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Point Of Instability Kashmir: India Tightens Security Measures Amid Eid-al-Adha Prayers

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Point Of Instability Kashmir: India Tightens Security Measures Amid Eid-al-Adha Prayers

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On August 11th, Eid-al-Adha celebrations were muted in Jammu and Kashmir due to severe security restrictions.

Eid prayers were not allowed in most mosques, especially in the capital Srinagar, after a curfew was imposed due to concerns of violence.

People in Srinagar had come out in large numbers to shop for Eid on before the restrictions were back.

“People are coming out and shopping for Eid. A large number of people came out today. Wherever there were restrictions, they were relaxed. We’re trying to facilitate people who want to travel to Srinagar to meet their dear ones,” said Rohit Kansal, Principal Secretary, Planning Commission.

On the morning of August 12th, the restrictions seemed to be eased, but only for prayers and then were tightened.

Srinagar Deputy Commissioner Shahid Chaudhary said:

 “After Eid prayers were offered in the morning, restrictions have been reimposed in many parts of the Valley. We allowed people to move earlier, now restrictions have been reimposed due to the prevailing situation.”

In Kashmir there are still restrictions imposed on communications. Officials said they were “temporary” in order to maintain peace and curb the spread of misinformation and rumors.

“The government is conscious of the ground situation and doing utmost so that there is minimum inconvenience to the people. Everyday something or the other restrictions are relaxed. We will take decisions on lifting restrictions on phones as early as possible,” an unnamed official said.

The weekend and the morning of Eid were generally calm. According to data provided by Reuters, approximately 10,000 people came out to protest on the evening of August 10th in Srinagar. The data is based on anonymous sources.

In response, the spokeswoman for India’s Ministry of Home Affairs, Vasudha Gupta said that these were fake reports, and that there was not nearly that many protesters.

The following is a list of actions undertaken by authorities in Kashmir, released by Gupta:

Point Of Instability Kashmir: India Tightens Security Measures Amid Eid-al-Adha Prayers

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Point Of Instability Kashmir: India Tightens Security Measures Amid Eid-al-Adha Prayers

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Point Of Instability Kashmir: India Tightens Security Measures Amid Eid-al-Adha Prayers

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The Kashmir Police further said that any reports of violent incidents in the Kashmir valley were also fake:

A video by the BBC shows a large crowd of protesters being fired tear gas at, which India denied, as can be seen above.

On Pakistan’s side, diplomatic ties are still downgraded, trade is restricted and there have been no further escalations.

The only exception is Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan who likened Indian actions to “Nazism”.

“Attempt is to change demography of Kashmir through ethnic cleansing. Question is: Will the world watch & appease as they did Hitler at Munich?”

The Pakistani prime minister added that the “ideology of Hindu supremacy, like the Nazi Aryan supremacy, will not stop” in Kashmir, but would lead to “the suppression of Muslims in India & eventually lead to targeting of Pakistan”.

Essentially, the current state of the “conflict” over Kashmir is at the propaganda stage, with both sides accusing the other side of alleged actions. Evidence is scarce, and even if it is there it’s simply rejected.

Generally, Kashmir is the more sensitive area, as in Jammu restrictions by the Indian authorities were lifted in most regions and normality appears to be coming back.


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How are not SF commentators on fire against this protesters like they are against the protesters in HK and Moscow?


Depends on which side of the political argument they flow. Just like in the western MSM protesters against the government are always pro-democracy protesters, except when they happen in the West. Then they are the deplorables and populists. Southfront has a bias towards Russia and China, so they malign the protesters there.

You got to know the bias of the news site you’re reading, be it Southfront, or the MSM. Everybody has a bias and an agenda. So if you know what the bias and agenda is you can read between the lines and see the code of the Matrix.


I totally agree with you and you know it, I wanted to make a point that SF and the other pro Russian outlets call themselves ‘independent journalism’:)


Just because you are independent doesn’t mean you don’t have a bias. It’s just how you fund yourself. The real magic word is objective. But being objective is the hardest thing in the world. It’s easy to be independent, especially in this day and age of crowdfunding. It’s hard as breaking cement with your bare fists to be objective, because that means overcoming your own biases.

It used to be something journalists aspired to. To be objective and report the facts as is. The holy grail of journalism. But nowadays they’re not even trying anymore to hide their bias. In fact its become central to their business model.

The bias in me loves to blame the boomers and their 60’s activism for that. But maybe journalists never lived up to that ideal. They were at times just more subtle about it.

