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MARCH 2025

Pilot Of Downed Su-25 Blew Himself Up After Being Encircled By Militants – Russian Military

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Pilot Of Downed Su-25 Blew Himself Up After Being Encircled By Militants - Russian Military

A screenshot from the video

A pilot of the Su-25 warplane downed in Syria blew himself up after he had been surrounded by militants, the Russian Defense Ministry said on February 5.

Upon landing after having ejected in the vicinity of the village […] under the control of terrorists, Major Roman Filippov fought an unequal battle during the final minutes of his life using his standard issue weapons. After being surrounded by the terrorists, seriously wounded, the Russian officer blew himself up with a grenade when the distance to the militants diminished to just a few tens of meters,” the Russian state-run news agency Sputnik quoted a statement of the Russian Defense Ministry.

The ministry said that Maj. Filippov reported he had been attacked by a missile and was trying to control the damaged aircraft until the end.

“Major Roman Filippov outstandingly conducted dozens of combat missions over Syria to destroy militants belonging to international terrorist groups and to escort humanitarian convoys of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Opposing Sides to settlements liberated from terrorists,” the ministry said adding that he would be posthumously awarded the Hero of Russia.

On February 3, the Russian Su-25 warplane was downed by a MANPAD in over the militant-held area of the Syrian prorvince of Idlib.

A video circulating online shows the last minutes of the fighting between the pilot and militants. The video also shows an explosion of the hand grenade.

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Michał Hunicz

Next time equip Syrian and Russian pilots with some shahida belts. More Wahhabis could die.


Are you been sarcastic or too serious

Michał Hunicz

Not sarcastic here, the power of explosion would literally kill every terrorist with a flying wreckage.


Why not a Predator style armband mini nuke? Less cumbersome, more bang for the ruble?


Mate why not a 200 kiloton Nuclear Warhead directly in Idlib city where HTS has all shit there. That power will clear everything in a 3-4km radius in ash.


Good idea in principle, but I reckon that Shia enclave that’s close next to it, that they’re trying to relieve, may not like it.

Joking aside, the best solution of course is probably to not get hit.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Problem is in Idlib like Binnish citizens failed to fully kick out the HTS and FSA as they returned then either killed or arrested them, can’t really nuke them.


Hmm well I thought he tried to trow the grenade to them, but we all saw that he had too much bullets in his body, his body was not in that much screwed situation if he hold the bomb and just blow him self. Hmm to strange not much evidence from this Jihadists, maybe there is more to this story because too many HTS Jihadists were recording that 1 in a million kill and there is something that is not been showed by them, I don’t know what but maybe they seeing that maybe as a threat to them if it goes viral-public. Again as I said we need more video material to confirm what exactly happen, and there were at least 10 Jihadists there few of them were close to the pilot 2 or 3 definitely were recording for sure… We need those recordings. But RIP hero, you died protecting other peoples lives and you will be remembered for sure, I can’t Imagine how does his family feels now. Poor people.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They show some injured or dead Jihadi terrorists, so not likely.


He was probably wounded as he landed with the parachute, in fact these Turkish puppets had already tried the pigeon-shooting the last time they shot down a Russian plane.


Russia Army is a terrorist army like Turkish Army.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

No , your HTS /FSA/TIP/ISIS/TFSA are terrorists army, murder ,rape and torture civilians and children even use gas on them and other chemicals supplied by the west.


It’s difficult to tell from the camera angle. But it looks like he may have had an opportunity to eject earlier into the mountains. If that was the case, he might have survived and been rescued if he did that. That would have been my first choice.


Gabriel Hollows

I’d had crashed that shit straight into an HTS position, would’ve been a cool final “fuck you” and a slightly less ignoble death.


This is what I’d have gone with, fitted with a silencer, preferably into the mountains:



With 30 round magazines:



Ignoble? WTFAYTA?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

He only had a pistol and grenade he took out several of them, they were all wanting to kill him one way or another.


They fired on his parachutes and himself. He’s wounded upon landing. As for the hand grenades i doubt it’s an explosive kinds based on it’s flash and no sounds.


He probably would have been out of range if he dropped earlier into the mountains.


