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UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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On the evening of October 17, the IDF committed another act of genocide against the Palestinian people. A precision strike hit the Al-Ahli hospital, where there were thousands of civilians, mostly women and children, and no military. At least 790 people were reportedly killed, the vast majority of victims are children and women. Many patients were burned alive in the fire that broke out in the building. The current death toll is very approximate.

The Palestinian President declared three days of mourning for the victims of the deadly strike. Journalists of the Palestinian TV channel Al-Yum claim that before the attack in the IDF warned local residents about the need to hide in this hospital.

Israel is already trying to blame the attack on the hospital in Gaza on Hamas “misfire”. Netanyahu personally blamed Hamas for the attack. However, the damage suppose that the building was hit by a powerful missile that Hamas does not have in service.

UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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On the other hand, the representative of the Israeli army, actually confirmed Israeli responsibility with his statements: “We have warned the hospitals of Al—Maamdani, Al-Ahli, Al-Arabi and five other hospitals not to use them as a shelter for Hamas.” Earlier, the same representative of the Israeli army stated that the Jews gave the civilians 4 hours to evacuate from the northern Gaza Strip along the provided corridor. It was along the humanitarian corridor near Salah al-Din that another airstrike killed about 70 people and wounded 200 others.

UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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UPD: Point Of No Return: Israel Struck Al-Ahli Hospital Full Of Civilians In Gaza Strip (18+)

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The moment of the strike was reportedly filmed:










Hamas leader Haniyeh claimed that Washington id responsible for Israel’s massacre of civilians in Gaza City hospital, because of the “cover it gives to Israeli aggression”. He called on Palestinians in occupied West Bank to “rise up against Israeli occupation”.

Mass protest broke out in Ramallah in the West Bank:



Russia and the UAE have requested urgent UN Security Council meeting on October 18th in response to the strike on a hospital in Gaza.

Meanwhile, thousands of people in the Middle East are now taking to the streets in mass protests in support to Palestine. Protests broke out in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran etc. People demand the beginning of a holy war against Jews and Israel. The bloody strike on the hospital was likely the point of no return.

Clashes between the protesters and police officers took place in Ankara. Protesters broke through police barricades and are storming the Israeli Consulate in Istanbul. In Malatya, Turks in a column of several hundred cars are going to storm the US airbase.





Protesters set fire to the Israeli embassy in Amman:





Beirut calls on Hezbollah to join the war in response to the strike:




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Zionism is Nazism

the cancerous deformed beastial entity israel must be cut out and every chosen pedophile burned. only way to be sure.


they’re just a particularly vile satrap of the us empire.


the opposite is true.

Icarus Tanović

clyde said right. it is like that.


the mouse being the master of the elephant? you’re either delusional or you’re trying to distract everyone from targeting the hegemonic power.

jews has proven time and time again for everyone to see that they are often weak and can only win with us help, while the us has toppled one empire after another.

it’s the us that’s in decline and china on the rise right now.

Last edited 1 year ago by M.Paraplu

2023 and people still can’t grasp the basics of subterfuge. blackrock jews, vanguard jews, media jews, banks jews, big tech jews, big pharma jews, politicians jews or jew slaves,who jews, wto jews, un jews.

need i go on?


m.paraplu you not understand the cause of the problem. usa system is based on the dollar-system (federal reserve notes). this is based on the illegal unconstitutional federal reserve act and federal reserve bank. and this bank and systemis fully owned by the jews, aka rothchild &co. the tail that wags the dog, see. https://www.arabnews.com/node/1863086

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

ok. i am delusional, by your standards, but my inner sight is very clear. btw, do you know who is mahaut ?


it’s the direct opposite – the us empire is just a particulary vile satrap of the satanic world jewry !!! get your facts straight, man !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Terroris Hunter

still enjoying the hamas attack or is it the cry baby time now?


you probably want to experience the punishment that rabi akiva suffered from the hands of the romans while hundred of thousands of his kin were slaughtered by severus´troops. it was a scalping and flaying combo in one. enjoy.


foul filth…burn in hell

Nazism is not Zionism

you are so uneducated to have a name like you do. you have no idea what ww2 was even fought for or who the aggressors were. you are clueless.

keep watching tv bro, keep consuming social media. it’s obvious you love it.