Anyway, since I noticed you get a lot of flak for your comments, and I also did, I leave you with some wisdom I saw in a youtube vid yesterday. Never let the compliments get to your head and never let the insults get to your heart.


Thank you for the wisdom, I appreciate.


Is this the part where we all cheer for Pakistani jihadists and then condemn identical Syrian jihadists a minute later?


Well, most people here already cheer for the Afghan Taliban every time they strike a blow against US interests there. The fact that the Taliban is no better then Syrian Jihadists seems lost on most people. I reckon its an ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ kind of thing.

stupid is as stupid does

The fact that the Taliban is fighting in his own country is “lost” on you and many other Westerers with rich colonial tradition. Whoever Taliban are it is not yours or US or NATO f*cking business! US have sponsored their own existence to be their tool and now they are guilty of not being US bitches?!! Taliban are not brought mercenaries (in Syria) paid by the West and their Arab stooges! You call them Jihadi yet they fight Jihad for Israhell. While Taliban are from Afghanistan They are there now even though created by CIA still they are at their home, while US & NATO are INVADERS ! And those fact must be respected !

So enough of the double talk and Western hypocrisy .


“The fact that the Taliban is fighting in his own country” They came from fucking Pakistan.

“Taliban are not brought mercenaries paid by the West and their Arab stooges!” Actually that’s what they are.

“So enough of the double talk and Western hypocrisy !” How about you try that?


Taliban may have been trained iin Pakistan, but they are Afghani Tribal groups that like the Pashton sometimes exist in both countries. In that part of the world Tribal is everything, “a nation” is just a western concept to them. Al Qaeda were a CIA creation, but when bin Laden split with them he called his troops the Taliban ( Students).


Agree but wasn’t Bin Laden from KSA and didn’t he raised tens of millions for the Talibans?


Yes Osama was from KSA, the bin Laden family is hugely wealthy.

He raised billions for Al Qaeda initially and he also got Pakistan’s Intel and military connected to the KSA. So much so that KSA contracted out ALL their Intel to the Pakistan military for over twenty years. And yes he raised more millions for the Taliban. Now the Pakistan military is a very dangerous beast.

Wahhabi and the ability to squeeze the KSA, UAE, Kuwait for funds, and they have lusted over Kashmir since 1947.


Bullsh*t you f*cking jihadi apologist. Most of the Taliban were, and are, citizens of Pakistan + various assorted Sunni muslims from all over. Funded by Saudi mostly, trained by Pakistani ISI (their version of CIA) and given safe haven on Pakistani soil. Afghans and Indians see Pakistan the way Syria sees Turkey – a hostile Sunni Islamic terrorist state sitting on their border.

And a lot of you f*cking morons cheer for PakistanTaliban because some of the people they kill are Americans. If you’re going to do that, then shut the f*ck up about Turkey interfering in Syria. Have some consistency and remember you’re cheering for Sunni muslim jihadists who are ideologically identical to the ones destabilizing Syria and Iraq.


Mr. Boxman; I do not cheer or support Wahhabi jihadists. I do support India in its Kashmir changes, I do support Myanmar or Burma in its dealings with the Bangladesh jihadists. I do support Syria in its war against the Qaeda and ISIS jihadists, sponsored by US/UK/KSA/Qatar and Turkey. However, in order to overcome these fools we must know who is the enemy and who is not. I say you are wrong on the Taliban, they are Afghani, and concerned with Afghanistan. ISIS America’s other proxy force, only has a foothold in Pakistan’s Peshawar. You are right they are funded and indoctrinated by the Saudis and directed by ISI. Above my quote to occcupybacon, “the KSA contracted out all their Intel., to the Pakistan military for over twenty years”. Pakistan Intel, ISI, they are the problem. Pakistan is “a hostile Sunni Islamic terrorist state sitting on the ( India’s) border. The US with its support of the KSA has created this problem with its use of jihadi boots on the ground in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria and India could very well be next. Although it does look like they have woken up, lets hope so.


Well spoken ! When bin Laden split from Al Qaeda, the Taliban was born, because he respected the Tribal governments and peoples. America has no idea of what it is doing in Afghanistan to this day. The only ones who know what they are up to, is the CIA growing the poppies. But please, supplying the Kurds with heroin does not make them “the good guys”.

stupid is as stupid does

Kurds are ethnic minority generously invited to Syria and given place for peaceful and prosperous existence. They have been spiting on that welcome ever since and wiping their dirty feet over the sovereignty of the Syria. Rabid dog would have more gratitude than them. The pay day of reckoning will come for the Kurds and they will not like the outcome.