They’ll still going to get lucky hits by their sheer number. This again a scheme to shame and defile the Russians directed by US and facilitated by Erdogan. Russia should pressure the Turks to start bombing HTS since HTS is not included in idlib deescalation zone.


At 500 to 1,000 yards or greater, a human body is almost impossible to see with the naked eye, let alone hit with open sights. Stationary targets at that range shot at with a belt feed machine gun have extremely hits, like 1%. A shoulder fired magazine fed assault rifle is almost useless against a moving target at those ranges. Yes there could be a lucky hit, but the odds would be in the pilot’s favor.

Eskandar Black

golden bibby , the fact is hitting su 25 titanium, at that range with anything less than 50cal would do nothing, .30 could eat up the engines on a su 25 if you get it in an ambush. but those things are notoriously good at surviving hits. This is a case of a missile. I am surprised the CAS aircraft like a Russian Su-25 was not equipped with better protection for such an obvious weapon.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Stingers and Iglas are cold systems and how do you protect against a smokeless missile with no heat really think carefully, as this was definitely a MANPADS that hit the plane, in a Deescalation zone.

Eskandar Black

I agree with you, I was making the point that alternatives scenarios are unlikely.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

That fake gas attack was so bad with that prop , it wasn’t even fired all one had to do was look at the bottom tubes. There is too much faking this and that and no AA gun is going to hit and cause it significant damage.


We were debating the pilot’s survival chances if he had ejected into the mountains, rather than waiting to eject onto the plain. Not shooting down an SU-25.

.30 cal Armor piercing incendiary rounds hitting fuel tanks could bring a plane down. I don’t know what type of fire supression systems SU-25s have.

The 30-06 that I have has much stronger ballistics than the 7.62mm x 39mm round. And is considered a close range anti aircraft round.


7.62mm x 39mm balistics:



Graeme Rymill

That’s the spirit as!!!!! Never admit you were wrong… always pretend you really know what’s going on when in fact you have no clue.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The explosion was faint and hard to hear with the gunfire and poor video and audio quality and the flash was blocked by the rock. Watched the bodies approach then seen the bodies dropped what happened to them? Looks like he took out a few around him noticed the edit in the video.


Our hearts are with you …

Mustaffa Ashaa

May I express my grief for the loss of this brave Russian pilot and extend my condolences to his family, friends and to the Russian people. The long suffering Syrian people are deeply appreciative and grateful to sacrifices of all those fighting this imposed terrorism plague. As painful as it is, this tragedy highlights the flaws and limitations of Russian strategy in Syria. For Russian strategy to work, it requires the full cooperation of USA and its regional puppets, (Saudis, Qataris Jordanian … and Israel). Putin thinks that he can convince these enemies of Syria to wind down their war on Syria. But the goals and interests of this unholy alliance are in sharp contradiction to Russian interest in Syria. The glee and ecstasy by which the downing of the SU25 plane was reported in the US media and the state-owned regional media speaks volumes of their true feeling. I bet my last dollar that MANPAD weapon that hit the plane is paid for by Qatar or Saudi Arabia, Supplied by the CIA and transported through Iraq or maybe Turkey. I am guessing but I am sure Mr Putin have much more specific,(but not very different) information.

Tudor Miron

Thank you.


Since when you support anti-Putin, anti-Russia propagand?

Tudor Miron

I don’t. Look above to my edited reply.


I have always respected your strong position and got really surprized. There are plenty of hypocrites here, trying to subtly brianwash the forum and push forward their propaganda. We must not fall in the “divide and conquer” trap.

Tudor Miron

Thanks mate (and this one is not sarcasting like one in reply to that zio thingy JoeDoe). I will repeat that – “In order to feed a lie one needs to add some true to it in hope that people “buy” it”.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

US is making very subtle moves as we may see them pushing the idea of a Sunnistan considering the way they are using the Turks. They will be using former leaders in ISIS/Al Qaeda to promote them ,sanitizing them.

What will Russia do is the question as this will have a major impact on them and the middle east, think they should end their thoughts of acceptance by the west. This has been their downfall in trying to deal with the west, they have made some very bad critical plays but all is not lost.

