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MARCH 2025

Polish Psychological Operations Unit On Guard Of ‘Democracy’ In Belarus

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Polish Psychological Operations Unit On Guard Of 'Democracy' In Belarus

Centralna Grupa Dzialan Psychologicznych

The protests in Belarus are continuing, now for over a week, following the elections won (the opposition says ‘no’) by President Alexander Lukashenko.

The protesters are exploiting the general dissatisfaction with the government, and the direction the country has been going for a while, and then Lukashenko government has its obvious faults that have led to discontent brewing. At the same time, the Lukashenko government still remains the only constructive political power in Belarus.

What’s noteworthy, however, is the high level of organization behind the protests that makes it exquisitely dubious for them to be “accidental”.

One of the leading propaganda channels that presented minute-by-minute updates of what is supposedly happening, but also coordinating the actions of protesters on a country-wide scale is Nexta Live, and it is evidently operated out of Poland. MORE HERE

President Alexander Lukashenko stated that aggression had been committed against Belarus.

“Today, many have already come in large numbers here from Poland, Holland, Ukraine, from this “Open Russia” of Navalny, etc. etc. The aggression has already begun against the country,” the Belarusian president said.

Remaining, as we can see, loyal to his “multi-vector policy,” he prefers not to specify the subject of aggression, “spreading responsibility” almost across the continent.

And it is more than obvious who is the main “force” behind the “aggression” – and it is the advent of a new player on the “European field” – Poland.

Polish Psychological Operations Unit On Guard Of 'Democracy' In Belarus

Centralna Grupa Dzialan Psychologicznych

Poland’s government and its special operations services appear to be playing a significant role in what is transpiring in Belarus. A well-known military expert, a veteran of the GRU Special Forces, General of Staff Sergei Kozlov points out that the organization and coordination of the “Belomaidan” is occupied by the structure of the Polish Armed Forces – the Central Group of Psychological Actions (Centralna Grupa Dzialan Psychologicznych), stationed in Bydgoszcz.

This is a separate military unit, which is directly subordinate to the Ground Forces Command, and is part of the Special Operations Forces.

Its tasks are to provide information and psychological influence on the troops and population of the enemy to achieve political, military and propaganda goals.

Organizationally, the central group includes: headquarters; the intelligence center of psychological warfare, which is its main coordinating part and consists of four departments: collection and processing of information.

  1. The first is engaged in the analysis of the press and other open information sources in Poland;
  2. The second is mainly in English-speaking Western countries;
  3. The third is in Eastern Europe;
  4. The fourth is in states with conflict situations.

It is under the control of the Central Group that the Polish Internet resources Nexta and Nexta Live appear to operate, which currently appear to be employing all their forces in the Belarusian direction.

However, it is not only Poles who work. The Border Guard Service of Belarus announced the arrest of two Latvian provocateurs trying to enter the country. On August 12th, when checking passengers on the London-Minsk flight, border guards drew attention to two suspicious Latvian citizens born in 1975 and 1993. and they were not allowed into Belarus.

“Both foreigners of athletic build brought with them more than 15 thousand dollars. In addition, the “businessman” also had a tattoo with a Nazi swastika and a wind rose applied to the top,” the department said.

A Telegram community of two Latvians and three Ukrainians was found on the phone of foreigners, who discussed the purchase of military helmets, the amount and type of currency that must be brought to Belarus.

Currently, many sources, including official ones, both in the “independent” and beyond its borders, report on the activities of the special services and neo-Nazi groups of Ukraine in Belarus.

Thus, the aggression against Belarus, about which Lukashenko speaks, is carried out by the union of “limitrophes” – Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine, under the leadership of Poland.

It is noteworthy that in a hybrid war, this tacit alliance displays a fair amount of independence, going against such pillars of the EU as Germany and France, which are not interested in escalating the conflict in Belarus.

When the Balts and the same Poles were accepted into the EU, “Old Europe” believed that in the face of “these freeloaders” it would receive a source of cheap labor, a “cordon sanitaire” from the then unstable Russia and obedient executors of any will of Brussels, deeply indebted to their “benefactors”.

Turns out they were wrong.

Poland, almost immediately began to demonstrate a fair amount of independence in European affairs, for example, its view of the “progressive” sodomization of society, tolerance and migration policy.