majority of hitler army were ashkenazi jews fun fact the world nazi derives from ashke”nazi”


you’re talking bullshit. neighter the majority of german wehrmacht nor of red army were ashenazi jews. the majority of the armies were innocent christian men. exactly the same situation as now with ukraine and russia or usa and russia. but the leadership & army leadership of the countries they are always infiltrated or in full possession of jews. soviet union was a jewish construct, todays usa & jewtins rf is too, uk controlled by boe (rothschild) etc.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

“nazi army included 150,000 of jewish descent“ your favorite jewish news admits this. you can’t hide history this is actually a well documented fact but of course nazi-zionist like you love to hide the truth.


hitler’s grandmother was raped by jews. this is how his hate started.

ruach ra'ah

you can’t have one without the other. you can’t have zionism without nazism or vice versa. you cannot have israel without hitler. and two merged completely after wwii. the nazis went to the us, uk, & canada. the nazis and rothschilds created the fascist israeli entity

ruach ra'ah

imagine being taught your whole life about the holocaust and taught to hate the germans and hitler — but then finding out that the you are the nazis — this shizoidism is what it fees like to be under satan’s influence. it’s as if your soul pulls from all directions. your soul marinating in shizoid confusion. many good jews realize this and that is why you have a minority of jews who renounce modern day zionism — its evil — zionism is nazism

Last edited 1 year ago by ruach ra'ah
Florian Geyer

the joooz and the zio fake joooz have been expelled from the majority of nations globally.

even the thick brits expelled them for over 200 years. they slithered back in when they funded oliver cromwell during, and after, the civil war.


exactly, that’s true & nationalsocialism (ns-germany & hitler) is not to be confused with na-tional zi-oni-sm (israel & co.) hitler even with his last breath ordered all good people on earth especially the germans to fight & resist world jewry – calling jewry the quote “world-poisoner of all people”. you canfind the political testament of a. hitler online, if you don t believe me.so it is clear this guy really hated these disgusting filthly scum called jews & he was right

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

the wtc towers were blasted to dust by a gravity-driven collapse. just ask bibi. and a single column shifted out of place brought down building 7, revolutionizing the way in which obsolete buildings can be demolished. no need for wiring an entire complex, a single charge on one column can bring on systemic collapse. the more you know!


israelis were the ones who rigged the twin towers with bombs, they called it “the b thing”. look up the vid “who rigged the twin towers”. i believe there is 1 upload of it on youtube with only like 200 views. the original vid that had a million views was scrubbed off of youtube and the entire channel banned a few years ago right after the vid came out. i think it’s also on rumble


marvin bush was also involved for the demolishon of the wtc. the footage were pre-recorded will full of special effects featuring absurd fakery and acting. local new yorkers reported how their devices ie cameras failed to record the event strongly suggesting the use of advanced jamming equipment


words almost fail as common israeli like common palestinian would have just no part of that macabre… yet a salesman of furniture and a piano player with dick are our new world parliamentarian…???


the twisted collective west didn’t care that the people of donbass were literally ethnically cleansed by the ukro-nazi since 2014 but cried “war crimes” at vladimir putin for the special military operation and even tried to bring him to “justice” meanwhile the russian armed forces used considerable restraint and never targeted civilian targets in ukraine…

Last edited 1 year ago by Arkin

now the zio-nazis targeted the christian hospital of gaza, killing a thousand innocent civilians but the collective west will consider it as a simple “collateral”.

yet these western hypocrites dare speak about human rights.


which is why im actually in favour of replacement migration. western enablers are not any less savage than the jews who do the bombing.

centuries worth of carnage and slaughter in all regions of the world, yeah i’ve seen enough. fuck the west. i do feel sad for the 5% of the population that does not go along like cattle with the typical propaganda, but by and large the west is irredeemable.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

sunny, i don t see it that bad. there are lots of good people in the west still and the number is growing. the problem is just the medias and the education system – as these 2 are – like justice system and police etc. under jewish control completely. and the brainwashing had devastating effect on the mental health of the targeted folks. but still the moment you erase the jewish control – things will go back to good resp. nsrealm !

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

of course we will have to liquidate tons of traitors and collaborateurs in before we can fully tear down all the fake-information networks, brainwashing centers, corruption-nests and temples of jewish influence inside europe which are infesting everything there.what is btw the same also the usa and ruskies should do to ascender to souveran nations again.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Wow J's are animals

any sympathy i had with israel is 100% gone. these people are sick beasts


exactly how i feel.

