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MARCH 2025

Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Yemen’s Houthis (Ansar Allah) released a fresh video and photos showing a large number of Saudi-backed fighters and weapons captured by them in the recent military operation on the Saudi-Yemeni border.

Weapons captured by the Houthis:

Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Personnel of Saudi-led forces captured by the Houthis:

Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Photos, Video: Saudi-led Forces Surrender To Houthis En Masse

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Gabriel Hollows

That’s a lot of cheap African mercenaries there. Makes one wonder if the Saudis really have their hearts into this, you’d think they’d hire better troops at least.


The Saudi’s shopped for troops at Walmart :)

Pave Way IV

It’s Wah al Ma’art in North Africa. They had Rollback Pricing on Sudanese last month.


Were there any Mc Donalds coupons with that?

Pave Way IV

No – you’re thinking of Wahhabi*Mart, home of the price-choppers.


Ah, I see, There would be a ‘Nan Bread’ voucher with any mercenary purchase from Walmart then ?

You can call me Al

Sometimes a feel a little sorry for these blokes fighting for the Saudi filth, they are just nobodies.

But then I just laugh at how useless they are. The Saudis have shown they are not for fighting, inbred fuckwits.


The Saudi troops and their ilk make ‘good’ torturers and little else, Al.


phuckwits… lol

Kell McBanned


Pave Way IV

Lots of them are Yemeni – Hadi Loyalists, not Houthi. They might need the paycheck, but know better than to fire back at the Houthi.

Ceasar Polar

It s a mix, they are indeed yemenis, but also saudis, sudanese.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

dont give them any ideas lol


Methinks by now they know that the better Western mercenaries hate working for the Saudis and are not that keen getting their heads blown off for them. Not without some drastically increased pay that is. Whereas Africans are desperate enough to work for basically food, let alone even a 1/4 of what Western mercs would have asked.


A mercenary chooses employments with a lower risk to get in trouble. What does a high pay check help, if you get injured or disabled for life, or killed?


Because everyone has a price? Iran hangs drugs dealers by the crane load, yet almost all the opium being grown in Afghanistan still gets smuggled via Iran and there are a lot of drugs addicts in Iran. I’ve seen people there use drugs when I was in the country this year. If the rewards are high enough people become willing to take risks. Even stupid risks. Then they start thinking ‘yeah, those Saudis are huge assholes, and those Houthis will put up a fight, but $10.000 a month plus end of year bonus? Maybe I’ll be the one that bucks the trend and gets out with the cash and his life intact?’

If that doesn’t convince you increase the amount until you start thinking like that. It will happen. How about fight there for a year and never have to work in your life ever again? No more having to work shitty hours, put up with idiot managers, all the time in the world to do what you want. Or if you have a family, all the money to put your kids through college and never have money be an issue for your family again? Or pay for that expensive treatment for your loved one who is currently wasting away on a disease?

Everyone has a price, it’s just a different price for everyone and some can be had cheaper then others if they are desperate enough. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.

Ceasar Polar

Especially when your employer decides to abandon you on the field. Instant surrender!

S Melanson

This is closer to the truth in the case of the Coalition and the Yemen war. The defeat of the 21,000 man force that attacked Hodeidah in June 2018 was due to incredibly inept leadership that led to the main force being cut off, which dissolved quickly due to mass desertion – hence the blanket amnesty for deserters in Yemen announced by the Coalition in July. I doubt many took up the offer.

That is when the best quality mercenaries came to the conclusion that working for Saudi led Coalition = death and the dead cannot spend their pay-check. The Coalition was consistent on one thing, demonstrating total incompetence in conducting the war. So over time, only the most desperate will sign up or find themselves forcefully pressed into service. These are not soldiers, they are fodder and they know it, Coalition Commanders know it and importantly, the Houthis know it.

So this brings us to the here and now. The mercenaries will flee or surrender at the first opportunity and the better equipped they are, the better the equipment that falls into the hands of the Houthis. Houthis have also announced they plan to make use of captured vehicles going forward, having set them on fire in the past. This tells me that the Houthis believe they can expand the ground war and start dismemberment of KSA – MbS should know a thing or two about dismemberment.

