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MARCH 2025

Poland Will Cease To Exist In 5 Days Despite NATO. Warsaw Dreams Of Victory Over Russia Meet Reality

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In late January 2021, the Polish Armed Forces carried out a simulated war against an “Eastern Enemy” and in the best traditions of Polish military thought lost it in a matter of 5 days.

The war simulation “Winter-20” ended as the Polish army ceased to exist. Interestingly, the war games included new weapons systems ordered by Poland, although not yet delivered – F-35 joint strike fighters, Patriot missiles, HIMRAS systems and more.

According to reports in Polish media, aviation and Navy ceased to exist despite NATO support. East of the Vistula, Polish units were to suffer a devastating defeat. First-line battalions lost 60 to 80 percent of their troops and equipment. The imaginary enemy reached the Vistula line on the fifth day of the virtual conflict, while Warsaw was encircled on the fourth day. Strategic ports were either blocked or occupied.

The military command exercises included several thousand officers and were among the largest ever for Polish forces. The solutions introduced by the reform of the military command and control system, in force since the end of 2018, were also checked and apparently demonstrated an unprecedented success. The initial plans were to defend for 22 days, but this target was easily beat. Nonetheless, this military success did not go without some small difficulties.

“Everything went wrong. The commanders of individual divisions were shocked, they refused to carry out some orders because they were simply incomprehensible to them,” Polish media quoted one of the sources informed of the drill as saying. Most likely, this quote was just a kind of disinformation that somehow infiltrated the respectful press.

The Chancellery of the President and the Ministry of National Defense preferred to not provide further details, referring to the confidentiality of the drill. Another unanswered question is the military exercises’ legend.

Official statements and documents by the US military leadership say that the ‘Polish partners’ work in the direction of neutralizing the ‘Eastern Enemy’ in Kaliningrad and consider a pre-emptive strike on ‘enemy facilities’ there. So, Polish media that rushed to criticize the country’s military and leadership did not have to hurry.

It could be that the ‘partners in Washington’ just allowed Poland to heroically exchange its existence for destroying some targets in Kaliningrad. Also, the Pentagon planners likely prepared some plan for a Polish government in exile that will continue the traditions of military might and successes from somewhere near Sacramento. Therefore, all should be fine.

If it is not, “mistakes” happen and it’s the role of the leadership to avoid making them in the first place. Next time, Washington’s plan for the Polish military adventures would have a government in exile option for sure.

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Laurent Parodi

Belarus is more than enough to deal with Poland. Threatening Russia is complete madness.

Tommy Jensen

Once Poland was an Empire. Poland has same mindset as America. Thats why we are placing nukes in Poland…………………………………..LOL. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9cbfa6209a8ac3b5629dbb3582c82a2c2c901944ccb41a84769a914c2a72fa53.png


Poland never had Denmark, land of Jensens, expansion of nominal control was further east into Ukraine, although n reality, Ukrainian lands were CONSTANTLY raided by Tartars (slave trade to Istanbul)…


Jens Holm

Yes, he is wrong. He might have mixted up with some Region Nato map or EU.

Tommy Jensen

Whatever. Just saying Great Poland was a super power in Europe and can be that again with a little help from their friends…………………………..LOL. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a128d024a0ef443d5983f1fc1a167d18b7eeeab927c53c8524f30d32235a5aa2.jpg

Robert Ferrin

Of course, they can if push become shove Russia will take those out in minutes along with all of those operating them along with all the rest of the stupid countries that agrees to being cannon fodder. …

Jens Holm

And the Capitol is Kaliningrad too:)

It also makes no sense to compare with USA. In those days USA not even existed.

There was no countries. It was påossetions owned by Rulers supported by Feudals. When they sometimes felt bad about it, thet soemtid had as knightmare.

AM Hants

Was it 2016, when Poland and the US thought it was a good idea to antagonise Khaliningrad? What happened next? Same with the aircraft carrier the previous year, only that time it was a Russian submarine that zipped the electrics. Hence, she had to limp into the UK, for Naval Health Care.