Massa John

without the american cabal of vermin, who stood and stands behind the evil israeli scum, this would never had happened.


it would. it had.


nitwit and his ho o’bumboi biden will so easily plunge our world into mayhem, murder our children to cover their criminality…

Shlomo Shekelstein

israel is in big trouble. im glad they are uniting the ummah now. those beasts have run out of sympathy, only western retards support them


how coward are the juz? how low can they go to commit murder? they forced women and children to gather in a small area and killed them easily.


eastern european proverb:

“a jew cries out in pain as he stabs you in the back.”

Icarus Tanović

all cowards does that the same thing. and then accuse you of this and that.


jews are a cancer on the entire world.

kill them all.


exactly, i am saying this here for years !!! it is the holy duty of all godfearing upright people to stand up and eradicate from the face of the earth these disgusting pestilence on two legs, which infested the whole planet. mujahedeen, national socialists, samurai and all clear-thinking honorauble people need to realize this !!! it’s time to eradicate the kikes !!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

first things first, these are not real “jews” and even if they pretend to be, the whole jewish people cannot be held accountable for the zionist crimes.

i can understand that you are disgusted at the cruelty of their horrific war crimes but you should not think and behave like these beasts.

there are true “jews” that stand against the satanist zio-nazis evil and criminal ideology, please we can not put everyone into the same basket.

Last edited 1 year ago by Arkin

identitarian rubbish.


– “identitarian”…?

sorry clyde but i disagree.

it’s just as stupid as saying that the whole muslim world should be held accountable for the crimes of the takfiri bastards and fake muslims of daesh.

it’s simply unfair and unjust.

Last edited 1 year ago by Arkin
Icarus Tanović

yes, you are correct, these are all but jews. psychos form all over the world gathered there to live theirs vermins lives. say for example many serbs become zionists. many. too many. war criminals, those accused of high treason all are hiding in there and moving freely to usa and all over the place.


there are only a handful of decent jews. snuff them all out and let god do the sorting. oh my bad, jews don’t believe in a reckoning. that’s why they have no constraints on their vile behavior.


arkin – they always play this good cop, bad cop game if they are nabbed. they do it in order to that at least a few of them get away and stay alive & dont get their well deserved final punishment. good jew, bad jew. forget it. yes, there are “torah loyal jews”, or jews who really do not want to have to do with all that talmudic shit. nevertheless jew stays jew as crocodile stays crocodile. exception making will get us killed. remember what nikola tesla said: “never trust a jew” !!!

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

and we should better stick to nikola teslas words, as he was a genius, and likely much more clever then both of us together. see for example: hitler, he was much too nice to the jews. havaara treaty, letting them go to exile etc. only by 1943 he started to realize the full evil of these demons – but then it was already too late.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
USA the world's bully.

israel has enraged a huge muslim world that it and its allies in the west, usa most importantly, never understood the size. now they will understand. the crusaders held onto jerusalem for about 200 years. israel will not get close.


by history and religion, i am a descendant of the crusaders in a broader sense. yet my sympathies concerning palestine and her suffering, lay with the muslim world.


“by history and religion”… i hear you. (+1)

then you should know that al-ahli arab hospital is gaza “christian” hospital and is managed by the episcopal church in jerusalem.


thanks, i have not known that until now.


the israelis are so cruel.

Guy Metdrapedes

what happens when sunni, shia, and christians in the region unite against the “master race” who kills their neighbors with impunity?


hananya naftali the zionist influencer, endend himself.


yeah, it was a hamas rocket mishap (hopefully), and it isn’t the first time a hamas missile launch fails spectacularly either.


no you dogshit nazi lump of shit, you dogshit. israelis confirmed it was a israeli missile that killed those civilians a hospital with around 500+ innocent civilians, you nazis criminals have been doing this since your colonial past.


what a nice civilized response. i knew there was a reason i normally don’t reply on this fine site. thanks for reminding me.


they were denying it first (chutzpah) but then the idf acknowledged that it was the result of their air strike.

hamas don’t have rockets that could inflict such damage anyway.

