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Poland Encourages EU’s Militarization

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Poland Encourages EU’s Militarization

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Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Amid anti-Russian paranoia in Europe, some leaders want the EU to militarize. Recently, a Polish official suggested the creation of a “heavy brigade” for Europe, capable of responding quickly in situations of military risk. Considering the high level of Russophobia on the European continent, this type of measure would certainly further harm the regional security architecture.

The words were spoken by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radoslaw Sikorski. According to him, this type of special brigade would be vital for Europe to achieve satisfactory military results, regardless of whether or not there was American involvement in military mobilization. Sikorski believes that Europe is strongly threatened by recent moves in regions such as the Balkans and North Africa, which is why the creation of its own military force should be a priority.

“I’m in favor of a heavy brigade EU rapid reaction capacity so that we don’t have to call on the resources of the US for every emergency on our periphery, such as some lower order issue in the Balkans or in North Africa,” he said.

This “special heavy brigade” proposed by Sikorski would supposedly allow Europeans to act militarily in a sovereign manner, without American authorization. The central objective of the project appears to be to guarantee the means for European countries to act quickly in the event of a foreign attack, which reveals that EU countries are fearful of possible American indifference in a war scenario. In practice, distrust towards the US is growing among Europeans.

The project of a European brigade is not something new. This is one of the most discussed topics by European strategists. Skepticism about US friendship has been growing in recent years, leading local politicians to propose the creation of extra-NATO military programs. In the end, Europeans fear that the US-led alliance will be unable to solve their problems if there is an emergency crisis.

The French president himself, Emmanuel Macron, who is currently one of the public figures who most encourage the direct involvement of NATO in Ukraine, has said on several occasions that the creation of a European army is necessary for the bloc to achieve its regional autonomy, freeing itself from dependence on Washington.

In theory, the idea of creating European military units really seems to go against American interests. For Washington, European countries must maintain low and controlled levels of military development, thus not leaving NATO’s “defense umbrella”. Military dependence is a key factor for Europeans to remain subservient to the US, which is why many political dissidents in Europe tend to support any measure of militarization.

However, the mere act of creating military units is not enough to guarantee European autonomy. If there is strong subservience to the US in topics such as culture and politics, a possible “European army” would only work to serve American interests in a more “quick and efficient” way. This becomes particularly worrying when analyzing the current Russian case. Several European countries are absolutely fanatical in Russophobic hatred, with even measures of ethnic apartheid being practiced freely in some EU and NATO states.

A possible European “heavy brigade” would certainly be controlled by anti-Russian officers, willing to use military power against Moscow quickly to “react” to a possible “risk”. A European army fanatical in Russophobia would have serious consequences for security architecture, as well as give freedom to European decision-makers to engage in real conflicts with the Russian Federation, even without US approval. Obviously, there is no interest on the part of Moscow in going to war, as all these “Russian threats” are just Western propaganda, but the irrational fear of Europeans is capable of leading the continent to a true catastrophe due to wrong decisions.

It is important to emphasize that Poland now joins France in the demand for a European army. While Paris is planning to send troops to Ukraine, the Polish government is widely known for its aggressive anti-Russian stance, and there are even expectations of a possible Polish invasion of Ukraine in the near future to regain ethnic Polish territories. Processes such as the advance of Russophobia and the rehabilitation of Nazism are extremely advanced in Polish society, which is why the militarization of the continent driven by Warsaw must be seen as a danger.

Before starting a process of militarization, the EU must achieve sovereignty and independence from the US.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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un idiot. sa se duca el sa lupte, mociolacu si mociuca se duc si ei imediat..

jens holm

of course they do mr and mr molotov-rippentrop since being posseded as vassal by ussr after.

before that they were divided in 3 and earsed as state but not millions of people.

very strange the socalled article mention nato, eu and others definded in a russian one brainer putin version.

jens holm

i will take on 3 mans in arse if each put twenty-five øre coin in my mouth but not millions of people

jens holm

0 id wrote what

The Hooded Executioner

stinking denmark should send all their young men to die for ukrainazia!!!

Dave Simmons

the majority of allied aid to ukraine won’t arrive until summer at best and year’s end at worst, the new york times (nyt) reported, citing analyst. following us president joe biden’s signing of $61 billion in aid to ukraine on april 24, ukraine’s already gotten two shipments of supplies, including sorely needed 155mm artillery shells – on sunday and monday, april 28 and 29, the nyt reported.

jens holm

you have to add stored in europe already.

Mullah Omar

poles know that stalin and hitler had horny love affair in 1939-41.


that’s not true, so what are you trying to say about poles?

jens holm

the rest of the world know and what has written about before that too.

its not about poles but russians, germans and austria-hungaria.

people knowing so little as you should be allowed to write here. you only try to make people dummer. but for sure you represent you world well. here we operaste in facts and fx have sober speak for repair.

jens holm

one night in bus station toilet i make 19 twenty-five øre coins. but after sober i need operate on rektum for repair.

