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MARCH 2025

Pinpoint Strikes Hit Oil Traffickers In Turkish-Occupied Northern Aleppo (Videos)

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Late on October 23, pinpoint strikes targeted two fuel storage facilities operated by illegal traffickers to the south of the Turkish-occupied town of Jarabulus in northern Syria.

Precision-guided missiles targeted the facilities, which are located near the towns of al-Kussa and al-Dabis. The strikes resulted in large fires and a series of explosions.

Large quantities of fuel, which were smuggled from areas held by the Syrian Democratic Forces in northeastern Syria, were reportedly stored in the targeted facilities. Dozens of tankers were also parked there.

According to several local media sources, the strikes claimed the lives of five people and injured at least 15 others who were working in the targeted facilities.

Opposition activists claimed that the strikes were carried out by Russian forces. Nevertheless, it is more likely that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) was behind the strikes.

In November of 2019, the SAA launched a series of pinpoint strikes on facilities operated by fuel traffickers in northern Aleppo. Back then, the army warned that it will not hesitate to target any side that’s involved in these illegal acts.

The heavy losses caused by the new wave of strikes on Jarabulus fuel facilities will likely hinder smuggling operations for weeks, if not months.


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Harry Smith

Russian TG channels says that it could be Coalition strike. USA UAVs were spotted over the region. Could be true, because Trump openly took Armenia side.


If true it would be funny the drones to take off from Icirlic airbase. But could be more related with the recent pro-Turkish militias shelling of the SDF positions.

Rhodium 10

Thats a nonsense!..SDF with the support of USA are selling petrol and tank trucks are travelling from Omar and Conoco oil field to Al Bad through SDF controlled areas!..thats why Syria governement claimed the last airstrikes vs petrol facilities there!..all these facilities was built when ISIS had the control of almost all oil fields in Syria and they main source of income was to sell oil!

Harry Smith

Just saying what I read. Can’t tell is it true or not.

Jens Holm

Yes. Erodium is no source. We have no verifications.

Jens Holm

Yes, lack of fuel is a good delay. But number one is to find it.

Jens Holm

As usual You are only sending unverified guessings from You best wished from below You bed blanket.

cechas vodobenikov

while Russian leadership claims this is a war of aggression by azeris, Russia is largely neutral. Oil extraction has always been confined to north syria where ISIS/turkeys are active


On come on that sounds like a BS story.

Jens Holm

Thats makes a lot of sense to me. Them or the Russians and a very small iotion for Israel too.


Oops. Karma strikes again.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, karma in the shape of Iranian drones strikes again :)

Porc Halal

Hahahaha…that’s a good one!…

Free man

USA UAVs hunting season.

Fog of War

Maybe true. The ZioAmericans don’t want any competion while stealing Syrian oil.

Jens Holm

Haha. It depens who is getting it and whos gonna be paid.


Iran defense minister gifted a scan eagle to the Russian defense minister Shoigu in Iran last year, in case you didn’t know. All other captured US technology shared by Iran with both Russia and China. Sorry to disappoint you.

Jens Holm

I did not know that. But I dont see any surprice in that.


your only jihadi ‘surprice’ is that you been busted by me……that bacon fella (your alter ego) I blocked……now yous got no help either. You think we stupid muhammad bin jens yahuda holmes? come on now……lol

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the CIA IS running the oil theft operation to fund terrorism. It is the new generation of Iranian drones that are causing havoc. Wait till the latest Iranian upgraded Harop is unveiled next year. The Chinese have had a good look at that too.

Icarus Tanović

Hahaha, what a utter nonsense.

Fog of War

Alright lets queue the ” its just another accident ” crowd. – Fire erupts after explosion at Iranian petrochemicals plant – https://www.rt.com/news/504394-fire-explosion-iran-petrochemicals-plant/


Odds are it’s just another accident, Frog. :)

Fog of War

I see the crowd has arrived. Thanks PZIVJew ;)

Steve Standley

Only players interested in stopping oil smuggling are SAA and Russia. lol @ US airstrikes when these are the people advocating theft of oil.

Jens Holm

Thats highly oncorrect. SDF and USA fight any smugling they can along Eufrat.

Only official sales to Assads – which is very limited by USA – can be done to the Assad authorities.

Its well established facts fopund here and many times fx at Syria Live UA. Even the small ¨ferries are knocked out.

Its also very strange You have not noticed, that USA arm SDFs against those Joihadists even it has been going on for years.

Steve Standley

just fyi i don’t read anything your wright because you don’t make any sense, you don’t know how to spell, and you have poor grammar. ^didn’t read this above either.


Good grammer is not important. We are people all over here.

