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MARCH 2025

Political Leadership Of Syrian Kurds Paused Talks With Damascus Government

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Political Leadership Of Syrian Kurds Paused Talks With Damascus Government


The political leadership of the Syrian Kurds has paused talks with the Damascus government, its official representative in Moscow, Rshad Bienaf, told the Russian state-run news agency RIA News on January 14.

Bienaf claimed that the issue is the “democratic system”, which the Kurdish leadership demands. In turn, Damascus wants to restore a centralized rule of the contry.

The Kurdish official claimed that there was a “dialogue”, but no results were achieved because the Damascus government is not ready to change the constitution.

This statement contradicts to a recennt remark by Ayman Soussan, an assistant to the Syrian Foreign Minister. On January 13, he stressed that the talks between the sides were intensified due to a possible Turkish military operation in northern Syria.

“The Kurds are an integral part of the Syrian nation. We are sure that we are able to resolve a number of difficult issues through a dialogue, and this is guaranteed as long as the dialogue is based on the principle of territorial integrity of Syria and the unity of its people,” Soussan said at a press conference.

On January 9, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad said that Damascus intensified negotiations with Kurds in the northeastern part of the country.

In light of the [possible] Turkish invasion, we have recently stepped up contacts with the Kurdish side and intensified them to reflect the challenges that threaten the region,” Mikdad told media.

“Therefore I am always optimistic… we encourage these political groups to be sincere in dialogue that is happening now between the Syrian state and these groups, taking into account that there is no alternative to that,” he said.

Mekdad also recalled that in 2018 several rounds of talks were held between the sides.

Most likely, the observed shift of the public attitude of the Syrian Kurdish leadership could be linked to the recent statement by US President Donald Trump in which he threatened to “devastate Turkey economically” if it attacks the Kurds.

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It is probably political gibberish. Nothing but, a cover story for Kurd negotiating activities.


well well, biting the hand that feeds you is not a good strategy – and the kurds, as usual, are misled by its own leadership which just is too clever for its own good. better to scrap any dreams of an independent kurdistan supported by the great moronic states of a and work with Assad – the independent kurdistan is a pipedream and won’t happen now or ever.

Zionism = EVIL

The Americunts and Zionist parasites want to use the treacherous turds to create a landlocked quasi terrorist state to destabilize the region. They have transferred over 2000 tons of arms and equipment to the PKK and YPG turds and the totally limp FSA. The idea is to keep the Turkeys in their low place and also increase pressure on all regional countries that have treacherous Kurds. This idiotic Americunt plan will backfire like all their moronic policies so far and create massive regional blowback. The Kurd turds are hated by all states, but are the darlings of the Zionist entity like their ISIS proxies. All Arabs, including the headchopping Saudis hate the Kurds.


The Turks should now inform the US that they will not buy any of the F35’s , or indeed any more US equipment. Military and domestic.

Zionism = EVIL

Not likely to happen, but more arsekissing is in order.

Kelli Hernandez

Turkey bought S-400. US created law to sanction Turkey from getting F-35 boondoggle. US wanted to sell Turkey Patriot crap but contract said no patriot unless Turkey cancel purchase of S-400. Turkey told Us to take a hike.


Its a Win Win for Turkey then :)

Zionism = EVIL

Like I posted a week ago, the Kurd turds are enslaved to Americunt and Zionist masters and they take orders from them. US/Zionist agenda is to create a permanent 20 kms wide Kurdish and other terrorists enclave in Northern Syria’s best agricultural lands. This is the same failed model the Zionist scum tried to create south of Litani river in Lebanon with the pimp “major” Saad Haddad’s SLA. Luckily, in Lebanon they ran into fearless Shia and the big daddy of all warriors Hezbollah. In Idlib and Eastern Euphrates the situation is more complex as 4,000 Amercunts, Brit puppies and froggies with an assortment of NATO faggots are carving up zones of occupation. The only way for even the stupid Turkeys to save themselves is to work with the legitimate government of Syria and its invited allies. The Zionist scum want to destabilize Turkey with endless Kurdish terror. Their fat buffoon Trump is already making insulting remarks about “devastating Turkey”. The moron Erdogan has created a mess for the Turkeys and the region and the only way out is to work with Russia and Iran. Americunts are more poisonous than a rattle snake.