Florian Geyer

very well said, arkin.


doodles! such a liar!

oy gevaltenstein

yeah because a rocket with a 30 pound warhead can destroy an entire hospital and kill 600-1000+ people retard cohen-cidentally was warned to evacuate by israeli diaper forces this same hospital days earlier. jdam bomb caused this

Last edited 1 year ago by oy gevaltenstein

oh, excuse me, i was wrong, it wasn’t hamas, it was islamic jihad, who fired a rocket barrage at israel from a nearby graveyard, and one of their garbage missiles malfunctioned and fell on the hospital parking lot. sorry, no hospital hit, no 500 dead, it was all ‘palestinian’ lies, and all the dumb antisemitic nazis fell for it, as usual.


thats not true. your officials are lying like always. the facts are clear. this time israel will not get away with it. they corrupted the whole world. this time no army can save it. no crimes can stay unpunishment for so long. almost a century.


pýtam sa. do kedy svet bude tolerovať svinstvá čo pácha izrael? veď toto je dá sa povedať, že holokaust na palestíncov!!!

Terroris Hunter

same old trick. firing rockets hiding among civilians.


i object. start fighting like men, not like cowards. hamas and hizballah will you have for breakfast.


idf are cowards. they don’t fight like men. they hide behind their war walks. they try to bomb everything. one palestinian can take 100 of your idf cowards in a real fight.


same old trick, murdering palestinians and whining. ninety years of jewish supremacists degeneracy in palestine. congrats, hasbarat!


destroy israel now. rise up the west bank and all the people of palestine, rise up turkey, rise up iran, rise up syria, rise up jordan, rise up iraq, rise up all the people and nations of islam and march on isreal destroy israel once and for all and free palestine. destroy the evil that is israel the israeli bombing of the hospital is the point of no return there can not be a 2 state solution anymore the israelis have thrown that away now the only option is to destroy israel.

Last edited 1 year ago by kymsheba

agree 100% this is the solution stated in the quran. you can not have agreements with these criminals. they stole the land of palestinian people and committed genocide. you trying cover-up and corrupt history. but all is documented. we will never forget this. the muslims will never forget.

Mexican Czar

gentlemen. don’t fall for the provocation. let the muslim armies take care of the situation, civil wars will only bring more chaos and famine … that’s the plan. protect your families first.


whe it comes to supporting jewish crimes, the worst and most despicable of all media are the “australian” media. in fact, the australia media with the government are promoting and arguing jews to perpetrate genocide against the palestinians.

and how coward are the israeli? how low can they go to commit murder? they forced women and children to gather in a small area (inside a hospital) and killed them easily.


when it comes to supporting jewish crimes, the worst and most despicable of all media are the “australian” media. in fact, the australia media with the government are promoting and arguing jews to perpetrate genocide against the palestinians.

and how coward are the israelis? how low can they go to commit murder? they forced women and children to gather in a small area (inside a hospital) and killed them easily.

Edgar Zetar

bad boys bad boys, what you wanna do, what you wanna do when the arabs comes for you. fight fire with fire it’s a very stupid strategy, will only burn everyone even the firestarters. but something big will happen before year 2026, be prepared for this event who could change the balance of power worldwide.


the disgusting khazar entity nested like a viper in palestine, fed by its golem servant in ussa, must be erased from the earth. the problem is what to do with the demons that survive the inevitable “liquidation” of the monstrosity known as the “jewish state”? should the cancer be spread all over the planet, will you want these thugs in a ghetto near you when the muslim world finally ejects this sickness?

Last edited 1 year ago by Martillo

especially knowing many of these people are complete psychopaths they will literally look a child in his eyes kill him then proceed to laugh i have never in my entire life seen such blatant savagery. may god eradicate this cancerous ideology and free the world from them.


they are narcissistic psychopaths. like their early leader, i think it was ben gurion, after committing genocides in palestinian villages he said. “i will never forgive the arabs they made us kill their children”


every rope has an end

Terroris Hunter

by the gods will, the promised land will be delivered and the dust and ashes of infidels will fertilize the soil.


you are far from god. you are narcissistic psychopaths. like you leaders. you are waiting for the imposter who will take the jews for a ride. then he will be killed by prophet isa.

fuck palestine

why should we care when hamas kills its own mudslimes?


the terrorist state’s idf did it. this known to everybody. they have no morals. israel is a terrorist state. we know you very well. we know your history. you are criminals and you will be brought to justice soon.

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