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MARCH 2025

Polish President Declared “Erasure Of Borders” With Ukraine, Preparing For War With Russia

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Polish President Declared "Erasure Of Borders" With Ukraine, Preparing For War With Russia

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President Andrzej Duda has announced the common future for Poland and Ukraine, calling it not an occupation, but “the erasure of borders.”

“There will be no more border between our countries — Poland and Ukraine. There will be no such border! So that we live together on this earth, building and rebuilding together our common happiness and common strength, which will allow us to repel any danger or any possible threat,” Duda said.

However, the Polish president did not explain what exactly is meant by the elimination of borders.

Ukraine welcomed such claims of the Polish leader. In his turn, President Zelensky did not comment on the Polish plans.

Mr Zelensky has previously expressed a similar idea, meaning the increased Polish military support to Ukraine.  As for Kiev, the elimination of borders between the two countries means the unlimited supplies of weapons and military equipment to the Ukrainian Army.

In fact, the political leadership of Poland is preparing the population for the introduction of troops into Ukraine and the upcoming war with the Russian Federation on the Ukrainian soil. Duda’s claims are the public declaration of the de facto annexation by Poland of the territories of Western Ukraine under the quise of the military support against the Russian aggression.

In this case, the Ukrainian statehood is doomed.

According to various estimations, NATO forces may be deployed in Ukraine as a “peacekeeping” contingent in the coming weeks. They will attempt to avoid the direct battles with Russian forces. At the same time, such a maneuver will allow the transfer of additional units of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from western Ukraine to the eastern front lines, where the Ukrainian army is suffering heavy losses.

Duda’s claims were made amid the large scale military exercises near the Ukrainian border.

Defender Europe and Swift Response maneuvers were launched on the territory of Poland and eight other countries on May 1. They will last until May 26. 18 thousand servicemen from more than 20 states are take involved. Defender Europe exercises are held under the command of the 5th Corps of the US Army.

The Polish Defense Ministry announced “intensive movement of columns with equipment in the north and east of the country” from May 1 until the end of the month. Military exercises are indicated as the official reason.


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NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Ukronazisisbanderistan is cheering about the coming poletards invasion snd occupation of Galicia Im sure about that…

Pamfil Military Academy

Those cretinoids were back in time 100 years, Bandera mad idiot time. Theirs Ukropizdan is KAPUT. Like to see onward fightings between pulasky and banderites !

Anatolio Mamontow

Ukraine at the end of 2022 = ZERO ukrainian territory !!!


Duda’s grandfather was a friend of Bandera. There is nothing more to add, he is another puppet of the Ameriscum who have financed fascism in the East for decades.

Pamfil Military Academy

Exactly. I lived under the so called communism, which by any ideological terms and means wasn;t communism at all. In fact country was called RSR, Socialist Republic of Romania, ruled by some imposters, mobsters and opportunists ( the most of them are the nowaday capitalists) and also in the american shithole democracy and capitalism and I assure you that fake demo(no)cracy and fake free-market economy is worst 100 times more. In fact if if I’d have known were we are I would fight not against Ceaucescu but for him. From 2 bad things you must choose the least harm. Then we were relatively poor but had a ZERO debt country and sovereignty, we, back in time, even said NO to soviets, but now we are even more poor, with 150 billion debt, without 5 million population in minus (30 years of negative demography), 5 millions economic emigrants, NO SOVEREIGNTY only a JUSA whore colony, and the list with Ameriscum ‘democracy’ MALUSES can easily go to number index 100. What for to have the right to swear your president, btw, now it is even incriminated such things and with the COVIDiot globalist Bilderberg scam, all demonstrations against ‘anything’ were cancelled and still are, if you ARE A SLAVE in own ancestors country ????????????? Fuck JUSA fake democracy and imperialist demonic so called capitalism ! Fuck Bilderberg and the secret cabal which wouldn’t have had any power if a social sovereign state, even called communism, I don’t care about, remained under other pole of power and not a vassal to the transatlantic biblical ‘Great whore’.


Papists from both sides of the borders (Polacks and Galitians) reunited. Wonder how the toxic mix will remember Volhynia… Ceausescu, so uneducated how he was, was a patriot who wouldn’t sell his country. He was sold out to the jewmericans by the securitate, which today controls everything for their pindo masters.

Pamfil Military Academy

Absolutely correct. Ceaucesco was a fool in many aspects but was a REAL patriot which died singing the Socialist Internationale hymn. He NEVER EVER could have done any harm to its peoples or let others destroy economy, agriculture or sovereignty. Exactly, the secret police called SECURITATE betray him for the prospects of theirs stolen and hidden currency (dollars and german marks) with the help of foreign intel agencies, the first being Mossad. For that reason the former Securitate brutes are nowaday most rich persons in the country, owning Mass Media, economy and most important the new intel agencies which were put as slaves to the CIA interests. In fact, 90% of the former SECURITATE agents were and still part of the national secret intelligence agencies. In that position they installed highly corrupt characters in the most parties leadership and use them to deceive peoples regularly every elections. Fuck Ameriscum ! Fuck this Empire of Evil and terror !

Anatolio Mamontow

Romania and Lithuania are too eyeing its “parts” of ukrainian territory


It’s going to turn into a free-for-all land grab by Poles/Romanians/Lithuanians in the western sectors of Ukraine – right about time when the Russian Forces reach the Dnieper in central Ukraine, and effectively take the whole of east Ukraine (aka, the future Donbass Republic of Novvorussia, uraa!).

Pamfil Military Academy

Even hungarians have something to claim over Ukropizdan.


Don’t forget the Slovaks.

Anatolio Mamontow

Polish Ukraine is fun…..KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK


Predictable. Poland will now take the role of Ukraines big brother with the dog whistle.

Holms Jen

No, Poland will now accelerate the pushback of Eastern positions back into Russia, and help Ukraine overtake Crimea. Then if US allows, they will take Belgorod and more. Don’t expect Russia to use nukes, but expect a coup against Putin and his incompetent generals.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

According to Disney news network…

Holms Jen

Lol, no, it is from number aggregated on confirmed videos and images. And also Russian behaviour in the last 10 years. Too bad you don’t read new outside of Russian propaganda networks.


Post the links and see what they write there.

Holms Jen

Oh, everyone already knows for Oryx or UAW Twitter. Just that you don’t want to go there, and constantly ask for links. There you will find all the links and records.

Michel LeBlanc

Oh yes twitter, the most unbiased sourced of information out there.

Stupid nazi.


sadlu orys is not a good source, the dude cant differentiate between ukro and russ tanks, sometimes confuses Humvees with apc’s and frankly the dude doesn’t know jack shit about vehicles. russia cant win, but believing what zelensky and other idiost pass as vitories does no good to ukraine, in fact the jew zelensky is worst than putin in many forms. ukraine need a real leader not a faggot imposed by the west. but a real azov leader.


So no links, just the usual BS. BTW, Russia will use nukes whenever NATO does try to invade or attack Russian soil. Crimea is Russian soil. Try to take that. You will be sorry. So far NATO did/does nothing. Poland will do nothing as well. All they do is bluff. NATO engaging Russia is 100% WW3 and for that matter 100% destruction of NATO. One country will be nuked and then all those members will leave NATO in a second.