lol…. how can this ever happen………. the kurdish traitors, which murdered and looted the arab Population of n.east syria for years now, conspired with foreign nations, USA,uk France and Israel to overthrow the legitamate government by use of mass murder, ………….now again beiing part of the syrian arab republic?? how would the arab Population react in n.east syria after their CHILDREN got “forcefully recruited” by SDF/YPG to be used as cannon fodder against the us/uk/Israel army of ISIS……….maybe Folks dont know here what “forcefully recruited” means eyyy?? it means MEN with guns come to your houses, and forcefully hijack your Young sons ……..to a large extent never to be found again afterwards……… how would anybody here think about such a cute practice of “forcefully recruiment”????

so peace with the kurds is out of the question no matter what or who signs whatever documents.The kurds Chose their path.NOBODY asked them to become traitors…….it was their own choice.Now live with the consequences……death in syria!!!! and no mattre what Folks here think… i promise anybody here, that whatever documents might get signed between SAA and SDF….. as soon as foreign troops no longer occupy syrian soil, the payback will be coming.No Regime, no government in any part of the world, be it new zealand, USA, russia or France etc… can allow a small part of the Population (1,6 Million kurds of 20 Million syrian Population) be armed to the teeth, work openly with foreign governments that are more than hostile to the national government, but infact have bombed government institutions, workers, infrastructure and the national army. No government!! period

TRUST… would anybody here or anywhere in his right mind ever trust them kurds again?ever? The upper Echelon, elite of the syrian assad Regime, as well as their allies , be it hezbollah or Iran, perfectly know that the kurds cannot be trusted.I might want to remind everybody after a big Terror attack in Iran with dozens of dead ,the attack managed in their headquaters in KOYA (which is in iraq´s Kurdistan Region), the iranian Military fired seven Missiles on that compound.That was in September 2018. In other words, the syrains together with their allies are most probably waiting for the foreign troops to leave…..pressure is buiding up everywhere in syria and iraq now for foreign troopps to leave..espeically in iraq now, open confrontation between foreign occupation Forces and PMU could happen any day. That will leave the kurds begging for mercy or a very short confrontation bewteen the kurds and the arabs with a very very very bloody Outcome.Then again, People down there have suffered so much since gulf war 1 in the 90´s……..maybe it is time to get rid of traitors once and for all.Afterall, they have enough fossil fuels in each Country, to build up a more peacefull area of living for all.

BUT… as Long as the western elite with their leaders, stand to be the GOJIM slaves of the jews and follow their orders…..sadly to say… there will be no peace……there will be no truth………because that is the exact opposite of what the jews father satan arihman stands for… murder and lies.

Tommy Jensen

Who can be trusted?

Zionism = EVIL

US dollar, “In God we Trust” LOL


” Who can be trusted? ”

Amerika Tommy.

The US can always be trusted to betray anyone for money :)

Tudor Miron

And some time just for the sake of it. Their mantra must be “Betray today, profit tomorrow” :) What they don’t realize is that “reap what you sow” peinciple still apply, even to self proclaimed “exceptionals”.



Dmitry Lunyov

A couple of days after the attack of Turkey on them, they will talk about “betrayal of the government of Syria”. Let them not cry when the Turks will spunk their ass

Zionism = EVIL

There are interesting developments happening, Jordan’s midget King has just landed in Iraq, the pimp Abdullah does even fart without Americunt orders:

Jordanian King Abdullah II met Iraqi President Barham Saleh in Baghdad on Monday, according to state television, in the monarch’s first trip to Iraq in more than a decade.

stary ujo

Sorry Kurds , but Syria dont change constitution especial for you ! Turkey help to you !

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, the Turkeys can not even take a dump without Americunt masters approval. Their third rate cannon fodder military is not in a position to wage a full scale war, they did a trial run at Al-Bab and came out second best. Now the Americunts have given the Kurds over 1,000 ATGM and other heavy weapons.It will be a real Turkey shoot.

Germany’s Leopard 2 main battle tank has a reputation as one of the finest in in the world until the Turks got humiliated in Syria.Turkey was using its Leopard 2s to kill Kurdish fighters in the Syrian conflict and it emerged that numerous Leopard 2s had been destroyed in intense fighting and many Turkish ill-trained crews abandoning them and simply running away.


” S-400 system and what did the turks do” – nothing yet except paid in advance some money “Su-24 was down and did the turks do” well Saudi AWACs and US command plaid bigger role in that event by giving exact location of the SU-24 Next time Turkey downs anything Russian they will be annihilated.

US is not “scared” of Turkey per se , they are afraid of the consequences since Turkey is one of the most powerful NATO “allays” and in absolutely strategic position for Middle East specially Syria….

Trump only wants to please Turkey to re-mediate differences over the Kurds – It is mission impossible… 2000 special ops can’t keep “keep Assad in check” forever (prolong and complicate yes) so that is just an illusion. Israel needs divided Syria with or without Kurd help… But they can’t give any real support to Kurds to ask them anything in return

“turkey hates kurds” No shit, how did you get that?