Gneaus stapo

sure stalin fan boy, whatever fantasy floats ur boat.

The Hooded Executioner

sure united paedophiles of joe biden fan boy whatever sinks deutschland untermenchen is great for all of us!!! you are reincarnation of jimmy savile, you have all the children scared!!!

Gneaus stapo

totaly agree and the poles are on right path to make themselves wehrhaft against the plague from the east.

The Hooded Executioner

says the paesophipe!!! the plague was born in your beloved polish death camps and your uncle adolf is very proud of your plague!!!! now get to eastern front untermenchen!!!


‘poland encourages eu’s militarization’ = ‘poland does what murika tells it to’

eu will do as instructed militarily while buying useless overpriced yankee weapons. eu takes the risks and pays the cash, usa safely sits back and coins in the profits.

jens holm

thats right. after ussr collapsed we took peace dividen and used money for wellfare. ihas paid off.

but now we go back to the old level in a modern version.

eu and europe make a lot of weapons ourselves. we do export them to usa as well.


“obviously, there is no interest on the part of moscow in going to war, as all these “russian threats” are just western propaganda, but the irrational fear of europeans is capable of leading the continent to a true catastrophe due to wrong decisions.”

gee whiz, what happened february 24, 2022?


the russian state escalated its response to the hybrid war being fought against it by the united states. it’s not complicated, derpster.


‘what happened on 24 feb ’22?’

rus finally woke up (8 years too late) to the fact a murderous us-puppet fascist state had seized the land, government and people of ukrn.

it woke up to indiscriminate slaughter of donbass civilians by nzi-azov.

it also heard z demanding nukes on 19 feb 2022.

Florian Geyer

president putin must be laughing. western countries are defeating themselves due to fighting about the ‘hundreds of genders ‘ nat0 the freaks can choose from, lol..

jens holm

so the many tv versions by putin, lavrov and medvedev are western produced progaganda 🐤🐤🐤🐔

and the russian invasion i ukriane as well 🐤🐤🐤🐔


“if there is strong subservience to the us in topics such as culture and politics, a possible “european army” would only work to serve american interests in a more “quick and efficient” way.”

so just as dugin says this is a contest of “culture and politics”. shouldn’t we start with some definitions and in doing so try to identify the differences. are the differences worth dying for?


clearly, the americans would like the ukrainians to think so.

jens holm

ussr made them.

suddenly they were not blindfolded.

thats no usa thing.

jens holm

i wear blindfold if you pay extra twenty-five øre coin. wear your 14 ss costume and you can make barbarossa on my rektum.


‘…dugin says this is a contest of “culture and politics”.’

problem is dugin is wrong. his naivety vis a vis the west (and its true aims) is astonishing, and is only matched by rus leaders such as p and lavrov.

the west couldn’t give a f*** about “c&p”, only “power and profit”.

jens holm

power and profit make wellfare. thats the point for ukraine as well.

very impressing you are able to ignore the results in your version of west.

even more strange you ignore the ussr fiasko results where any change is frozen

Parade 9 may

russian spokesmans says, at 9 may 2024, putin ordered making parade of forein, poland, england, german american soldiers, prisoners of war will walk in the main street of moscow under escort 2024 after tanks parade during the annual parade this year lol

Moshe Dayan

the globalist eugenicist freemasons, who are running europe and the us into ground, have a third world war scheduled to get the three great historical faiths to fight among each other: this will enable them to depopulate the planet and establish their own new luciferian religion and globalist criminal government. don’t give it to them.

Raptar Driver

just like in 1812 poland will become a staging ground for the invasion of greater russia. this time poland will not rebound from this, it will disappear from the map and the lexicon forever, bye bye polacks! the world will become a better place for it.

Last edited 5 months ago by Raptar Driver

total rubbish. there is nobody to invade greater russia. the us and nato vassals couldn’t put an army in the field in the next ten years. they had more than they could handle in afghanistan with a taliban peasant army with no major power patron. who’s going in the vanguard, columbian mercenaries? please.


russians are forced to transfer at least one kalibr missile carrier from the black sea to the caspian sea.


polacy mają dość ukraińców, jewsteśmy słowianami i rosja jest nam bliska. nie zależy nam na terenach starej polski. polacy mają to gdzieś i to propaganda rządu. polacy chcą pokoju i zarówno zachód jak i wschód trakrujemy jako dobrych sąsiadów. rząd nas polaków oszukał i nie działa w interesie polski, ludzie są rozczarowani i nikt nie pójdzie na żadną wojnę!

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