They can’t even exist without Russian gas and oil. So much for any kind of embargo. All BS and a nice big bluff. UK and US still buying record amounts of Russian oil. Same there. The ban was nothing but a big bluff.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum
Pamfil Military Academy

And the Ameriscum still buying enriched uranium from the russians….what ??? The Empire of lies and terror is much worse than any soviet country on earth in history. In fact JUSA is ruled for about 150 years by the fake jews and those devils have no mother and no father, that speak for itself why America became Ameriscum.


LOL. You forgot CIA funded bellingcat?! Another idiotic US or Israeli troll.


Would you suggest the Rotschild Reptilian “media” instead dear fascist-capitalist retard?

Holms Jen

I’m suggesting actual an self evident records.


Behaviour? You arrogant western fucktard prepare to be smacked in your fucking assface

Holms Jen

Oh yes I almost forgot:

Feikomet and part-time People’s Deputy of Ukraine Oleksiy Goncharenko said that the frigate Admiral Makarov was hit by Ukrainian anti-ship missiles “Neptune”

If we get video and satellite evidence of this, you promise to suck my cock?


Fake newa. Lo mostraron en You tube y es un navio norteamericano atacado en una maniobra. Se cansan de mentir y hacer el ridiculo.

Holms Jen

Yeah, you said the same for Moskva too. Now it is a submarine not a flagship anymore lol.


Drop the link to the video.


And if we don’t get it?


No it was hit by NATO, and when Russian divers get to the wreck they can prove it. A British AWACS aircraft directly guided a missile into the ship – the missile’s own homing signal was turned off – otherwise the cruiser would have detected it incoming at least 10 miles out. The British are now on the Russian list for cold served payback.

Staint Putin

HAHAHAHAHAHA. Ukrainian evidence? The Ukrainian military posts video game scenes on their webpages as real combat footage. HAHAHAHAHA. Epic losers.


you think waht holms says is propaganda, and fail tyo understand russia has a minuscule army that cant win against a third rate tier army, no mister thats the plan all along, russia should capitulate and accept being exterminated, and putin, yeltsin and all the traitors who dismantled URSS are the culprits, keep believing that Russia can win this with conventional means and die screaming. russia had the potential but russian people choose its kleptcrtats liders. russian people are accomplices of its doomen destiny. dont want that? topple putin and put some one descent. and no not navalny he is the same shit.


Learn to write in English eurofag


How is the weather on fantasy Island you retard?

Holms Jen

You should know it, since you are there.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Russia is so incompetent they destroyed the whole ukrotrash military infrastructure in two months killing 47,000 hoholnazitrash. Oy oy…

Holms Jen

20k at max, that number is overestimated as fuk. For the infrastructure, keep dreaming. Hundreds of tons of heavy machinery is delivered from US to Ukraine every day. Again, get out of the information bubble and you will see.

Last edited 2 years ago by Holms Jen
Pamfil Military Academy

Military academy here, you nazi ukrotards: Ze fag inept followers already exceed 50.000 2 weeks ago…sorry for the delusional Kiev Reich propaganda..

Holms Jen

Lol, you are academy in my asshole maybe. Another Russian ship is preparing for underwater missions, after being hit by Ukrainian naval missiles.

Pamfil Military Academy

This ship is like your granma cunt: already fucked by your wet dreams. Dreams boy, dreams of a gay idiot. And you can translate that porno expression from one of the greatest porno vocabulary on earth (yea I know, maghiar swears are world number 1 but romanian ones are the very second) and then might you can reflect a second what a piece of junk shit you are: futu-ti mortii matii de nazist jegos ! Ok, pal ? Take it.

P.S. And indeed, here is a military academy, by what means, I don’t tell you, a piece of retard syphilitic spermacarrion.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Haha i love Mr pampers academy posts. Top 3 of my favorite tears.

Pamfil Military Academy

Eat my penis tears, idiot. 90% of all what I said before it’s reality by now. Goodbye Ukraine as it was !!!!! Half under pulasky, half under putinists. Very good, I’m very happy: serves it right. Karma is immutable: you make evil, you will receive evil, scumbag.


Es cierto, pero la hacen chatarra en horas

Michel LeBlanc

Who cares you have no fuel. Morron.

Holms Jen



I believe that you can use simple mathematical operations, such as addition and subtraction … The Mariupol garrison had about 25,000 soldiers – 20,000 in the city itself and about 5,000 more who retreated to the city as the Russians advanced. About 2,000 remained in the factory, about 2,000 surrendered, none escaped … which means that over 20,000 were perished! Add to this figure the losses on all other fronts in the past two months in conditions of complete Russian domination in the air. Maybe the figure over 40,000 is too big, but over 30,000 is for sure, and it is definitely more than Kiev’s 3,000 … unless they forgot to write one more zero!

John Stone

For a reason that is obscure, I have spent most of my life noticing the difference between a crowd size and how large the reporter claims it to be. The disinterested lie is 3 time bigger. The self serving lie runs around 10. Unless it is network news, in which case the sky’s the limit. By that criteria and allowing that Kiev is not disinterested I would take the 3,000 as an actual 10 times (smaller in this case) or 30,000 as a first guess, provided your other info is accurate. I’ve been thinking, if this stuff is real the other side will start having trouble coming up with enough warriors. You know, young healthy guys who can be coerced into it.


Eight year preparation yielded this, what will a couple months do?

Saint Putin

And it is all delivered in the west. But it has to get across the Dnieper to be in the fight. And no more trains run east. In the meantime, in Donbass war zone, with their current loss rate, Ukraine is soon going to run out of males to fight. Already, the videos show a pattern with the Ukrainian AUF dead. Apart from being always being left behind, they corpses are all middle aged men. ALL of them. This means they have been digging deep to the bottom of the conscript barrel for some time, and it’s surely running out.


Maybe. Indeed. In the same time Russia destroyed dreams of millions of ordinary Russians – you are like nazi Germans to entire West World! Sanctions will stay until poor and undeveloped Russia will collapse into independent states… Zoviets will be unwelcome everywhere. Yes, some countries will silently support Russia, you can have your holidays in Kazakhstan or Yemen… maybe Turkey will let you in for a week, charging 10 times more than before. Is this really what you wanted?

Michel LeBlanc

No we want to clean the earth of nazi scum like you.

One at a time. Well get you soon enough.

Pamfil Military Academy

Oy, my cock in your oral hole ! Good ? Ok. Let’s go forward. Russians are not west idiots; they know when theirs sovereignty is in danger and behave accordingly. Before war Putin had 60% and now 85% support.

Bernard Davis

Rouble today worth 20 per cent more than it was before invasion started. Russians going to have cheap vacations!


You are a fool if you dismiss Russia’s use of nuclear weapons. Ukraine is now being turned into scrapyard by the Russians because the West is intent on prolonging the war with little chance Russia losing. I guess Poland wants to be a waste land.

Holms Jen

Ukraine? You mean just the 10% of territory that was held by separatists before Russians entered? A few substations blowned off is not a big deal, plus I see that they are up and running again with more and more weapons from UK and US, just that you won’t hear that from Russian propaganda.