BOY ON BURNING DECK – WHAT THE USS DONALD COOK AND THE POLISH NAVY WERE DOING OFF KALININGRAD WHEN THEY WERE BUZZED BY THE RUSSIAN AIRFORCE… http://johnhelmer.net/boy-on-burning-deck-what-the-uss-donald-cook-and-the-polish-navy-were-doing-off-kaliningrad-when-they-were-buzzed-by-the-russian-airforce/


I still have no idea wtf this map is of, but I can tell you that it has nothing do with Poland. Maybe Prussia? But still even that doesn’t really make a lot of sense. Italy the Balkans and Turkey as a nation? Romans? Whatever this map is it’s delusion matches those of the poles so I guess it has that to do with Poland.

Bruno Gama

You call the free fall bombs nukes? Did you think the B-52 ou B-1 bombers will reach Russia? hahahahahaha And this map is totally fake… Poland never take the Rhine…. It was the contrary, Germans always invaded Polish Shitlands…

Icarus Tanović

That map was German Empire back on the days. Except Denmark, I guess.

Icarus Tanović

This is German empire, man.

Jens Holm

Its much more complicated then Your oneliner.


Absolutely. Advanced Russian equipment is bought in token numbers. Corrupt and inefficient Russia does not have enough oil money to buy those. Plenty of other factors too, starting with economic issues that undermine this Potemkin village of power that Russia tries to project.


Frankly, Poland like the Zionist criminal squat in Palestine is not a country even has ever been. It is just a collection of retarded fuckwits who will kiss anyones assfor money. The Germans overran Poland in less than a day and Russians liberated these ingrate retard dumb Pollacks in less than a day as well.

Fog of War

I thought you were more intelligent, but I guess not. You should read up on your world history maybe you wouldnt spout so much nonsense.

Jens Holm

Hens are clever then You and lay eggs too :(


true true and true !!

Bruno Gama

From Saint Petersburg to Odessa Russia will apply just the enough force to make the NATO pussies fall back and retreat in weeks… the Eastern NATO Cowards will be waiting for “american reinforcements”… If US really get in the battles, then prepare your shelters. Nukes will gonna fly! And Russia has the largest Tactical Nuclear arsenal in the world… Will Americans gonna die for Poland, Hungary, Romania? I really, really doubt…


“make the NATO pussies fall back and retreat in weeks…” – Russia’s equipment is secondary to the western one and their military isn’t anywhere near as capable. You’re fantasizing. Combined NATO forces would crush Russia easily, it’s just they can’t be bothered to crush Russia. What’s the point.


Russia is never as weak or as strong as it looks.

Fog of War

” In late January 2021, the Polish Armed Forces carried out a simulated war against an “Eastern Enemy” and in the best traditions of Polish military thought lost it in a matter of 5 days. ” This was an unnecessary snide comment that shows SF’s partiality and Russian pro bias. Through out its history Poland has shown that the Polish people are some of the most formidable fighters the world has ever seen .

viktor ziv

Not just by SF others reported the same! Russians are elite combat troops without match in West!!!

Jens Holm

You have to compare with Our elite troops. They are semilar or something.

Jim Allen

Shut up, Karen.

Fog of War

Buzz off Jimmy. Hows your nation doing ? I heard your elections are a fraud and your people lose more of their rights every day. What are you going to do when they come for your guns patriot ?

Robert Ferrin

If you want the answer to that come along and find out>!!

Fog of War

Ok tough ‘merikan fellow. However, PTB denigrate your people everyday and you do nothing.

They stole your election and you did nothing.

They force you to wear a face diaper and you do nothing.

Its a fair assumption to make that when the time comes to ” turn in your guns ” you’ll also do absolutely nothing.

You are just lemmings protesting your impotence.

Home of the brave , land of the free ?

Tommy Jensen

Calm down Foggy.

Fog of War

Come on , let me have some fun.

Jim Allen

Stay tuned, dumbass, your country is in no better shape, and you don’t have any guns. Or, right’s. Better you should concern yourself with what rocks you’re gonna’ throw at your Government’s armed forces when they open fire on your defenseless as.

Fog of War

A eunuch protesting his impotence.

