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MARCH 2025

Political West Concerned As BRICS Offers Alternatives Which Nullify Sanctions

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Political West Concerned As BRICS Offers Alternatives Which Nullify Sanctions

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While countries like Russia, Brazil, Iran supply with essential commodities and natural resources, China and India produce manufactured goods.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

A measurable unit of true geopolitical power is assessed through economy, finances, military, technologies and other parameters. Being able to exert more power than others has always been the driving force behind all changes in human history. Resources are essential for a (super)power to be able to portray its system as superior (and impose it elsewhere). Whoever gets the largest amount of resources nearly always comes on top. Depending on how these resources are then redistributed, leading powers can be seen as beneficial or malignant for the world. Naturally, there are many gray areas in-between.

Our planet has been through many global and regional stages, which modern-day historians classify using the prefix “Pax” to describe times when certain powers dominate(d) regions or even the world. Thus, in historiography, we regularly use terminology such as “Pax Romana” (Ancient Roman dominance), “Pax Mongolica” (Mongol), “Pax Hispanica” (Spanish), “Pax Britannica” (British), etc. The term itself in this context can be rather confusing at times, as it literally means “peace” in Latin. This usually doesn’t include actual peace, as most of the aforementioned empires engaged in policies which often led to the death, destruction and genocide of indigenous societies they targeted for conquest. Additionally, the power of imperial entities usually didn’t extend beyond their immediate region, making it possible for them to coexist, with little to no interaction (i.e. the Roman Empire and Ancient China).

However, with the rapid technological advances of the last two centuries, empires have become more powerful, seeking dominance beyond regional borders, paving the way for the rise of true global (super)powers. The British Empire is often considered the first global empire, as it was able to control much of the world through its naval power. Although the “Pax Britannica” effectively collapsed after WWII, many think it survived in the form of “Pax Americana”, the US global dominance. Although the belligerent thalassocracy in Washington DC rejects the term, seeking to distance itself from the negative connotations of the extremely damaging Western colonialism, it’s nearly impossible to escape this analogy, no matter how many layers of apparent “independence” America gives to its numerous satellites.

The “benefits” of “Pax Americana” are felt all across the globe on a daily basis, as the US has invaded and dismantled dozens of sovereign countries, leaving death, destruction and chaos in its wake. To defend themselves, many countries resorted to building strong militaries, often at the expense of socio-economic development. Others renounced their sovereignty, completely or partially, to get a better standing within “Pax Americana” or even get “their piece of cake”. This is how “Pax Americana” differs from other stages of imperial dominance. Entities under occupation usually aren’t part of the US legally speaking, but it’s quite clear who’s in charge. This also explains why these formally “independent” countries often employ internal and foreign policies which not only aren’t in their interest, but actively go against it, causing long-term damage. The imperial metropole doesn’t care what happens to its vassals, as long as it profits.

With this predatory system behind most world problems, a need for a fairer and more stable global system emerged. Instead of having “one master to rule them all”, this new system allows the existence of multiple power poles which get to keep their respective value systems and vision of future development. This certainly doesn’t exclude cooperation on the highest level, but it does protect the true diversity of our planet – the diversity of civilizations, ideas and peoples coexisting peacefully.

As we all know, it’s called multipolarism, practically embodied in the form of BRICS+. Encompassing the vast majority of the world population, along with actual, measurable economic power, BRICS isn’t simply a rival to the political West. Most alarmingly for the imperialist power pole, it offers clear alternatives (economic, financial, technological, security, etc.), as well as a level of strategic independence the political West would never accept.

In this regard, Russia’s military might or China’s economic power aren’t the only perceived existential threats to the political West. The true threat is precisely the alternative they can offer, shielded by their power, ensuring sovereignty and independence, two of the greatest geopolitical challenges for the so-called “rules-based world order”. Middle Eastern trips by Putin and Biden clearly show which system is preferable to the world. As Biden failed to accomplish anything in Saudi Arabia, Putin signed a massive $40-billion gas deal with Iran, in addition to other agreements, including complete dedollarization of Russia-Iran trade.

