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MARCH 2025

Pompeo: U.S. Believes Iran Is Responsible For Attack On Tankers In Gulf Of Oman

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Pompeo: U.S. Believes Iran Is Responsible For Attack On Tankers In Gulf Of Oman

AP Photo / ISNA

State Secretary Mike Pompeo blamed Iran for the attack on two Japanese oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. He claimed that Iran wants to end “successful maximum pressure campaign” of the US sanctions.

“This is only the latest in the series of attacks instigated by the Republic of Iran and its surrogates against American allies and interests. They should be understood in the context of four years of unprovoked aggression against freedom-loving nations,” he said.

Earlier on the same day, Marshall Islands-flagged Front Altair and Panama-flagged Kokuka Courageous were rocked by explosions in the Gulf of Oman.

There are no confirmed details regarding what actually happened, but one of the vessels was reportedly hit by a torpedo. Iran said it had rescued 44 sailors from the distressed tankers and called the incident “suspicious.”

The US Navy provided a contrary claim saying that its forces were involved in the rescue operation, not Iranian ones.

“U.S. Naval Forces in the region received two separate distress calls at 6:12 a.m. local time and a second one at 7:00 a.m.

U.S. Naval Forces Central Command received the calls from the M/V Front Altair and M/V Kokuka Courageous, who were operating in international waters of the Gulf of Oman.

USS Bainbridge (DDG 96) was operating in the vicinity and provided immediate assistance to the M/V Kokuka Courageous.

Twenty-one mariners from the M/V Kokuka Courageous, who abandoned ship, are currently aboard USS Bainbridge. A Navy P-8 is also providing support,” CENTCOM said.

Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif labeled the incident as “suspicious” hinting that this may have been a provocation.


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Raptar Driver

Nice false flag event; Persia should be ready for a counter attack.

Xoli Xoli

Secretary of devil is a liar.Bolton and gay Pompeo failed in Venezuela and North Korea know their are busy against Iran.


I know I’m convinced!!!

northerntruthseeker .

I am convinced as well that this is an obvious false flag operation to blame Iran!


Pompeo finally admitted In a recent speech at Texas University about the CIA and the neocons that they lie, cheat and steal. Jews are the mass murderers and child butchers in our communities in every country.


Toronto Tonto

Jews should kill all Nazis like yourself .


jews ARE NAZIS; so they will need to commit suicide , hasbara troll spotted and BLOCKED, shoot yourself in the head please and make the world a better place


The only Nazis in the world today are ZioNazis, and the bulk of them are Jews.

So you are suggesting Jews kill themselves? Hmmmm ….


They are psycho you know. If they did, they’d just blame it on Iran.

northerntruthseeker .

I smell hasbara very badly here..

This is a joke, right hasbara agent “toronto tonto”???

You are a snivelling idiot and a moron for not realizing that your ‘TRIBE’ are the real so called “nazis” as your tribe of psychos are the ones doing all the murdering right around the world..


So much for wishing the best huh?


White helmets on board!


So Pompous without any investigation is blaming Iran. mmmm, isn’t that the same playbook as was used to justify the US cruise missile attacks on Syria :)


“What’s in it?’ said the Queen.

`I haven’t opened it yet,’ said the White Rabbit, `but it seems to be a letter, written by the prisoner to–to somebody.’

`It must have been that,’ said the King, `unless it was written to nobody, which isn’t usual, you know.’

`Who is it directed to?’ said one of the jurymen.

`It isn’t directed at all,’ said the White Rabbit; `in fact, there’s nothing written on the outside.’ He unfolded the paper as he spoke, and added `It isn’t a letter, after all: it’s a set of verses.’

`Are they in the prisoner’s handwriting?’ asked another of they jurymen.

`No, they’re not,’ said the White Rabbit, `and that’s the queerest thing about it.’ (The jury all looked puzzled.)

`He must have imitated somebody else’s hand,’ said the King. (The jury all brightened up again.)

`Please your Majesty,’ said the Knave, `I didn’t write it, and they can’t prove I did: there’s no name signed at the end.’

`If you didn’t sign it,’ said the King, `that only makes the matter worse. You must have meant some mischief, or else you’d have signed your name like an honest man.’

There was a general clapping of hands at this: it was the first really clever thing the King had said that day.

`That proves his guilt,’ said the Queen.”


He had already worked out what he was going to say before he gave the order for the attacks.