Having to hide behind the skirts of foreigners is really nothing to be proud about, let alone brag about. Ukraine only exists at this point as a staging ground for the proxy war.

Holms Jen

Better that than losing naval units and armour to a bunch of infantry.


You are an idiot Yankee commanded by a crazy old man who urinates in his pants and the Pelosi who looks like an embalmed Barbie, will come out with their tails between their legs. Russia is going to leave Ukraine like Gruyère cheese.


Tell me one thing , you are getting kicked in the balls by Ukrainians (yes with NATO wepons) ……. without single NATO soldier on the ground. How you going to deal with NATO with your shitty popping up turrets junk ?Oh wait nukes right ? Like US/UK/France have none ?Difference is your shitty rockets cant aim shit HAHAHAHAHAHA

In your dream world only russia will shoot nukes and rest of the world will just watch – keep dreaming.

One more question : how stupid of a nation it gotta be to lose big fucking ship to country that has no navy ?

Pamfil Military Academy

Is your mother or better wife cunt called Belgorod ? I wish to take such a Belgorod only to make some DNA cleaning in those holes…

Holms Jen

Here, educate youself https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgorod A Russian city.

Last edited 2 years ago by Holms Jen
Pamfil Military Academy

You’re a really stupid orangutan to not realize the means of my phrase. A classic anglo-saxon or scandinavian idiot shit.

Michel LeBlanc

Accelerate the pushback?

The pushback is at speed zero. So your acceleration is also zero.

Your an idiot that cant even do 4th grade math.

Holms Jen

When Poland enters with US weapons, pushback will be 100 km per day.


Kurvas never learn back in 1930 they wanted to become rulers of Slavs got fudged instead, same will happen now, Russians will erase Poland, they won’t be playing with them like they do with Ukrainians

Holms Jen

lol, Russia only has nukes as a deterant now. Their conventional weapons showed to be useless even against third world nation.


How many western mercs were shipped back in pieces after kinzhal attacks on their bases imho, what is really useless is the garbage west is sending over, javs don’t work at all against armoured vehicles, difficult to use, stingers are garbage. Drones are a failure against Russian electronic warfare. Lmao. Russia got all of the time to grind ukkies and co slowly. And there is nothing you can about it. Kurvas will be annihilated with ease


No, Poland bit the crap out of kurwas in 1920


Poland is a barking dog for USA and in case it declares the border with Ukraine as nonexistent Poland becomes a valid target as its then part of Ukraine !! Polaks are the biggest puzzies in the world, never met a Polak with ballz !!

Pamfil Military Academy

Pulaks were notorious double edged ‘dildo’s’ throughout modern history. It’s not randomly there were the largest fake jews concentration in Europe.


Rakoni💩 , you obviously have your head up your own arse and can’t see shit from daylight. You also have the Vibe of a Fascist and Moronic Racist. Go play the hero and take on the Russians, Ukrainians, or the Poles. The only thing you are capable of is running your mouth, and you obviously have never met a Polak. I can assure if you ever met a Pole while you were running your mouth as you have here I would check if you still had your balls after meeting one.🖕


Poles and Ukros are going to get an Iskander up their ass!!!

Al Doobie

Comic relief.


afcourse the polaks are famos military Expertes working here as painters Maler and cleaning ladys Putzfrau


Ever heard something about sarmat?

Banderowcow na pal

Many Polish people will never forget Wolyn massacre you piece of shit!

Anatolio Mamontow

Holms Jen, “Then if US allows”? Ho….ho…ho…ho…US is a serial war loser!


Poor little European faggot. I am an American and we don’t care about Ukraine. You’re right if the US allows because you’re my bitch, thanks for recognising that. Biden will have his balls cut off in November with him losing the senate and house. Then in 2024 Trump will be president and the Ukraine is done. You European pussies wouldn’t dare do a thing without the US.


That is quite a tall tale, buddy


Polish males are suddenly going to march off and die in their thousands for the Zelensky Regime??!! You wish. At best Poland will seize and occupy a section of west Ukraine as Ukraine collapses and disintegrates, as a last NATO grab to maintain territory.

Last edited 2 years ago by GhibliWinds
Pamfil Military Academy

Anyway, those syphilitic mad hohols are galicien polsudsky fuck in reality.

Holms Jen

Hard to cope with reality?

Pamfil Military Academy

I wish Romania to chop our part stolen by Ukraine by some sort of ‘peace keeping’ mission. North Bucovina is Romanian for ages !!!!!!!!! Cernauti is ROMANIAN, BUGEAC, southern Moldavia till Odessa, also ROMANIAN, Snake Island also ROMANIAN. So, fuck your reality, homo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Hey? 😂😂🤡

Pamfil Military Academy

Hey what ?! hey, maybe suck dick dumb fuck troll.

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Oh hello pumpy, are you a gipsy? Are you begging in the streets of europe and butthurt that you don t get enough for a bottle of vodka? Try to work sometimes and leave lalaland academies in your head 😂🤣🤡


hey coprophilic…do not have a job or waiting to offer your a s s in western europedo city late at night?? hahaha

Pamfil Military Academy

Yea, Ukrop banderastan is full of gipsy. Ze fag also have some gipsy ancestors.

Holms Jen

Logical step. Russia is worn out, just pretending not to be. Russia has hard time making cars, asking Iran for help with parts, with tanks and sophisticated armor they are scrwd. Poland want’s to take the cake of Russian territories, and with obvious incompetence of Russan army, why would anyone be afraid of it. We know that Russia won’t use nukes as then US comes and destroy Russia. And in conventional warfare Russia turned out to be so weak that it struggles with a third world nation rated below 10th world military power. So yea, being so weak means other are not afraid and will join the fight. Wonder how Ruski will cope with this.

NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Never go full retard, its counterproductive…

Holms Jen

Why are you doing that yourself then? I know its hard, every day more and more Russia lose in this conflict, and coping is getting very hard. Maybe embrace the truth?

Michel LeBlanc

Your the one that has to cope, living in a twisted reality framed by hate.

This could all have been avoided.

Your intransigence will be the death of us all.

Selfish pricks, i have to pay 2bucks a liter for gas now, way to go assholes.

Holms Jen

Cope with what? Russia is losing, now people from Belgorod need to evacuate due to Ukrainian counter strikes: https://t.me/sputnik/3169?single Not to mention all the other losses of Russia, plus no advances, plus heavy armor and artillery is flowing into Ukraine without problems.

Hunter Grifter Biden

Yeah right, because all through history, armies winning wars always blow up their own bridges on their own territory!!! Not. That is called a terminal one-way retreat. Here is a dose of on the ground graphic reality shock for you:


Last edited 2 years ago by Hunter Grifter Biden
NATO fags love high heels and lipstick

Aside from that you are mixing up Russia with the crumbling americant empire sucking Chinese duck and begging Mexico fir spate parts. After losing in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria the crumbling americant empire is losing now in glorious ukronazisisbanderistan…

Holms Jen

Lolololol, US has any technology on this planet in its pocket, they only use China for cheap manufacturing process and that is it. Russia struggles with many things, Russian chip making capabilities are in the 80s still.

Last edited 2 years ago by Holms Jen
Michel LeBlanc

Usa has ZERO air defences, its navy is vulnerable to onix amd Kinzhal, no air superiority fighters in numbers to matter.

