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The Poorest President, The African Che Guevara

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The Poorest President, The African Che Guevara

Translated from Russian; Originally appeared in Valerongrach blog

Thomas Sankara, like many African presidents, came into power thanks to a coup in Burkina Faso in 1983. The coup was not organized by him but by his friend Blaise Compaoré, however it was Thomas who was elected president as a charismatic leader. And Thomas, a steadfast marxist, tried transforming Upper Volta into a communist society, the Cuban way.

For starters, the country got renamed from Upper Volta to Burkina Faso in order to get away from the colonial past, and things got going fast. Sankara was a hardcore marxist and thought that a personal example may and should inspire people.

His family and he lived for capitan’s wages (about $450), with the $2000 Presidential salary given to charity. When his story will come to an end, it will turn out that the “poorest president” only had an old Peugeot he had bought before becoming president, four bikes, three guitars and a refrigerator with a broken freezer compartment.

Sankara forbid installing air conditioning in his office as he would “feel bad towards the people who can’t afford such luxury.” The governmental motor pool, which included several Mercedes-Benz automobiles, was sold off  and replaced entirely by the cheapest alternative at the time — the Renault 5. Then Sankara decreased the ministers’ salaries, forbid employing personal drivers, and forbid wearing clothes not made in Burkina Faso. On the New Year eves the ministers were expected to contribute a month’s salary worth to social funds. Sankara even laid off half of the government once and sent them to work on collective farms. The World Bank reported, to its own surprise, that Burkina Faso had no corruption by 1986.

The building of communism in Burkina Faso did not last long. On October 15, 1987 another coup had taken place, organized by the very same Blaise Compaoré who had been best friends with Sankara just a few years back. The president was assassinated, his wife and two children managed to flee the country.

Blaise Compaoré learned from his mistakes, and did not let his charismatic marxist friends become president, electing himself to be the ruler. His first presidential decree was to buy a personal Boeing that he bought for money Sankara gathered for developing the capital’s outskirts. He then cancelled the nationalisation process, and restored the ministers’ pay. Everything went back to the way it had been before, only the new name was kept. Communism in a certain African country did not come to fruition.

Blaise Compaoré proved that he was able to manage power much better than his predecessor, staying in charge of Burkina Faso until 2014, when he was overthrown in a new coup.

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The lesson of Vladimir Putin and the team that he put together, is that economics is critical. They showed the world how to do a turn around and reboot a nation to create a better future. This is applicable to all governments.

I’m hoping that my ET/ED contact work will allow us to do this on a planetary basis.


What’s ED?

On another point, I don’t think that we need space aliens to better our lives. If they exist, how can we be sure they don’t turn out to be like what the empire does to smaller and weaker countries? Manipulating, stealing, killing and so on. The empire always start being nice and ends with genocide.

That’s something we need to do ourselves, starting with educating and waking up the masses.


Extra dimensional, eagles can see things and dogs can hear things that we can’t, they don’t live in the same dimensional construct as humans due to genetic differences. With genetic and technology differences, those types of issues are a factor in contact work.

With a normalization of relations with positive ETs comes technology imports, such as ships, construction, manufacturing, medical, etc.. For longer better lives on a poverty and pollution free planet. Harvesting natural resources from the planet, and the environmental damage that it does can be phased out.

Who’s good and who’s bad is a learning process that comes from experience.

The Sacrament of Baptism as Commanded by the Word in Matthew 28 doesn’t exist except in theory. Repent, the kingdom of God draws close to you. http://www.universalorthodox.org


What does that have to do with my comment?

Your observation that Mankind’s redemption through the return of Alien beings and their imparting enlightenment upon all of Humanity differs from the Holy Gospel. Mankind will achieve Enlightenment through repentance of Evil and Ignorance by received Sacraments as Commanded in the Word. Matthew 28. This is the Second Coming of Jesus the Anointed.


“Your observation that Mankind’s redemption through the return of Alien beings”

Can you copy and paste something that I’ve written and explain what it has to do with Christian redemption?


We’re not going to normalize relations with positive ETs/EDs and get import/export licensing approved for advanced technology, without demonstrating that we’ll use it responsibly and won’t cause problems. I don’t think that that’s going to happen without getting humanity’s Jew problem corrected.

The Jew’s finger prints are all over the 911 and many other crimes on our planet. Including the misuse of advanced sequestered energy technology on 911. I don’t think that positive ETs want to involve themselves with a planet suffering from chronic Jew infestation. Resolving this issue in my opinion is a precondition for transitioning to becoming an ET civilization ourselves in a safe peaceful manner.

If you haven’t read this site and watched this video containing judicial quality evidence of Jew advanced technology crime. I think that you’l find it informative if you do review this material:

911 Israel Did It https://wikispooks.com/wiki/9-11/Israel_did_it



When anyone talks about “the masses” I have thus urge to run the other way. Educating them how? And what superior knowledge do you have, sensei?


Not superior, just knowledge. But alas, you ran the other way so I can’t educate you. :)


I could have had a V-8! :-)


No not economics. Leadership? A good man. Follows the law. Not afraid to confront avarice and evil. Knows how to get things done. Brilliant mind and hard worker. He had to rebuild broken and gutted industries; corrupt and useless government and an economy nearly destroyed by pretend capitalism.


All of what they accomplished was built on a foundation of economic competency rarely attained. And all of the good things that he and they have done, couldn’t have been achieved without first putting the money in place to get it done. It’s a model for other well intentioned people to emulate. China is also a good example. Which shows that both democratic and non democratic political systems can achieve a lot to make life better for people if they’re well run.


