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MARCH 2025

Pinpoint Libyan Airstrikes Destroyed Turkish Air-Defense System In Al-Watiya Air Base

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The Libyan Air Force has destroyed a Turkish MIM-23 Hawk air-defense system in al-Watiya Air Base in western Libya, a source in the Libyan National Army (LNA) told the media on July 5.

According to the source, nine pinpoint airstrikes targeted the Hawk air-defense system and a KORAL electronic warfare system that was stationed nearby.

“We were monitoring the deployment and installation of a Hawk air-defense system along with its attached radars by the Turkish occupation for the last few days,” the source told Libya al-Hadath, adding “today the Turkish Minister of Defense was informed while he was in Misrata that the Uqba bin Nafeh [al-Watiya] base had become ready for use so the LNA decided to destroy it [the system] after it entered service,”

The source went on to claim that the Hawk air-defense system was “100%” destroyed as result of the airstrikes. Large explosions were reported in the base. However, the results of the airstrikes remain uncertain.

Recently released satellite images revealed the Turkish Hawk system is stationed in the southern part of al-Watiya Air Base. The system was deployed in the base earlier this month.

The Hawk’s 45 km range makes its lethal for unmanned combat aerial vehicles, which are used by the LNA’s allies. The system was likely deployed to address this threat.

If confirmed, the destruction of the system would be a major blow to Turkey’s plans for Libya. Recent reports revealed that Ankara is working to turn al-Watiya into a permanent base for its troops in the Arab country.


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It is time for Turkey to pay a price. Hope this news is true and not wishful thinking.


Giauru mă! Giauru!

Brother Ma

It was brought in to kill unmanned drones but they didn’t think to have AA against aeroplanes ? Can this be real? Why would they not have AA to also defend against aeroplanes?

Anyone tell me ? No jokes please ,just tell me what happened and why.

Anyone heard anything new about the two “missing” Turk subs?


They had the ancient hawk systems. They got efed in the A!

Brother Ma

Apparently ,many of them were updated to the latest “block release”.

Lucky hits ,shit Turk set -up or just not appropriate for the job ie shit anti-aircraft system?


A bit of everything.

Brother Ma

Like all war! Lol

Jimmy Jim



Only Russians know how to field a layered air defense. Nothing gets through, not even a bird

Brother Ma

Yes but only for themselves! I don’t see them layering them too well for Syria against Israeli planes etc

Don’t mind me …I’m just a disilussioned pro -Putinist venting…

Toni Liu

They put that layering only for hmeimim and tartus port, and doing half assed aa defence in other place no wonder some of those choosen bastard missile able to slip through saa defence


What did they use? Is it them Mig 29s?


BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) –

Jets hit Libya’s al-Watiya airbase where Turkey may build base, sources say. Last month, the United States said Russia had sent at least 14 MiG29 and Su-24 warplanes to an LNA base via Syria, where their Russian airforce markings were removed.

Turkish involvement in Libya has also angered France and Greece and French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian has warned of new sanctions on Ankara.

The GNA and LNA are now mobilising forces at the new frontlines between the cities of Misrata and Sirte. Egypt has warned that any Turkish-backed effort to take Sirte, which the LNA captured in January, could lead its army to directly intervene.


Reuters, yes Al Masdar News basically says the same.


It looks for real.


Maybe Putin has finally grown a pair.



Jimmy Jim



as always he fails to read and accept the true underlying agendas and ploys of his opponents until they score one time against his interests. Then he retalitates with force.He’s into reaction more than anticipation. It took him way too long to come to the aid of his Syrian ally hence has to deal with the consequences of extended frozen conflict to this day and comitted time and again the same mistake in the Idlib proto-war. His aversion for conflict and taking definitive stances of any kind with any given party and his obsession with dealing with every actor involved everywhere even in intenable scenarios instead and delving into outdated old-school gentlemen’s agreements actually provoke the opposite effects to his intended endgame : very little diplomatic benefit and heavy additionnal geopolitical costs.

Jimmy Jim



LOL Fakenews https://twitter.com/osinteditor/status/1279730927900536839


aaahahahhaahhahaahhaha butthurt much mongol ?

TurkIsis is getting beat re malaka kebap !



Poor Gayreek…got excited for nothing LOL.


When you are a greek and you have no victory in yr hands but only defeat against Turks for the last 100 years , when you are nothing but a wortheşless colony of the west, all you can do is to wank on some imaginery news and some ‘ missing 2 submarines”


ahahhahahahahahahahaaha butthurt ! butthurt ! butthurt !