For its part, the US is openly threatening Iran with yet another war in the Middle East. The excuse is Iran’s nuclear program, but the real reason is precisely the BRICS+ alternative which would nullify sanctions. To make matters worse for the imperialist thalassocracies, this alternative is spreading like wildfire to countries whose socio-economic development has been hampered by the political West. Once this happens, the multipolar world will negate any possibility of aggression against these countries, depriving the political West of its plunder-based system.

While countries like Russia, Brazil, Iran, etc. offer essential commodities and natural resources, China and India offer manufactured goods which make our world work. In stark contrast to this stands the political West, with its incessant wars, coups and instability on the global level, all done to sustain what Russian President Vladimir Putin defined as “the economy of imaginary entities”. This is certainly true, as the political West produces very little in terms of actual value for the world. Quite the opposite, it keeps printing its fiat currencies and using this effectively worthless paper to obtain actual commodities which others need to extract and/or build. And any attempt to break the chains may cost entire countries their sovereignty or even existence. Precisely BRICS+ is neutralizing this system as we speak.


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Tehran Radio

Belly dancers.


Russian nuclear plant being built in egypt,first of its kind in africa,many more to follow here on in! Oh yeah,Iran stocks urrp too! Belly dancers? Bring it on,enjoy!


The sooner the world gets rid of the yoke placed on them by the banking parasites the better. Let the Western world work to feed those parasites instead of plundering and destroying other countries to keep their masters content.


Us dollar may be on underdeveloped nations,here on in,the world has wisened up toward fair trades,they with the most commodoties will prevail over them wannabe dictraitors of u$a.

Tommy Jensen

Nobody can do a sh.t without dollares and you know it.


Certain countrys maybe but certainly no nowhere near most (period)Enjoy your winter coming too!


And china will buy usa and all europe with big discount china solar panel$ too!

Last edited 2 years ago by FOSSILS BURNS PATHOGENS DEAD:

The stinky angloZionaZi empire of shit is being flushed along with its blood smeared fiat filth €urodollah and all the fake covaid$ and death squirting that the political scum can whip up in Urupp or USSA won’t make a damn bit of difference. Flush Natostan already and the evil EUSSR. It’s done and rump Ukropland is the proof should anyone still not get it.

Onward to the end Natostan and the sealing off of their khaZar demons in an island of “peace” in what was once Ukropland


contrary to the usual hubris and arrogance of Western banksters and so-called €conomist$ the future of money is being decided by those countries that actually have physical reserves and resources and the military power to control them. For Russia and China “reserves and resources” does not mean the unpayable debt that so-called Western capitalists imagine “wealth” to be as they continue to impoverish their hostage nations with their anti capitalist cant that has turned the so called Western “democracies” into impoverished welfare ruins over run by Soros’ migrant hordes to distract the masses from the real enemy among them. One gets it or one doesn’t as the case may be but the Anglozionazi centric world is already a thing of the past. That future does not include a “global reserve currency” style Fedcon slash Blipcoin owned by the money changers and globally imposed as the Pentacon Kissinger Saudi Mercan IOU petroscrip toilet paper dollah was, whatever about being imposed on USSAN and Europeon debt slaves only too happy to exist in their cashless, electronic gulags “all watched over by machines of loving grace” as they jab their electro thingies In lieu of using a brain to “purchase” their Latte dumbass I’m a moron five buck starschmucks zio piss “coffee”. In a world of NSA slash CIA hacking gone mad, run as these criminal enterprises are by murderous thugs and sociopaths, how the hell can an unknown App like Blipcoin suddenly be “wealth” and how in God’s name can gold be purged from human DNA after 5000 years functioning as real money simply because the shamanic Satanic banksters in the West and the Pedophile Politburo in Natostan ghetto Brussels no longer have any and the brain dead Millennials with their prosthetic blinking plastic gizmo brains, never managed to grasp what in fact real money is? The simple answer is that actual physical money such as gold can’t be purged and replaced with fiat or blips or BS and try as the globo mob might it won’t get purged and in the end when the electricity inevitably goes out the surviving Millennials will wake the hell up or go belly up when their “survival” Apps no longer bring home the bacon.

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