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MARCH 2025

Political Wing Of Syrian Democratic Forces To Open Offices In Government-Held Areas

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Political Wing Of Syrian Democratic Forces To Open Offices In Government-Held Areas

the third annual conference of the SDC in the city of Tabqah. By Hawar News Agency

On July 17, Ilham Ehmed, co-chairperson of the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), told the Kurdish Rudaw TV that the SDC will open offices in the Syria governorates of Hama, Homs, Lattakia and in the Syrian capital of Damascus in the near future. Ehmed explained that such a step is a part of the ongoing efforts to reach a “democratic” solution for the crisis in Syria

“We can organize the work of the council [SDC] in many areas of Syria, from Damascus, to Lattakia, as well as in Homs and Hama, and on the other hand, there are negotiations and diplomatic endeavors at home and abroad, all within the framework of the executive body of the council,” Ehmed told Rudaw TV after heading the third annual conference of the SDC in the city of Tabqah.

The SDC is the political wing of the US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), which controls most of eastern and northeastern Syria. The council is mainly led by the Kurdish Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD).

The SDC’s plan to open offices in the government-held areas is a huge development that may put an end to the tension between the SDF and the Damascus government. Such a development would be impossible without the approval of the US and the efforts of Russia. The dvelopment came just a day after a meeting between US President Donald Trump and Russian President Putin in Helsinki on July 16.

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If they did this day 1, 500k people wouldn’t had to die. Smh

Markos Pnderos

Excause me but are you really that foolish? Did you ever seen any events fightings between SAA and SDF? jsut some skirmishes thas it. You must be an turk if you blame the kurds that 1,5mil ppl died LOL? your really hilarious and dumb same time anyway. get some education ur really an donkey. oh by the way, it was the Bathparty which funded PKK in Beeka valley (lebanon) and syria. Syria even hostet Adbullah öcalan against turkey. Whats is ur fucking point?= You really triggered me bcz ur comment is 100% bullshit. YPG helped SAA in Allepo City battle. Assad loves kurds. And your just an little turkish Kid


I think you replied to the wrong post lol

Mustafa Mehmet

Why pyg joying force with Israel and the rest .and not with saa , jelly brain


SDF and PYD must be under Syria government rules and laws, if they want to be part of Syria people. Otherwise, they will face death and war from SAA-Syria. North-East of Euphrates river is part of Syria, it is not kurds (USA-puppets) land.

Smith Ricky



The reverse could also be true, o no !


What for your two bit apartheid state there Israeli shlomo.


But the baathist fascists have to change the laws a bit then ;)))


How about you Israeli fascists change your laws then.


me israeli?? are you some idiot????

Mr. Shami

Don’t cry this soon.


No that’s what you defeated Israelis are good at.

Mr. Shami

Defeated? Hahahaha. I bet you live in a shithole country. But I’m not Israeli, so don’t get too butthurt.

Markos Pnderos

Hey your an fool and know nothing about the syrian conflict. SDF=PYD. SAA will never start an war against kurds. If SAA attack the kurds, its like SAA attack itself. Without SDF northsyria would be now in turkeyes hands. Assad prefers kurds more than turkey. cuz kurds live on syrian soil. Its all politics and SDF and syrian goverment always had and will have ties. They even share the big oilfields in deirazor.


Yeah Israelis favorite useful idiots the Kurds.

Brother Ma

True but in my heart I want all rebel Kurds to suffer. They should be thankful that they are not lined up and shot. In my eyes ,only the Kurds who did not rebel against Damascus should be allowed to live and stay in Syria. All rebels to be shot or pushed into Turkey! Fuck the traitors who bit the Syrians’ hands to serve the yanqui dogs!