The butthurt detector detected a butthurt kebap !



Reading above comment of yours , yr ‘hahahah’ s clearly show who is buthurt. Poor greek kid.

When you can not do a shit to all the Turkish warships around you , watch Turkish drilling ships in yr acclaimed EEZ without being able to do anything , you can just cry and wank at some imaginery news.

Being a greek nationalist is the the biggest humiliation nowadays.


Your shitkebap chicken soldiers got bombed last night !

hahahahahahahahaha Butthurt kebap !



how did you like your exploded factory in turkish soil then?? maybe the 60 dead soldiers in syria? poor little gypsy turk more are coming for you!


Here is another hopeless one trying to rant from an explosion in civilian fireworks company . Can you tell me why you are so closely following TR local news while noone here cares here what is going there in Greece ?

After all , Greek boy , this is war. No pain , no gain. Everything can happen. It is not for some daydreamers like you waiting at their homes and expecting regional influence while you can do nothing other than throwing hot air.


nobody caring what happens in a country means that the country is safe there is no trouble and ppl leave in peave there…not like you big circus of a country with hundreds of deaths of Turkish ppl …Turkish ppl life matters less than a homeless cats life…congratulations!


Man, dont try to find excuses for your obsession in Turkish matters. You are actually following and commenting on Turkish domestic issues , even on accidents in some civilian factories.

Thats a big country with about 90 mio , thus more deaths. If you are so sensitive about homeless cat’s lives , look at the nuclear accidents in yr beloved Russia. But of course you wont, because it wont help your arguments.

Thanks for yr concern , though.


soon to get those accidents in your country also ahahahah…Russians are making you nuclear station…damn u are so funny.. also stop stalking me are u some kind of pervert?


You are the one replying with yr stupidities and yr desperate laughters. Go solve yr problems in yr own mickey mouse country first before digging into turkish domestic news and trying to push civilian accidents as military assaults.

If you dont like being answered , don’t post in an anonymous forum, you thick pervert.


oh looks is the pervert child molestor in the forums again stalking me!…look guys its him!


Mhtsa , you Alzheimer stage 5 dotard , it is you who answered my comment and now calling yr boyfriends to save yr ass.


Spencer, dear, nationalists are brainwashed no matter where they come from.

How do you mean research vessels from TR are drilling in our EEZ ? Perhaps you have in mind those vessels researching in cypriot EEZ which does not operate a navy or an airforce. This issue is already addressed by the cypriot authorities in a different manner than the greek authorities will respond once you try drilling or researching within our maritime zones. Turkish warships and any other warship for that matter are free to roam in international waters though.


You know what the funny part is ?

Your smoking compatriot can not even cary the argument you have here. He can just curse and post some childish photoshopped picture when he is cornered. And I am expecially sorry if he is not a kid…


He needs a brain CT scan.

M.A. Lamett

Why do you laugh so much? Is somebody fingering your butthole? https://media0.giphy.com/media/qGZyGeuHV6kBW/giphy.gif


Why you ‘re showing us what you do to your mom’s?

This is a family site !

tststs… shame on you turkisis person !

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts… Try to handle it…


What i posted is the truth. Try to accept it.

Lone Ranger

Ha ha aaand ha….

Rhodium 10

A Clearly impact ( left below) where Hawk battery was deployed https://www.facebook.com/LibyaAlhadathTV/photos/a.311792095819730/1249468755385388/?type=3&theater


This was uploaded 12 hours ago, the first sattelite images of today weren’t released til a couple hours ago.

Rhodium 10

the airstrike was a day ago

Rhodium 10

MIG 29 armed with KH 31 Kripton antiradar missile ( 110km range, 90kg warhead)….

Lone Ranger

Most excellent :)


Quite possibly yes. It may have also been either the UAE or Egypt, but whoever did it was clearly a more professional force than the LNA themselves.

Rhodium 10

MIg 29 pilots in Libya are Syrians and Russians

Lone Ranger

Nice shot. Whoever it was. Turkroaches are crying and raging :)


Be aware , these accounts are Fake news, Turkish secret service agents + the Jew.



there is also a freeman account from Sweden.


I ll keep an eye out for that, thanks.

