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MARCH 2025

Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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The local Syrian media outlets have released a series of photos showing vestiges of the Israeli missile downed by the Syrian Air Defense Forces near Damascus.

Early on February 7, the Israeli Air Force fired 3 missiles at a technology research center in the Jemraya area, near the Syrian capital Damascus. At least one of the missiles was intercepted, according to pro-government sources. The released photos confrim this version.

Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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Photos: Vestiges Of Israeli Missile Downed By Syrian Forces Near Damascus

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leon mc pilibin

They must up their defences,and target 100% shoot down of the zionist terrorists missiles,,otherwise they will keep on attacking at will.


It’s impossible. Even if it did it’s way too costly.

Smith Ricky

Zios are desperate ???


Desperate for WHAT? They demanded Syrian be set back decades, and that is exactly what has happened. Their terrorist activities have the EXPLICIT backing of every major world power, Russia and China included (see the jewish connection to the ‘red’ revolution in China).


Standard and dreary anti-Russian, with added anti-Chinese, trolling from ‘Starlight’. To factually correct you again, Putin was the only powerful international political leadership that said enough is enough, after US/NATO’s Iraq and Libya aggression and ongoing chaos, and militarily intervened in Syria 2015. This was shock to combined NATO/Gulf/Israel/Jordan aggressors against Syria. As ongoing Neo-Con driven plan is to Balkanize both Levant/Mesopotamia and central Asia and shift the regional military and economic power balance in Israel’s favor.


“Never argue with an imbecile (BG), for he will bring you down to his level, and he will beat you with his experience”. Mark Twain


Excellent point and excellent quote.


It’s interesting that first military installations that supposed “Syrian” rebels targeted were air-defense sites, presumably because sovereign control of Syrian airspace was – oppressive… Now the SAA took back some of those in 2017 and put them back into operation the effects are quite visible. My only objection is why don’t Syrians report each and every attack to the Security Council, to the point of annoying andor unnerving all the member states and either force them to act or have Nikki Haley debase her self further trying to defend blatant acts of war. Either options would do…


Whilst don’t generally trust Bellingcat website as is basically pro-NATO media subsidiary – this article is very interesting, as despite the overall pro ‘rebel’ slant, between the lines it clearly suggests that in 2012 militants were directed and assigned to go after particular Syrian state air defense networks and infrastructure assets.



The Security Council hasn’t got a clue what to say they are still thinkin’ about answers….. it’s better to keep your mouth shut at the moment……. they are all in a DEEP pile o’ sheat…..this ain’t what they had in mind…. Syrians proofed to be tough cookies…..

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)



Thanks a lot.

I wholeheartedly agree: the way is to make a lot of noise. They ought to take the matter to the General Assembly of the United Nations: http://undocs.org/en/A/RES/377(V)

The solution would be overriding the United Nations Security Council by the General Assembly of the United Nations and enforcing measures against the United States of Aggression.

John Mason

Not if the Syrian, Russian, Iranians and Hezbollah give them an ultimatum, get out of Syria, pay up for the destruction caused or they will attack the US in Syria and Israel/Saudi for their violations and if it leads to WW3 then so be it. UNSC has then to make a decision; WW3 or peace.


The group did thatonths ago….but their threats are just hollow noise


Let the US veto until Nikki gets tired and feel shameful to behave illegally killing soldiers fighting terrorists.

But then Assad is scared

John Mason

Been asking myself the same question and why doesn’t Russia do the same in regards to the US violating Syrian territory and supporting terrorists.


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Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Problem is they dogo to the UN but at the Assembly as you can’t deal with the UNSC, and the US holds the veto as do two other CIA stooge countries UK and France, the other real “Eye” as both Australia and New Zealand are considered jointly.


Because Assad is a timid and weak leader not knowing that to remain silent means consent.

Assad has so many opportunities to shame US but remained silent like a a fool


Cool if true


Interesting as the construction of the missiles(there appear to be two distinct missiles in the pictures) is most certainly western…

… but that engine doesn’t seem to match anything israel is known to have. Everything that israel owns that is capable of reaching damascus is solid rocket fueled, not liquid fueled. And the missiles are much too large to be fired from a aircraft. Probably something new or unknown that israel owns.


You think only Iran is developing ground-to-ground missile tech? The jews have PROMISED a holocaust in Lebanon, and are just waiting for the Iran war to start to do so. And the jews have the pattern habit of ALWAYS describing their coming genocidal wars in exact detail, years before they happen.

The jewish holocaust in Lebanon will be accompanied by side strikes all across Syria, targeting every major military industrial facility of value. And these will also be ground-to-ground missile attacks.

The Iran War- almost here- will be accompanied by other region wars to such a degree that the total intial conflict level may as well be WW3. And Israel is looking to use the conflagration as cover for their intent to generate one million+ victims – progressing jewish plans for ‘greater’ Israel as far as possible.