USA military gear is about profit. Russians make it work.

Its pretty obvious if you actually look at it. Your just reading off a script, so no critical thinking capacity from you dingus.

Holms Jen

Man you just have mental issues.

Please, give me one source that shows how USA has ZERO air defences? You are also probably ignorant of the fact that all missiles except Kinzhal can be easy intercepted by jets, which USA has in thousands.

Russia make it lose, like all of their tanks and ships.


To be fair a large proportion of the American military is non operational and in poor condition.. morale is low and like the Russians.. combat troops and generals are useless…

what the yanks (and the perfidious anglos) are good at though is bribing the leaders of their corrupt vassal states… with all the fiat currency they print..

so that imbeciles like your good self get to jump in the meat grinder for Wall Street and the City of London..

that way they wont need to lie about the amount of yankee coffins coming home…to their fat ignorant electorate..

because you guys will be filling them…. in europe…

Pamfil Military Academy

‘because you guys will be filling them…. in europe…’ Exactly what;s happen in Banderapizdan now: Zelensky LGBTQSRCFGHDRTT ..ETC fag rejects all dead ukrop bodies. Today signed a law for that. Exactly on what purpose you mentioned.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
Edgar Zetar

Agree on part of this. They have advanced technologies, budget but they lack on human resources, also USA scientifics cannot match the Nazi Scientifics and needed them in order to win during Cold War… USA Science = Nazi Science defeated the URSS.


You don’t know what you are talking about, the elbrus 16s is made in 7nm tehnology, russians almost finished new euv Lithographie X-ray machine for chip in production 7nm and even 5nm ,last week i was in Stuttgart to fix some Leica it was a big Institut they still working in 850nm, just to understand Pentium 1 Processor was made 1991 in 800nm


Can you source the Iran part? They do help each other, but it’s Iran buying technology from Russia, so I’m not sure you’re right

Holms Jen



It doesn’t say they rely on Iran? A lot of countries import stuff even though they don’t need rely on others. Can you source the tank parts?


If Poland does this that means that the “territorial sovereignty” of Ukraine is out of the window because then is a free for all that want to take a slice.

Edgar Zetar

Well well well… now Russia was right before when argued and send a protest about Poland accession to NATO membership. Now that we are closer to the final act to this divine comedy we are all embarked since WWI… may the war bring peace later

Tommy Jensen

Good. All the East-European buffer-countries are wagging like poodles and act as they should, providing cannonfodder for the defence of old-Europe………..LOL. Otherwise they cannot get more usury loans………LOL.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tommy Jensen

What else? Zoviet occupation? We have been there before – millions of Poles killed and tortured by Russians in the past. No, thank you – we rather try USA. It worked for the last 30 years


Ah yes, Germany is Poland’s oldest friend as well.


Cossacks from Zaporozhie also simply love Poles.


In XVII century they were loyal to Polish kings till Władysław IV died in 1648

Michel LeBlanc

The anglos made poland commit suicide in 1939, and the idiot poles ate getting suckered by the anglos in 2022.

What a bunch of morrons!


Really? I think France was one of those countries that betrayed Poland in 1939. Apparently we were stupid to believe that the French had honor and fighting skills. We had no other options this year to avoid another Ribbentrop- Molotov Pact. Now it is Germany that is a loser of that conflict.


This plan will backfire. Ukrainian nationalists will most likely attack any foreign armed forces in their country. This will push Ukraine into a bloody civil war, while Russia is taking everything from the East of the Dnieper.

Bernard Davis

You mean like the Ukraine is not in a bloody civil war already? It has been in one since 2014, didn’t you notice? If the Poles are stupid enough to get involved on on the ground in the Ukraine, the Russians will clobber them and they will not be able to go whining to NATO for protection.

Ma Laoshi

Russia seems to be peddling two narratives. One is “Slow and steady, a limited operation–more a police action than a war”; the second is “We are battling the Collective West, in particular all of NATO”. But don’t you have to choose? If the latter version is true, as it now seems to be, then the former is a mistake. If you don’t seal off Ukraine’s Western borders, and leave the Kiev junta in control of the country, then Kiev will be free to invite third parties to the show.

Holms Jen

Good observation.

It is a police action against whole NATO because Russia is so strong and superior, that it can wipe NATO with 1/4th of its ground force capacities. I guess that is what Russians believe.

We see how it is going for Russia tho.

Adam Kafei

While I disagree with the assertion that a policing action and fighting NATO are mutually exclusive as it’s entirely possible to conduct a policing action and have NATO fund, arm, inform and train your enemy (as is happening), you do raise an interesting point about inviting third parties, Russia made it clear that international law allows for military operations on behalf of a state that invites you to conduct them when they entered Syria, isn’t it strange that no such invitations by Ukraine to NATO countries have been publicised? Do they not exist? In which case, why not? If they do exist, are they inconvinient somehow? Do NATO countries intend to ignore or reject such pleas? To what end?

Ma Laoshi

Well the floodgates are wide open for individual NATO fighters, who apparently are getting demilitarized by the hundreds already. But entire NATO states? The whole hegemonic aura of the club is based on fighting helpless 3rd-world countries in conditions of total air superiority, and distracting their populations from even those wars getting lost usually. Not necessarily buying the “patriotic” storyline about the superiority of the Russian military, not sure that that’s what we’re seeing right now, and yet fighting the Russki’s would be rather different for NATO than say fighting Iraq, even if it’d stay conventional (which it won’t).

The whole point of the Maidan was to harass and unbalance Russia the cheap way–by proxy. NATO has no other reason to care about Ukraine than that’s a violent place next to Russia. The exception may be the Poles, which puts them next in line to be expended like a cheap proxy.

Adam Kafei

It seems to me, from what I’m reading and hearing about the war, that the only capacity in which NATO is not fighting Russia is in the open, boots on the front lines, one. Britain has already noted that to continue providing arms to Ukraine they would have to dip into their war stocks, continental European countries appear to be emptying their inventories of old vehicles in the apparent hope that America will replace them and we know for a fact that America was (and in all likelihood still is) training Ukrainian fighters, formerly near Lvov. Add to that the economic war that the west openly admits (even brags about) fighting and you have a difficult to refute narrative about NATO fighting Russia in/over Ukraine.

As far as the “”patriotic” storyline about the superiority of the Russian military”, I find myself in agreement, they have shown many critical failings and fallen back on tried and tested, if slow, tactics. Equally though, I’m not sure how commited the Russians really are to this since they only sent 200k to conduct the operation, one has to wonder if it was arrogance or measured? How soon do they plan to win? Do they plan to win on the ground or is this just a front for a geopolitical aim? It seems to me if they really wanted to win, they could bring up some of the remaining 700k full time soldiers and force the issue, yet they aren’t, they must have a reason.


Who else is hoping Poland or some stupid in charge actually go ahead and test Russia. Just to see what Russia would do. Just another small step close to nuclear war would not be bad. I personally will be safe after this superpowers wipe each other off the planet.