Toni Liu

Ahhhh so long in the southfront seems new service agent appeared, I remember how we fight against those al qaeda and isis supporter bastard from abu kornet, to those jew agent that I rarely saw him lately after got roasted hard, hope this new agent got fucked like their shitty friend before

Concrete Mike

Good job!


Lol for the sake of Twerkiye lets hope they are not secret agents at all b/c they look like the average AKP lun cifteteloglu ic olun ayran drinker -:)


Yeah I dont know what those funny letters in that funny Klingon language mean but there is a very good chance they are both what you are saying and also at the same time secret agents. Of cource a kebap ‘secret agent’ is not to be confused with a normal western world secret agent. The IQ gap is colossal ! hahahaha

M.A. Lamett

Hahahaha….you are so dumb https://media3.giphy.com/media/JQfIVPQTrLGHm/giphy.gif


Well…lets let others who are not turkisis agents decide about that shall we mr kebap!


[Imgur](https://i.imgur.com/r5JaSCU.png) ahahahahhahaa


Typical greek retard.


Typical butthurt turkisis shit kebap baboon !





You can draw on your computer all u like but I m posting the real thing. Your turkisis 1000 euro / month rapist thieving army in Libya is on their way to their 72 BBC africans !



Huh what’s that? Do i hear Gayreek tears? LOL


ahahha why would I be crying dumbass!

Cause i feel sorry for the turkisis thugs in Libya ?

hahahaha you are soooo dumb!

Jimmy Jim



But but but… why is the sattelite showing nothing has been hit? Where it invinsible strikes? LOL Dumpf Gayreek!


The satelite shows THE TURKISIS TARGET WAS DESTOYED dumbaaaaaass!!! Nobody cares about the pictures you made in your computer or OLD satelite pictures before the hit !

ahahahahah unbelievably dumb you kebaps – for brains are !


Hahaha cheering for something never happend is next level retardation! Gayreek, did you escape from your mental illness hospital?


The whole world is wrong and turkey is right !

Yeah mr kebap sure whatever you say !






hahahaha coping the Greek again. You dont even know who this guy is do you !

Does Erdogay let you watch foreign tv ? Or is that against ‘the law’ ?

hahahaaha poor little kebap, was born to be a mongoloid …oh…. ahahhaha dumbaaaass!


Oohh poor Gayreek just more empty talk. Its been awhile your buddies accomplished something, all that asspenetrating must have damaged your brain LOL


haha dumbass…like what ?

What did you want us to accomplish ?

Maybe a guerilla mercenary army of thugs that go around raping and thieving civilians in other countries? Is that what you had in mind? A terrorist state like Turkgay?

No, we can’t do that, we are European and we are civilised unlike you Mongolian baboons. We are here, holding Europe’s borders against the hordes of you !

And as far as the ass-penetration, you can always try to send your…ehm..I mean the Pakistani pilots (your own are in jail or have fled to the free world, I forgot) to fly over the Aegean and see what happens … https://youtu.be/0GGNbgV4crk?t=129


refugee camps in “Civilized Gayreece” ( compare it with camps in TR) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/77d925f473e803816183cee41c204cdfc7dbc46aaf84ea0930807c4ae367e22d.jpg Greek coastguard attacking refugee boat in “civilized Gayreece” LOL

The TR pilot was just chilling his ass, he knows Gayreeks are not gonna open fire…


Not true and that photo could be anywhere !

Nobody believes the shit you post mr kebap. GTFOH

M.A. Lamett

Greek police and border guards accused of beating refugees.https://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/another-migrant-found-dead-after-greece-pushback-to-turkey-139514





Incidents of police brutality have been on the rise across Turkey during the curfews imposed against the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, with new footage showing police officers hitting or mistreating citizens surfacing on social media nearly everyday.

A large group of police officers in the Çorlu district of the northwestern province of Tekirdağ beat a man sitting in front of his house on the first day of Eid al-Fitr on May 24.

According to social media user Ali Osman Önder, who shared the video, a police officer carrying out curfew controls told Dursun Gültaş, who was sitting in front of his house, to go inside while hurling insults at the man.



They came illegally without papers … they are invaders.


If you are interested for them and you want them..take them at your home. I don’t want them in my country.


Τhose photos have nothing to do with Greek police or Greece or immigrants. Its probably Syrians at the hands of Turkish police!


To go back to their homelands. we did not invite them to come.


This is a camp for uninvited muslims in Christian Greece … What is muslim Turkey doing with Christians? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armenian_Genocide https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_genocide So, do not sell me democracy and humanity bullshit, you circumcised hypocrite!