You conflate anti Semitism with anti Zionism. Very weak.

Pave Way IV

Not sure about the western origin, Max, but your observation about the liquid-fueled rocket engine is correct. Israeli air-launched Popeyes (US: AGM-142 HAVE NAP) and the shorter-range Popeye II (HAVE LITE) are both solid-propellant missiles. The Israeli Turbo-Popeye is just that – a jet turbine powered version of the cruise missile. I don’t think they have any other small, liquid-fueled missiles.

The plumbing on the CD nozzle looks vaguely like something I associate with a Soviet engine. I’m wondering if the nozzle isn’t from the wreckage of the Syrian SAM instead of the Israeli missile. I don’t have a reference for Soviet liquid-fueled SAM engines, so just a guess.


Did some digging about soviet liquid fueled SAMS(as I didn’t think of that), and couldn’t find any that syria could posses(S-300 or the BUK, both are solid? Pretty sure they are, but can’t find any pictures showing the motor =( even after the MH17 debacle). Hmph, interesting.

Pave Way IV

You have to go back a little further than that. We’re talking S-75 Dvina/S-2 Guideline and S-200 Dubna/ SA-5 Gammon. I rediscovered this excellent compilation from Norbert Brügge on the Isayev’s Design Bureau’s engines.

Something like the big silvery one on the right. The nozzle manifold tubing and mixer valve look (to me) like Kermit the frog clinging to the nozzle. I blame the drugs.



Yea, but the problem is these systems aren’t advanced enough to take on a cruise/MRBM missile(?). If however they were indeed fired, they were going against the launch vehicle(?)

The problem with these attacks is that there just isn’t enough information =(

Pave Way IV

Russian techs probably upgraded guidance when they rehabilitated the remaining Syrian SA-5s and whatever else Syria has. Even SA-2s guidance brains can still be upgraded. No idea if they can use more modern engagement radars, but both systems can talk to the S-300/S-400 network.

Upgraded missiles taking out subsonic cruise missile or stand-off weapon – maybe. Ballistic missiles or supersonic targets > Mach 2 – probably not. Did they shoot at IAF aircraft or its weapons? Who knows – we really don’t even know if the pictured ‘missile wreckage’ had anything to do with the attack.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

One is possibly the missile that took it down, since so far of 14 missiles , 2 landed in the ground with no effect. Israel developed the crystal maze and have nap missile joint AGM-142, that wouldn’t be the Delilah as that’s a cruise ,the spice(bomb) is a derivative of the Have nap missile.


Putin bends the knee to the king of the jewish horrors, and days later Russia sits back as the vile mass-murdering racist state of Israel bombs Syria yet again.

Remember, Putin ensured Russia kept OUT of the Syria war until the majority of the damage was done to that nation- just as world jewry demanded.

Putin boasts about Russia’s alliance with Saudi Arabia and Israel. Putin boats that Russia will NEVER agree to sanctions on Israel or KSA at the UN, even tho Russia has voted FOR sanctions against Iran, N Korea, Yemen etc for far lesser ‘crimes’. Indeed the sanctions imposed by Russia on N Korea, for daring to develop the only self-defense systems that could keep America at bay, are the worst in UN history.

And what is Russia’s ‘reward’ for being this servile to jewish causes? The demonisation of that nation to a degree never before witnessed in the West’s press propaganda history. Propaganda machines wholly in jewish control.

The jews of Israel declare that the entire purpose of their disgusting state is to be above the Laws of Man, and accountable to no-one. Bombing Syria at will, and using the air space of Lebanon to do so is designed to rub the face of every decent moral Human in the dirt.

Bulgarian God

You are right. Putin is just another dog of Rotschilds and the ZIO New world order!

John Whitehot

and you’re lowlives trolls


You nailed it.


Really? How so? Because Putin was the only powerful international political leadership that said enough is enough, after Iraq and Libya debacles and chaos, and intervened in 2015 to stop the NATO/Gulf/Israeli destruction of Syrian state. Which is part of Neo-Con plan to Balkanize central Asia and middle east and shift the regional military and economic dominance in Israel’s favor.

Bulgarian God

Blah, blah, blah…shut up jewish monkey ! Putin is dog for his jewish masters as you! End of discussion.


Yeah….. get your shit and don’t return….

Bulgarian God

Shut up debil !


Soros must be hiring your sorry ass bro…. he must be paying you a dollar per text message aight? Didn’t you finish your kindergarten? Nice a Sorosassbuddy in here bloody grrreat just what I was waiting for…….

Bulgarian God

Shut up russian jew subhuman! Soros is your Master and you are his lapdog !