Warsaw cleverly uses the growing contradictions between Washington and Brussels to pursue its own interests, posing as the “beloved wife” of the United States in a European “harem”, and quite successfully.

It was Poland that imposed on the EU the discussion of the “Belarusian issue” and achieved non-recognition of the election results. Now Warsaw is seeking the introduction of sanctions, and not only against Minsk, but also against Moscow.

One of the main historical “dreams” of Warsaw has always been “Greater Poland from sea to sea”.

And today it is seriously trying to implement it, uniting the Baltic states and Ukraine under its “sovereign hand”. In order to close this arc, Belarus must definitely join this “union of limitrophes”.

Thus, in the current situation, Poland is acting not only as a tool of the US policy in Europe, but also as an independent player with its own interests, and even as the leading country of the so far unformed bloc. And what is happening in Belarus could the debut of this union, the spearhead of which is directed precisely against Russia.


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“Poland is acting not only as a tool of the US policy in Europe, but also as an independent player with its own interests, and even as the leading country of the so far unformed bloc”

Basicaly Poland is playing so well, it’s something of a Mesi :)

Lone Ranger

Poles are autistic like ukrops suffering from inferiority complex. Only difference is they arent nazis and their IQ ventures sometimes into three digit territory…


C O R R E C T.


Three digits? That’s really pushing it man! Whatever happened to corona distancing?

Lone Ranger


Fog of War

More digits then the average ‘ merikan .


I thought Poles and Hungarians were bff… Wait, I forgot you are not hungarian :)

Lone Ranger

Actually I am. Not on all fronts. Our foreign policy differs on multiple levels.


Actually you are Hungarian… But not on all fronts. On other fronts you are a jewish communist. Obviously :)

Lone Ranger

Im part jewish but not a communist. Im actually a conservative. Depends how you define a Hungarian, we have been intermixing with Europeans and jews for a 1000years. You wont find a pure blooded Hungarian same as there are no pure blooded Americans. Probably one of the main reasons we arent inbred…like some ukropnazis… I thought you ukropnazis would live jews, afterall Porkyshitko and Zellersky are both jewish, so are most the oligarchs running and funding you… Oy oy…


Those Ukrainian Jews are defending their own country. What you do instead is the oposite.

Lone Ranger

Not defending but destroying it. That should be obvious even for brainsurgeons like you…


The other jews in Moscow try to acaparate everything in Ukraine so… Yeah I guess anybody would defend his property.

Lone Ranger

Most the jews left Russia for London and Tel Aviv. Aside from that Ukraine is already plundered…


They are all in Moscow, Russia has the natural resources and the stupid people that sells them cheap, why should they live?

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like Kiev and Ukraine…

Jens Holm

Stalin bnever left witout them and Hitrler never was there???

Lone Ranger

Coherent as always Jens…


Lol Ukraine doesn’t have even the 10th part of Russia’s natural resources. If they had that, Russian people would had a better life as Kiev would share more than greedy Moscow oligarchy.

Lone Ranger

Russian people do have a better life nowdays. Russia shares. Thats why Ukropnazis are still alive… not frozen to a solid block of ice.


Sharing little greens from baikal

Lone Ranger

Winter is coming…


I’m not a fan of GOT.

Lone Ranger

Russia is love Russia is life.


So boring, no wonder you are nr. 1 on suicides. Probably winter has its contribution to depression.

Lone Ranger

Indeed, Ukropisstan is the worst…


Indeed, Russia is the shithole on earth

Lone Ranger

You keep spelled Ukropisstan wrong tho…


Russia has the largest resources stock onnearth and its one on the poorest nation on earth.

Lone Ranger




Lone Ranger

Indeed, poor Ukropnazis.


*loser jewcommies and stalin nostalgists

Lone Ranger

Sounds like the DNC nowdays…


DNC and you have common genetics, the only difference is that you don’t have food.

Lone Ranger

You are projecting as usual :) You should eat something aside from Cocaine…


You should get out with people. Learn to have fun.

Lone Ranger

Im afraid our definition of fun greatly differs…


Socializing makes you creative.

Lone Ranger

Im already too creative…


Looks like you’re trying hard to fix that.