S Melanson

Yes, the CNN pundits started practicing what to say for this latest evil heinous Iranian provocation when public reaction to the previous evil heinous provocation failed to impress President Bolton


“Off with his head!” as I recall…… In fact the Queen kinda says that a lot.

Tommy Jensen

Bolton and I warned against these attacks would happen if everybody continued to just sit on their thumbs without acting and doing nothing.

Because nobody would listen, two innocent Japanese oil tankers were hit by hypersonic precision torpedos from aggressive hostile dictatorship countries, and United States and its Allies are once more jeopardized in our freedom of navigation in International waterways.


you are just a sorry ass loser behind a keyboard, or perhaps, yet another hasbara troll, you are a buffoon to everyone here, get psychiatric assistance nut job, and hey genius, what is the advantage for Iran to hit japan tankers while they are having a visit from the actual Japanese president ?, YOU STUPID RETARD.


“two innocent Japanese oil tankers were hit by HYPERSONIC precision torpedos from aggressive hostile dictatorship countries” This is called sarcasm, not meant to be taken literally. :)

Toronto Tonto

Do you have a high bridge nearby ?????


Do you have a brain inside your head or just jew shit ?


This car found dangling from a Toronto bridge. Perhaps you where the driver, “Tonto”? :) https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1e57315b8ab1ff21c4cbfc003839a97f4c21abd3eb31d85de43291c653a76b35.jpg

S Melanson

Being in Toronto I can answer that question. I was the driver that drove it off the bridge and bailed just in time. Tondo was locked in the trunk of the car. Apparently somehow he survived…

S Melanson

Yeah, I just got called hasbara troll on this comment thread for obvious parody


“HYPERSONIC precision torpedos” ? Made by Raytheon…. or Lockheed… or what other US MIC Corp. makes these?

northerntruthseeker .

Geez… Yet another Hasbara troll….

Really? You actually believe the bullshit you are typing here?

Give your Jew head a shake and get lost… We are onto your and your buddies in Hasbara central’s stupidity.


Thanks man. lmao …….. oh that is some funny stuff Tommy.

Lena Jones

You want a war with Iran so badly? You take your big jew gun and DO IT ALREADY LOL!

S Melanson

I would not be so sure they are innocent virgin tankers. I heard those two had a collision where one rammed the other in the rear. Does not sound very innocent to me, I see through their charade of trolling the seas of sodom and gammorah. but I suppose no amount of hedonistic excursions in the seedy red sea lane districts could prepare you for the hypersonic precision torpedo infamous for its deep penetration capabilities.


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attends a joint press conference in Tehran with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani following their summit meeting in Tehran on Wednesday while on the other side the US terrorist Boltn have sabotage their oil tankers.



The war on Iran will be tha last war of US empire! US, NATO & isisrael will regret to ever poke the Persian

Oscar Silva Martinez

Another sign that things are not ending well for Israel and her western lap dogs in Syria, they even punished Japan for trying to make alliances with Iran. Fucking cowards, this fucking news makes sick, fuck all of them!!!


Japan is a safe target, Japan is a faithful slave of America.


.To determine who commits a crime, look for who benefits.

US shale oil producers are going bankrupt because the price of oil is below production costs and the US stock market was falling.

Today because of this terror attack, the price of oil has risen substantially and the US stock market has also risen.

I’m sure the whole thinking world knows that the US is behind this attack, but no one will dare to say it out loud.


Based just on this one news item the stock market should go down. If oil goes up because of rising demand, then it would make sense. :)

Toronto Tonto

Who relies on oil the most ???? pooface and pals .


Who relies on oil the most ????

The USA, the US is the largest oil consumer, most of the global oil companies are American. The US has used petrodollars as a way of supporting the US dollar. The USA attacks other oil producers Libya Iraq Iran Venezuela and Russia as a way of controlling the oil market.

You know once the US economy collapses, the US military will also collapse. Without the Americans to protect the Jewish invaders in the Middle East, the Arabs will slaughter all the Jews. The good news is you will have a holocaust II to whinge about.

Putin Apologist

Wait a second, Canada exports more oil than Iran… are you sure it wasn’t the Canadians?

Saudi Arabia: US$182.5 billion (15.9% of total crude oil exports) Russia: $129 billion (11.3%) Iraq: $91.1 billion (7.9%) Canada: $66.9 billion (5.8%) United Arab Emirates: $66.8 billion (5.8%) Kuwait: $49.8 billion (4.3%) United States: $47.2 billion (4.1%) Iran: $45.7 billion (4%) Nigeria: $43.6 billion (3.8%) Angola: $38.4 billion (3.4%) Kazakhstan: $37.8 billion (3.3%) Norway: $33.3 billion (2.9%) Libya: $26.7 billion (2.3%) Mexico: $26.5 billion (2.3%) Venezuela: $26.4 billion (2.3%)


Who relies on oil the most? Very easy: The US, by a large margin.