What? Would it be acceptable if they were Christian refugees? Because Turkey surely invited 4 million refugees! And not because some madman was bombing the crap out of them—because he couldn’t handle some protests. Anyway since Greece is part of the refugee convention, it’s up for them to create liveable hygienic housing like Turkey did, whether they want it or not.

“Whats is muslim Turkey doing with Christians?” Maybe you should read how these Christians took advantage of a dying empire and started massacring the muslims with whom they lived for centuries.

P.S you got something with male genitals??

Ja som pravda!

But you blackmailed whole europe… you assholes are so stupid , that you have to wait for our money. YOU started the syrian conflict, YOU should keep them but we shouldnt pay it. MAN you are 100% liar. You are so brainwashed that talking with you is just WASTING TIME AND ENERGY. And we didnt even start arguing about armenian genocide…


You are on the Muslim side, I am on the Christian (Orthodox) side. We support two irreconcilable sides, any discussion is meaningless and a solution can only be achieved with weapons. Until the meeting…

M.A. Lamett

There is no such thing as “Libyan Air Force”. It is most probably a foreign major power coordinated flown plane. If the bombing is real (meaning no fake news, aka disinformation), I suspect either France or Russia being behind this event. It will be evident soon. France is a quite sneaky Zionist Occupied Country (ZOC) and Russia is also run by 80% jewish oligarcy, with Putin being the rubber stamp president. If true, most likely there was a zionist controlled operation behind it. We will see the truth soon.


Lol do not forget to wrap your head with high quality domestically made aslaslan rokaslan EW tinfoil

shameful muzzie gupsoglu cοckrοach LMAO http://www.stixoi.info/stixoi.php?info=Poems&act=details&poem_id=29659


I would like to see confirmation of the attack and damages. I would also like to read how it was conducted, drones, munition and so on. Also who was behind it? To soon and too little information about if and what happened.

alejandro casalegno

The big question………………Who?????………….are many candidates, Russia, France, Egypt, UAE…..a joint operation???? Will see…………………





Turkies in Libya are still running for their lives after that hit… PANIC ! hahaha

And Erdogan is looking for a place to hide …civil war in turkgay is imminent !


Libyan National Army (LNA) warplanes have reportedly bombed al-Watiya military airport in western Libya early Sunday morning.

Six Turkish officers and a senior commander have been killed, according to Twitter activists.

Nine Turkish targets were hit and a video of the powerful and devastating air raid was released.


M.A. Lamett

Looks like disinformation (Failed)



And so it starts. Game on, let it roll.

The Objective

That’s not the end. They probably unlocked a wrath that’ll soon befall them. Too early to celebrate for all the enemies of Islam on this forum. Too early.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Don’think it was the IAF this time.


Why would it be us? we have no business in Libya.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Sorry, it was a very ‘dry’ comment.


yes you do dumbass !

Israel supports Egypt Saudi Arabia and U.A.E against your friends here in this blog, the kebap!

Wake up dumbass! You are a traitor to your own country !

ahahhaha stupid jew !


What’s up Greeko? you’ve decided you want another conversation with me? well okay I guess we can keep the same insults. So listen again Greeko son of a bitch, we don’t care about Libya in any way and it is not our business to decide who should rule there. If Egypt and UAE wanna join the war then it’s their call, we focus on Lebanon, Syria and Iran. So get your head out of your Greeko Nazi ass, not everything is about Israel. You know when it will be about Israel? when we will find you little Nazi Greekos and do to you what we know best.


”Conversation with you” hahahah delusional hanouka boy!

I never had a ‘conversation’ with you!

I spoke you listened ! Like 3rd grade pupils listen to their teacher!

Dumbaaaas jew! ahhaha you are so fkn dumb!

You think you speak for Israel now too ? hahahahahaah Such a retard its unbeliavable !


That’s how I know you’re mad Greeko, when you know I don’t really give a shit about your opinion :)


…Yet you keep on rubbing your dirty hanouka butthole against my big fat Greek c0ck everyday… hahahaha You Love It !


Turkish Minister of Defense was informed while he was in Misrata that the Uqba bin Nafeh [al-Watiya] base had become ready for use so the LNA decided to destroy it [the system] after it entered service,

huh???? Thought the idea to install it was to prevent its destruction..

Dick Von Dast'Ard

French cruise missiles? (MdCN/Scalp)

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