Jim Allen

Poor deflection, you really are a pitiful troll. I hear the Pfizer “vaccine” is best. Very popular.


and despite that poland has ceased to exist at least thrice – so thinking no good and fighting no good.

what good you see with poland? they are I suspect illiterate more or less and polish food sososo. nothing to write home bout.

Fog of War

Are you German ?

Jens Holm

UNICEF feed him there:)


aber naturlich mein freund

Fog of War

” what good you see with poland? they are I suspect illiterate ”

Heres what I see in modern Germany. The men have become cowards who engage in all kinds of sexual perversions. The women are hoaring themselves out to dark foreigners. Your children are homosexual and confused about their gender and your military barely has any operational tanks. Your people are beaten down slaves to Israhell and the US, While Germany will be majority African and Muslim in a few years. Yet you have the nerve to talk crap about Poland ? You make laugh mein freund.


sure but all these brothels are good for your soul and your wife/gf, well never mind, kuchen in der Küche backen und der bf ficken.

Fog of War

Thats the best response you got ? Seriously ? Also, speak English I dont want to waste my time translating your dying language.


possibly all of that but you don’t see german females engaged in prostitution outside of germany whereas females from poland and lithuania, latvia, estonia and ukraine are selling their bodies all over the west, switzerland, france, england, the netherlands, belgium and the scandinavian countries. all over the place ripe with gonorrhea, hiv and so on. fortunately these receiving countries all have adequate health facilities and can deal with the std:s brought from the east.


Poles are dumb and historic fuckwits.

Fog of War

Did a Polish woman turn down your advances ?

John Wallace

It was the Poles who copied the enigma machine and smuggled it out to Britain which ultimately let Britain read all German intelligence and know what they were upto before the Germans did. Part of that included letting Russia know the complete order of battle for the impending battle of Kursk . That was the largest tank battle in history with ,6000 tanks , 2 million troops and 4,000 aircraft. Why would they trust Britain again after Britain did nothing to help them WW2 or even the Russians after they purposely stayed out while the west leaning Poles attacked the Germans in Warsaw expecting the Russians to help. Russia was happy to let them all get killed , those that were captured were shot , and then bring in their Polish communist government in waiting.


not likely except in the mind of a pole

John Wallace


A Polish Enigma “double” was a machine produced by the Polish Cipher Bureau that replicated the German Enigma rotor cipher machine. The Enigma double was one result of Marian Rejewski’s remarkable achievement of determining the wiring of the Enigma’s rotors and reflectors.[1]

Without the Poles the British would never have broken the German codes because without the enigma machine they would never understood how the codes worked. It still took hundreds of the best mathematicians and the first computer to finally break the codes.


Games. Witcher games are masterpieces, Medium is good too.

Tommy Jensen

The video clearly says the 5 days is a military false message.

Fog of War

Not sure what you’re getting at ?

Tommy Jensen

Confusing the enemy. The real result is another. Dunford said we could beat Russia but that it would take time. Its not done over night but it could be done…………………………..LOL.

Robert Ferrin

You mean like all your nonsense and bullshi*t, isn’t your playtime over and your due for your nap?..

Jens Holm

Well, I see it as a wargame having its possibilities but also its limitations.

Maybee You also should see the last part of the old “wargames” movie. The computer learned to conclude, there was no winners.

Tommy Jensen

All my messages are truth, in some or another way………………….LOL.

Jens Holm

Thats right. The most impressing is, the Russians seemes to make no mistakes themself.

Robert Ferrin

Everyone makes mistakes to ask the French and Germans about their mistakes or for that matter the U.S. in Korea, Nam and Iraq Afghanistan.!!

Robert Ferrin

And which century was that it certainly wasn’t in modern time.!!

Jens Holm

It was. Russia as the only one lost WW1 three times. And the result:: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/56dfaf76fb59a47769ae53b339c1c2ce53bfcbd65756afe1ebd8530d93b4e65c.png

Instead of eliminating Poland, they had to give Poland the blue zone. Poles by that got Belarus and parts of Ukraine(BACK).

Another result was ISSR fortified themself all the way from Murmans along that border passsing Kiev and down to the Black see.