Lone Ranger

Im healing only reading you…


Your lines are copy paste regardless of who you talk too. Short slogan like well done comrades, probably something that reminds of your jewcommie grandma

Lone Ranger

Projecting again…


Keep it silent

Lone Ranger

I agree, you should…


No U :)

Lone Ranger

Oy oy…

Lone Ranger

Shouldnt you be at a soros funded bandera rally burning books…?


Rather Putlah portraits.

Lone Ranger

I dont think there are many in Ukraine…


You can make one by using toilet paper.

Lone Ranger

They tried but every time it displayed Porkyshitko…


I think it’s the first time since we talk when you joke. You should try more often :)

Lone Ranger

I will work on my stand up routine… Who knows…


You’ll be such notorious that you’ll mock yourself starting your sketch with well done comrades and everybody will crack of laughs


Well, Russia has the highest rate of suicide. Probably because they feel hopeless.

Lone Ranger

You spelled Ukropisstan wrong tho. Dont worry, once its liberated suicide rates will go down.


Russia is way in front of Ukraine at suicudes. I know the truth hurts the most. That’s why you are always sad.

Lone Ranger

According to CIA stats… In reality U.S. and Ukropisstan are the worst.


According to the secret Russian bases in Cuba and the Moon.

Lone Ranger

Why they left? Russia cracked down on oligarchs. Thats why.


Haha, all Russia cracked are its working people, keeping them poor forever. For their own protection of course :)

Lone Ranger

Sounds more like the U.S. and Ukropisstan nowdays… Russian livingstandards went up by a tenfold and rising…


Copy paste lines from your commie grandma booklet

Lone Ranger

Truth hurts, try to handle it…


Your butt hurts, try to sleep on the belly.

Lone Ranger

I doubt that. Im not you…


Of course you are not me. Smarty pants. I have a big dick. You have ‘No U’ comebacks.

Lone Ranger

Wishful thinking :)


What your comments are :)

Lone Ranger

And again…;)


Say it.

Jens Holm

Maybee hens can see it, if You feed them well:(

Most Russians are plundered more then most “black mexiacans” in United and the citycenters are looking very well based on that.

Lone Ranger

Was true in the 90s. Not anymore.

Jens Holm

90s was the collapse. parts has regained and even are renewed. So Russia is back, where they was.

Lone Ranger

All the way to the top baby.

Lone Ranger

As usual you are mixing up Russia with the U.S….

Jens Holm

Statistics dont say that fx.


Lone Ranger

Spare me with CIA/Soros statistics Jens…

Robert Ferrin

Lol hell everyone knows that the GDP of the U.S. is little more than a cooked book as they add in everything from financial transactions to the kitchen sink, most say that its actual GDP is somewhere in the $13 trillion dollar range and that’s suspect….

Jens Holm

It was KIne Ranger, which compared USA and Russia. I just gave an example.

And I do know GDP has its strange ways.

Russians of course hide for 50.000 dollers extra gold under their pillows and so well, that even a metaldetector cant find them:)

Jens Holm

It was a duplik to Lone Ranger.Eve its true GSP as conter has its many limitations I have used it to illustrate how different USA and Russia are far from each other and I dont mix anything up.

Financial transactions are also often moving money in a positive ways as well as it can have bad sides.

I take a totally random example. If american cars are not the best and also expensive, the car users prefare cars form other countries. So the investers wont like to loose more and more and move the money to fx thracking oil and makes money there instead.

You semes based in USA export and import as well. here You forget USA produce a lot for their 330 mio inhabitants.

Should that own consumer part not be in GDP. Yes it has too. You can makes painted numbers for it and compensate in minus and plus, but th Americans in % actually is very big but not that big in import/export.

I Do compare with Denmark. We are totally open and import cheep and often primitive products. We then upgrade them to something else after needs. By that we have a very big import but a much bigger export, which pays off well – as long as there are no crises, so we cant sell the stuff.

A very understandable example is why German car production is important for corners of EU are we import parts, whoch are not usefiúll for German cars. We make them usefull and sell it to them, so advanced as well as less advanced parts of German cars actually are made in other countries.

By that USA and Denmark are very diffucult to compare in GDP as well.

J Ramirez

You just get stupider every day, did you take your meds today?