I recommend following Yemenpress.org

Houthi conduct of war has been magnificent and combat capabilities increasing. The Coalition seems to have learned nothing and continue to weaken. Will it get to the point MbS holes up in a bunker in Riyadh as the walls close in.

Roads to Moscow – Al Stewart We wait on the line for the final approach to begin. The flames of the Tigers (MRAPS) are lighting the road to Berlin (Riyadh), begins. It has been almost four years I have carried a gun (wearing sandals)… They send out their old and children, they cannot slow us down (except when overwhelmed by the numbers surrendering).

The city opens and crashes down ending MbS’s dream (nightmare)… the war is over and I am going home… [soon, very soon I hope]

Ceasar Polar

One of them mercenaries said that : the Saudis went around and picked up whoever they felt the need to protect, and left the rest (of them mercernaries) on the field to be slaughtered by the Houthis. Thus them surrendering en-masse like we have seen in the multiple videos. Saudi headchoppers use humans like condoms. Buy-use-throw. But that is not how you win a war. So happy to see the Houthis finally taking some glorious victories, huge wins, with little equipment, a lot of heart and faith.

Nigel Maund

The Saudi’s never do the dirty work! They always rely on others. They like air conditioned offices, green coffee and dates not fighting determined desert wariors in the hot desert where they have a high chance of being killed. For this reason it’s merely a matter of time till someone defeats and takes over the KSA!


but that was last week what about today and what about de peace

Joe Kerr

The House of Saud is currently begging Iran to tell the Houthis to stop, or at least wait till they’ve packed their bags for London and Paris.


sure they are but with conditions hard to accept for Iran, as if Iran is on the losing side – they ain’t. but meanwhile the saudis pretend that it is business as usual and have sort of continued the assault from the air. guess the houthis are setting up the next surprise to the crown prince, of fake leonardo da vinci buy fame at 450m$.

Ceasar Polar

That is why the Houthis should intensify the strikes and operations, especially around Riyad and MBS’s chilling castle. Let him get so scared that they will lock him up in a bunker fearing Houthis drone attack… that will make them stop the war in Yemen. They need a taste of their own medicine.

Konrad Ingvarssen

I really wish they could put accurate close captions in English for these videos. I would really love to understand what they are saying. It would humanize both sides much more. Obviously, that’s a tall order and I don’t have the knowledge or the funds to make it happen.


The Saudis took some decent sized chunks of what was considered Yemen back in the 1930s. People there have long memories. Wait for cries of “Yemen Irredenta!” to start ‘spontaneously’ breaking out soon. Just like Syria and Hatay. Now there would be a campaign!


There was a story that many of the captured troops were from the Najran area, that used to be part of Yemen. Hence basically cousins to the Houthis and probably not keen on fighting them.



Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

i cant wait to see houthis start taking parts of saudi arabia proper :)))))


Agreed and if (or when) they do, the Saudis would have deserved it.

Reciprocation is a form of karma..


Turns out, senior US military officials always thought the Saudi war on Yemen was a bad idea – that would lead to KSA military disaster – but they were of course completely drowned out by the politicians and bureaucrats of the cross-platform Neo-Con-War-Party – especially by the shrill public voice of McCain. See:


Sima Gongsun Qin Jin sgqj

Saudi Arabia Needs To Have A Large-Scale Armed Revolution. It Is Time To Shake The Very Foundations Of The Saudi Regime ! Time For The Saudi People To Revolt, Time To Arm The Revolutionaries ! We Need To Identify The Anti-Government Activists Within Saudi Arabia, Convince Them To Raise A Vanguard Force, Capture The TV Stations And Radio Stations, Broadcast The Failures Of The Saudi Armies Fighting The Houthis And Convince The People And The Armed Forces Plus The Security Forces To Revolt Against The Saudi Regime.

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