I dont know if thats modern time but thats 100 years ago.

Maybee You should read about it. Its well descriebed by many.

Robert Ferrin

No I was thinking from the two world wars on.!!

Jens Holm

Very good systems if You are a thief and by that can keep.

Poland was regained after WW1 and again after 1991. Thats twice.

I have also seen people here complain about people in Belarus using the Polish flag. Actually Belarus was Poland 1919 until it again was taken by Sovjets and the rest went into Neocolonislisme.

Its easy knowing things, which has to be added too. Many Poles was displaced west and Belarus was moved West, so Belarus should be more east. In the same transplantation Sovejets took in many many Russians and industrialized it, so it suddenly partly was real Moscow Russia.

Same shit for parts of Ukraine, Part of Estonia and the new Asian ones. You put in a minority not integrated with the rest – and then You ahve a well made excuse to protect “Your own”.

So the thieves also painted the stolen cars – so to speak. And You dont learn that in school from 1941 or something and the Russians think its the other way around.

I still wonder why Russia should have Kaliningrad. Sure all there were dead by Germans and Russians, but no Russians ever lived there. Any normal person would see it belonged to Lituania because it was and are very small – or Poles should have it. It makes sense Gerrmans should not have it.

cechas vodobenikov

Jenny confused–germany, Bulgaria, ottomans, austro-hungary lost WWI…how many poles does it require to change a light bulb?—4-5 iuneducated Danes to move the chair, 1 pole to hold the bulb

Fog of War

Look up the Battle of Britain or Monte Casino for starters ? How many ” heroic ” battles did the Yanks win ? Do they not teach world history in Yankestan ?

John Wallace

The Polish pilots were incredibly brave during the Battle of Britain and wasn’t it a Polish unit that finally capture Monte Casino after many others failed. For sure the German defenders would have been on their last legs but nevertheless the Poles showed tremendous courage ..

Fog of War

” and wasn’t it a Polish unit that finally capture Monte Casino after many others failed ”

Thats just semantics. The relentless , almost suicidal , charges the Poles did at Monte Casino softened the Germans up to the point where the non Polish unit actually had a chance of capturing Monte Casino . Technically you’re correct however, as its widely acknowledged, it was the Polish troops who did most of the bloody work.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjZrV4wbdnQ Russian hockey team to use Katyusha song as anthem at 2021 Ice Hockey World Championship https://tass.com/sport/1253063



Jens Holm

Nice too. They were told Hitler wasnt far away.

Tommy Jensen

Thats exactly how our ally Poland will be doing it against our mutual enemies.

Robert Ferrin

Damn hard to fight yourself the U.S. cannot field a large enough force to fight any large land battles, nor can they force conscription for the people would rise up against it Mao was right when he said so long ago that the U.S. is nothing but a paper tiger and Korea, Nam. Iraq and Afghanistan proved it when they fought against an enemy that were nowhere near a peer force, but keep dreaming that way you can’t hurt yourself.!!!

Jens Holm


Arch Bungle


AM Hants

Also like this version. Lifts your spirits in a very positive manner.

Polina Gagarina – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=drNTuRL8doM


Still Russia can’t win in Donbass and Idlib.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Winning what?


Exactly :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Exactly what do you mean? :(

Arch Bungle

It’s occupybacon the moron. I blocked him a long time ago because he never makes any sense – he just shitposts all day long.

Don’t waste your time trying to understand him – his posts aren’t meant to make sense. Block the sucker.

Tommy Jensen

He poked his nose in a soft spot?

Arch Bungle

He hit his stupid-quota.

Tommy Jensen

All right, got it.

Fog of War

Block everyone and pretty soon you just hear echoes of your own opinion.

Robert Ferrin

Don’t need to seeing your way to short on common sense who in their right mind would want to occupy a dead country which the Ukraine is and will separate and be gobbled up by three other countries. Damn people are dumb you must be an American who couldn’t find his as@ with both hands and a hunting dog.!!!