Lone Ranger

Im not destroying anything.


Defend? WTF! They have had US-backed oligarchs in power for 10+ years. After the “orange revolution experiment”, desperate ukrainian citizens voted Yanukovich into power another time.

Why? If it was all beautiful under americunt rule!?!


A lot better than Moscow oligarchs, they were 10 billionaires when Putin became oresident and now they are 100 in Moscow.


This means that wealth has been redistributed. The opposite in happening in America, where the wealth is being concentrated in the hands of the few. Communism or fascism, choose the term like you more.


Yes, the wealth is distributed from Russia’s Siberia to Moscow oligarchy accounts.


This has nothing to do with your previous phrase. Get your facts straight. Russia is going in the free market direction, while America is going in the communist direction. This is a fact, everyone with a brain can see for himself.

Jens Holm

Both Your assumptions say You have to read about it before You write.

Maybee hens can see it, if You feed them well:(

Fog of War

” free market direction ”

((( Free markets )))one of the greatest scams perpetuated on nations. That and debt based economic systems.


A pole has only one friend: himself. They are so bastards, that they force a buttload of their own to migrate to Italy to survive.


Gelly much?

Кристофер Петров

haha spot on. not always though, some Poles think you can goto the Sun at night

rightiswrong rightiswrong

2-8 scoreline on the way then, lol.


What does Russia do? Make EU/NATO stronger by selling more cheap gas to Germany, because “WW3, Holohoax never again, and partnership with our Western partners”.

Now even not just the Polacks, but the Ukropstanis, are fully incorporated into the gears of global Ziocorporate terrorist “new world order” designs. Wonderful times.


Yes, all of it. And the oil too.


shit.ocracy All of you Wesetrn b@stards are just CIA bots blabbing your filthy mouths against Russia day and night. While your West is that cradle of all EVIL you filthy sons of whores !

Jens Holm

Milllions of Our emmigrants came from there. They remeber haw it was and who made it.

Some comming back made it too like Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Trotskih and maybee even Molotow.

They solved nothing as replacements for Your traditions for Tzars.


Russia helps Russia only! Finally they have understood the lesson. For centuries they have helped beduins around the world. For what? A slap in the face?

Now they are trying to do the minimum to mantain a sphere of influence. While building next generation weapons to destroy their enemies.

A lot of military analysts talk about the “3 minute” rule ( the fact that having launchers in Ukraine and/or Belarus, will let NATO hit Moscor in 3 minutes ). The point is that Russia is fully prepared for it. They have contingency plans ( development of the east, moving people from the west to the east of the country ) and they are ready to lose part of their population. But the retaliation will be brutal, with hypersonic weapons and under sea drones. This is a very intelligent and elegant solution.

Practically, they acknowledge there is no mean to defend against nukes. But they will send all of the world to the afterlife!

Jens Holm

Russia would collapse tomorrow, if they didnt export oil, gas and food.

Nothing abnormal in that. Hitler would never had come that far in Western Europe as well as in Barbarossa by help like that.

So Russia was lucky. USA aaved them sending for at least 17 millions of help to them. Maybee USA wont be there next time:)

After that USA even would give Marshall help. But oh no, Russia should nok look like the decandence in Western Europe. The devastating controlfreak by Stalin would loose their jobs.

So it does not.

Lone Ranger

Its not that Poles are genial, its Belarussians below avg. Same as Ukrops… It must be some hardcore iodine deficiency in the region because the baltics, poles, belorussians, ukropnazis are all suffering from serious mental problems. And its not a new thing, one only has to look at their history…


No Polish interests will be served by any ‘Western’ success.

Russia should view what is happening as an act of war. And they should respond with force. No more words.


At the very least C.I.S security protocols! No time to seem weak to any soros ops fascists!


Sörösz (pronounced surush) nazi’s (fascism is a whole diffrent ideology)


Respond with “force”= open military aggression against NATO Poland?! Whatever Poles did they did against Belarus and Russia is not Belarus. So you suggest starting WWIII for what reason exactly? I wonder how Russia didn’t come to such brilliant idea already.


Agreed, it’s all an ashkenatzo trap


exactly ! they keep spreading narratives that find “fertile ground” among ill informed or frustrated people or even “useful idiots” who continue spreading more or less the same rubbish propaganda.