If they do, they will act on their own. That was said already. They can’t even call for NATO to intervene when Russia will send some cruise missiles to wipe them out. When they get a slap like that they will be painted in a corner with no escape. That is some plan. US will throw more pawns into this mess just to create more problems for Russia. Poles are as dumb as they are expected to be. How can people betray each other like that I will never understand. I guess everyone has a price. Corruption has always been the most useful tool for US.

Last edited 2 years ago by TopGum

Ezechiel 38:21, And I will call in the sword against him (Gog) In all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be pointed against his brother. According to a Hebrew map of the ancient world at the time of Noah according to the Mosaic tradition, Gog was shown between Meshech and Magog stretching from the Southeast end of the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The rest of Magog stretched from the north end of the Caspian Sea down around the western part of the Caspian Sea. Thogormah, Gomer, and Ashkenaz were indicated in what is now modern Turkey. This was a Hebrew map. I had it up for about a month. However, it has since disappeared and I am unable to pull It back up.

Ma Laoshi

Well that all sounds exciting indeed, but I very much doubt it’s a good idea from Russia’s POV. We see, or so it seems, that Russia can’t really make a second fist near Nikolaev in addition to the one in Izyum; and they didn’t get going in Izyum until Mariupol was substantially done. The Poles may not be all they imagine themselves to be, and yet it’d be a huge headache for Russia if they’d join the party. Not to mention that if the Poles do show up and survive, in no time all of NATO will be coming in behind them. It never really worked for Russia during the Syria campaign to leave the borders wide open, and I doubt it’s a better idea this time.


This proves that Ukraine is not managing to hold out against Russia despite hundreds of billions of dollars in assistance. The occupation of Western Ukraine points directly to this war expanding to a full war between NATO and Russia, which will inevitably go nuclear.

Florian Geyer

Yes, That’s very true. Ukie land is done for, and good riddance to the Zionazi’s who deserve a homeland on Mars..


If the Poles want Galicia let them have it but they will choke on it.


Poland is not interested in taking land of foreign countries. Opposite to Russia but you don’t understand…


With a straight face you are trying to tell me you don’t want Galicia back?Good one.

Michel LeBlanc

That land was always russian. It was tolerated until russian speaking civilians started getting shot.

You lost your chance at statehood ukraine, you fucked it up and will never ever have a chance at it again.

Ukraine=krajina= borderland.



They seem to give hints this way :

How does the game Borderlands more or less end or what is the game-line?

There a hints in movies as well.

Florian Geyer

The Poles will have to fight the Bandera cult if the Poles want to occupy Galicia, LOL.

mike l hutchings

I knew this was coming Poland was stripped of territory by Ukraine in WW2 and they see a chance to get some back. there was a reason Poland was divided between Germany, Austria and Russia they have a habit of assaulting their neighbors leaving them little choice. Poland’s next play is taking over the last bit of East Prussia on the bay of Danzig. they will join forces with the AZOV-NAZI alienate Germany, and then lo and behold, it’s the 17th century again


Poland is not interested in Ukraine territories! How do you people live with your tiny foil hats of russian propaganda? This is no joke – people are dead and suffering thanks to Putin


That sort of brain dead comment belongs on Fox or CNN website.

Florian Geyer

Can you explain why Poland and the Bandera cult, who brutally murdered 100,000 Polish citizens before and during WW2, would be allies?


He’s Polish. And you know what people think about Polish people.


This is like 1918-19, when Poland betrayed their supposed allies the Ukrainian “Whites” of Pitliura, massacred them and, after stopping the Russian attack against Warsaw, annexed Galitzia and Volhinia. It soulds even worse because it seems like Poland now wants to annex all ethnic Ukraine as far as Kiev or whatever, much as they did centuries ago.

That could have the side effect of bringing the borders of NATO closer to Russia, almost forcing a nuclear war.


Reckless madmen.


Russia is finished. Learn how to live with that

Florian Geyer


Historical Context is required to understand all disputes and US understanding of Context is limited to a one week cycle, LOL.

There is one exception though. GOD gave the Jews the Promised Land, and that was over 2000 years ago :)

Slava Rossiya.


Your “God” is fake.

Also the true Jews are the Palestinains. What we call Jews are descendants of converts and thus indistinct from Christians or Muslims (who are also Jewish in terms of religion).

Bobby Twoshoes

Chill brother, he was just making a joke about how Americans always pretend that history is only one week old for most world events but when it comes to licking Zionist boots they somehow manage to remember nonsense that supposedly happened thousands of years ago.


Oh, OK. On second read you seem to be right.

Poe’s law strikes again. Sarcasm and irony are very difficult to transmit in written form. He used a smiley but I totally disregarded it, my bad I guess.


Poland did not betray Petlura. Unfortunately Ukrainians did not support him. This time they would.


Poland committed massacres of White Ukrainians in Galitzia, Pitliura was even more defeated by the Polish than by the red and black Ukrainians. Know your history, man.


Poles were defending themselves at that time. I know history of that region. Ukrainians also attacked Jews then. https://przystanekhistoria.pl/pa2/tematy/ukraina/29398,Wojna-polsko-ukrainska-1918-1919.html I wonder what would happen to that website if word Polish was replaced by Jew or black


Against Ukrainians in Ukraine? Polish forces were greedy and wanted all for them, just as the do now.


Use automatic translation for that website and you will get the truth


And Kievan Rus’ in X/XI (Vladimir the Great) century replaced all Poles from Przemyśl region to east of their state. Those were Krivichs and Radimichs tribes. Their conquered lands of Finno-Ugric tribes and built Moscow. Nestor the Chronicler mentioned their Polish origin.


They conquered lands of Finno-Ugric tribes and built Moscow. Nestor the Chronicler mentioned their Polish origin.


Yes Rus (Swedes in Eastern Europe originally) conquered many peoples, Slavs and Uralic alike. At some point they adopted Eastern Slavic (Old Russian) as their language and that’s how Russia (Kievan Rus) was born.

History is very convoluted. The English are also a Viking product in many ways (Normans were Vikings who became French but retained Scandinavian elements, notably their warlikeness, love for loot and general greed-driven dishonorability). England and Russia are twin nations in this sense.

But that’s past history, we are now concerned about present history and future history if anything, right?

We should be mostly concerned about making impossible that Europe is turned into a US colony with the pretext of the Ukrainian war and the brain-dead extremist Russophobia, calqued from Ukrainian nazism.

John Stone

England is about 2/3 Celtic, and the remaining third is a mix of German and Scandinavian. The Normans were a French speaking German tribe. That is why the English royals have distant relatives in Germany. The modern English language is a mixture of French and whatever Germanic language they were speaking at the time. It was high status to know some French, thus the small number of French speakers in the Norman court had a big influence on the local language.


This docu is very objective (excellent WWI history channel): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Gwuu7TXPwI

Wikipedia considers both Krivichs and Radimichs as East Slavs, i.e. not Poles at all, because Poles are West Slavs. In any case that is old history. In those days Polish ethnic identity was at best being formed in the regions of Great Poland, Lesser Poland, Cuyavia, Mazovia and Silesia (further north, while West Slavs, they were not considered Polish, in the case of Prussia, not even Slavic). If you want to actually be truthful to Polsih/West Slavic grudges from those days, reclaim East Germany and even Kiel, which were (Thuringia excepted) absolutely West Slavic in those days.