Sounds like the fox and the soar grapes story :)

cechas vodobenikov

ukraine is now a huge financial/geopolitical burden for anglo empire


Not as much as the 100 billionaires a burden for mother Russia

cechas vodobenikov

bacon confused again—all Covid related expenses, including unemployment, holiday pay expensed to the rich sputnik now qualified in 20 nations–expected to procure more revenue than all oil/gas/wheat exports in the next 2 years….maybe you polish can learn vaccine from amerikans where Pfizer vaccine decertified s Africa, Norway where 50 died in 1 week after consuming US poison

cechas vodobenikov

Russia already won in donnas–u incompetent ukrop special forces obliterated by volunteers—essence of time, Sparta in debaltsevo cauldron rotten bacon in Warsaw


Well, project Novorossya which was half of Ukraine – is dead. Meanwhile Donbass is a frozen war zone, nobody won yet.

cechas vodobenikov

they don’t teach the word possession in zhitomr? all donbass residents now provided Russian passports; donbass= economic power in ukraine for manufacturing and coal; ukropy must beg from anglosphere like Poland, Romania, etc


Russian miners are very happy they don’t need to extract coal anymore.

cechas vodobenikov

besides gas/oil/wheat, Russia exports more coal than nearly all nations


Russian ground forces, especially the 1st Tank Guard Army, utilizing EW to a large extent, and withering artillery and MLRS fire, could easily punch through polish defenses and move westward across Vistula river.


That is true, BUT the Russian Federation and its leadership has no wish to occupy any Western countries, in my opinion.

The US/NATO West is doing are stirling job of destroying their wealth, military capabilities and thousands of years of heritage in Europe anyway, and all this self destruction is completely without Russia’s help. :)


No, the idea is not to occupy Poland or anyone else, a good military whipping is needed to bring NATO European russophobes to a reality mode.

Jens Holm

If You expect we will schratch Your back, we will. And there will nothing left of it.

cechas vodobenikov

u scratch ameriknan back kiss their boots like obsequious slaves

Jens Holm

I dont see the economic part is like that at all.

They were plundered and was collapsed.

We do help them very much and will continue so in a more limited version.

cechas vodobenikov

help? with bad cheese? LOL

Albert Pike

They will do what Crown Heights tells them to do…


the City of London is above Wall Street. That’s the decision for World War 2 for America. NATO belongs to the City of London

Fog of War

Who owns the City of London ?

AM Hants

Just said similar, before seeing your comment.

AM Hants

And the City of London belongs to the Vatican.

Who administers the Vatican Estate? Who administers the Crown Estate? Who runs the Fed Reserve?


The ancient name is Va Atti (Βα Άττη) which is synonymous with disaster ,the catastrophe


Lynn Forrester & her sugar daddy ?

AM Hants

Did not know that Sir Amschel Rothschild committed suicide, back in 1996, the MI5 way? Was just going to check out if it was Evelyn who faked his death, last month in Switzerland as I get confused with so many Rothschilds. However, muddling him up with Baron Benjamin. Was it ever confirmed if Jacob lost his life in a helicopter accident, close to the family estate, back in 2017?

What was the connection between Victor Rothschild and the Cambridge Spygate Scandal?

Jens Holm

Its so funny reading this. As minimum up to a conflict Nato will help. This is not Poles against Russians at all.

cechas vodobenikov

NATO cowards do zero about Abkhazia, Ossetia, Crimea, donbass, transnietria, etc—terrified of N Korea….u will send bad cheese–that is your help


Chechas, in 24 hrs, the Red Army will be in Warsaw..and it will be easy! No problem. these bastard here talk tough, but will not even fight……and when the time comes they will all get fukked right in the ass. Putin will crush them.

Fog of War

Who are the bastards talking tough ?

Albert Pike

You don’t kow what’s in the script – and who shall win. But ‘they’ will know for sure, because it’s gone be fake…


You mean their token numbers of advanced weapon systems supported by dilapidated, soviet era second grade equipment manned by not very capable soldiers and officers would do that?

Russian forces are numerous, but not all that capable really.


Russian ground forces have reached 70% modernization by late 2020. There are still Soviet legacy weapons that are deadly. How old is NATO equipment, they have not done much since the end of the Cold War.