Glad to hear you can see past the deception. It takes a lot of practice and experience imo


Who supports vile low iq cheep feminist tards,sure as hell ain’t the real men,for it were understood, which I’m afraid ain’t these medusa/hellary incest shills are the same kind that fk for a few smokes, cakk that class act,fk no! Soros again,after losing hong kong,tibet,usa so losers target belarus=FAIL!


Fuck off cunt, you have smaller balls than a woman

cechas vodobenikov

poor little insecure feminized amerikan——unable to converse—Gorer observed your crude obscene language in 1947—the self uglified murikan


Converse.. what’s that, your prefered shoes?

johnny rotten

Poland has always been the sword of the Vatican against the Orthodox Church, it is its historical habit not to have an autonomous idea but it makes its own that of some power of the moment, which is why it still chooses the wrong part, because history is fast in the change the cards, Poland will remain fucked even in this round, only it is too dull to realize it.


Dumb asses worship mary instead of respecting jesus,this is the degenerate incestrys,whom would rather vote in utterlly vile + evil luciferian facist feminist skanks,very weak not much weaker to neo-liberal homosexuals to be frank,eu-epp is rotted with incest/satanic ideology!

Lux et Veritas

Poland has always played the role of a patsy for foreign powers and it is being turned into a anti-Russia base. Poland is sowing the seeds of its own destruction, yet again. US occupation forces will bring nothing but crime, rape, murder and mayhem.

Raptar Driver

Russia should not allow this but they will.


FUCK YOU Americunt ! It is YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY behind al this mess for decades already!

Jens Holm

Well, they actually has 660 million arms and 660 million legs and those are able to do more then one thing at the time.



Raptar Driver

jebiga, you pretend Russian! Yes America is behind many things and now putz Putin is our man/junior partner in crime. Now he’s gonna give up Belarus, just like he gave up Ukraine and next goes Armenia. Putin has isolated Russia and allowed Russian enemies to surround them But he is a great leader? For his Zionists masters.


I am not “pretend Russian” but having some Russian blood on my grandfathers side… Maybe just maybe that gives me the right to “pretend” and to love Russia. So I don’t see why would I ask your or anybodies permission for that? Just like you were wrong about me, you might be wrong about Putin as well. All I know, I don’t care much about your opinion, to be really honest.

Raptar Driver

Well it seems that I wasn’t totally wrong about you as you say you have only part Russian blood. I also have some Russian blood but that doesn’t make me Russian. The reason I said that to you is sometimes you come off as being quite rude and most of the Russians I have conversed with tend to be extremely polite. So I made a guess that was not totally right, not totally wrong And yes I maybe partially right and partially wrong about Putin. in fact everything that I say about Putin (negetive) I hope in my heart I am wrong.


Should I relate how do you feel about yourself, to my personal opinion as comparison? I don’t think so, you may even be 100%Russian

and feel American, that is personal and doesn’t relate to me.

Because being sincere and speaking in good faith I’ll tel you (in my opinion) another dimension of story about Putin. As you already know being what he is, the man is already historic personality, before even being dead. He is incarnation, personification of post Soviet Russia.

Attacking him is in way truly attacking Russia. Which explains why he was victim of so many political attacks and propaganda campaign’s.

And Russia is under the attack even with revisionist history of transmitting German historic responsibility for 2 World wars (to Serbs for the WW1) and (to Russia for WW2). By declaring Orthodox Slavic Serbs and Russians as guilty party and “aggressors”. By doing that the door of warmongering mass propaganda… of total dehumanization would be opened. Once declared as less than human it would be ready to pass on the military aggression and enslavement. I do not think that systematic anti-Russian narrative is coincidence. The objective is military aggression.

Rhodium 10

We will see a war Belarus vs Poland..and Greece/France vs Turkey….and I hear Putin laughing….


Of course you see wars and what not you egocentric pompous Western cunt !

All I hear idiots spitting Russia and Putin the only (far from perfect) capitalist decent country left that still fights for some law and order in this world (and all ALONE)!

Jens Holm

You are right. We and me are spitting at Russia for very many very vital good reasons.

