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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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The Royal Norwegian Navy has finally recovered its sunken multi-role frigate Helge Ingstad.

The Helge Ingstad sunk following a collision with the tanker Sola TS  in inshore waters north of Bergen on November 8, 2018. The Helge Ingstad was returning from the NATO drill when a carelessness of the crew led to the incident. 7 sailors were injured.



Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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Photos, Videos: Norwegian Navy Recovered Sunken Frigate Helge Ingstad

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that’s the one a naval officer from moronistan (aka usa) managed to hit a 110000 ton crude oil vessel with. must have been intentional so the norwegian fisheater couldn set the cost for the vessel off against donny’s 2 pct minimum of gdp for nato-contributions. very clever.

after all the 2 pct of the gdp for nato-purposes should be spent on weapons from american manufacturers and nothing else.

Albert Pike

Ouch – that thing needs some cleaning ladies. How about those ladies from the bridge – that would teach them…


From this one can readily see the US military influence. Like all of Scandinavia, they are eager to become as likenesses of the Zionist controlled US. To fit in, they have taken a giant step in emulating the US military. Ramming very large and visible ships and damaging their own ship was not enough, it was determined that they would one-up the US by actually causing their ship to sink. Damn Norwegians, who do they think they are?


actually a naval officer from moronistan (aka usa) was in charge on the bridge and who caused the collision with a very large crude carrier visible from miles away. tyrpically about 100000 to 120000 tonnes you could hardly miss it if yoy were blind, so big and so noisy it is.


That ship is probably a write off due to the expense of restoring it. It’d probably be cheaper to build a new one.


Yup, put enough morons into anything and they will crash it, its an natural law, and this event is one of them, this is only able to happen due to the inability to take/make comand, and if you have an/or officer/s, where the inability to trust one self, or able to act without awaiting orders to any given time, time lines get extremly short and it rammed the tanker in half speed and thats fast, and blamed everybody else after ward, despite the intense radio traffic nobody acted acodingly, and to be an bit bitchy, most of the fresh morons where women, this, is an epic cluster f…. and I bet the entire story never will be told, something snapped, and this happened. yeah, norwegians, what can yuo expect, from an people dumber than most, and this ships, yeah, stealth, hir, hir hir, yeah, I bet they are, and it even lacked huls/comps, dunka, dunka, but then again, this one was builded by the Spankians, and you get what you deserve, crapp.


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