Largest oil consumers in the world: USA: 20% of world total China: 13% India: 5% Japan: 4%

And, if you want to rather blame the largest oil producer: USA: 18% Saudi Arabia: 12% Russia: 11% Canada: 5%

And if you didn’t mean “consumer” or “producer”, but the largest oil “exporter”, it seems you need to be blaming Saudi Arabia. So which is it? Who are you trying to blame here? The USA or Saudi Arabia? I admit that whichever you choose, I may actually agree with you for once…


Yeah precisely why they call it the petro-dollar, duh.


Mike Pompeo had his speech blaming Iran pre-written before the bombing / sinking of the tanker,s … …for some strange reason….


Pompeo blaming Iran and holding them responsible because the US had to take that false flag action.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

Iran is playing us all for fools. They want us to believe it’s a false flag but in reality they are lashing out at their neighbors since they’re being DESTROYED by effective sanctions! HAHA sanctions are making them very angry, I love it. If they keep up these attacks the US Navy will be forced to respond


the only fool here is YOU , hasbara troll, change your tactic you are just provoking laughs.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

that’s the point. they want you to believe that. it’s like a reverse logic. don’t be a sheep!

S Melanson

A good point actually, except for what I see as the problem of motivation for the attack. Can you tell me what is in it for Iran to do this?

Toronto Tonto

Oil baby oil and Iran and the Russian terrorists would love a higher price , DUH

S Melanson

Fair enough. Issue is that this would save Saudi Arabia from financial Armageddon. And if Iran is backing the Houthis including even money, advisors and weapon systems which I assume is your position, why would Iran save Saudi’s from ruin due to costs of Yemen war.


Are you retarded ? or jsut another sorry ass hasbara troll ? man you guys try so hard., change the strategy and become a circus, you guys are just laughable

Dog lover.


Luke Hemmming

And so would Saudi Arabia considering they contribute the larger percentage of oil from that region. But of the 2 tankers 1 was carrying methanol, an alcohol not oil and the other naptha , a product to dilute thick oil which is a low value product. So why did the oil price spike? Oil market manipulation by none other than Saudi Arabia that’s why. Also it helps the false narrative to blame Iran for anything and everything so the fake ass jews and satanic child rapists (israel zionists) can get their war they have been wanting to wage for years.

Real Anti-Racist Action

We understand your attempt to form a psychological operation against the innocent. But it has obviously failed. Inside jobs do not work any longer. It is ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ syndrome. We have caught on to all the lies.


That is entirely disingenuous logic – so too, Saudi Arabia would love a higher price.

Free man

In my opinion, Only the mullahs’ terror regime is responsible for sabotage. The Russians want stability in the Persian Gulf and they don’t cooperate with the terrorist organization like the IRGC. Congratulations on winning the NBA championship.

Toronto Tonto

Like Russians right .


still trolling ? russians russians russians hahaha , man dont try so hard you´ll get a stroke , the hasbara troll behind a Canadian flag, as usual you scumbag jews hide behind others for your lies


ohh look, the other hasbara troll jew scumbag is here , change your tactics you guys only provoke laughs over here go to CNN or fox news where is all full of morons


They’d be much happier over at Breitbart. CNN and Fox are for pussies. They want the ‘hard core’ stuff.


You’re right, they want you to believe Iran did it even though it was the D.C./Tel Aviv/UK Axis of Evil, who are behind the vast majority of evil in the world. Always starting wars and destroying countries, that’s what they love to do, a Satanic delight in misery and oppression.

Xoli Xoli

Spot on Jake’s thanks for telling it like it is.


Reverse logic, like you?

Putin Apologist

So let’s wait and see what Washington does, or doesn’t do. Because if Washington really “believes” that Iran carried out these dastardly attacks “on the freedom of navigation” then Washington will most surely act, right? And if Washington doesn’t act, (which is what I suspect), well it should be more than obvious, to all, what Trump, Pompeo and Bolton really “believe”, right?


Dude, you’ve been outed all over the internet. All I can say is you definitely have gall to even show your face. Well, that or a total lack of self respect. Especially telling people not to be sheep…boy, that’s rich coming from you. BTW…have you seen your nose lately? We miss him.