Kelli Hernandez

Bolton stated he wanted Kurds to be US fighting force shoring up Syria Iraqi Iranian border aka Al Tanf for which the SDF still occupies. The Kurds are stupid if they go with US AGAIN. TURKEY WILL NOT allow Kurds sitting on their border with Syria . And about the S-400 & Turkey. This is already a done deal with S-400 to be delivered this year.


This year already? I doubt they’ll receive all (specially long range missiles) they are on the waiting list…First Russia receives what they need than China than Turkey. S-400 is “done deal” when it is delivered. Remember maybe how long it took Iran to receive S-300 ? If Turkey does anything unfriendly towards Russia it might end up differently.

We will see if and how stupid Kurds are…

John Brown

Again. If the kurds believe that they are fools. Look what happened in Afrin. Israel is using their USSA slaves to try to pressure the Syrian government negotiations. Turkey will attack no matter what the USSA dares to do to them if anything, as Turkey knows their very existence and survival is at stake with the Yinon plan if the kurds are not disarmed and returned to their previous status in Syria. So what do they have to lose, they must attack!! If Israel has their USSA slaves fight Turkey or damage the Turkish economy it will be the end of JNATO. The USSA bases in Turkey will be destroyed their soldiers taken prisoner etc. and only released for reparations for the Turkish economy etc. This would be the best outcome for the world, the triggering event for the end of the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship. I bet Turkey would use it as an excuse to default on their debt to all the Zio banks crippling the USSA and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship. I would if I were them as they would not be the biggest loser from it. The biggest loser would be Israel and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship.


I was ironic about “turkey hates kurds”(think that was more than obvious)

Now you are talking pure nonsense about “article 5” which concerns NATO member countries ONLY when victims of unprovoked attack, aggression . If Russia (after SU-24) has shoot down few F-16 to retaliate nothing would happen! Nothing would happen even if Turkey would have declared war to Russia after that because Turks have started it by shooting down Russian jet ! Unprovoked shooting of military jet is an act of WAR and it doesn’t activate “article 5” at all even if Russia have decided to declare war on Turkey!

You are talking total rubbish now about would be Russian economic strategy to keep Turkey in check … There is no such strategy. You don’t even know what are you talking about. To keep them in check how? By canceling “Turkish stream” that is already built? To refuse to build nuclear power plant in Turkey and pay penalties?! To refuse to export gas to them and pay penalties for breach of contract? Russians are not US they don’t shoot themselves in their own foot to just to harm the other much less…. Perhaps you should stick with the subjects you have some knowledge instead?


Why are you telling me all this?!? That is extremely OLD!!! You can’t bring up the same again now! It is NOT the same situation so you can’t use that example any more!

Food exports make up a large portion of revenue even for Russia now! Wheat above all! Russia is self sufficient in agriculture now and they have found fruit & vegetable replacement for the Turkey long time ago! This is not 2010!! There are no more Russian tourists in France and Turkey times have changed for that also! Not even tycoons travel so much throwing away buckets of money! Russians go to Crimea now because the Ruble is cheap and they can’t buy much for it out of Russia. ———– “And don’t sit there and tell me that turkey won’t even get political/media support.” ———– Don’t waist my time with bollocks comments. Starting war is NOT child game! You think that Russia would swallow humiliation again and sit back and think about “political/media support” If you think that than you have NO CLUE. Russia listens “political/media ” anti-Russian PROPAGANDA every day! They would ANNIHILATED Turkey if they try again with the same trick! The only reason they were “forgiven” is because the U.S. was behind all that and Turkey played only executioner role in that game.

“NATO would join in turkeys deffence.” You have NO CLUE as usual.. NATO has joined in Ukrainian soldiers with their special ops troops yet pro-Russian rebels hand them their ass on regular bases!!

“All the brainwashed masses will know is that WW3 has started. CNN is not gonna tell them ” No shit? So how come that despite TOTAL propaganda people know that Georgians have attacked Russian troops in Ossetia? How people know that it was U.S. who financed neo-NAZI putsch against Yanukovitsch?! Internet still works and MSM propaganda has its limits!!


