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MARCH 2025

Poland’s New Border Fence And “Himars Academy” Escalates Tensions With Russia

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Poland’s New Border Fence And “Himars Academy” Escalates Tensions With Russia

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Warsaw continues a policy of servitude to Washington.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Poland is erecting a wall on Russia’s Kaliningrad exclave, announced its intentions to open a “Himars Academy” for military training, and is allowing the deployment of these American weapons on its territory. These highly provocative actions serve as a confirmation that Poland has aggressive plans to escalate tensions with Moscow.

Polish Defence Minister Mariusz Błaszczak tweeted on April 18: “The first US-made HIMARS missile systems will reach Poland this year. We want to establish a Himars Academy where training on this type of rocket artillery system will take place.”

Washington considers Poland as nothing more than the first front line in any future confrontation between Russia and NATO in Europe. For this reason, Washington is transforming the country into its main European base, which is why in addition to the Himars system, Warsaw decided to build a fence on the border with Russia, something likely made under US instruction.

Warsaw claims the border fence is needed to stem the flow of illegal immigration after falsely claiming in November 2022 that the Kremlin was planning to facilitate illegal border crossings by Asian and African migrants as part of its “hybrid warfare”. However, this is quite obviously a fallacy since Poland does not face major migratory threats like Europe’s Mediterranean countries.

From a military point of view, the wall will not stop columns of tanks if a conflict broke out. Russians living in Kaliningrad are not defecting to Poland, and at the same time, the wall is not a protection against migrants from Afghanistan and Africa as it is easier to get to Belarus, as occurred during the last migration crisis.

Rather, migration is a ludicrous claim to justify the construction of the wall. Poland aspires to be the main American ally in Europe, which will dictate the geopolitics of the region. Building the wall is for this purpose, even if it is just a mere demonstration that Poland is making some kind of effort against Russia. However, the US does not have allies, and instead only has vassals.

Polish Interior Minister Mariusz Kamiński announced that Poland has begun construction of a “state-of-the-art” wall along its 199-kilometre land border with Russia, which will be completed by the end of the year and includes 3,000 surveillance cameras.

In typical cold Russian humour, the governor of the Kaliningrad region, Anton Alikhanov, offered Poland construction materials for the wall, promising to give “even a small discount.”

Poland will place American Himars missile systems near the border with Kaliningrad, while at the same time the country plans to open the Himars Academy for the army to learn how to handle these systems. Himars are not a defensive type of weapon, and therefore the purchase of these systems is an aggressive gesture against Russia.

Warsaw has already bought 20 systems for $414 million, but the US Congress has already agreed to deliver about 500 more highly mobile systems, worth about $10 billion. This is in line with Poland’s aggressive plan to completely isolate the Kaliningrad region.

Alarmingly, the installation of the Himars system near Kaliningrad poses a danger to civilian aircraft flying into the exclave, while on the other hand, it is primarily more dangerous for Poland as Russia will only militarise Kaliningrad even further. Given that Russia has a lot more capabilities than Poland and the US does not have infinite resources to dedicate to the country, leaders in Warsaw have only made their country’s defences even more vulnerable as Moscow will certainly respond to this latest provocation.

Adding to its provocative crescendo, Poland, along with Germany and a few other EU countries, are pushing for sanctions on Russian nuclear energy as the bloc looks for new ways to try and hurt Moscow’s finances because the current embargoes have utterly failed to deter the special military operation in Ukraine.

According to CNBC, Poland and the Baltic States also called for sanctions on Russia’s civil nuclear energy activities, diamond imports, and on oil imports on the Druzhba pipeline.

Although the EU has imposed 10 sanction packages on Russia since the war began, another round of sanctions is being prepared, but again, this is unlikely to deter Russia and will once again backfire on the bloc. Although it is likely that the new set of sanctions would feature nuclear energy, a spokesperson for the European Commission refused to comment on ongoing confidential discussions.

“The preparations for the 11th package are ongoing,” the spokesperson said, “to have it all done and ready it takes time.”

In this way, it is evident that Poland is desperately positioning itself to be the US’ main European military base, even though Russia does not pose a threat to the country. Rather, by highly militarising the border, establishing a Himars Academy, and pushing for more sanctions, Poland is fully emersed in an anti-Russia hysteria that is being transformed into policy.


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seems that the polak need a much better and a much more thorough fressenpolitur than he got from 1939-1945.


