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MARCH 2025

Pompeo’s Dilemma: US Is Running Out Of Aircraft Carriers And Targets To Up Pressure Against China

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Pompeo’s Dilemma: US Is Running Out Of Aircraft Carriers And Targets To Up Pressure Against China

The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan cruising around somewhere near China

As South Front reported last week, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo dedicated a major address to insulting and threatening China. However, his extravagant rhetoric and threats to further increase US pressure on the Asian giant have a major flaw. The deployment of US military assets to menace China’s frontier zones are already at historically high levels, leaving very little room for additional pressure short of an amphibious landing or missile strike.

As reported by the South China Morning Post last week, US military aviation flights around its maritime borders in July were the highest on record. According to the Beijing-based South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI), during the week ending 25 July US air force E-8C surveillance planes were spotted closer than 100 nautical miles to the southeast coast of Guangdong province on four separate occasions.

“At the moment the US military is sending three to five reconnaissance aircraft each day to the South China Sea,” SCSPI said. “In the first half of 2020 – with much higher frequency, closer distance and more variety of missions – the US aerial reconnaissance in the South China Sea has entered a new phase.”

US planes have ventured “unusually close” to Chinese airspace several times since April. The closest flight to date was in May when a US navy P-8A Poseidon – designed for anti-submarine warfare – almost reached the 12 nautical mile limit near Hainan Island, on China’s southernmost tip.

SCSPI said its statistics showed flights by US planes approaching up to 50 to 60 nautical miles off the mainland were “frequent”. A record of 50 sorties – flying from US land bases located in the vicinity of the South China Sea – was set in the first three weeks of July, coinciding with separate Chinese and US military exercises in the area.

On peak days, SCSPI said it had counted as many as eight US aircraft, including the aircraft types P-8A EP-3E, RC-135W and KC-135. One such peak occurred on July 3, as aircraft carriers USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz, along with their respective strike groups, entered the region.

The two aircraft carrier strike groups conducted drills in the area on two separate occasions, commencing on July 4 and July 17. In between the exercises, the US State Department issued a statement describing China’s claim to the disputed waterway as “unlawful” and adding that Washington supported the other Southeast Asian claimants.

The resource-rich South China Sea is one of the world’s busiest waterways, with around a third of international shipping passing through it. China claims most of the area while Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia all have overlapping claims.

The range of US military planes involved in the South China Sea missions was an indication of their purpose, according to SCSPI director Hu Bo. These included anti-submarine patrol, communication signal collection, and radar frequency detection, among others.

With the People’s Liberation Army also exercising in the Paracel Islands earlier this month, the US intelligence aircraft were probably collecting data on the PLA electronics, Hu said, adding. “The increasing US military operations have become the largest risk and potential source of conflicts.”

These operations have led to a number of incidents, and occasionally crises, in the past. The most serious occurred in April 2001 when a US navy EP-3E Aries II flew to within 59 nautical miles of Hainan Island and collided with an intercepting PLA navy J-8II fighter.

The Chinese pilot died and the US plane was forced to land on Hainan, giving then-president George W. Bush the first diplomatic crisis of his tenure.

In 2014, 2015 and 2017, the Pentagon repeatedly accused Chinese fighters of nearly causing accidents by making “unsafe” interception manoeuvres with US spy planes near the Chinese coast in the South China Sea, East China Sea and the Yellow Sea.

Hong Kong-based military commentator Song Zhongping said the PLA could be expected to send fighters out to intercept and expel US aircraft on every close reconnaissance mission.

“The PLA has developed a standard operating protocol on these US planes approaching Chinese airspace. With more frequent US provocations, the PLA will have more frequent interceptions too,” he said.

“It poses a challenge to pilots’ skills and training, but the PLA has also become quite proficient to avoid possible accidents or collisions.” LINK

The record number of military flights was accompanied by a large spike in navy deployments as well, with three aircraft carriers cruising around the South China Sea during June and July. Prior to the extended excursions of the USS Ronald Reagan and USS Nimitz mentioned above, the USS Theodore Roosevelt had wound up its latest trouble-plagued deployment to the north-western Pacific, much of which was spent at Guam as the crew desperately tried to contain an outbreak of the Coronavirus, with a short patrol towards China’s maritime border zone.

While the US’ increasingly hostile and hysterical tone against China has done nothing to alter the latter’s implacable resolve to pursue and defend their maritime claims and vital national interests, the US its placing its allies and partners in the region in an increasingly difficult position, South Korea in particular but also Japan and others, as they try to maintain amicable relations with China whilst hosting substantial US military forces whose distant commanders seem determined to pick a fight with China.


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Lone Ranger

U.S. Empire is going belly up. Pimpeo should adjust his diet and leave foreign policy to people whom arent living in 1962.