Could be…….in the world of today you got to be critical all the time……as situations change by the day…..But for now: Putin Kicks Asssss…….He did a lot of pestcontrol in Syria….. saved the world from a shitload of Headchopping Demons….. as far as I’m concerned: Putin, SAA & Friends can continue their good work until no bloody Headchopper is left……leave their bones to bleach under the desert sun


On literally any given topic you’ll find the same ‘Starlight’ response – a series of ill connected and factually incorrect statements intended to lead to same destination, every-time and without fail, of an anti-Putin smear campaign. Spot the anti-Russian agenda troll.

AM Hants

What would Israel say if Syria was to throw a few missiles their way?


They would say its anti semitic I suppose and cry about the labour camps in Germany for weeks and weeks. Its bad enough every February as the chosen pray to their false idol Shoah God.


AM Hants

Then they would try and claim all gold mined in Russia, once belonged to Israel, because, well, Russia is siding with Syria? As they demand it back, with tears in full flow?


Israel is an illegal, non-religious, unethical, terrorist state of Zionists. Proof. The real practical Jews called Ultra Orthodox Jews who campaign against Zionism and demand for the immediate dismantling of the state of Israel.

Leviticus 26:33 G-d Says: And if you do not listen to Me, and do not keep all these commandments… and I will scatter you among the nations, and send the sword after you, and your land will be desolate, and your cities destroyed.

The Ten Commandments (in Jewish Tradition) From Exodus 20:2 to 20:13 1. I am the Lord Your God. 2. You shall have no other gods beside Me. 3. You shall not take the name of the God in vain. 4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. 5. Honor your father and your mother. —————————————————————

6. You shall not murder. 7. You shall not commit adultery. 8. You shall not steal. 9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house, nor his wife, nor anything that is of your neighbor’s. ————————————————————————————————————————————–



New York City: 10,000+ Jews Against Israel (U.S. Media Blackout) The real Jews called Ultra Orthodox Jews who campaign against Zionism and demand for the immediate dismantling of the state of Israel.

Tens of thousands of Jews protesting against the existence of State of Israel in NYC… On June 9, 2013, tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews assembled on the streets of New York City to protest against the existence of the State of Israel, and to condemn it’s current evil decree to draft yeshiva students. The mass demonstration took place in Federal Plaza Square in lower Manhattan, where a huge platform had been set up for several hundred rabbis and leaders of communities. In front of the platform were seated hundreds of prominent and esteemed people, while the rest of the square was overcrowded with the tens of thousands of participants. ————————————————————————————————————————————–




Its good to see real Jew. Zionism is the problem! The Zionist’s terror headquarter Israel is coming to an end and Palestine will be free again.

The real Jews called Ultra Orthodox Jews who campaign against Zionism and demand for the immediate dismantling of the state of Israel. How ironic the non religious ones are the ones supporting the state of Israel. The Zionist promised land is the USA, their population size are more prominent in politics, lobby groups media, Hollywood, entertainment industry, finance & banking. ————————————————————————————————————————————–

Joseph Scott

It’s not so ironic. The majority of Zionist leaders were never religious at all. Any good text on the foundation of Israel admits to that much. You are talking about people who used to fund anti-Jewish European politicians and encourage the persecution of Jews in order to get enough warm bodies to found their state. Starting with Moses, who was a member of a school of Egyptian magicians who came up with the Jewish religion to get Israelite/Hyksos people to obey him when they got kicked out of Egypt for a dynastic plot his family was part of, the people at the top have never believed, nor given a damn about their pawns, as anything other than useful tools.




Israeli soldiers have manhandled a group of European diplomats and seized trucks carrying tents in the West Bank… Diplomats were from Briton, France, Spain, Iceland, Australia and EU. The Zionist terror headquarter (Israel) is moving so fast towards its destruction. G-d says in Torah Leviticus 26:33 And if you do not listen to Me, and do not keep all these commandments… and I will scatter you among the nations, and send the sword after you, and your land will be desolate, and your cities destroyed.

The Zionist terror network headquarter (Israel) established in 1948 by illegal European migrants in Palestine. Israel each year violently persecute thousands of civilians in Palestine. Each year Israel kidnap thousands of adults and kids from the streets. Israel each year evacuate Hundreds of villages and towns by gunpoints and then demolish them and instead new buildings they erect for illegal European migrants.