US has decided to escalate in the region with Vehicles and troops being transferred from Iraq since a large part of the 7400 has been decided to move but not all to Afghanistan. Things will continue to escalate in Syria , but with ISIS being defeated in the Hama pocket will be good PR image. While the one in the east will be under heavy scrutiny as the US fails to clear it, making weak excuses for such large numbers in the area.

Russia needs to consult with Iran and Syria more in regards to this instead of making decisions without fully realizing the potential of issues. If they don’t watch it they will be surrounded and out of options, thousands of NATO troops on it’s borders right now. They need to think how to stave of checkmate and cause a draw, gets more difficult when you lose half the board.

Mustaffa Ashaa

Be assured that I meant every word in my post. I do not underestimate the Russian support to Syria, neither I am advocating WWIII or to repeat of 1963 Cuban Crisis. What I’ve tried to point out is a fact that negotiating the Syrian Crisis with US’ regional proxies is legitimising their war on Syrian people and accepting their support for the terrorist of HTS and FSA as mere “Diplomatic Move”. Jordan, Saudis and the rest of GCC fiefdoms are the camouflage behind which the USA implements its strategy. These “States” are exactly repeating what they did in Afghanistan in 1970s. By receiving the GCC rulers in the Kremlin, Russia provide them with a platform to exhibit their false self-importance and allow the US and the CIA conduct their overt and covert operations and shout: It is not me !!!! It is the democratic and freedom lover King Salman and other GCC Ameers.


Why are you omitting the state of israhell? You can nor ignore, belittle, underestimate their contribution to the crises that you so much despise?

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The Russians may not want to start WW Nth but the USUK and those in the media are willing to start it.

Daniel Castro

Unfortunately the strategy in Syria isn’t just about Syria, the world is the battlefield and Syria is just one of the places Russia has to face USA, at the moment it’s all about resistence, a war of attrition, a standoff, it so happens Syria is the battlefield of choice for now.

This may sound cold, but that’s reality.

Tudor Miron

Very well said.


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Jonathan Cohen

As long as Putin defends Assad against abortion banning ISIS, HTS and Saudis, fine. But if he continues to fight for Assad against abortion rights supporting Kurds, Turks, Israelis and USians, he is going to have increasing problems and it looks like he knows it.


There’s never enough fetus killing in this world for you, is there Jonathon…

Daniel Castro

Stop this bullshit, abortion is a non-issue, it doesn’t matter, most women just want to have kids, so what are you going to do, force them to abort?!

Anyway, this has ZERO relevance when compared to this quasi ww3 scenario we’re living.

Jonathan Cohen

Abortion bans are what caused this scenario.

Daniel Castro

No, zionists caused this scenario.

Jonathan Cohen

Abortion bans are the fundamental cause of all territorial and recourse based conflict on earth.

Daniel Castro

No, it makes no difference as most women want to have kids.

Jonathan Cohen

Not as many as they end up having.

Daniel Castro

It doesn’t matter, population will keep rising no matter what.

Jonathan Cohen

No it won’t. besides, even if it did, that only would make territorial war inevitable.

Daniel Castro

It is increasing, it doesn’t matter what you think.

Jonathan Cohen

Not is Russia it isn’t, which is why I’m not afraid of Russian aggression. Russia will not be aggressive because Russia does not need more land, water or oil for a population that is not growing, All unlike Syria.


time to block u! What kind of a loser tries to troll this forum! u think ure as funny as RickRoll? U come nowhere near him! You come across as desperate! I know u find it funny and u think thats all that matters, but I also know that u THINK other people do too! Dude, nobody cares! And if u need to do this to get ur kicks, just imagine what kind of problems u are trying to mask by doing this! Have some issues to sort out dude! I know u are alone! its obvious! Its never going to change and although u say to urself “I like being alone”, it also means u aint gonna get any better either! Ur life amounts to nothing! When u are old, u will try very hard to avoid the question, “what have I done in my life” and u will escape this question like the plague! cant handle question like that! it annoys u! But still, its reality! Ure a loser! A fucking loser!