Of course things do change and 500 years earlier all that, Poland and Ukraine included was pretty much Germanic but the Slavs expanded at the shadow of the Huns (Turkics) and the Germanics invaded the Roman Empire under such pressure.

Yeah, history is complicated but 100 years ago, when Poland and Ukraine were trying to form themselves into nation states after the German surrender created a power vacuum in all that area, the ethnic border was at the Curon Line and that is pretty much the modern eastern border of Poland, all the rest is Polish imperialism.


European history was falsified in XIX century when Poland was not existing as an independent country. One of the biggest secrets is that Poles are Vandals. In Polish language “w” is pronounced as “v” in English and Polish name Wanda is pronounced Vanda. You can find information about Polish XII century legend (about princess Wanda) on Wikipedia. Czechs have a very similar legend. There are a lot of other sources that confirm that Poles are ancient Vandals. Recent genetic research showed that Vikings were not an ethnic group but soldiers from many different ethnic groups. Wolin was one of the biggest centers in X century Europe and Poles apparently had very good relations with Vikings. Also Russians start to admit that Vikings in IX century Novgorod met with Western and not Eastern Slavs. Belorussians genetically are much closer to Poles than to Russians. That was another genetic research made recently. Before partitions of Poland in XVIII century Ukrainian and Belarusian languages were more similar to Polish than to Russian.


When Russians and Germans were erasing Polish history in XIX century (earlier they falsified Chronicles of Długosz in 1702 and stole one of the biggest libraries in Europe – Załuski library and said that Prokosz Chronicle was a forgery) they forgot about column of Sigismund III in Warsaw. The sign there was that he was a 44th king of Vandals. That would make the first official ruler of Poland – Mieszko I just a15 th ruler of Poland. Mieszko’s I daughter was a famous queen of England, Sweden, Norway and Denmark – Sygryda Storrada


And Friedrich Nietzche said himself “I am a pure-blooded Polish nobleman, without a single drop of bad blood, certainly not German blood.” and “Germany is a great nation only because its people have so much Polish blood in their veins.”


do you want to know more erased secrets about Poland? This one is also huge; https://culture.pl/en/article/the-truth-behind-christopher-columbuss-polish-roots Manuel Rosa, a Portuguese historian, claims that the man who discovered America was not of Genoese origin as is commonly believed, but descended from a Polish King. Culture.pl investigates his hypothesis. The twelve-toed king It is told that 15th-century Polish King Władysław III had six toes on each foot. He was also the son of the great Polish king Władysław Jagiełło, who defeated the Teutonic Order in the famous battle of Grunwald, and ruled over a mighty empire that ranged from the Baltic to the Black Sea. He ascended the Polish throne in 1434 and received Hungarian crown in 1440 to boot. As King of Hungary he waged war against the Ottoman Empire and died, at the age of 20, in the 1444 Battle of Varna, a crucial episode of the conflict. The fight was lost by the Hungarians and their allies and the king himself was slain on the field after leading a charge into the enemy’s ranks. However, the ruler’s body was never formally identified, a strange occurrence considering his unusual feet. This led to speculation that the monarch actually survived and that the accounts and stories about his death were untrue. According to some, after the lost battle the baffled king travelled to the Portuguese island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean, where he lived incognito as Henrique Alemao (Henry the German) for the rest of his days.

Portuguese historian Manuel Rosa supports the abovementioned hypothesis. Moreover, he maintains that after the battle the Polish king not only came to Madeira but also had a son, Christopher Columbus. That’s right. After over 20 years of extensive research, Rosa, an employee of Duke University, is dead certain that the great navigator was of royal Polish descent. Fluent in many languages, the historian studied countless accounts and documents about Columbus written in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian before he published this revelation in a book entitled Columbus ‒ The Untold Story. Interestingly, his dubious-sounding claim has some pretty substantial backing …

A golden double cross Let’s break down the main arguments used by Rosa to support his theory that America’s discoverer was in fact the son of the Polish king Władysław III. First, he points out physical resemblance. (Look at the portraits above and judge for yourself.) Historic descriptions of the two point out similarities in their countenances. Additionally, Rosa found that Columbus’ original coat of arms had gold anchors on a blue background. It just so happens that Segismundo Henriques, son of Henrique Alemao (who did actually live in Madeira, beyond any doubt), also had a coat of arms with gold anchors on a blue background. And here the plot thickens: rulers of the House of Jagiełło, Władysław III among them, used a golden double cross on a blue background as their coat of arms, a symbol which closely resembles Columbus’s anchors very easily.

It is also worth noting that in the 16th century the descendants of Henrique Alemao were officially acknowledged by the Spanish royal court being descended from royal Polish lineage. This coincides nicely with a 1472 letter sent by a Franciscan monk from Portugal to the grand master of the Teutonic Order, in which the author writes that he’s seen Władysław III on Madeira. Two other monks, who were sent to Madeira from Poland, claimed they recognized the king in Alemao. One might add that in Portugal the term ‘Alemao’ (German) was once applied to members of all peoples from beyond the Rhine, including Poles.

A Madeira native Why would Władysław III want to live incognito in Madeira, and be Henrique Alemao the humble knight, and not in Central Europe, where he would be king? Rosa postulates that he simply became disenchanted with ruling after being defeated by the Ottomans, and longed for a different life. As the king of a mighty state, he would have had to go through much hardship after his abdication, hence the elaborate scheme. In this version of events Columbus protected his father’s privacy by concealing his own background, of which he was probably aware.

Rosa’s theory, although exotic, helps explain certain facts from Columbus’ life. Namely, his marriage to a Portuguese aristocrat which occurred long before he became famous for discovering America, his receiving of a broad education that enabled him to become an expert navigator, and his residing in Madeira for some time, near Alemao’s palace. The first two events would have been unlikely to befall a simple weaver’s son from Genoa. On the other hand, they very well could have, for a man of royal descent. Additionally, Rosa believes that the Portuguese court was privy to the secret of Alemao’s identity and supported both him and his son, Columbus.

All in all, Rosa presents a strong case for Columbus’s Polishness. It might be worth looking into whether Cristiano Ronaldo, a Madeira native, isn’t also Polish…


LOL, Columbus was Genoese, it’s well determined by many documents. The Genoese were at that time very active in Portugal in search for new slave markets (or markets of any kind) after the Turkish conquest of Byzantium cut their access to the Black Sea and thus to Eastern Europe, from where slaves (term directly derived from Slav and thus a bit racist) came from.

They stumbled on Black Africa and turned it into another slave hunting ground, a new Eastern Europe on steroids.

That doesn’t mean that Poles, Czechs and Ashkenazi Jews were also not involved in the Slavic slave trade: they were and very intensely so, as were the Russian (generically Rus) oligarchies and the European Turkics (Tatars). But in the sea that role belonged to the Italian republics rather and that’s why there were so many Italians such as Columbus, Cabot and Vespucci involved in the early exploration of the Atlantic Ocean for colonialism and slaveism. Columbus is pretty much the hinge on which the shift from Slavic slavery to African (and Native American) slavery happened.