Lone Ranger

“We lied, we stole we cheated” Mike “dirtbag” Pimpeo -2018


DEATH to ISRAHELL and DEATH to ALL JEWISH PIGS including Lone(Jew)Ranger!

Lone Ranger

Very convincing Shlomo… You lil hasbarat soyboy will have to try harder… Sorry for exposing your Samson Option… It seems you Trollstoys at Tel Aviv got slightly triggered by it :)


Lone Ranger <> It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that…. Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.

Lone Ranger

It hurts Im not a zionazi hasbarat like you, does it…? Keep exposing yourself lil Shlomo :)


Why don’t you tell how it was better in communism for you :)

Lone Ranger

Compared to Ukropisstan? We had food…


I like how you are downplaying it, jewcommie, you were saying your family had it better in communism than now. Now I see why. You opressed all those people, calling yourself a Hungarian is an insult for all Hungarians.

Lone Ranger

Nice try ukropnazi… Im not a commie by the way. I never said that. I said Hungarians had it better than Ukrops under communism. Calling yourself an Ukrainian is a shame for all Ukrainians.

Lone Ranger

You probably arent even an Ukrainian citizen. Just a wannabe ukropnazi from Canada. You know how Ukrainians call people like you? Traitors…

cechas vodobenikov

u treat the zlebiha w too much respect—she transported herself from zhitomr to Ontario where she works on the street servicing somalis…during soviet times Ukraine thrived—more prosperous than Poland—tdday a failed state w an economy 1/5 as large as Poland….it is no accident that since 2014 nearly 5 million have sought asylum in Russia

Lone Ranger

I aint downplaying it. It must have been hard to be an ukrop, than you guys blew up Chernobyl on yourselves too… Sad story.

Lone Ranger

Starving and radiation poisiong are good enough reasons to escape that hell hole to Canada…I guess… Or as ukropnazis call it New Banderistan…

cechas vodobenikov

says the inferior murikan robot submissively living in a military dictatorship, oligarchy, police state where election laws only exist in dictatorships like Azerbijian—u sexually repressed puritans r farcical


*Kazakhstan is the greates country in the world


Greatest looking women in the world !


All other countries are run by little girls


What is a “hasbarat”?

Lone Ranger

IDF cyberwarfare unit in Tel-Aviv. Military grade trolls…


They created a new unit besides unit 8600, btw. It is called unit 9200. Wow, those Israelis are so good with finding catchy names!

Lone Ranger

They won’t succeed tho. They can fool some people for some time but not all the people all the time…


They have been fooling alost all Muricans for qduite some time, though.

Lone Ranger

True, but many are waking up to the BS.

Peter Bozich

Collapsing standard of living Collapsing U.S dollar Collapsing governance Collapsing manufacturing Collapsing Infrastructure Collapsing prestige across the world The U.S is fucked

Lone Ranger

Good riddance…


Lone (Jew) Ranger talking to his Zionist friend Iron-Zion

Lone Ranger <<Iron_Zion>> It will be a better world dont worry. Aside from that… Who said Im an American. Im not. Im Hungarian. Im also part jewish.

Lone Ranger

He is not my friend. But you are a triggered hasbarat…

Lone Ranger

You are also part autistic…:)


US is a deadbeat loser and facing collapse and nothing can save. It is like the last days of South African Apartheid regime.

Traiano Welcome

I remember, I was there …


Elaborate, please!

Traiano Welcome

Nope. Confidential. Thanks for your interest though.

Zionism = EVIL

LOL, I was there too ;) the Cubans gave them a thrashing of a lifetime.

Traiano Welcome

eu te saúdo ;-)

Tommy Jensen

Not yet. We Americans never give up. America is a winner nation of winners and we always win in the end. If we can dream it we can do it!!

We are spartans and we intend to fight for our own soil in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan to the last 300 Special Forces together with Leonides………………………….LOL.


Wow! Murica is fighting the Persians like Leonidas fought them. Murica is like the Ancient Greeks. My greek cheeks are filled with tears of emotion. Murica I love you! …Okay, I was just being ironic.


“we always win in the end” and your “end” is near once dollar collapses. so you will “win” soup kitchen coupons

cechas vodobenikov

u r insecure feminized cowards that fear death—-“amerika requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch u lose all wars… nice try Tammy “the amerikan world view is nihilism (passivity) with a happy ending”. Alan Bloom (The closing of the amerikan Mind)

cechas vodobenikov

u r insecure feminized cowards that fear death—-“amerika requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch u lose all wars… nice try Tammy “the amerikan world view is nihilism (passivity) with a happy ending”. Alan Bloom (The closing of the amerikan Mind) obese incompetent morons where nearly 80% of military aged males r unable to qualify for your own incompetent military…LOL

cechas vodobenikov

U r insecure feminized cowards that fear death—-“amerika requires a stupefied population”. Christopher Lasch u lose all wars… nice try Tammy “the amerikan world view is nihilism (passivity) with a happy ending”. Alan Bloom (The closing of the amerikan Mind) obese incompetent morons where nearly 80% of military aged males r unable to qualify for your own incompetent military…LOL


Please elaborate!