Markos Pnderos

Man seems you dont understand it completly? let me explain you: SAA have advantage from it if YPG clear northsyria from ISIS YPG supported in allepo battle dont fool ur self. SAA supported YPG in afrin against turks but were stopped by russia… YPG kills the so called FSA and other jihadists, its good for syrian goverment and kurds! you dont get it? SAA never launched airtstrikes against kurds in northsyria and question why? nah its not because the US is there YPG and SAA share an town near turkish border called qamishlo SAA cant alone secure the whole county, so the YPG can they have +120k militas, they work together secretly :;=)

The Farney Fontenoy

No, YOU don’t understand! YPG are not fighting for Syria, they are the grunts being used by the US and Israel to break up Syria! Didn’t the debacle in Afrin make this clear to you? Or Manbij?? They surrendered these regions to Turkey rather than allow the SAA to assist, they use child soldiers, ‘recruit’ Arabs & Christians at gunpoint & regularly murder anyone speaking out against them, not to mention they work side by side with ISIS as & when it suits them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKZqu61IbFI


Kurds (USA-puppets) must decide to continue being under USA-realtion, or become Syria people, governed by Syria government. Time is running and SAA is about take over Idbil, Al-Tanaf and Kurds area.

Julian Clegg

If the Kurds were US puppets they would not be actively negotiating and reconciling with the Syrian government.


The negotiation may be just a trick, let us see later the real intentions of Kurds (USA-puppets). I hope I am wrong, and Kurds really want to become Syria people governed by Syria laws, sending away all USA-weapons.

Pave Way IV

Syrian Kurds always were Syrian people governed by Syria’s laws. The average Syrian Kurd does not want independence from Syria – you’re confusing U.S. regime-change propaganda and the autocratic PYD political party’s grand ambitions with the actual will of the Syrian Kurdish people.

Most Syrian Kurds don’t want head-choppers running around their villages and just want to go back to their farms after head-choppers are eradicated. They kind of know that the PYD would usher in a tyrannical, corrupt, militarized U.S.-vassal failed-state (like Ukraine with repressive Marxism) – except ‘the government’ would now be ethnic Kurds. Big deal. The average Kurd is probably fine with the Damascus government if they have representation, but are realists enough not to expect much.


Kurds want kurdish rights wich they never got from the baathist fascists!


Have the Palestinians ever got their rights from Kazarian Israeli apartheid fascist, I think not Israeli spambot.


Go cry to mami, you moron

Brother Ma

You are an unread fool.


Did you ever read the work of Ocalan?? I guess not

Brother Ma

Ocalan’s writings are a drop in the ocean of history of the Kurds in the Middle East. What have you done to free Ocalan all these years?Did you write to your gov telling them to lobby Erdogan to free him? Even if you did ,you would know most govs have ben beholden to Turkey for way too long . Alter erdoganistan’s freedoms first then preach about Assad changing his.


A big drop

Brother Ma

Wonderful synopsis and i agree with it. RebelKurds have no more credibility. They need to pay. Death or push them into Turkey. They were traitors!

Brother Ma

Kurds are only negotiating as they are on losing side and being dumped by Yanquis.

Mustafa Mehmet

Because they’re like a whore they bend down for everyone


Or simply Syrian people but not governed by Syrian dictatorship ! it hasn’t have to be black or white, things could be grey as well or just bluntly transparent .


I hope you say the same thing about Saudi Arabia, otherwise you sound like one of those jihadi or Israeli trolls assuming a new identity, ie the two face hipocrite that talks out of his ass about democracy.

Brother Ma

What would israel know of democracy?


There is no dictatorship in Syria, the Syrian people love Assad. You and your kind would like to impose a dictatorship over all men, but time is running out for you are your kind.


HA HA HA, but it is not funny! You never met a tortured syrian (by the assad regime) but i did


one word



Nope !, Syrians with different ideas and most of all , NOT BRAINWASHED !


Unlike the MSM mouthpiece that you are.

Markos Pnderos

3 words:


John Whitehot

i expect turks to wear mostly greek names.

The Farney Fontenoy

Is the government really going to allow this? Allow these traitors & terrorists a giant loudspeaker to spew even more lives from?? Why not allow the muslim brotherhood to open recruiting offices too?!!

John Whitehot

“Why not allow the muslim brotherhood to open recruiting offices too?!!”

perhaps for the same reason they don’t allow Mossad to open offices as well.


Good point John.

For Syria to heal it is necessary to go the extra mile , rather than have the Northern Ireland scenario that festered for many decades.

Most Syrians will be sick if the foreign fuelled war and desperately want peace.


One step at a time.