Maju, I hate to break it to you, but the old tale that the discoverer of America was a Genoese Columbus is now sunk by Manuel Rosa. The first thing Rosa proved was that the discoverer was never called Columbus/Colombo. His Spanish name was Colón. This name is still used today by his descendants. Colombo and Colón were two different people. The Genoese one was a poor wool weaver who declared himself to be 19 years old to a notary in 1470 and described himself as a weaver to that notary. The other was a full-time navigator from the age of 14 and declared in a 1503 letter to the Castilian court to have been 28 years old in 1484 when he arrived in Spain. The discoverer Colón married a Portuguese elite noble dame in 1479. Colón’s wife was so elite that 3 of her cousins from her mother and father’s side were countesses and 1 was a marquesa. Another cousin was the Lord-Chamberlain of King John II of Portugal while one of the countess’s husband was the captain of King John II’s Royal Guard. Her uncle was Captain of the King’s archers and her brother-in-law was part of the 25 royal guards, plus her brother was Captain of the Island of Porto Santo!!! Now tell us how a poor Genoese weaver named Colombo fits into this story?

Also, did know that the Portuguese starting in 1492, a decade before “Columbus” had a trading post in Ghana where they traded for black slaves which were than sold in Europe?


Colón is the Castilian (“Spanish”) version of the name, Colombo in Italian, Columbus in Latin, Colomb in Catalan, etc. The Catalan version is important because in those days sailors used the so-called Lingua Franca, which was not anymore a version of French (as was 500 years earlier in the crusades) but was rather a version of Italian with strong Iberian influences, more Catalan and Portuguese than Castilian (steppe people with little marine inclinations).

So it’s Colombo > Colomb (a common Catalan surname) > Colón (an extremely rare Castilian surname). Why is it so rare in Castilian? Because Colombo and Colomb mean “pidgeon”, “dove”, while “Colón” means nothing at all (unless it’s someone who skips the proper order at a queue, i.e. “colarse”). Castilian for “dove” is “paloma” and you have indeed surnames like Palomar (dovecot) and even Palomo (male pidgeon). The only possible way that Colón was formed was from either Italian or Catalan.

As for who “discovered” America, it was obviously the natives living there since maybe 20,000 years ago, but from the Old World that we have clear evidence of, it was Icelander/Norwegian sailor Leifr Eirikson.

Last edited 2 years ago by Maju

The Vandals ruled Tunisia, not Poland. They were expelled from what is now Poland by the Goths and wandered through Western Germania (much of modern Germany, Cech Rep. and the Netherlands) until that fatidic 31st of December of 406, when the Rhin froze, and they, along the (also Germanic and locally established) Swabians or Sueves and the (Iranic) Alans (also wandering after being displaced by the Huns = Turkics) invaded my country of Aquitaine (again). Then we let them pass to Baetica and from there they sailed to Africa.

The Kings of the Vandals and Alans (who submitted to them willingly) did not rule Poland at all, they ruled Tunisia… but would later be conquered by the Greeks and vanished from history altogether, their descendants now surely speak Arabic, not Polish.


“Poles are Vandals”… and Ukrainians are Goths, that would explain everything, LOL.

The problem with that is that you’re an essentialist who confuses genetics and ethnolinguistics and thus, when I try follow your essentialism to the end it doesn’t only result in English being “2/3 Celtic”, but also almost exactly “2/3 Basque” (Celtic-specific genetics are almost missing in the islands, it’s just Basque-like Brithos who shifted language under a small Celtic aristocracy, which is also how Hungarians became Ugric and Anatolian Turks became Turkic).

Even Basques are a mix of Vasconic-1 (Sardinian like) and Paleoeuropean (and so are modern “Celtics”, which are almost identical to Basques). And that applies in one way or another to most of Europe: Indoeuropean identities are very shallow and even where Indoeuropean genetics are strongest (Poland surely), they only make up a fraction of the genetic ancestry.

Vandals spoke Germanic and were close relatives of Goths anyhow, Poles speak Slavic instead.


BYERIN BLAKEMORE PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 16, 202o https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/article/scientists-raid-viking-dna-explore-genetic-roots

In popular imagination, Vikings were robust, flaxen-haired Scandinavian warriors who plundered the coastlines of northern Europe in sleek wooden battleships. But despite ancient sagas that celebrate seafaring adventurers with complex lineages, there remains a persistent, and pernicious, modern myth that Vikings were a distinctive ethnic or regional group of people with a “pure” genetic bloodline. Like the iconic “Viking” helmet, it’s a fiction that arose in the simmering nationalist movements of late 19th-century Europe. Yet it remains celebrated today among various white supremacist groups that use the supposed superiority of the Vikings as a way to justify hate, perpetuating the stereotype along the way.

Now, a sprawling ancient DNA study published today in the journal Nature is revealing the true genetic diversity of the people we call Vikings, confirming and enriching what historic and archaeological evidence has already suggested about this cosmopolitan and politically powerful group of traders and explorers.


Translated from https://ciekawostkihistoryczne.pl/2021/04/09/czy-to-polacy-zalozyli-moskwe-i-nie-tylko-moskwe-wiele-na-to-wskazuje/

The Polans from the Dnieper There are four Russian editions of́ “History of Russia From Rurik to Putin” , written by well-known St. Petersburg professor Yevgeny Anisimov, author of dozens of history books, radio and television host. And here I saw this well-known book̨ in Poland… in Polish… published in 2017 by the publishing house “Inicjal” (translated by Andrzej and Halina Palaczowie). Let me cite two interesting passages from p. 10 of the Polish edition:

“The Slavic tribe Polans occupied lands on the Dnieper River in the ninth century. Their capital was the small city of Kiev, whose name (…) comes from the name of the ruler (chief) of the local tribe, Kija”.

And the second quotation, a few lines further on: “Apparently, the Polans living here were quite a weak tribe, a splinter of a once unified great people who came here from the lands of present-day Poland, known from Byzantine sources as “Lędzianie”, or “Lachy””.

For some reason in other languages name Poland (in Polish – Polska) starts with with different syllables – Lengyelország in Hungarian, Lenkija in Lithuanian, Leasir in Old Norse, Lehia in Romanian, Lehastan in Armenian, Lehistan in Ottoman Turkish, Gagauz, Kumyk, Crimean Turkish and Kurdi. Old name for Poland was Lechia (Lekhia) and even Russians or Ukrainians call Poles Lakhs, which is pronounced almost like Allah, but without Al. We have a lot of very old villages called Wandalin (pronounced Vandalin). Vandals in Polish are Wandale or Wandalowie. Pawel Szydlowski, author of “Wandalowie czyli Polacy” (Vandals or Poles) claims that over hundreds of years name changed like this Wandale – WandaLachy – Lachy – Polachy – Polacy-Polska


I recently watched the debate about the origin of Slavs on Polish television TVP Historia. Mainstream professors agreed that Slavs are on current territories for thousands of years and they said that prominent western historians start to agree with them. That makes stories about movement of Germanic tribes to western parts of Europe invalid. Chronicles of Prokosz (from X century) that was called forgery in XIX century by Germans starts to be look legit after recent genetic research and archaeological discoveries.


There are many very interesting maps showing distribution of blue eyes color and genetics in Europe. They show that Poles have blue eyes like Scandinavians but almost completely don’t share haplogroup I1 with them. R1A is similar to Iranians.