And that’s just their recent history. The Kurdish Sassoon family has been moving heroin since they started the East India Company (1601) It is no ‘accident’ that “The Company” backs them in Syria.

stupid is as stupid does

The US is pest and global oppressor. Whoever strikes US in defending his own country does good thing !

Feudalism Victory

Indeed we should all defend our lands from foreigners who wander in and claim ownership.

Looking at you refugees and migrants too….

stupid is as stupid does

You should have, but it is already too late for you… I’m not a “refugee” or “migrant” and I certainly do not prefer Western decadent culture and feeble identity and rotten values to my own. I am convinced supporter of sovereignty of every country as the law above all other laws. The most sacred values are family and religious roost. Without them there is no identity and culture, no country Also countries without borders do not exist. Thus decadent in ever way crumbling Western Europe is doing collective suicide orchestrated by their traitorous liberal elites directly supported by deprived from all moral values lawless left.

Feudalism Victory

TRUMP 2020! I must admit I feel a little alienated from the prevailing western culture. I blame feminism. Things went downhill quickly after women got the vote. Hell even the women are fed up turning into radical lesbian and justin bieber guys. No strong hand to guide society and this is what we got.


What US “interests” are there in Afghanistan other than using it to attack Iran, and grow poppies, what have they done there for 18 years. Syrian jihadists are also Wahhabi Sunni, but not Syrian. Of course there are a few exceptions. The Taliban jihadist may have gone to school in Saudi Arabia, but is Afghani.

stupid is as stupid does

No. This is part where we say that India and Pakistan must pull their s*it together and make wise choice in critical situation. Even though that wise choice would make ( US and few extremist lunatics on both sides very unhappy) That choice would only be: PEACE has no alternative for nuke nations ! Either they will start war and destroy their future or they will chose wisely to become rich and developed like many other Asian countries. The future is in their hands! Kashmir should unite Pakistan and India not to divide them ! I am sure that China has some advice to Pakistan in that direction… To become stupid is only question of choice.

Rodney Loder

Modi isn’t getting any support, he likely will back down completely after Imran Khan stood up with China right behind him, but this is what you can continually expect from swine who thinks Jesus Christ and my kiddies are the new untouchables,

But in a way Modi is right I personally would bother to urinate on a Christian scab, it would be a waste of piss, they lap the stuff up, Hinduism is probably not as bad.

stupid is as stupid does

You filthy good for nothing stinking scum

Rodney Loder

Come to Australia, look up my address on Quora I’m Terry Loder on Quora, Terence is my middle name come and stay forever, or just let us know who you are and well sort it out, listen up little creep I break your neck.

stupid is as stupid does

You’ll brake nothing you low life pig ! Creatures like you put Australia to shame. In my country you would be invisible peace of crap quietly sitting in the corner more than happy not to attract any attention.

Rodney Loder

Name and address please or just be a good little anonymous creep and shut your mouth.

stupid is as stupid does

Why would I name anything you cowardly low life. Only illiterate morons give away address publicly on internet. Monkeys like you have no access in my country I can tell you that. We would shoot you for the sports you worthless scum.

Rodney Loder

However I’m a real.person and your just a fool without an identity, if you spoke to me in that manner I would be entitled to legally sue you for damages but you ar not a person so you missing any kind of credibility, but if you can’t fight send some who can.

stupid is as stupid does

By your looks, only thing you can “fight” is the goats resistance to your every day sexual advancements.

Rodney Loder

Looks, ? What, ? Put up or shut up, I guess your a Kurd who fight with kids and girls.

Feudalism Victory

Lol you two. This was a very entertaining exchange.

You fight with words and ideas you crazy kids. ;)

Rodney Loder

This; mug has never contributed to South Front I’ve donated over a thousand $.


I’ve talked it over with a friend of mine, who has lived in India for a couple of years and his take on the Kashmir situation is this: It’s the Kosovo of India. In the development of Hindu religion and culture it has played a massive development, as such it means a massive great deal to Indian Hindus. Also 5 of the most important and powerful Hindu families in India live in Kashmir, and India would sooner part with New Delhi to Pakistan then Kashmir. As such they will never EVER give it up.

peter mcloughlin

As long as the dispute stays at ‘propaganda level’, but global tensions indicate that will not be possible. For there are international dynamics at work. India and Pakistan are already nuclear powers, which is dangerous enough. But other nuclear powers have interests at stake. A nuclear exchange between India and Pakistan could trigger world war three; or it could be triggered by world war three starting somewhere else. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


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