemies o rivals like Syria, Libya,Yemen… some countries in South America or even “allies” like Ukraine, Mexico or Afganistan…to live under islamic whahabi occupation or under Mafia & drugs cartels in other cases!… for them everything is part of Globalization, Geoestrategic movements and emigration!

Jaime Galarza

It’s moving to see these pictures. The monsters inhabiting Washington DC, Paris, London, Ankara, Tel Aviv and other Gulf capitals couldn’t care less about the deaths of these innocent people.

Andre Faria

I’d like to knwo what is written in the banners of several countries on the buildings. Someone help to translate, please!

Mario Ceva

But the west goverments are not happy . They want ISIS in Damasco and Assad go.

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