With your comments like this: “turkey hates kurds” People maybe don’t tell you that you are “stupid” but the they must definitively think that without saying it…

“viciously attacked” ?! What an exaggeration, I like to spice up things little bit if not I get bored… I didn’t “attack you” I only tried not to get bored.. Anyways you could have answered the same way if you have considered to be so agressive… I would not mind that…. but you prefer to complain…

I have given you very concrete answers on your comments and I tried to give them as articulated ARGUMENTS. That is how I show respect to the opponent. But you prefer platitudes and “courtoisie”. If I took you for total idiot I would not bother to comment your comments at all. And I would not bother to answer you now either. But some of your comments were very bad and I still think that. Calling them stupid was maybe too sincere Now you have chosen to play butt hurt instead of proving me that I was wrong and that I was “stupid” for claiming certain things.

I couldn’t care less of your reaction or any others similar to you I am anyways shitless bored on this forum trying hopelessly to learn something new something useful…. Plenty of words here but not much substance…not that I am better …. That’s why I’m trying to find somebody who knows something but there is only huge amount of bullshit artists more or less. Sick and tired of talking and listening the same bullshit which is repeated in news anyways… I am so fed up.

SFC Steven M Barry USA RET

Those damnable Kurds are as indigestible as Jews.

Zionism = EVIL

They have been Jew darlings since the devious limey Brits planted the Zionist cancer in Palestine circa 1948.

stary ujo

When Syria give some part of independence land , false Kurds can invitated USA for ever and all will be legally from kurds side !

Tommy Jensen

The Kurds have an ancient right to their own land as they have their old language (Kurdish), old culture, own bloodlines, own religion like the Jews, own history and have lived in the area since Adam and Eve. Like the Jews they have been discriminated, hated and killed, just because they were nomads and sold carpets across the borders without paying income taxes, customs and VAT to the goyim, thus fighting for freedom. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c62f3ef8e43c31b309b6346535c6852edd807355d2ea9e690dd4e6d660859097.jpg

Zionism = EVIL

Any Hollywood holocaust of Turds though? I am waiting for the movie. And they should also get a piece of Palestine.

stary ujo

Have they some right to their own land after 7 years underfucking legall Syrian goverment ? I am not sure and Syrian goverment too !

Tommy Jensen

Turkey is dreaming of Ottoman Empire, Israel of Great Israel, US of world domination, Poland of Great Poland, UK of Colonial Empire, why shouldnt Kurds have some dream too?



The Carpet Baggers have always been a problem in the US as well :)

Kei Kurooka


Bigaess Wangmane

That’s strange, I’m looking at this map of yours and it seems that this Kurdistan that they’re “fighting” for doesn’t include the entirety of the East Euphrates. In fact, this Kurdistan seems to only include some of the Syria’s border with Turkey, so why are they trying to steal 1/3rd of Syria’s land that historically didn’t belong to them? Treacherous lot.

Tommy Jensen

The TKurds are going through the same process as Israel.

Lena Jones

The kurds will establish a state where Tommy Jensen’s house is. Problem solved.


They can fill up Tommy’s bathtub and call it “Kurdish Lake”. As the old saying goes….Once Kurd, always turd…

Tommy Jensen

As long as they pay taxes, VAT, fees, ok for me.

Lena Jones

Of course you’d jew the kurds.


dream on the world would do or will do nicely without the murderers from the illegal israel and the same goes for the kurds – no one needs them and no one will miss them.


Any people who has been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong.” (Henry Kissinger)

You can call me Al

Regards “The Kurdish official claimed that there was a “dialogue”, but no results were achieved because the Damascus government is not ready to change the constitution.”………….. I don’t think this is true, Assad stated (I am sure he did), that he would re-write the constitution.

Anyway, in my view, the Kurds had their chance and they blew it.

Concrete Mike

Could it be the kurds want a new constitution now, but the government want to finish war, or something like that.

Regardless, the Kurds are in no position to demand anything.

Bill Wilson

The Kurds have a strong hand. Assad needs them and the SDF, just like the moderate militias that were welcomed into the SAA.


trump and his generals are a different beast compared to the obama admin,he could of easily turned his back on them but he didn’t this leader is different in the us yes but…i am not completely against the man,and what i have foreseen is that Syria and the kurds living in peace and harmony with each other after we win the war all will be well if the turks do not attack and curse themselves in the process but yes Syria after the war WILL go back to its original borders so it is best kurds that u continue these good talks with Damascus for truly its all you got to ensure a future and peaceful home WITH the Syrians you helped all these years heroes

Kei Kurooka

With the Kurds under the wings of Assad, Putin and their allies, Erdogan would think twice that it is a Suicide Mission he is into. Only time can tell what the future holds for this stateless people.Assad known for his big heart will absorb this people with a big But . .and suspicions and watchful eyes with the help from his friend Putin

Promitheas Apollonious

why I am not surprised once a whore always a whore.


“democratic system” is American bullshit again.

