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MARCH 2025

Polar Security Cutter Icebreaker Program (Infographics)

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Polar Security Cutter Icebreaker Program (Infographics)

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Trump Issues Memo On Developing U.S. Icebreaker Fleet (source):

On June 9th, US President Donald Trump issued a memo ordering a review of the country’s requirements for icebreaking capabilities in the Arctic and Antarctic, with the goal of getting a fleet in place by 2029.

“The Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of Commerce, and the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), shall lead a review of requirements for a polar security icebreaking fleet acquisition program to acquire and employ a suitable fleet of polar security icebreakers, and associated assets and resources, capable of ensuring a persistent United States presence in the Arctic and Antarctic regions in support of national interests and in furtherance of the National Security Strategy and the National Defense Strategy, as appropriate.”

The memo is a bit of a reminder, since three heavy icebreakers are currently being built in the United States, but the remaining ships that aren’t under contract should be reviewed for what can be done to maximize their utility in the frozen poles.

The memo calls for “an assessment of expanded operational capabilities, with estimated associated costs, for both heavy and medium [Polar Security Cutters] not yet contracted for, specifically including the maximum use of any such PSC with respect to its ability to support national security objectives,” which is due in 60 days.

In addition, the memo shows concern of specifically Russia’s capability, as it is the only country that has a fleet of nuclear icebreakers.

“This assessment shall also evaluate defensive armament adequate to defend against threats by near-peer competitors and the potential for nuclear-powered propulsion.”

The memo asks for “use cases in the Arctic that span the full range of national and economic security missions (including the facilitation of resource exploration and exploitation and undersea cable laying and maintenance) that may be executed by a class of medium PSCs, as well as analysis of how these use cases differ with respect to the anticipated use of heavy PSCs for these same activities.

“These use cases shall identify the optimal number and type of polar security icebreakers for ensuring a persistent presence in both the Arctic and, as appropriate, the Antarctic regions.”

Finally, the memo calls for the study to identify two basing locations in the United States for its ice-hardened fleet, as well as two international locations. A study mandated by last year’s National Defense Authorization Act mandated that the Department of Defense study locations for a port in the Arctic.

Polar Security Cutter Icebreaker Program (Infographics)

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Alaska’s Republican Sen. Dan Sullivan, who is an advocate for allocating more resources to directed toward the Arctic, said in a statement that Trump’s memo would “add weight” to ongoing efforts to build up the U.S. arctic presence.

“Our adversaries are well ahead of the United States when it comes to Arctic infrastructure,” Sullivan said. “We have one heavy and one medium functioning Polar-class icebreakers, while Russia has more than 50. I have fought for five years to bring Arctic issues to the forefront, including in the FY19 NDAA to authorize the building of six such icebreakers and my bill, the Strategic Arctic Naval Focus Act, to develop the capabilities and basing locations needed to support persistent presence in the Arctic.”


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If Russia manages to put a ramp and few planes on each nuclear ice breaker, it would put US navy at shame


Nah, better place some missile launchers for zirkon – longer range, faster.


A missile like that costs more than the ship itself


Hopefully, we won’t ever have to see!

Lone Ranger

A cruise missile costs $1million. A nuclear icebreaker costs $3billion…


Maybe a Kalibr or a Tomahowk cost 1 million… you compare the cheapest missile with the most expensive ship. Do you have a link that says the hypersonic missile is 1 million?

Lone Ranger

Its probably more. A Kalibr costs close to a million.


The cheapest version, of around 1 Mach, there are many versions, up to 4 mach, same for Toma, let me know if you find the price per unit for the hypersonic. I believe they have less than a dozen of those.

Lone Ranger

Tomahawks are subsonic only. At least a dozen Russian Navy ships and subs are getting Zirkon upgrades, thats around at least 6 cruise missile per ship/boat since they carry a mix of Kalibr, Onyx, Sunburn and Zirkon.


True that, Tomahawk is only subsonic, my point is the price variation is high. ‘Are getting upgrades’ means they already been upgraded or are planed to do so?

Lone Ranger

They are already deployed with the Zirkon. More and more classes are getting the upgrades to make them compatible.


That’s highly unlikely Rusia already heaving operational ships armed with these, any link?

Lone Ranger



I asked you a simple question, moron, show me an article with already working ships with the hypersonic missile. Ohh wait, you are a fagot that can’t make difference between projection and reality.

Lone Ranger

Why so agressive? Are you on your period? I presented the evidence its already in service on the new guided missile cruisers, as well as the Yasen and Borei class subs.


You present articles with putin saying it will be in service as evidence that it’s already in service. Duh

Lone Ranger

He said it in 2019. Told they will enter service in 2020. Its June 2020. They keep firing them on test targets. Isnt that indicating they are deployed…? Get some sleep bro.


No, that indicate a promise not a fact, ‘bro’ learn the difference

Lone Ranger

When Putin say it its the same ;)

Lone Ranger



Fucking clown :))

Lone Ranger

Dont be so hard to yourself, its not worth it :(

Lone Ranger



So you lied again, lol

Lone Ranger

How so?


You said they are already operational and you gave me a link with putin sayin they will be operational

Lone Ranger

In 2020. That means they are already deployed on multiple classes. I remember people telling me the same about the Kalibr a few years ago, I was right back than, Im right now. Have a nice evening.


And that secret Russian base from Cuba… They promissed like 60 years ago, that means it’s already there

Lone Ranger

Indeed, it is.


And the nazi base from the darkbside of the moon. I bet the Zircon is already operational there. Putin is their puppet.

Lone Ranger

Adjust your meds…

Lone Ranger

Zirkon has a top speed of Mach 10 by the way.

Tommy Jensen

In a few years US and its Allies for Inherent Resolve Freedom for Peace will take over the leadership of the Arctic. We cant leave the world’s scarce polluted drinking water reserves to Hitler and his Commie friends, as US have an obligation to protect innocent populations against their rough and unprofessional governments. Within 5 years WE are no 1 on the list where Russia stands today iwith regard to a super modern high first class space laser communication Ice Breaker fleet, the biggest ever seen in history.

Only America can and will do it. If we can dream it, we can do it and we will do it

Lone Ranger

Lay down the crack…

cechas vodobenikov

allies—-zero allies CIA tammy….a few colonies…remain in the cultural desert…expected in an empire nearing collapse

Lone Ranger

Thats cute but its too lil too late. Aside from that I doubt Germany will build it for the U.S after all the fuckery…

cechas vodobenikov

Russia controls half of the arctic—the remainder divided amongst Scandinavians, Canada, USA—the crucial part by Russia where commercial vessels will soon traverse efficiently through Russian territory—US vessels will use the Panama Canal—oops they don’t produce anything desired by civilized people

Anthony Papagallo

The economic facts are startling. The US Energy Information Administration reports that the area north of the Arctic Circle contains over 90 billion barrels of oil, representing some 13 percent of the world’s unexploited oil reserves, and more than 42 billion cubic meters of natural gas — about 30 percent of the world’s untapped gas resources.

Unfortunately for the United States 80 percent of these assets lie in Russian territory.

Frank G

they need the oil for their bloated colonial military to keep aloat the NWO agenda.

Jens Holm

The danish are less. You can buy one. One of them now is a Harbour Restaurant.


rightiswrong rightiswrong

Take no notice of what Trump says, the guy after him will scrap every idea Trump ever mentioned.

Building ice breakers won’t be hi tech enough for the Yanks, they dream of Star Wars, Prompt Global Strike and Space Forces, and building the Battlestar Galactica.

Better chance that their Space Force will be flying spaceships before they build an Arctic fleet. lol

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