Steve Standley

i agree, but if you don’t spell, you don’t have good grammar, and your posts dont’ make any sense, I will not read them. Secondly, It’s everyone’s right to choose what they read on this website; I’m not obliged to suffer your poor grammar. If you can’t make the effort to be understood, don’t expect people to read it.

Jens Holm

People sell You dirt and can because they put it in nice paper. And they do.

I am used to people of Your kind keeping themselves in selfcreated dark – and then blame others for they know nothing.

We have some of Your kind here too.

You should join them and make Your own country. If Antarktis gets warmer, You could live there and eat softice all day long.


dude you an Israeli, if not a N African Brussels Daeshi……nothing else makes sense.

Jens Holm

I relate to the low facts in the article as well as I see the possible one, which might have done that – or not – better.

It doesnt matter if Iwas a penguin from the Falkland Islands or a Hindu made into a worm.


come on Muhammad bin yahuda ‘Jens Holmes’……you an Al-Qaeda NATO jihadi proxy….Like I said……who da fuck else would even utter a bad comment toward Iran or Russia vs the Jihadi terrorist goons? You choose Daesh/ Al-Qaeda over Iran?…….Leaves us with no doubts whatsoever on your identity no? Come on Muhammad Jens bin yahuda Holmes?….you think we are stupid?….lol…..We got lower caste hendu-pak here too rooting for turkey now…..I’m not surprised you turned out to be a semitic shyster or worse yet possibly even a lower caste hendu-pak.

Jens Holm

You are a no leaner writing like that.

But You soulc read my 66116 comments. But it seemes You have to have 2-5 perons to explain and build it in Duplo for You too.


Don’t get offended now…..Anyone talking shit on Iran is an instant red flag for me. You give yourself up quick, if you do that. Only two types here are talking anti-Iran shit……One’s the heebs, the other are the sunni/ wahabbi camel jockey/ hendu-pak. Nobody else……both rooting for daesh, turkey and the taliban.

Jens Holm

I relate to the low facts. Thats “talking shit” ????

And Danes has got bead relations to Iran now after we as Nato came to Iraq and orut teachers for the Iraqia army as well as opur fighters agains ISIS got wounded for life by Iranian missiles.

But I did relate to low facts.

There is no reason for talking shit about many things in- and outside Iran by Father Christmas in Qaum. They are showing themselves very well.

The same goes for others. Its more like if several blindfolded lying fanautics here dont like me, then I am correct.


Iran has all the rights to do what it deems fit in the SyRaq. None of your business. And you ain’t no ‘Dane’….don’t you bullshit me. Yous a camel jockey or a mongol. Either way, Iran’s fucked you all. You can’t fight Iran you loser. Iran’s buried millions of you jihadis all over the place without batting an eyelid.You’ve been defeated ages ago. Stop being bitter. Move on fool.

Jens Holm

I and we have no intensions in figting Iran. To us they are just some dirty unusefull dottet pricks https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32a52e394a245ba6023d1d9bd6323ded10c152ba894025725b9ec677d5c747d6.jpg If we ever is asked for help, we will send soap and pigs. Ypu can learn a lot from pigs. They are brightyre then You and under the same conditions as Yours they are cleaner and smell better too.


You just confirmed you IDF bro……good thing I rooted you out didn’t I….?…..lol….you a fawkin shyster…you disrespected Christianity and you hate Islam…..can only mean one thing…..Now we know.

Jens Holm

I just fund Iran on a map and has been reading about Your version of father Christmas in Qabooom.

It seemes Our vomen produce twice as much as Iranians and their lousy 12.000 dollars a year. How lng are Your siestas? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/faa3b2d5f495b534949d8a51b7c85e28a155bbb78fbdabe7161a998318792eec.gif

Jens Holm

Has some nasty persons paintet beards on Your Barbie dolls.

cechas vodobenikov

u idiot liar–USa corp Delta has contracted to stela Syrian oil—proudly announced by trump; oil all smuggled through turkey–your colony of USA spreads fascist lies

Zionism = EVIL

Responding to this complete idiot gives him attention, which he thrives on. Just downvote and ignore.

Jens Holm

You dont have to respond. I write so the rest of the world can see all is not barking mad here. I dont write to or for You.

This is nodating site.

If You need thats, You should go somewhere else. None will blame You.

Jens Holm

Last time I heard about it ISIS has made a pipeline tunnel all the way to Haifa :)

…And there Jews with swimming wests took it all the way to New York.

Zionism = EVIL

The truth of the matter is that the Zionist pimp Erdogan and his family are running this illegal oil theft operation from Syria. His corrupt on Bilal and son in law have become billionaires stealing oil and funding Wahhabi terrorism from Libya to Azerbaijan and are now linked with Ukraine as well.