You probatly has the long list for it Yourself. Purin is a doperman.


The FACT that you AGREE with them (as NATO retard) speaks volumes about those back stubbing anti-Russian S.o.B’s who pretend to be “friends” of Russia and speak like CNN or CIA all the worst about Russia and Putin

Jens Holm

I probatly agree with Your list, but I dont see it as backstabbing at all. I see it as needed changed for a new build up from a collapse.

The collapse is a “disfunctional system”.

Maybee I can compare with Our hospitals. Even they are very good in most things, they cant make a 100 year old Russian into 50 or 20. But they can repair and replace several parts.

Maybee that was possible if Gorbatjof and Jeltzin hs went into power 10 years before they did making many reforms – as repair.

But now we have a permanent pationt, which is old and almost impossible even to repair.

So it has to create children, which can. It dont. It deny any changes.

As written before thats not possible because a well uduated created middleclass is not possible and a long term change.

You and others of Your kind always mention the rich and the poor here and in USA. But the base are the well educated middleclass like me. Im nver in Your aganda. I dont exist in Your vocabulary because Your traditions for that are exact the same as for the Zars.

cechas vodobenikov

u r farcical jenny…u r too feminized to reform—a US colony….your insecurity is farcical—your education also….danes rank below most European nations—far below Russians in educational performance…. you are one more proof

Антон С

Never argue with idiots. You will descend to their level, where they will crush you with their experience. Mark Twain.

cechas vodobenikov

jenny is envious—she is fully aware that Russia has zero extreme poverty—Denmark 4%—one of only 2 European nations that do she is also aware that in the recent PERLS comparison, Danish children rank below #40, nearly as bad as amerikans—northern Irish children #6, Russian children #1—as reported by BBC


Russia is pure heaven that’s why she’s nr. 1 on suicides

cechas vodobenikov

false—u r an idiot—-scandnavian, Hungarians lead the world in suicide…while suicide in Russia has declined dramatically in the past 2 decades, u soulless automatons r increasingly killing yourselves


Nah, it’s still Russia nr1 or 2 after Lethonia. Sorry I know truth hurts the most. That’s why you scream like crazy.

cechas vodobenikov

poor idiot—ukraine suicide exceeds Russia u feminized durak…obviously u cannot read Russian or access recent UN data…now run to mommy and cry


Russia is nr one at sucicide rates. Same for depression. And alcohol related deaths. Lowest life expectancy from all ex-communist countries.


Why “she”? LGBTQ fag or something? Is he “woman imprisoned in the body of man” like majority oh “Vikings”? Judging by Jens “intelligence” they definitely sound like total morons and rank below #40 should be more like below #400

cechas vodobenikov

Scandinavians/amerikans the most feminized on the planet (hofstede)….”only in amerika is the father vestigial—the American mind and conscience is feminine”. Geoffrey Gorer

cechas vodobenikov

expected from envious feminized danes

Антон С

Take it easy.


Anton please do confirm to me if I exaggerate or not…that these people here who pretend to be on Russian side have habit to criticize all the time Russia and Putin (never anybody else, it is only Russia’s fault always ). And only with the story that Russia never does enough for them?! Assad and Syrian fans want “only” that Russia liberates Syria even if that would mean attacking Turkey,US and Israel (even if that means starting WW3, no Russian sacrifice for their interests is big enough). Iranian bots who pretend Iran to be some kind of “regional power” wants more or less the same, so that their Iran can build military bases without being bombed by Israel. They are ready to fight to the last Russian. Who needs “allays” like that?!? They persistently forget that Russia came to save their arse’s in 2015 and to kill terrorists and nothing else was promised to them !


It is time for war. The ‘West’ must be shut down.


By whom and how? How do you plan to get on with your life after nuclear Armageddon if you survive? By eating radioactive cockroaches?

Jens Holm

I see no reason and also no how.

They are better then most things even long time before USSR collapased themself and the Neocolonialisme as well.

For the people there it shoul make sense to copy and implement the good parts of the “West” systems.

tempting to take in facts in GSP as well as maps


But You probatly will defend it with Russians die sooner and by that save a lot of pension and healthcare.