Hard Hawk

this is what happens when you breed for generations morons rather than thinking individuals


What is your incorrect-greek-speaking ass doing here?


Let me guess. You were born in the US, you work in a US manufacturing company, you use our infrastructure bridges and roads, you participate in our governance by voting, and therefore you are in a position to comment about the US.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Has kind of hit a lot of nails on the head though.

Terrible seeing something you love just decay away.


I guess you must live with him and work with him.

You guys have ZERO understanding of the untied states and what is going. I live here and everything said is wrong. Yes, the dollar is going down but it’s good for us so we export more and import less from China.


Dollar going down is good for exports as long as the government has almost no deficit.

George King

Only if you are paying for cheap labor & low wages. Deficit = 21 Trillion just in MIC debt and with the US stock market crash coming there will be no one to tax……

cechas vodobenikov

recently reported that debt is near 25 trillion and increasing by nearly half trillion per year….as the US becomes more impoverished, the stock market has artificially inflated….when it crashes the rich will take their euros hidden in the caymans to their 5 million dollar bunkers in NZ, leaving the peasants to fight over burgers and marijuana


Actually 21 Trillion is the size of the debt and about one Trillion is the yearly deficit.


Nope. It’s good the moment sales transaction occur with the bank. Just like using credit card in a different country. You know nothing about int’l trade or haven’t travelled outside your hut.


Wow! You know so much! What is “credit card”?


How do you heat your hut?

cechas vodobenikov

it is amerikans that have zero understanding of how backward the USA is—declining rapidly …expected in an empire that will collapse in less than 10 years


You mean like Czar Russia, Marxist Russia, or Soviet Russia?


WHAT “prestige” where ?!?

Zionism = EVIL

While the Americunt deadbeat losers are going bankrupt sailing and burning these rusting hulks, the Chinese economy is growing at the fastest rate in history as manufacturing has sky-rocketed.


You had “Collapsing Infrastructure” in last 30 years already

how’s that has to do with anything? Because rimes well or you couldn’t come up with anything better?

cechas vodobenikov

much has been written about this—poor infrastructure, causes US products to be undesirable and more costly, whether, steel, vehicles, etc….unlike other nations the US has never adopted the metric system…their aging transportation, ports, etc adds to distribution costs—US exports r all govt subsidized—mainly weapons and agriculture—increaingly becoming less efficient, more monopolized vertically and horizontally….I do not predict; many believe that the Us economy will contract by 25+% following the Covid chaos and the dollar will lose 30-35% of its value in the next 3 years…that infrastructure, roads, bridges, public transit etc has been poorly maintained and only upgraded in a few US cities has consequences….manufacturing accounts for 8 % of the US economy —it is largely a consumer based and financial services economy that relies on borrowing and printing money


You are like book man and well informed. Nice comment all in all !

Thanks for going into the detail and developing logic of why is US failed state (apart from infinite militarism and infinite debt)


I can finish you up quickly (so you will not suffer all that “collapse” trauma)

if Putin imposes me for President of US, that is.

cechas vodobenikov

accurate—US assoc of engineers rate US infrastructure D+….manufacturing in USA? only 8% of US economy regards manufacturing—they import everything…thier debt now nears 25 trillion$….”standard of living” is subjective; amerikans consider this to be burgers, marijuana—-the greatest t poverty rate in the industrialized world (under-reported) they measure poverty for a family of 4 according to an income of 25000$…2 million families in extreme poverty (only 2 European nations have any Denmark, Belgium—Russia, china none…the most violent crime, non violent crime per capita, also under reported, most rapes per capita, despite that their experts claim fewer than 20% reported…30+% diagnosed w mental illness—no other nation reports more than 6% Johan Galtung has employed 15 mathematical indices to predict that the US empire will implode in less than 10 years


They will keep it up. There is no other way for the Neocons.


China should develop more alliances in the western hemisphere and return the favor to the US.


They did already in Africa. US has no standing there at all. If you see how China and its money help African countries develop in the last 20 years, and compare this to the fruitless activities sponsored by IWF and worldbank over the last 50 years, you will understand. US will never gain trust there again, especially with all the drone killings etc.