Whoever loses the support of the Oligarchs (Donmedes) in Turkey, falls the next day without even having to hold elections !!! Tusiad starring the colossus of the Sampanji and Kots families brought him to power. As long as tusiad supports him, there is no way he can fall from power! When they openly withdraw their support, then at best he will go home and at worst he will have the fate of Menderes!


Turkey has a specific strategic agenda, and it wants to become an autonomous geopolitical power in the region, but this is something we will not allow to happen.

Jens Holm

The Erdo son wwas stopped years ago.


bullshit…..you know ‘jens holm’……with each new comment of yours, my line of thought that yous a fawkin N African Brussels jihadi. I mean who da fuck would back Daesh turkey or Al-Qaeda no? and say bad shit about Russia and Iran?….why?….unless yous a Daesh sympathizer no?

Jens Holm

You have no line of thoughts. You not even know what a line is. Its more like a flee market for things which no one will have, even they are paid for it.


come on muhammad yahuda bin jens holmes. You upset at me for being intuitive here? You either a N African or a lower caste hendu-pak jihadi……..one or the other……you think we can’t tell?….lol

Porc Halal

Erdofuck is a goat-sex addicted…

Icarus Tanović

That’s right, hit the mofos where it hurts them most-oil. Wahhabi garbage will cry in rage. This is one way they finance theirs terrorist activities. Great job Ruaf, and SAA.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Airstrikes or ballistic missiles or both, the description of 20 metre missiles in one report may indicative both types of attack occurred, airstrikes combined with missile strikes, possibly missiles first to take out any defenses and aircraft to finish the job.

“Missiles Strike Fuel Market South of Jarablus #Aleppo #Syria Civilians Injured ======================================== @almohrarmedia2 1h A huge explosion was caused by an unknown bombardment of tanks loaded with diesel fuel in the village of Al-Koussa, near the city of Jarablus in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

IDLIB POST @IdlibEn 55m An unknown warplane bombards a fuel market in the village of #Koussa near #Jarablus in the eastern countryside of #Aleppo.

SyriaCall_NEWS @SyriCall 15m Unidentified missiles target the “diesel” market in the town of Balaban, south of the city of “Jarablus” in the eastern countryside of Aleppo

Anas ALmaarawi @anasanas84 40m The Russian occupation fires long-range surface-to-surface missiles from Hmeimim airport, targeting a fuel market near the city of Jarablus, east of Aleppo

Mohammed Ghorab @MGhorab3 – 50m Air strikes by unknown aircraft hit the fuel market in #Jarablus, northeast of #Aleppo – 20m Long-range missiles launched by the Russian #Hmeimim base in #Jableh https://twitter.com/MGho…/status/1319680800661606402/photo/1.”

cechas vodobenikov

Russian aerospace routinely targets these oil caravans. amerikans spend huge sums to employ their ISIS SDF TERRORISTS TO steal oil and destabilize Syria—a negative financial investment…these idiots may be bad at business but they do enjoy killing and torturing civilized peoples

Jaime Galarza

Erdogan must be crying.


ok this good news, seems like NATO will have to look for another way to finance his proxy army.


NATO is crying in silence

Jens Holm

Your feets are salty and wet or what.

As a minimum You should give some reason. My feet is not wet.

Nato is not even in Syria.


The Turkish Armed Forces is the second largest standing military force in NATO. The smuggling is being orchestrated by Turkey and its backers. So, if Turkey cries, Nato cries. USSA and Turkey are in Syria to steal OIL OIL OIL. Russia will stop these THIEVES.

Porc Halal

I see you are able to communicate with Jens…apparently you know his language…please can you translate what he said?

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Norwegian NATO soldiers are in the al-Asad base in Iraq and Amman in Jordan. They are officially training forces to fight IS in Syria and Iraq. Forces such as the FSA and SDF.

Porc Halal

Ok, some good news after all…


No. This stolen and very cheap oil exclusively goes to Israel. Aliyev military uses Baku oil.

Porc Halal

Ok…so we may expect some retaliation from israeli air force, uh?…


Yes, it bounds to happen within a week, another pin-prick small diameter bombing from Golan. They can’t touch Russians ofcourse, so they’ll try to bomb a school or something. It works like sitting on an ice block for them, soothes their burning behinds.


Garga, why is Iran tolerating lower caste semites? We should fuckin go extermination mode no? They can’t do shit. They ain’t got the body count to really challenge. Iran controls just as many semites ideologically as they do financially no?


What can I say? Just remember time id on our side.


Russia is fighting Armania /Azeri war from Syria.

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