West is living on borrowed money, thus the big debt. Time is running out for them, that’s why they are so aggresive. If they somehow win from Russia and CHina and will own the world, there will be no point in pleasing their own people anymore. Economics will crash, many will die and the ones that will survive will be like obedient sheep.

Fog of War

” West is living on borrowed money, thus the big debt. Time is running out ”

Why do you think the Covid scam was rolled out. Its to save the usury / Capitalistic / Jewish system from collapse. Sadly, Russia is playing along with that.

cechas vodobenikov

your lies are tiresome jenny—-Russian male life expectancy 75.5, female 79—both improving…why would Russian seek to copy your emotionless mechanical lives and succumb to your loneliness and fear of death syndrome? your sterile cultural desert dominated by German thinking and products explains everything about your envy and stupidity

Антон С

Bit less than you said, but it’s growing 0,5 year for every year. It’s recovery from the level of 90’s, which was the same or even worse than 1941-1945 for demography.


Yes please, and bring a Russian wife withe that vodka too. Then shut the lights off!

cechas vodobenikov

of course u ignorant racist, unable to feel consume more illicit substances than all peoples—consume more alcohol as do the French, Germans, British, Italians than do Russians—-


Ye, Russia consumes the most krokodil. A lot better than cocaine. It’s said that you can’t even buy it with dollars. They accept only rubles. They don’t know what dollars are.

cechas vodobenikov

consumption quite rare obviously—unable to feel u consume more marijuan, coke, meth, heroin hallucinogens per capita than any other nation—u have consumed 80+ % of the legal psychotropics, 66% of the anti-depressants on the planet in the past decade —no civilized people consider a color to be depression—are you “blue”. LOL. 30+% of u insecure feminized robots r diagnosed mentally ill—no other nation more than 6%….a backward people”amerika requires a stupified population”. Christopher Lasch


Russia is number one consumer of Krokodil with iver 100.000 adicts. Number one at suicide rates. Number one at alcohol related deaths. Lowest life expectancy in Europe. Worst shithole in Nordic hemisphere. The only ‘civilized’ countey that had famine+canibalism in the past 100 years.

Антон С

Just wait till November, elections in Washington.)


So Lukhashenko if“Open Russia” of Navalny, is in Belarus, why didn’t you invite FSB to arrest all those Soros paid liberals and neo-Nazis from Russia?! They know all of them well and they would arrest them very easily, quickly ! Your position starts to shake yet you hesitate to invite Russians even now?! What kind of “allay” worth of trust are you if you don’t trust Russia at all?!

Антон С

OR is Hodorkovskiy’s propagators.


You know, Russia should really start interfering with these ex-Warsaw Pact countries. Two can play at that game, right?

Jens Holm

We are there, because those people again has to have the right to decide by themself.


“You ” are there becuase people in fashington persue the idea of the new world order, they just want to rule everyone, there is no other reason.


Everybody likes dollars, but very few know how a ruble looks like and don’t want to know

cechas vodobenikov

nobody wants dollars–all central banks r dedollarizing….are u stupid? rhetorical question….Russia and China possess reserves—your uglified nation carries a 25 trillion$ debt…a nation of robots sexually assaulting mobile phones


Your nation can’t even make its own mobile phones without importing components from the West. Just wait 1-2 years until the sex tobots appear on the market. Russians will give all they have on those. The real women will live the country for real men that are paid in dollars.

cechas vodobenikov

of course most mobile phones in Russia and many other nations r produced by yonder….yours are all produced in china and Korea….LOL—everyone from Tocqueville, Gorer, Freud, Slater observed that you are sexually repressed automatons…LOL


Yandex doesn’t produce CPUs or GPUs they are the American Qualcom. Not even China produce its own, they import from USA, Britain and Taiwan. But I may be wrong, name a Russian CPU producer. Maybe I use it in my phone and I didn’t know. I can’t imagine the shame :)


You are in a mental hospital fool

Jens Holm

And the highest rights where You are is to be free to decide nothing. And if You try or even Your mind try to think so, You ask for punishment by Your masters.

And they will be removed and be like You, if they dont.