This is going to sound crazy because I have ALWAYS backed Russia, the SAA and its allies in this war and I have been HARSHLY against the SDF! But from what I can tell, the USA is pulling out of this war! It is very likely it will maintain its presence in Eastern Syria but they are going to cooperate with Russia as much as they can! I say this because I also follow news on Donald Trump and his battle against the deep state! As far as I know the Trump admin has its own mega battle going on. The only potential enemy I can see now is turkey (which is a back flip on what I have said earlier). The Kurds from here on will not be an enemy to the SAA in the nearest future! I say this because I put a lot of my time now on Qanon posts! There is literally a war going on between the Trump admin white hats (good guys in intelligence) and the Rothschild black hats (bad guys). I do mean Rothschilds too, not to sound conspirators but believe me, there is HUGE information that there is a literal war going on now that is an economic and intelligence war within the USA! From what I can tell, Turkey is acting on behalf of Rothschild orders! Turkey will now attack the SAA, Russia and also the USA and Kurds!

Daniel Castro

I hope you’re right, but if you’re right Turkey should be turned to rubbles…


I think Russia will make an allowance for turkey in regards to closed door agreements! But knowing Erdogan, he will push for much more than that! Erdogan will be playing both sides in this war! USA and Russia! My thoughts are that Turkey will lose badly! I think in the desperate hours for the Kurds, the SAA will come to help them! This will work hugely in favour of keeping Syria whole again! Lets not forget that Russia has very close ties to Kurds throughout history! Im sure Russia will be trying to reinforce that albeit at an opportune time where rescuing Kurds works in there favour (chess)

Daniel Castro

Erdogan is stupid or what?!

One can’t just make so much mistakes for so long time, there is something more to it, perhaps he has to keep pushing forward the plans of the muslim brotherhood, or else they kill him…

Anyway, what really pains me is we really can’t understand what is happening, we can only conjecture.


I agree with u!

Joe Doe

Putin is very naive and easy to fool. Putin has shown many times that he is very weak leader. His weaknesses put Russian solders and Russian citizens in dangers, not mention Syria and other countries. Russia needs stronger leaderships and President, that other nation will thinks twice before attacking Russian service mans and Russian citizens or even dare to bomb Russia friendly nations. Look at Erdogan he is no BS and not even Americans dare go against Turkey and the same goes to nation other nations. Another example will be NK, even Russia and China has sold it’s neighbor and potential friend still stay strong

Tudor Miron

Joey, you’re simply stupid or trying to full others here? Comparing Putin to Erdogan in terms of strategy? That was funny but stupid.

I know that you dream that Russia stops supporting its leader but you’re in for a crude awakening my zio friend.

Joe Doe

You are stupid and stupid people like to makes the world danger and more people suffering. You are stupid because you are afraid about the truth. That’s why you should go back to your shit hole and put you tale between legs. You idiot!!

Tudor Miron

Thanks Joey :) Do you feel better now? Smarter? Does it hurt a little when you realise that your zio agenda doesn’t seem to work?


Well done. You have delivered successfully your share of election propaganda. When are you going to move to jerusalem post. Here, we don’t buy it.

Mustaffa Ashaa

I can see that some contributors accused you of having a hidden agenda. Putin can stand proud of regaining Russia’s position on the world stage. Comparing Putin to Erdogan, (in any walks of politics), is a joke that reflects inability in monitoring reality. The history of Russo-Syrian friendship is a long and fruitful one. Putin is a breath of fresh air in Middle East. The region still paying the price of president Sadat’s of Egypt sabotaging the ties with USSR and consequence humiliation of Camp David engineered by Kissinger. Just imagine Iran if Gorbachev or Yaltzin were still in the Kremlin.

northerntruthseeker .

I smell yet again another Hasbara/JIDF rat here… They are really annoying by now!


The Russian strategy is working. Proof? You are still around talking sh*t.


By now the Syrian government would no longer exist and the country would resemble Libya. It was just a matter of time. Yes, the Russian strategy is working.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This area would have seen the worst humanitarian disaster and we would have eventually seen the invasion of NATO forces causing even more of a calamity.