Peaceful protests with flags, banners and placards is the legal right of all civilians. Anger eat wise. Anger is the sign of failure and frustration. Palestinian youths should not react with stones and knives but remain calm. Indeed soon Palestine will be freed. For a strong nation Education, unity, journalism, justice and a strong young qualified, English spoken leader, is very important. ————————————————————————————————————————————

Bulgarian God

Assad has no balls to strike back IsraHell… He is just Putin’s lapdog. :)

John Whitehot



Hi there Assad can’t attack israel now and will not attack Israel not yet… Syria has already a lot of enemies they cannot afford another, if is to attack Israel is highly posibil that Russia will have to interfere and if Russia interfere America will help Israel. Finish a war at a time, if you start a war on multiple fronts (countries ) Syria is not so powerful to keep all fronts Assad will definitely collapse. Russia doesn’t want a confrontation whit multiple countries. You cannot just simply attack a country if you don’t have a backup. Think before you act, use your brain is free?

Bulgarian God

So you have no brain, as Assad has no balls. End of discussion. ;)


“Never argue with an imbecile (BG), for he will bring you down to his level, and he will beat you with his experience”. Mark Twain


Isn’t Bulgaria currently a US political lapdog – in spite of majority Bulgarian’s own cultural and regional preferences.

Bulgarian God

Shut up russian jew! Bulgaria is strong sovereign state.


You are another standard anti-Russian troll. Bulgaria is currently US lapdog against own Slav culture.

Bulgarian God

Bulgarians are not slavs, they have iranic (aryan) origin. And you are dark gypsi degenerate subhuman.


Note: Bulgarian God flips as Bulgarian (lap) Dog – still too funny.

Bulgarian God

You are blocked gypsi! Hahaha!


Well you gave up fast – guess you lack spirit.


“Bulgarians” were invented by the West to destroy Slavic People (can we finally call them a Race?) in Europe where they were/are aboriginal. Same scenario was employed with Croats, “Bosnians”, Albanians, Ukrainians, etc…

Bulgarian God

Shut up serbo-gypsi !


The power of your arguments is just destroying us, please oh please bulgarian god, cut us some slack, would you?


Bulgaria is a Anglo/Zionist vassal state. Bulgaria has no sovereignty. Sadly, beautiful Bulgarian girls must travel to Israel to seek employment in the sex trade.

Bulgarian God

Shut up stinky gypsi subhuman. Bulgaria is great sovereign country and number 1 power on the Balkans! End of discussion !

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Bulgaria is a pathetic lapdog sit down shut up and go to your corner!

Bulgarian God

Shut up pathetic jew subhuman degenerate ! You are my lapdog !

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Think you have earned a block from me can’t stand Hasbara trolls trying to create false hatred on a site , F*cken bigoted CIA TROLL!!!

Bulgarian God

You are KGB TROLL !


Hi there Assad can’t attack israel now and will not attack Israel not yet… Syria has already a lot of enemies they cannot afford another, if is to attack Israel is highly posibil that Russia will have to interfere and if Russia interfere America will help Israel. Finish a war at a time, if you start a war on multiple fronts (countries ) Syria is not so powerful to keep all fronts Assad will definitely collapse. Russia doesn’t want a confrontation whit multiple countries. You cannot just simply attack a country if you don’t have a backup. Think before you act, use your brain is free?….

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

you make some good points but im afraid US/israhell will not give up, so one day, something big will happen


Someone ought to take them to the United Nations Security Council.



Cheryl Brandon

well done SAA soldiers/warriors/Liberators. Keep watching the Jewish HAWKS/HYENAS! They want more and more Arabic lands for themselves. That is their end game.! Keep kicking their destructive/divisive/deadly and dangerous arses..Kaboom/kaboom.kaboom.

Manuel Flores Escobar

According Iranian Hispan tv…all 3 missile were intercepted, one of them exploded in the air..2 also hitted but not exploded and hit the ground far from Jemraya center!…as we can see its posible that Russian advisor support Syrian Pantsir air defense operators specially, when lately the intercept rates are at 90%…surely they use the powerful multiestatic AESA radar NEBO-M as an early warning radar linked to Pantsir operators…in the previous attack and in today´s…IAF/IA launched 14 missiles and only 2 hit the target!..Thats why Netanyahu went to Moscow….

Astar Roth

Good point.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

So nice :))))

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

the audacity of the israelis to say “dont test us” while they think they can test all of their enemies, anywhere, anytime. im also trying to boycott every brand name that has ties with israel!


the question I have is ….why didn’t Syria down the plane rather than the missile ? I mean, Syria first looked the Israel planes coming to attack it, and Syria waited until these planes fired the missile !!!! WoW, I wonder whether Syria though that Israel planes entered its space to send some flower or something like that.


My guess is, Israel fires them from just outside the Syrian border in Lebanon – their planes don’t actually enter Syrian airspace. Israel has placed their Patriot/Iron Dome anti aircraft batteries right up against Syria’s borders to intercept the missiles the SAA shoots at Israeli planes/missiles.


Fake news- BUK… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/aac6f77f52a258e5e7ca6e789c61a868f2a9097d9e1fad6309a373a7314ade7c.jpg

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