Not sure about many Polish people but the political class have a Russia derangement sickness,what is the matter with these idiots? if they are hell bent on a war with Russia poland will cease to exist by the end of it.


Most people in Poland are very vary of their government moves. Polish companies greatly profited from seling their products to Russia and buying cheap energy from Russia. Polish oligarchy consist of fascist catholic clergy, corporate jews, banksters and corrupted Polish aristocracy deeply involved with freemasonry. Remember that famous Lech Walesa, so called national hero was nothing but a CIA asset as many Polish polticians still are and many prominet Poles have better ties with London than Warsaw. They call for Katyn forest Part 2, where all such scumbags should end as traitors of Poland, not heros. Poland needs through cleansing, same with Czech Republik, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria. I am not mentioning here “Western” cesspol countries like UK, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Danmark etc. as clensing already started in a way, althou slow.


When the russians did katyn they did it as allies of the group of people who now wants russia destroyed.


Katyn was nothing. A few thousand soldiers. Bandera UPA butchered 100.000 Polish civilians but no one in Poland gives a frack about them today.


Stejně tak Poláci nechali pomřít hlady 110 000 Ruských zajatců po okupaci západní Ukrajiny v r. 1919. Proto i kdyby Katyňský masakr provedli Rusové ,což asi neprovedli ( to bychom museli věřit Goebbelsovi, katyň byl jeho maister štyk) bylo by to slabý odvárek za těch 110 000 mrtvých hladem!


All poles hate russia and want to see it destroyed.

But only their polititians are willing to risk the destruction of poland to reach this goal.

Casper Jorgensen

Polocks should get the fuck back to theirs shitholes in nowadays fuckraine, and gave back that land to real owners the Germans. Low lifes are doing very well with low lifes. Anyways, nothing that say Caliber can’t take out.


Poland has been called the US Trojan Horse in Europe for a long time. During the Cold War West Germany was the ‘front line’ between east and west. When the Berlin Wall fell, the ‘DMZ’ of Warsaw Pact countries was slowly gobbled up by NATO to bring the front line closer to Russias borders.

Under the US supremacist tutelage of Brzezinsky, Ukraine has been the kingpin of controlling Eurasian access to Europe. The front line has been pushed up to Polands borders in direct friction with Moscow. Germany is now the unwanted stepchild, desperate to make amends for the 20th century. Look to France for Germany’s future in the eyes of Washington. Ukraine was never the prize, it was supposed to bleed Putin dry and collapse the Russian economy. Zelensky is the icing on the cake, handing over swathes of western Ukraine to Warsaw to extend the front line forward as much as possible.


Polaks were always extreme buttlickers, slaves, dogs and bitches, fanatically indoctrinated (mostly by Catholic priests) to hate Russia and obey the West.

200 years ago French organized ‘Polish Legion’ to fight against Russia, but then they sent Poles to Haiti to fight negro slaves. They all died. Yet after a few years they again massively joined Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, they were far more fanatical and obedient to the French emperor then French themselves. When he crossed the border on river Vistula, Polish uhlans jumped into the river to impress him! A lot of them drowned there, but they died happily for their foreign master… That’s how moronic these creatures are.

Last edited 1 year ago by Pooland

the weren’t “negro slaves”. they were african descendants killing those white french cunts the way it should be.


The fact that the polish government and german government together lamented about the “crime against humanity” when they remembered the nazi genocide against jews in poland recently shows that neither polish no german people count to these polititians. They should run in for political positions in israel instead.


Afew hypersonic missiles would put pay to their wet dreams.


They are also eager to get depleted uranium from Brits… Nation of janitors and kurwas, Polaks are the most retarded nation on Earth: incredible stupidity + insane inferiority complex + sick hate = Pooland. For their entire history they had only two purposes: to pathologically hate Russia and to equally pathologically serve their western masters. Unfortunately, their mental disease and virus spread eastward to ‘ukraine’, now they are Pooland 2.0


You hit the point Sir!


The biggest Russian mistake was not to eradicate Poles from face of the Earth. But in case of WW3 that will happen in 15 minutes.

Last edited 1 year ago by Valens

Didn’t learn a flicking thing from Cold War and Second World War.


Just two H-bombes, one wiping out Warsaw and the other Krakow and the motherf@king polaks will come down again, at least for a century!

Hunter Biden

Smart. If I were Polish, I wouldn’t want any Ukrainians in my country either. Just sayin.


i wish a fence was built for all the filthy polish cunts in uk, germany and usa.

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