As if Russia would risk its Jewligarch elite’s business and partnership with Western globalist Ziocorporate terrorists over some barren Polish dump.

Jens Holm

If true, I wonder why Russia say the Poles are the agressive ones and should have no help by Nato.

Albert Pike

Ahh they will get you too – maximum in 2 weeks they will be in Calais and a week later they will be monitoring ships in Gibraltar. And no, the German Transsexual Army will not safe Denmark either…

Jens Holm

we will see.

John Wallace

Trouble is you won’t see Jens. They always get rid of the shit first so you will be up against the wall in the first draft.

Jens Holm

As I count it Russia has less soldiers and Nato has more even Poles and the smaller ones so far is not updated. Poles should have taken Denmark. I dont think they will now.

Until USSR again made its Neocolonialisme all the way west of Berlin, we had exelent relations to Poland and the Baltics. We will never allow the double collapsed Russians to take over again.

You better learn to speak chinese. When they improve the Silkroads, You will be a colony of them unless You improve a lot as You are told many times.

cechas vodobenikov

dinky mark already a US colony—when US empire collapses in next few years u can apply to be colony of Ecuador—danes so feminized the nazis colonized u with zero resistance

Fog of War

I support ( Russia – Putin ) also, but lets not overestimate their abilities or willingness.

Albert Pike

Putin is part of the system, we came into power under Yeltsin and he is a Zionist, therefore, if there is a plan to transform this world into a one Zion slave state, then he is part of it, therefore I don’t see anybody without skepticism…

Fog of War

I fully agree, thats why I put Russia – Putin = True Russia


Sure, sure. Russia’s second-tier army, lower in numbers and equipped almost entirely with second-tier, often obsolete equipment will take first tier armies equipped with the best stuff in the world. Sure.

Unless they use nukes, that’s not going to happen.

Albert Pike

Do you really think the West will find soldiers who will fight with their hearts and minds for fucked-up-values like ‘genderchange’ and LGBT-rigths, or for the 0.01%, who own everything? Look at:

“Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never Been Better” https://www.forbes.com/sites/worldeconomicforum/2016/11/10/shopping-i-cant-really-remember-what-that-is-or-how-differently-well-live-in-2030/?sh=c335bdf17350

There is nothing in there any longer worth living or dying for. Better the Russians come today, then only tomorrow…


I do agree that all this SJWy and gender bender stuff is moral rot that took place in much of the Western world. Much, though, is not everything. There are still some patriotic elements in those countries and unsurprisingly many of those are found in armed forces. Just ask an US Army soldier from Texas – states mentally similar to Texas are main source of recruits in USA.

Re this Forbes article, note that it was published by WEF, with that deranged Klaus Schwab at the helm and it’s really the vision of that “great reset” nothingburger, brain fart really. That’s insignificant, life will not go that way. I do agree that people in Eastern Europe are more patriotic (being one I should know). However, that does not mean that material state of Russian armed forces are enough to take on the world and win.

cechas vodobenikov

I wonder why jens uses too much LSD

John Wallace

To improve his intelligence and it seems to work quite well. He is now capable of dribbling non sensical illiterate waffle


Jen that’s more Orwellian doublespeak on your part.

Arch Bungle

Block that sucker, he never says anything that doesn’t sound like it came off a hangover.

Arch Bungle

The Poles are masochists. Why fantasize over and over again about being destroyed by the Russian army?

Just don’t take part in these stupid simulations! Sign a non-agression treaty with Russia and then your simulations can run on the chances of defeating a US attack – where there’s a chance of winning!

Fog of War

Like this one ? Gee, I wonder why the Poles dont trust the Russians .

” The pact was unilaterally broken by the Soviet Union on September 17, 1939, during the Soviet invasion of Poland. ”


Arch Bungle

You realise you’re talking about the USSR, under the control of a Georgian, right?

Gee, people are fucking idiots most of the time.

