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MARCH 2025

Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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Photos have appeared online confirming a large advance made by the Syrian Arab Army Tiger Forces against ISIS in the province of Homs.

Photos how Tiger Forces members in the recently liberated Kawn oasis in only about 30km from the recently liberated town of Sukhna north of Palmyra.

The Toger Forces are advancing along the Resafa-Sukhna road in order ot link the government-held areas in the provinces of Homs and Raqqah and to cut off ISIS members in the eastern Hama countryside from their allies in the rest of Syria.

Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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Photos: Tiger Forces Troops In Recently Liberated Kawn Oasis In Homs Province

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I don’t know how they managed to advance. they are so poorly equiped.

It’s their will and the freedom that guid them. If they had better weapons, they will have been more effective.


Are you serious?


Yes, I am They even don’t have helmet. A sniper shot in the head and boom dead.


1.- They are not in full gear. 2.- It is Syrian SPECOPS 3.- They have been highly successful.


I think that you have never see SAA soldiers in battlefield in videos. They are not correctly equipped.

Hezbollah fighters are better equiped. Hezbollah is like a real army. That’s why they defeated israel.


I agree with you saying Hezbollah soldier’s seem to wear full army kit and bulliet proof gear , helmet and so on if the whole SAA did wear full army kit I believe it could have saved a lot of them maybe 20% less death’s saw a good program about not wearing helmets and wearing them..there huge advantage in wearing a helmet ..I was really surprised all the way through the six year’s about army gear.. plus Hezbollah are very good soldier’s they know how to fight plus they don’t shout (God is great) they are very professional that way


A sniper shot in the head is traumatic whether wearing a modern helmet or not.


I think that there is something in the helmet that absorb the energy of the bullet.


That may be so but the impact of a high velocity bullet would possibly break your neck etc,


In Afghanistan, an American has been hit by a sniper in the head. The helmet stopped the bullet and absorbed the energy. I think, the helmet was made in kevlar a thing like that.

These helmets do exist. Sky is the limit. Just think and you will find one day the solution.


That it may well do but the kinetic energy of a high velocity round hitting a kevlar helmet squarely and not a glancing blow will still produce trauma that in all likelihood will disable the wearer for a time , if not permanently.


Bulletproof helmets made from kevlar exist, but are not used by soldiers in the field because of the weight. That American that survived probably did not recieve a direct hit, but a ricochet, or a very low caliber bullet. Normal battlefield helmets offer NO protection against bullets.


Arguably though , moving in the tremendous day time heat of a desert Summer whilst wearing body armour, helmets and equipment is possibly more dangerous where being swift of foot is necessary.


Man. Nothing is impossible. Scientists have to create new material that are light and secure. Of course, if you spend your time in the coffeeshop drinking coffe and smoking, you will have nothing.


Have you ever had any optimistic thoughts ? You really must the the life and soul of any funeral :)


I’m not blindly optimistic. I rather prefer that everything has been taken into account. I call it realistic. It’s the only way to win.

Or, like Saddam Hussein, you think that you will defeat the US army and you get hanged for nothing.

Tudor Miron

Saddam Hussein was supported by US in his fight against Iran. He was simply provoked by CIA into his unfortunate Kuveit adventure. 2nd Iraq war – he didn’t do any wrong moves but that didn’t help – he had to serve his ally (US) even if it required hanging… With such “friends” one doesn’t need enemies (old Russian joke:)) Was it even beneficial for US? That win was actually the start of the end of another Empire.


I agree that the US army is adept at defeating far weaker opponents. My cat is as well.


Or maybe wait 1000 years for someone to give you what you have to do yourself.


Or maybe use what works with the reality that battlefields are inherently dangerous places :) Body armour has its place but Armadillos are slow and easier targets to hit.


Lol. You heard of Houthis?


Houthis don’t advance. They are in defensive position. And Houthis are not an army. They are simple citizens of yemen.


Lighten up, you’re too serious.


It’s the third world, and Syrian institutions are under heavy US sanctions with frozen international assets. They do not have the economic structure to purchase, nor the technical infrastructure to manufacture, mass volumes of upgraded weapons systems. The Syrian military was a Soviet client for decades – and as the Soviet Union broke up they necessarily ceased to subsidize foreign military clients with favorable export deals.

Jabbar Abbo



What is the red dot in Al taybah for are you saying the Russian airforce are going to drop more troop’s of there ???


Al Taybah is the last village that ISIS holds in this area to hold the gap open. No air assault is required. DAESH trash are running out of good cover for their forces along this road. SO HUNTING SEASON IS NOW OPEN ! EXCELLENT :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c4ded09067da6b48a36f70f4113a4a9bb3b3cda2976820c324967cece6044afe.jpg

Tudor Miron

That’s not alligator (Mi-28) but rather Black Shark Ka-52 :) But both are inflicting great damage to headchoppers.


This is an Alligator, the Ka-52. The Ka 50 is the Black Shark. The Mi-28 is the Havoc.

Tudor Miron

Oops, my bad. You are exactly right other than that they call Mi-28 “night hunter” here. Never heard Havoc but I do like it :)


Yeah Havoc is the Nato name, thats true. but isn’t the Night Hunter specifically the Mi-28N version?

Tudor Miron

Yup, it is.


Stop calling this war a “Civil War.” There is not such a Civil War, this is an aggression war to Syria made by USA-NATO-Israel (with the extra help of Jordan-Saudis-Qatar-Turkey) using mercenaries all over the world and fool syrian brain-washed persons.


Ricochets kills, as much as direct hits, in an close quarter situation, everything comes flying thru the air, and derby dangerous, to not wear helmet is reckless, not showing an lack of balls, thats nonsense, but makes it more safe to stay or move into any conflict zone.

Debris of concrete can maim you, and when heavy guns as 12.7 and upward is hammering the wall, you will probably then be happy you had this piss pot on your head, I bet. Body protection is the same, ricochets and debris, to stop an 308/7.62 I dont know. Any more than that, will hit you so hard it will most lightly kill you, internal if not externally, yeah, war sucks.

Again, experience, makes you cut down on gears, you may not need it when you are moving fast and light, thru terrain, and then attack using terrain, this heavy excesses will slow you down, so all in all its an choice the soldiers make.


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