Turkey is still enemy of Kurds whatever US is saying or doing. Once U.S. go away hunt for Kurds is OPEN ! Maybe Russia should offer them some arrangement to repeat Afrin. Maybe offering autonomy for Idlib (by kicking out HTS first)? In exchange for giving Turks green light to kick the shit out of the Kurdes and putting them in place for good. While in the same time SAA can liberate Raqqah and rich Deir az Zor oil fields from the Kurds

Chris Chuba

Plattitudes are nice but the practical issue will be about tax receipts and who controls taxation. If the Kurds want to benefit from collective defense from the SAA then they will have to share the oil revenue they get the oil fields they took in N.W. Syria. Unfortunately posturing bogs things down.


Nothing to “share”. Oil fields region is entirely populated by Arabs Kurds are on the north. They have never been in the region of the oil fields and apart from “liberating” them they have no other right on that oil. They can negotiate compensation for restitution but not demand “right” on that oil. Why would Syria share oil fields and give autonomy to the Kurds in the same time? Kurds are 10% of Syrian population They can’t demand right on 40% of Syrian territory and revenues from the oils fields.

Bill Wilson

The Kurds consider the oil & gas fields to be Syrian state property so have been allowing Damascus to operate and repair the fields where it’s safe. The Kurds negotiated to be paid royalties on what the Syrian state had sold from those. The Kurds get a 20% royalty which goes to the salaries of civil administrations and 15% for the local Arab militias that provide protection for the fields. Assad can’t complain about that since those are expenses that the Syrian government would have to pay anyways. The Kurds also have allowed Damascus free access to the farmers up there to purchase their production and enter long-term contracts. The SDF and SAA have been cooperating for quite some time. Neither one could do anything about the Turks moving into Afrin and Aleppo since both lacked the manpower to stop them and only hold the lines.


After Turkey get rid of NATO basis and nuclear weapons in its land and refuse to be a NATO member any longer. Then, it is possible to believe somehow Turkey, otherwise, just forget it.


Even if so (not saying you haven’t got point there) Russia and Syria must deal with Turks the way they are now and not wait that things get better by themselves one day…

Kurdish problem will not go away unless solved between Assad and Kurd’s If not resolved…. it is good not to alienate or confront Turkey to keep pressure on Kurds. Everybody is playing tactics at the moment, but once US are out of Syria situation will must change if not earlier


America will not leave Turkey. Japan has paid America billions to leave, the Americuns take the money but won’t leave. Once they get into your country, they are there until there is no America.

Tudor Miron

I was about to start thinking that Kurdish leadership is slowly coming to their senses but they manage to prove (once again) how dumb they are.


Its in their Genes Tudor.



They are being ‘helped’ by the Americans. Velika druga Rossiyi.


President Erdogan just waiting for few days more and then you will see the humiliation and destruction of Kurds.

Then US cannot do anything. No country can compromise on their security. I have seen many US threats to Turkey, Pakistan, India etc.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Yawn, the Kurdish foot soldiers would slaughter their own leadership of they even hinted at going back to accepting US policy. They have no trust left at all, there is no way the Kurds will reconcile with the US now.

Django de Reynaerde

Typical again for those treacherous Kurds, who like their main opponents: the Turks, always want to eat from both sides. Well, in life you can not get everything, not even for nothing, … You have to make choices and take full responsibility for them. And if you have already been deceived several times by the same parties, why would you believe them now again ? Make up you mind, Rshad Bienaf!

Otherwise we just have to let those Kurds suffocate and bottle their own beans. No comparison is possible with them and they always will try to stab a knife in your back again and again. The Kurds, they have never had friends other than the mountains, and even that is not for sure … !

John Brown

If the kurds believe that they are fools. Look what happened in Afrin. Israel is using their USSA slaves to try to pressure the Syrian government negotiations. Turkey will attack no matter what the USSA dares to do to them if anything, as Turkey knows their very existence and survival is at stake with the Yinon plan if the kurds are not disarmed and returned to their previous status in Syria. So what do the have to lose, they must attack?? If Israel has their USSA slaves fight Turkey or damage the Turkish economy it will be the end of JNATO. The USSA bases in Turkey will be destroyed their soldiers taken prisoner etc. and only released for reparations for the Turkish economy etc. This would be the best outcome for the world, the triggering event for the end of the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship. I bet Turkey would use it as an excuse to default on their debt to all the Zio banks crippling the USSA and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship. I would if I were them as the wo dnot be the biggest loser from it. The biggest loser would be Israel and the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire dictatorship.


Kurds (USA-Israel puppets) must not be trusted at all.

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