Yeah right, Iran is going to attack Japanese tanker vessels – that actually transport IRANIAN oil exports to Japan. You are likely Israeli, and you consider Iran a primary regional enemy, safe to assume you’ll accuse Iran of anything, anytime, and with extreme prejudice.


Sheared head calling the pot black, typical.

Jacob "Wraith" Wohl

1 US Carrier strike group and Iran is defeated in 1 week :-]

S Melanson

Like Afghanistan, Iraq… Vietnam. Iran though will probably stand the test of time for the greatest US Pyrrhic victory

Toronto Tonto

ya baby.

Lena Jones

Thousands of Iran precision missiles fired and it’s a-bye-bye terrorist tel aviv in 24 hours :-]

S Melanson

Did some serious damage this time so a serious escalation. i suppose to be expected, as the previous false flag, I mean another heinous Iranian backed terrorist attack, did not generate the desired public outcry for punishing Iran.

CNN had an interesting interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY_zg4nNnew&t=407s

One complement I have I will mention first. Notice the reaction of the pundits when the interviewer mentions possibility of US involvement.

The pundits are already certain who did it and not just Iran, but the terrorist designated revolutionary guard specifically – one pundit said it was obvious work of the revolutionary guard looking at the video CNN aired.

Now to be fair, we apply MSM principles of fundamental justice. Iran will be given an opportunity to prove their innocence.

northerntruthseeker .

Another hasbara agent here..

The “revolutionary guard” are NOT “heinous”, as they have been fighting terrorists and preventing the psychotic Jewish freaks from sending their agents of death into Iran itself…

S Melanson

LOL. I was being sarcastic by being accurate calling it a false flag before correcting to parrot the official line reported ad nauseum in MSM


Yes, the invisible nuance of the written word remains difficult to spot….


Of course this guy John Kirby, worked for Obama ,he knows everything, not only was it Iran, but the naval marines, the IRGC. These IRGC keep killing Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood, his ‘moderate rebels’, they are really really BAD.

S Melanson

Yes, and moderate Al Nusra, the re-branded Al-Qaeda, you know, the moderate terrorists that allegedly brought down the twin towers killing thousands.

Hard to imagine what the extremists are like… answer: they are just like the moderates, one and the same…

Real Anti-Racist Action

Jewish divers have been training for these types of under water attacks for a long time. They also framed Germans for things as well in order to conquer Germany (which they accomplished) https://pp.vk.me/c837331/v837331222/23b14/kVB6s7j-Lss.jpg


Be careful – truth bombs are deemed terrorism in ZioNazi lands.

Toronto Tonto

Iran should have checked whos ships it was bombing don’t ya think , DUUH

northerntruthseeker .

Hasbara troll, we are onto your ignorance…

Your Israeli scumbag did this attack, and most probably had it carried out by one of the German made submarines that you scammed from Germany firing off an Israeli ‘popeye’ missile…

Lena Jones

The mossad should STOP with its ongoing failed false flags DUUUUUUH! Buncha failed jew morons lol.


Very predictable, US-killing-machine is seeking ultimate confrontation with Iran. Now I hope that the whole tel aviv will burn to the ground if any attack on Iran occurs!


From the same government that helped the Jews mass murder 3,000 Americans on 911 and lied their way into wars with Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya. Why would anyone believe these Zionist Israel firster anti American swamp traitors?


From the pix appears Front Altair no longer has straight lines due to metal fatigue in the center. But may still stay afloat because of compartments unaffected, and not sink. Is this correct?

J Roderet

This is easily one of the most obvious US/Zionist false flag attacks of all time. Only morbidly-obese, dumbed-down Americans — brainwashed by years of watching cable TV “news” — would believe that Iran did this at the very moment that they were meeting with the Japanese PM!

northerntruthseeker .

so true… and was conducted against a Japanese tanker as well…

Honestly, how stupid can Americans be for believing the bullshit coming out from Jew controlled criminals like Bolton and Pompeo?

Xoli Xoli

Pompeo made USA believed his shit.Poor gay.Very obvious Bolton and Pompeo wants to severe ties between Iran and everyone who trades with them.Same shit which Tony Blair,Bush and Powell plan against Iraq to drain it financially and economically and otherwise.

Xoli Xoli

Pompeo is stupid how can Iran bomb the oil tanker which carries the oil which were bought from them.

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

anyone who tries to trick or plot bad things iran will themselves be destroyed, pompeo you will resign soon or quit, you will never be successful against Iran, ever, as Iran has God as its mightiest defender

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