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Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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The photos and video below show the oil & fuel convoy of government forces, which was recently ambushed by ISIS cells at the Raqqah-Salamiyah road late on December 3. The terrorists also attacked a bus moving near the convoy killing several civilians. A total number of the report casualties is: 9 – dead, 4 – injured.

Photos from the scene:

Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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Photos, Video: Oil & Fuel Convoy Of Government Forces Ambushed In Central Syria

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Come on SAA, tighten the screws on ISIS.


ISIS is now the primary tool of US and Turkey and all of sudden it has again made a remarkable comeback from Afghanistan to Libya as soon as tensions with Iran increased. What a surprise!

Icarus Tanović

Indeed it is. Trying to implement Afganistani/Iraqi scenario. Well, yet another terrorist attack, who cares. No surprise at all. This won’t stop, until we destroy them. All thanks to freedom loving sweetheart Obama.

Jens Holm

Yerrrh, we clone little Saddams, Gadaffis and even Pol Pots and now they are grown up and also modified, so they hardly need food and water.

The next generation of them will be stealh and always have the same temperture as the ground, so infrared cant find them.


There is no excuse for sending convoys like that without protection,of course if the SAA were allowed to finish the job in Idlib this would not happen,and the only fuel convoys that need attacking are the illegal ones stealing oil.

Icarus Tanović

So Oliver, what do you propose? Are we gonna become terroristic shithole such is Iraq, so this type of shit happens on daily basis, or we gonna do something against them? Napalm them, what do you say? To plant landmines around Al Tanf? What to do? SAA should bomb the shit out of those oil convoys heading for Turkey, along with theirs Kurdish bitches named ypg, ypj, yp pig or whatever they call them selves.


Well you got most of it right,start the attacks on the terrorists in Idlib fuck the turks and deal with Al Tanf and target any border crossings,its a outrage those borders were open for years.

Icarus Tanović

Yes I agree with destruction of border crossings with Turkey. Fuck the Turks, like who gives fuck about them, is that what you wanna to say? Well, seems to me that they do give fuck about Turkey turkgay, Russians or Syrians don’t know. Otherwise they would start to attack Kobani and to liberate it in the matter of days. Why Saf don’t do any more sorties? Kurds are clowns, like ministry of silly walk. Why don’t bomb them pumping stations? Convoys of stolen oil? Nothing!!! You see with your very eyes that ISIS is getting grip again and no one is doing nothing. Are we going to do something or we are defeated? Or we’re gonna listen to that Turkish human trash?

Harry Smith

It’s not about Idlib but al Tanf

Jens Holm



Frankly, the $64 million dollar a month oil theft question is that why are the US and Turkish convoys not being attacked by either the SAA, Iranians or Russians. As long as ISIS and alCIAda are funded by US occupation and Turkish oil theft, Syria will never find peace.

Icarus Tanović

It is all because of Idlib. And they are making aprox 300 million month.

Jim Allen

They’re creations of Western Intelligence agencies, the Headcutters recruit, US trains, arms, supplies, and pays for Their “pet enemies” that provide US Coalition with justification to invade sovereign countries in pursuit of their sworn enemies in its endless war of terror. The cover narrative to pursue the ever popular “regime change” activity. Turkey must be renting their services, funding is not an issue, clearly they’re self supporting.

Jens Holm

American convoys are attacked, where they are not well defended. USA convays are attacked in Iraq by ISIS.

So You should reverse Your stupisme and make the defence for those transportations much better. Thats the whole point.

Another one is that maps are wrong, when they say Assads control that big area. They dont and certainly not 24/7.

Its told so my times, that fx Syrians could do this and that to avoid a lot of things as well as get other needs. But nothing change to the better. Well I see nothing changing to the better.

Its exact the same low quality in all levels. The oposition is not much better.So nothing change.

Yesterday Israel was more or less blamed for vaccinating their people. Thats the level here for many. But whats the facts. Easy. When You hardly produce anything and even has Leaders, which cant make some sensible relation to SDFs by giving them needed local influence, You get what You order.

Whats fiasco when 500.000 has died and more then 10 million people are not even in their homes.

Turks has more Syrian inhabitants then Assad.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

A few days ago a convoy of Kurdish trucks smuggling oil to Turkey was blown up, and the following day a cargo of desperately needed oil is blown up while travelling to a government refinery, and everyone is still crying CIA, US, and western intervention, but they fail to see the coincidental factor that hints it might’ve been a revenge attack, ‘if you blow up our trucks we’ll blow up your trucks’, this is too much of a coincidence for me to think it’s anything other than revenge. And I know just by saying this the average SF reader will think that automatically means it must be the Kurds responsible, but the Kurds don’t have any know associations to Isis, but the Turks do, and the Russian’s supplied all the necessary evidence years ago. Isis is just doing Erdogan’s dirty work.

Jens Holm

I agree. This has nothing to do with Kurds.

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