Fog of War

I guess you must be an idiot for not seeing the contradiction in your own statement. ” Why fantasize over and over again about being destroyed by the Russian army? ” ” You realise you’re talking about the USSR, under the control of a Georgian, right? “


“The Poles are masochists. Why fantasize over and over again about being destroyed by the Russian army”- erm, it’s not a fantasy. Google “military wargames”

Arch Bungle

erm – I am making the statement that their “military wargames” are so futile as to be essentially a form of masochistic fantasy.

Chew on that a little. Should make sense after a while


That’s complete BS. Military wargames are and important part of strategy and tactics. If you do not run those honestly, you put yourself in deep shit. Just read “Shattered Sword” book for a textbook case of this. Asserting nonsense like “masochism” to what is essentially important simulation is just plain stupid.

Tudor Miron

Poland is an interesting phenomena… I doubt that in Slavic world there was another country where elites were farther away from general population. Polish elites always felt inferior to their western counterparts. They gladly accepted the role of being slave drivers on behalf of the west. Role of master thrall was good enough for them. May be that’s because of catholicism.


That’s as stupid as it gets. Poland’s government actually isn’t some sort of third world, or say Russia’s, kleptocracy. Let’s look at the results: our public services actually work, there isn’t anywhere near as much wealth inequality in Poland as it is in Russia, our democracy if quarrelsome is actually functioning, there isn’t anywhere near as much corruption in Poland: https://www.transparency.org/en/cpi/2020/table/nzl, Poland 56, Russia 30 (higher is better), 30 being in vicinity of such exemplary beacons of cleanliness as Togo, Laos or Gabon. It’s only part of the elites that are subservient to the West. They’re not a governing party now, so they’re sore and pay their proponents in the media to publish lying articles, such as the one behind this article. Seriously, the media that published this slime are owned by the Germans who would like Poland’s government to be subservient to them, and it’s not.

Bruno Gama

There´s no doubt Poland will fall down to Russia in one week or two. The same applies to any Eastern NATO country bordering Russia… NATO is more a burden than a protection. The Baltic for example, stand years without being invaded, more than a decade… Today, in less than one week they will be obliterated by Russia.

The “participation” of these countries are more the Like of the US and Western Europe then of themselves… Warsaw Wasteland 2021?

Bruno Gama

The Baltic/Poland Battleground are indefensable for NATO unless it puts it´s entire force in there.

1- For Russia is a battle for their homeland/motherland 2- For the most powerful NATO countries, the Western ones, isn´t

They will die for Poland? Hungary? Slovakia?

How do you justify for the American people the death of 50k or more American soldiers in Poland or in the Baltics? Considering Nuclear War wasn´t started at the time…

Mainly, how do you justify for the American people that NYC will be nuked because of Poland, Slovakia, Romania, etc?

You couldn´t. Only if America became a Dictatorship… I think already has…

If a Eastern NATO country starts a War against Russia it will only shows the weakness of NATO as an “alliance”… Those Eastern NATO countries will be let with the core of Russian Troops, that can only be countered by France, UK, US and of course with Nukes… And if these countries do This, then It´s End War… All Out Warfare… This is why Poland, Slovakia, Romania will be abandoned in a case of a War against Russia… They´re fools cannon fodder for NATO, nothing more!


I think they really would not be cohesive after about 12 hours. Give them 1 day, maybe two, there would be nothing left of them. During the first minutes they could lose all the airstrips of value, the nation wide energy grid would be gone and the ports could be wrecked. Reinv would not be allowed.

Once the system is crushed, then you just relax, monitor for further targets and let the disaster taking place on the streets unfold. Without energy or food within a short span, just a couple of days, everything collpases. I know htis from experience living through what happened from th damage caused by hurricane Wilma in Florida. In that situation we were on the edge in about 2 days, with the elevtircal repairs help flooding into the area, not even being able to refuel their equipment. In an actual head on collision with Russia, let´s call it what it is, there would be an incredible loss of personel and material to deal with.

This is just my take but, the results of 5 days is probably a bit optimistic.

cechas vodobenikov

which nation are the people so deluded they would wish to occupy Poland?


Polish cavalry against German army in WWII comes to mind!


That’s a Nazi propaganda movie fabrication.

Frank G

poland is and always was usa’s useful idiot. For example just look at all their polloc jokes.

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