Mustaffa Ashaa

I do not regard the softly-softly approach to the Wahabis of the GCC is talking sh*t. It saddens me to see a US puppet like the Saudi or Qatari foreign minister is given the Kremlin platform to express his support to YTS and SFA terrorists. This, I think, is regarded, (at least by these US proxies), as Russian legitimisation of their role in supporting and financing the terrorists. Who, the hell, Jubair is to declare, (unchallenged), from Kremlin his support to “Syrian revolutionaries”, [sic] !!!! . I think it is about time to tell these Gulf Bedouins that Russia will not allow them to repeat what they did in Afghanistan This is not talking sh*t. It is called Naming and Shaming, … Sir.


Yes, it is. No matter how hard you try to justify your propaganda. I’ve learnt to read between the lines.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Jubair is a little weasel and the US having the Kurds play games for decades is a shame, the Emirs along with other GCC kings are just as responsible for the assassinations of Arab republic leaders. They all fear republics in the Middle East along with the USUK because they lose control in the region, yet they want to control back to the ways of Suez days. The finger point over the assassination of Hariri Qatar blames Saudi Arabia and UAE then they point fingers at Qatar, this is comedy gold 3 stooges!!

Anthony Paul Mapes

A true military man too the end, may the angels smile upon you!



A practical reason for going down fighting.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

The SAA need to realize it is far from over and if they continue to think it’s over it will bring their demise sooner rather than later in life.

John Whitehot

I don’t think that among all the people, the SAA hasn’t realized that “it isn’t over”.

They are the ones carrying the brunt of the fight most than everyone, so they would know better – perhaps the author of the article in the above post should avoid writing bs on the basis of perhaps a couple of patrols he might have encountered that appeared to him to have high morale.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

This is a problem in war as some relax when they shouldn’t and why the counter attacks catch them off guard.

John Whitehot

yeah, but it’s not that a brit journalist, muchever time he has been in Syria, really has enough judgement to decide that the Syrian soldiers are overconfident as a whole.

These are mistakes that real journalists would not had committed in the 80ies but today are all over the toilet paper they sell as news.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Yes, just imagine if they reported WW2 and all wars without being censored things wouldn’t have looked good, so don’t expect things to be said are nice today.

John Whitehot

It’s not a matter of censorship.

I’m saying that the british journo is entitled to his opinion in regards to the Syrian army being “overconfident”.

Yet that is way too long a shot to be credible, at least until he documents having interviewed the largest part of the entire SAA, in most of the country deployments.

The point is also that it’s ridiculous that a single UK journo says that and a number of ppl here comment like he’s found an absolute truth and the SAA is now overconfident.

Again, I suspect intellectual corruption here, or 12 years old from US and UK believing every single word they are fed, always if it comes from a UK or US source.

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Reality in war is people are not machines that can be turned on and off so mistakes are going to happen and how some deal with it manifests in different responses.

Samuel Boas



”Это вам за пацанов” what this mean ??


This is for you, for the Boys.

Tudor Miron

“for the boys” is not a good translation. Boys = мальчики and “Пацаны” is different. “Guys” is closer but still not exact.

Eskandar Black

It means something like ‘This is for you for the guys’


He must be declared a terrorist. Whether killing civilians or soldiers even out of desperation to avoid being caught, it is still a terrorist act. He did it for Russia, so Russia must be declared a terrorist state.

Tudor Miron

And you must be declared what? A zio troll?

Jaime Galarza


Eskandar Black


northerntruthseeker .

I also want to send my condolences to the family of this brave soldier…

I also see how President Assad has sent his condolences as well, and has said that this man was the bravest of brave for taking his life rather than be tortured by the US-Israel scum…..

This also shows how the Russians are true fighters and how one of their pilots would give his life for the services of the brave nation of Syria… I wonder if we could say the same for the American liars and thieves that are presently and very illegally still operating in Syria.

Real Anti-Racist Action

He died a real hero, something that the UK and Israeli and modern-USSA solders do not know how to do. In our Zionist nations, people join for free stuff, free collage, free food, free housing, free beer money and other dishonest and selfish deeds. If these things were not offered, they would have 90% less recruits. It is not about defending ones ethnic tribe any longer. Now days it is about getting paid to prop up the modern Babylonian Empire. https://counterpsyops.com/

Dr. Ronald Cutburth

Very sad. He was heroic to the end.

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