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Photos Of ‘Russian-Supplied’ Battle Tanks In Libya Surface Online

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On December 19, Libyan activists shared on social media photos allegedly showing “Russian-supplied” battle tanks with the Libyan National Army (LNA).

Activists said the battle tanks, several T-62MVs and at least one T-62M, were supplied by Russia because they carried “Russian markings” which were spotted before in Ukraine and Syria. Tanks with similar markings were seen before with the LNA in Libya.

The T-62MV is an upgraded variant of the T-62 with the Kontakt-1 explosive reactive armour, ERA.

While Russia may be the original source of these battle tanks, this is not certain. Other countries which are purchasing older weapons for the LNA may be responsible.

Photos Of ‘Russian-Supplied’ Battle Tanks In Libya Surface Online

Click to see full-size image.

Egypt supplied T-55s battle tanks for the LNA in the past. One of the tanks, a variant developed by the Egyptian military, was seized by forces loyal to the Government of National Accord (GNA) in May.

Furthermore, recently it was revealed that the UAE supplied the LNA with Serbian-made LRSVM Morava modular self-propelled multiple rocket launchers.

Regardless of the real source of the battle tanks, the LNA appears to be increasing it offensive capability. The LNA is likely preparing for a new round of clashes with forces of the GNA, which recently received an increased support from Turkey.


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Lone Ranger

Good ol T-62 still kicking ass. Russia has tens of thousends of these laying around so why not.

Kenny Jones ™

Hopefully they thought about reactive armor this time so (suicide) drones don’t fck it

Steve Standley

These T-62 upgraded have Kontakt-1. Russian ERA (explosive reactive armor) capabilities are described here: https://youtu.be/Bp_3iOotSq0

Kenny Jones ™

That cover tho, what is with Putin’s face lmao

Steve Standley

The Red Effect guy is Russian. Pretty sure he likes Putin, but he’s very critical of Russian tanks as well as every other tank in the world. If you want to know a weakness in a tank, he can tell you.

Kenny Jones ™

The best defense is an offense, if the sky is closed, tanks can not be targeted from above and that is already a big relief, reactive armor on the sides and you’re ready to go

Steve Standley

Yup. And Kontact-1 is not a bad decision. Most RPG rounds are single-charged. ATGMS which feature a lot of tandem shaped-charges are much more expensive by comparison. Tank-on-tank battles featuring APFSDS are rare.


Think he’s Serbian.

Steve Standley

yeah i wasn’t sure, but he’s VERY thorough, and pulls information from Russian sources. But he could be Serbian. it would explain his affinity for Russia.

Steve Standley

Point is, they have Kontakt-1 which is not that great. See below.


But, the story, is obviously complete BS. At first those Soviet T-62 [of all variants] floating around all over ME, North Africa, Central Asia and probably in every former Soviet Republic ect. Than they are some spotted in a conflict in North Africa [Oh surprise] and than some guys shouting Russia Russia just to give the ‘Impression’ that Russia is involved…it’s complete Horseshit…it’s called fabricating a ‘Narrative’.

Kenny Jones ™

Battle of Sirte is nearing, Turks haven’t had enough last time


Increasing fire power and mobility for LNA is a plus, air superiority and EW are critical.


Bringing older tanks with reactive armour in Libya is a sign that LNA major supporters have taken into account the Turkish drone and air threat and will deploy the necessary military assets to suppress them and render them ineffective

Servet Köseoğlu

Cheap baked bean..one shot.. capiche..xD

Ice Icegold

Much better than your never going to happen tank production program of Altay… ?

Servet Köseoğlu

You can never know the future..but ı prefer buying tank from someone not trying to produce whwn you dont have know-how of engine and transmission.. Even it happens it will be extremely expensive…


Got shafted by both Koreans and Americans i see.

Servet Köseoğlu

+Germans..even the south koreans apply for Germans when things get complicated in transmissions+tank gun..

Steve Standley

If you guys want a very good source for all the details on Soviet/Russian tanks, Check out “Red Effect” on Youtube; Russian kid sounds about 14 years old but gives every single detail on Russian tanks; including all upgrades, which relate to optics, targeting software, cannons, explosive reactive armor (which varies a lot), engines, armor type and thicknesses, etc. This is not a promotion, I just subscribe to the channel.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

T-62’s should get Pantsir mobile support. No point moving the heavy armour without such support.

Steve Standley

They definitely need AA support, but a Pantsir is about 10x or more the price of a T-62. Maybe more. These are great AA systems, but they’re not cheap. they are in the 5 to 10 million dollar range. T-62s have got to be in the low hundred thousand range by now. Russia has a ton of older AAGM systems that also might be suitable. i guess it just depends on what they are facing. Do you know what aircraft they are facing??

Me&Myself None

Cannon fodder (target practice) for Turkish drones.


Atleast theres survival and most cases easily fixed to get up and running again unlike the wests whoms ripp off the floor pan,let alone easily rip them open,target practice maybe not all drones hit their mark either,infact vewry low hit rates!

Lone Ranger

Turkisis drones can only operate if air defenses are offline.


Meh… just some warmed-over T-62’s. Not much really.

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