Trap Is Not Gay

I don’t know if alliance with Africa is good or bad though, France is feeling the “BBC” in the rioting ghettos of Paris and bomb men. China should be careful before embracing certain races.

cechas vodobenikov

partly right…however US spends money to subvert democracy in many African nations (Libya)…the US military stations troops in more than 3/4 of nations in Africa and funds corrupt leaders in many….French troops are also stationed in former colonies…the USA pays Ethopia 100 million $ annually to destabilize Eritrea and Somalia. Many African nations lack unity, divided by various languages and ethnic groups, Hausa, Afar, etc—this is exploited by the USA, as Belgium did in Congo, the British in Rhodesia/ S Afrika—Rwanda, Burundi (previous to European colonization Tutsis, Hutus intermingled without any antagonism)…also true in Uganda, etc I believe incrementally US influence will decline—but we should not underestimate CIA bribery and funding of many African militaries


Africa in not in the western hemisphere.


Fuck China.


nah the world has arrived at something quite different, viz. fuck israel and jews to hell. and that is what is about to happen, rest assured jew boy.


Have you planted the packet of Chinese seeds that came in the mail yet? Those are to keep you from starving you know.


I don’t order anything from China, I give my money to Amazon.

Concrete Mike

And amazon doesnt use chinese suppliers?

What are you 12?


It’s up to them which supplier to use, I feel better when I order from them and not Ali Express.

Zionism = EVIL

India-China trade is growing by 10% per annum, but by your IP address, you seem to live in Australia, which is totally dependent on China, so everything you buy from Amazon is MADE IN CHINA. Seriously, think hard before you post for effect.

Kenny Jones ™

O vey make bezos a trillionaire


He deserves it :)




DEATH TO ISRAHELL and all Jew p i g s!


Death by whom? not by you anyway, piece of shit.


Come on now!. I think we should help all Jews live long lives and get them to church school to learn about the most powerful Jew that ever lived, Jesus of Nazareth!


This is joke right? You want to teach these Talmudic Jews about Jesus??! If Jesus was back in today’s Israel; they would not only crucify him; but whole his family and Apostles and everybody who has accompanied him together with him. They are 10 times worse than Hebrews, these Talmudic converts.

If you are from US you people are so much brainwashed with Satanic-Zionist approach that is unbelievable. What you do has nothing with teachings of the Christ or New Testament. You are not Christians but the dangerous sect

cechas vodobenikov

it is true that US was created by the only christian sect that permitted usery—Calvinists…2 centuries ago no other did, Muslims, Jews didn’t


Do not worry. I am neiher a Zionist. nor a Murican. Nor a Christian for that matter. And when I watch John Hagee I erupt in laughter.


I don’t effing care who you are..I was only factual and reacting on your comment. Do you think that I ask for personal memoirs so that I ca answer on simple comment? Think again and try better next time.


Huhhh, okay

Daily Beatings

How’s that’s Chinese port in Haifa doing? You take their money of course. Can’t leave those shekels on the table.


I personally don’t get anything from it, and as far as I care we need to kick them outtta there.

Daily Beatings

Your country benefits from this exchange, therefore you benefit. You can’t separate the two.

cechas vodobenikov

Zion is merely expressing his racism—ignore


Oh, poor israeli boy got upset with the 25-year deal between Tehran and Peking. Didn’t see that coming, did ya?


That deal won’t mean anything when the mullahs regime falls down.

Kenny Jones ™

Mad that they can annex Taiwan in 1 week?


Actually they can’t, not even in a month.


Arabs and Arab dictators that hate liberty and love oppressing their people would be happy about China which also hates liberty and oppresses their people.

cechas vodobenikov

amerikans, the most puritanical freedom, justice hating people on earth—I suspect u r an amerikan that has never lived in a civilized nation where people do cherish freedom


You mean civilized nation like Russia?

Daily Beatings

The US and China economy could work hand-in-hand and in the process make a boat load of cash. Instead the US is destroying the global economy in the hope they are hurt the least. It’s pretty pathetic.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The obvious answer if for vls equipped PLAN guided missile destroyers and frigates to form picket lines 13 miles away from U.S. naval infrastructure on Guam and Wake Island.


What is “vls”?

Tommy Jensen

No problem because we have our space command centre with photonic laser weapons. And they cover the whole world including space!

cechas vodobenikov

Mao observed that amerika is a paper tiger—USA loses all wars—China and Korea humiliated USA in the “Korean War—despite that amerikans murdered 4 million Koreans, China and Korea caused the cowardly amerikans to retreat all the way from the Yalu River to the 38th parallel, where they surrendered….today amerikans so fear North Korea they whine and attempt to destroy them w sanctions—easily circumvented by China and Russia

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