Indeed, it is always prudent not to ‘ bite off more than one can chew’ :)

The images of tens of thousands Syrians welcoming their liberation from US Coalition terrorists have put the American warmongers into a state of apoplexy :)


It would appear that the Kurds have awakened to the looming American withdrawal, and they have taken the first step towards reconciliation. America will have a hard time justifying their presence if that happens. Be a lot easier than trying to drive them out by force of arms. So yes a few warmongers will have well deserved strokes.


They already do, where turks are. But do not mistake apples and turnips which is what you’re doing.

Markos Pnderos

SDF always had ties with syrian goverment…specially YPG Al-Assads father Hafiz Al Assad strenthended kurds against turkey in the 1980s and even hostet the leader of the PKK in syria Kurds with knowledge about history know that hafiz al-assad did alot good things for Kurds. And this sould never be forgetten. Same for bashar al Assad- he jsut continue the legacy of his father. bashar al-assad loves kurd Without the Kurds North syria would be now in the hands of turkey. Assad prefer kurds much more than turkey to controll north syria


Again Kurds=useful idiots like you.

Brother Ma

All true but the Kurds up there betrayed Assad’s legacy!

Mustafa Mehmet

With out kurds . Syria . Iran Iraq .and turkey can live in peace .kurk nothing but Trouble because there are Americans Israeli ?


This Israeli spambot is just pissed of that the Turks had a falling out on with your shitty settler state.

Brother Ma

What do you mean? I dont understand?

Brother Ma

Haha ,well said! Maybe see my comment above.

Feudalism Victory

Sounds like a trick to me unless they disband their armed formations as well. Also putting baath party offices in sdf territory should happen as well if its to be fair.

Strange idea but maybe as a small step towards trust? Hard to say where this goes.

Julian Clegg

At the present stage the SDF’s armed formations are necessary for fighting Daesh (ISIS) and the Turkish invaders and their puppet insurgents, otherwise the SAA would have to spread out more thinly to do those things.

Brother Ma

Maybe south africa truth and reconciliation commission -style tactics? If the rebels must live then Syria should do it only until Syria is whole again then shut these shit offices down.


I’ve often voiced my frustration with Russian practices which seemed to go well beyond what could reasonably be called patience, and been called CIA, hasbara and all that as a result. More, well, patient, people here said “we will see”. Several months down the road, *lots of Syria have been colored red *US are owning up that they don’t want to pay for reconstruction, yet without it their heroes will be IED’d and beheaded by the good people of Syria *everybody ignores the French, knowing full well they’ll run the moment Uncle Sam packs his bags. Not bad for a couple months’ work!

So the evidence is the loyalists know what they’re doing, even if they’re far from all-powerful. Ending this war will mean many more deals with people you don’t really like; and yet you can’t kill everyone, even just trying will only create more enemies. Fine for the other side that *wants* permanent war, but I don’t see the Syrians going for that in their homeland. Much of the time Assad seems to have his head on straight, I don’t think he’s giving the SDC something for nothing; and anyway his people need some venue to do business with the Kurds.


I agree and perhaps the realisation that the US always leaves nations they bomb in chaos as the US leaves to plunder another country.


Russia has opposition party’s. Could Assad be trying to modernize here?

Markos Pnderos

News: SDF and SAA have an reconciliation deal: -SDF will allow syrian goverment to have acces to nroth syria (currently controlled by SDF) syrian goverment will share the pwoer with SDF in SDF held areas syrian goverment can recruit in SDF held areas soldiers for its military service. Those who fought already in SDF against other groups dont have to do military service in syrian arab army, except they want it freely The SDF will be semi integrated into the SAA but will chose its own name for its military. However SDF will fight alongside with the SAA against other rebels groups to clear the country from turkish scum The oilselling profit will be shared to make sure the whole country profit from it and to rebuild syria again (in the past kurds had no rights in syria and also msot didnt had even an passport this will change now)


Keep dreaming you Israeli spambot, keep dreaming of that you moron.


Israeli spambots are already using their tired tropes of democracy here, to cover the fact their Islamic buddies and proxies are over, next are those useless idiots known as the Kurd’s who are next.


When it comes to the new Kurdistan state I think the word “complicated” is way to much an understatement.


Easily fixed, just rename Israel and throw the current squatters out.


Another American election fix in the making. Americans just can’t stop being c( )nt$, such a sick people, are they mutants, cause they sure ain’t human?


ypg= sdf=fsa=hts =isis point!!!

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