Lel just try, we are waiting :D

cechas vodobenikov

of course u wait, u r passive self loathing narcissists your plywood nation is disintegrating—a cultural desert infected by meth, heroin, marijuana…unhappy shallow backward people


Why would worry so much about others if they are losers… Or you hate them because you are a loser. This makes more sense.

cechas vodobenikov

u worry–I do not—your mommy didn’t love u since u r a failure…LOL your puritanical sexual repression is farcical

Kishan Chali

You’re delusional. You can’t take on Russia with your glorified military so you’re insulting Russia. A typical american crybaby


What would USA gain from taking on Russia? Are you 14yo? Wars are only for gaining, not for the sake of destruction, like in your video-games.

Антон С

Why do you cal it “pact”? It was the Warsaw Treaty Organization. WTO if say short.


Is that me?

Кристофер Петров

who knows? Maybe you or your other clones with alternate accounts?


You got me, I change my accounts like I would roll the barrel in a Russian Roulette

Ryan Glantz

Psyop teams represent! ars est celare artem

https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/36f511d32eb076126e1de181ebe8e128ab979872d3c3586086e14e50cff061e3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a935ff6ad7d1e046e9611cec3619d0e9f8a5d071b8232109e18e06580d3671c9.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0a4aceace5f5a4864b84aff2af52eed2b4a5ed4c774fd578f1910d280592c7f6.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/f6b4bcec431db98e5f448ac26b0f28b67182c815d5728d76fc7681806c1f367d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/37d868100db585926bd2fe4993272780afe699c539b791224690300cb02ae43a.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b29dae6d4992c3b9106c2e7eaaf6938243ebceda1ffe6e701b4a51c2172cdd4b.jpg


Exaggerated witch hunt is disappointing the crowds. Perhaps readers of SF will believe in it, but we don’t matter. Things will be decided by the people on the streets there, not us. Just like Lukashenko playing a voice recording of some drunk people (allegedly the organizers of the strike) , and contrary to his expectations, people still were screaming “leave”.


Yeah, the Polaks have always been bitches for the Catholic Curch, what most people dont know is that they where an majore part of the Vaticans at least 4 crusades against the Slavs and Finns for centurys, and the Polaks where eager to partisipate since they and the little know micro “empire” of Lithuanians, the so called Balto-slavs, witch isnt entirly true, but to day is more an result of constant war fares, resulting in an batardificated population, witch originaly was Slavic/Finnish. To much Polaks and Khazars and you end up with manure. I could go on for an while but right now dont bother, and by the way, Russian history, is an “genuine” as for the rest of the region. Russian history is written by Germans under the Romanofs, witch them self are Germans, like the present British royalties are, Saxen-Gotha, this is from the days when Russia was the Princedome of Moscovy.

So Russian history, along with the BallTicks are more or less bullshit, since I have found some really intresting things about citys like St. Petersburg and so on, no offence, but your history is infact fascinatingly intresting, and just to give you another hint, or two, everything you know about the so called Mongols are flatout lies, 1800 fabrications, and why do you think the cresent moon is attacked to the Orthodox cross, and I dont write this SF for anything other than the persuite of truth, I have no intress of anything else, because there is much more than just this, and I am from the even older parts of what to day is become Russia, and I have no intentions of offending anyone, please understand that.

And the Polaks, uh…. yeah, stop drinking and get sober, the only idiots whom thinks they are even relevant what so ever is the delutional BallTicks whom nobody cares about anyway, but is been used as some sort of bait/s because of the petty whores whom have sould out their nations to the ZATO forces in the west, stupid shitheads. I have an vivid imagination, but I cant for the love of God find one single reason for why on earth would the Russians have anything what so ever to do with this morons, even less go to war, but this pissants have never forgotten their eh…. empires.

But one thing do I know, pissants, the day the west, because of going down the drain needs something to distract the sheeps with, aka an new world war, the Polaks and more or less the BallTick nations will be the battlefield and will by large be pulverised to oblivion.


Trap Is Not Gay

Democracy = George Soros + Jew News + Replacement


This doesn’t suprise me at all. They lured the NS Germans into war in september 1939 with a spiderweb of complex psyopsis as well


Don’t forget who own most neo-nazi organisations, such as the ukranian azov paramilitary organisation (Ihor Kolomoyski – ein ewige jüde)


“Greater Poland from sea to sea”… interesting…. where did I did hear that before, river to river… Both came out of the pale of settlements I guess

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