And for English speaking reader word Slavs may be close to Slaves but in Slavic languages word Slava means fame and Slovo means word. Slavs call Germans Niemcy from word niemy = dumb


Your knowledge of physical anthropology (“the mismeasurement of man”) and of genetics is very limited (at least compared with mine). Blue eyes have paleoeuropean origins (whiter skin and thus probably blond har doesn’t, it’s mostly Neolithic instead, but fixated by the cruel mistress Evolution because of bad Neolithic diet and the need of vitamin D). Blue eyes are most common in NW Europe, probably because the input of all Neoeuropean influences (incl. Indoeuropeans) is less intense. Basques also have often blue or grey eyes, like “Celtic” islanders. In any instance lower overall pigmentation may favor the expresion of blue eyes, blond hair and other low pigmentation traits, after all blue eyes are not blue but transparent (almost albino), there’s no blue pigment but lack of melanin.

R1a must have arrived from West Asia in the Neolithic, Iran-Kurdistan is probably at the origin of that and other haplogroups (J2 for sure but this lineage fits rather with Pelasgo-Tyrsenians). The main European variant of R1a (different from the Asian one) seems to have expanded from what is now Ukraine and Belarus, where early Indoeuropeans must have either borrowed it from natives (Dniepr-Don culture, later admixed with Indoeuropeans in the Sredny-Stog complex) or experienced a founder effect from an unknown source (earliest Indoeuropeans from the Volga carry almost monolithically R1b but a variant different from that of West Europe and still common in the Volga region but nowhere else). These early West Indoeuropeans that coalesced first in Ukraine and then in Poland and East Germany are what we know primarily as Corded Ware culture (leading to Italo-Celtic, Balto-Slavic and Germanic linguistic families most directly), which also produced Vucedol culture as offshoot in the middle Danube and Dinaric region (leading to Greek and Macedonio-Phrygio-Armenian languages). In contrast other Indoeuropeans (Dacians, Thracians and their Illyrian-Albanian offshoot in the Balcans, Indo-Iranians in the steppes first, then in Southern Asia, Luwio-Hittites in the Caucasus first and then in Anatolia, Tocharians in Altai first, then in Xinjiang (ancestors of Uyghurs largely), have different patterns of spread and associated genetics. R1a in South Asia is surely Neolithic (Dravidian) and not specifically Indoeuropean.


That’s Slavocentric propaganda, very typical Polish ultranationalist. Reality is that there were no known Slavs (or anything that could be associated to them) in Roman times and most likely they were under the catch-all umbrella of “Sarmathians” (who were mostly Iranic anyhow, proto-Alans). Linguistic and archaelogical analysis shows that the core Slavic country was in what is now NW Ukraine, maybe parts of Belarus too (forest and swamp region just west of the steppe) and that they experienced a very rapid expansion in the Antiquity to early Middle Ages period. This is the time of the Huns and Slavs (who were much less pretentiously aristocratic and much more willing to asimilate others into their tribes instead) must have expanded at the shadow of the Huns (early European Turkics) and later of other (derived) Turkic groups like Avars and Bulgars (the Bulgar case is very clear because it’s already historical and we know of the other Bulgars, now called Chuvash). The early Slavs surely acted as vassals and allies of the Turkics getting as result massive expansion, expansion that is nevertheless very obviously not so much demographic but assimilationist of various native populations (the left-behind of the Germanic migrations and Roman/Byzantine abandonment of many lands).

Thus Slavs are not a “race” (nobody is but in this case even less so) but a mostly linguistic and cultural type of ethnicity.

In Roman times Poland was Germanic or at the very least had a Germanic elite and a Germanic culture. It’s from there from where Eastern Germanics such as the Goths and the Vandals stem from. It’s possible that, much as would happen later with the Varangians, these Eastern Germanics ultimately had their origin in Sweden. I lean for that but that’s still debated.


Polan only means something like “farmer” (polana = glade, clearing), it’s not a strong indication of anything ethnic.






It’s giving me a woody !

John Tosh

World war Three; It’s sad to see my Nightmare come to fruition.

Russia: do not be nice or kind to Poland. The moment they do this wipe them off the face of the earth. Otherwise they will slowly try to bleed Russia and ultimately NATO forces will be in Russia just as Hitler did. Wiping Poland out will prevent Millions of Russians from dying.

One swift bitter strike is the only language the devil worshippers G7 (dragon with seven heads and ten horns) understand plus the devil gets its fill of blood. Polish blood not Russian blood. One way or another the devil gets its spill of blood.


the world needs ww3. lgbtqiaBLMfeminists types need a reality check


Britain and US don’t even have to twist Polish arms. These fools want their destruction. At least Zelensky is milking NATO for billions before he splits to Israel. I’ll give him credit.

Lee Bertin

Ukraine is guaranteed to be Balkanized, Poland will annex, Galicia and Romania will annex Ivano-Frankivs’k and Russia will annex everything east and south of the Dnieper.


Ukraine is a fake country anyway. About time.


Both Ukraine and Pooland are leech-fuking countries, shit holes as well.


Well, as for today Poland is one of the best countries to live in the World. Awesome hosing stock, great roads and infrastructure – all affordable


YEAH, THANKS TO WHOM HUH? They got that money out of their asshole? Did they work for it?

“Poland is the largest beneficiary of EU funding. Between 2007 and 2013 our country received over 67 billion EUR from the EU’s budget. So far were disposed over 85% of these funds for e.g.new roads, airports, motorways, modernisation of the rural areas and the country’s Eastern regions.”


“Since 2004, Poland has received over 213 billion euros from the European Union budget. Membership payments to the EU budget during this period amounted to nearly 70 billion euros. The most significant net inflows were in 2020 and amounted to around 13.16 billion euros, including reimbursements to the EU budget of 958.3 thousand euros.”

“Well, as for today Poland is one of the best countries to live in the World. Awesome hosing stock, great roads and infrastructure – all affordable” Yeah, say that again…

Hostage (Raptar) Driver

I really didn’t think that the Polacks were that stupid and suicidal. Apparently they wish for or worship death. Give them what they want, they are a detriment to humanity.


Poland, new, safe home for Slavic People


Damn, the Poles living up to their reputation of stupidity. “Try to avoid clashes with Russia”…nope, don’t think so. If there’s no borders Warsaw is fair game. It’s now part of Ukraine. These troglodytes are gonna start WWIII


Another one who doesn’t know that in order to avoid clash with Russia you have to be strong. If you’re weak then they will conquer you. Poles know that but morons in the West unfortunately don’t. Eastern Germans should know that well.


This is the reason that UK got Brexit.


Russian disinformation? True


Brexit = Leaving the EU, not NATO.




Jean de Peyrelongue

The Poles have been very active to trigger WW II, they paid for this stupidity a high price. Today Ukraine has replaced Poland to provoke the war but Poland seems to be willing to join Ukraine and beat Ukraine in stupidity. Poland has not learned the previous lesson and with Poland, NATO will get involved


Another one who did not hear about Hitler and Stalin but listens to Putler.


Russia has to bomb into NATO nations. How would that escalate NATO attacking him? The US is already in Poland.

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