Yes, I believe it is easier to talk about Chinese economics as there is a longer track record of extremely good strategic planning. they used an internal model of infrastructure development which, with great foresight and generosity, they are extending to other nations.


Sounded like an upstanding kind of guy, comparing him to Che Guevara would be a mistake. Che is just a sadistic killer marketed as a revolutionary, that even Castro don’t want him around, and kicked him out to Africa.


Are you Ugandan, because “Mzungu” means WHITE man, in Lugandan ?

How do I know- My wife is Ugandan and my son is born there, but because of me, he has 3 Nationalities.

I am Mzungu


Uganda is a very beautiful country and the Ugandese are kind-hardhearted, graceful people. You are blessed!


I know I am


Hahahah, Ugandan citizens may he drunken kind hearted people but they ignore the people in power who rob, steal and defraud them.


That is an American, Western lie! The West needs to keep its liberal imperialism and shamble democracy in its own shores. Let other peoples rule themselves the way they want.


Like Ruanda and Zimbabwe. And Eritrea and Somalia and Saudi Arabia and Mauritania (slavery) and Libya. And the Syrians definitely need to be able to rule themselves.


As do American,Canadians, British, French etc.etc.


Hahha.. Jambo. no, not white, nor African… but light skin(well tanned Asian) enuf that everyone in Kenya and Tanzania called me that too… LOL

jason sixx

Correct, friggin che guevara


It would be great to see how his sincere communism would have worked out in his country. Thomas Sankara was truly one of a kind leader!


The way all such idealistic enterprises go? First generation is fueled with idealistic zeal, 2nd generation ends up with the mess, 3rd generation introduces reforms that turn the cause into ’cause light’. After which it has ceased to be in everything but name?

It’s communism. It just doesn’t work. You can’t change human nature. When it comes to human nature vs. good intention the former always wins and the end result is tragedy. As the experimenters resort to ever increasing repression and force to make it work.


Barbara_Papa, you may be very right and thanks for your excellent comment! I always thought communism is really, really great in theory but then it doesn’t work in practice. Could it be reformed and perfected? How do you see the fact that, with reforms, it is still working in China today?


China abandoned central economic planning in favor of freer markets. So “it” isn’t working in China. Something else is.

What part of communist theory is great? Ideas are not free-floating good things that need not have a grounding in reality. It is a neat idea that I can fly. Terrific actually. But it will never happen. If you think communism embodies fairness and concern for the people who do the “real” work you have only to look at how human nature and the absence of law and democratic control affected the ideal. You know what took place in Cambodia and the Kolyma. Hideous privation and murder. Pretty ideals didn’t feed anybody or lessen the sadism and indifference of prison camp administration.

The Pilgrims tried communal living and almost starved. Individuals didn’t like working harder than others and seeing their efforts go to benefit less industrious people. They gave it up in short order.


You made good points!


Thanks. I was impressed with your polite response to Barba_Papa and thought a substantive response was in order. :-)


Communism is in a constant state of war from its birth. Capitalism cannot coexist with Communism. The greatness of Russia is DUE to communism. You can also say the same for China just by comparing it to India.

Don't read butthurt replies

These people always with the same nonsense of “Communism” doesn’t work, and never do they wonder why then the Capitalist countries like U.S. try to destroy it if it doesn’t work. With that being said, I agree with you.


The policy of the US in the Cold War was containment not destruction of commie regimes. It was in all the papers.


Communists can’t exist with each other. It’s why they slaughter each other by the millions. The Soviet Union was run by a psychopath and secret police organization that ran a vast concentration camp. I know! I know! The capitalists forced them to do it.

China murdered millions too and was a jerkwater country till it abandoned communism. Note the word “abandoned.” And till the US insanely moved more than 25,000 of its factories there.

India stagnated under Ghandian spinning wheel socialism. It seems to be doing well since they abandoned that nonsense but I am not well informed on Indian economic matters since then.


Bullshit, there is not one human nature, it is not that simple. The fact is that humans are social beings, so communism is not that weird for humans. In small groups communism was allways the way people lived together. You have been brainwashed by the sociopathic capitalist system


Who knew that Chief Sitting Bull believed in dialectical materialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat?


Exactly. Unfortunately, the eternal adolescents of this world remember only the first generation. When they hear talk of anything after that the metal gate in their mind slams down, like Matt below.


Pathetic liar, Che Guevara is revered as a saint in Latin America.

Daniel Castro

No, he isn’t.

Some (fools) consider as a saint, others (neocons) a murderer, and others a messianic fool (I’m in this group).

I recognize the historic importance of Che Guevara, but I have much more respect for Fidel Castro because he was never dreaming, he was always down to earth.

Robert Duran

Viva Fidel!!!!.I know bro.I met the man


That’s sweet. You must have wet your pants. Were you part of a 500-strong Marxist youth delegation?


Che was just another commie who got his hands on a little power and got a psychological rush from abusing and murdering innocents. He is an historic figure solely because he was the subject of an iconic picture that appealed to adolescent girls and boys below the age of 50. Famous for being a model.

Daniel Castro

The sad part is I believe he really believed in socialismm, that’s why he was a fool, and he get himself killed.


I think you are too kind. Castro kicked him out of Cuba but I don’t recall why at this point. At any rate he went off to Bolivia, apparently thinking the locals would hear his words and rise up in a revolutionary spasm. He was tracked down in short order and executed. He tried to bargain for his life but got what he himself had dished out while in Cuba. Nine grams as the Soviets used to say.

I’ve not read a detailed account of his life but nothing of what I have read about him indicates he had any decency or kindness in him. Only implacable hostility to people swept up in the Cuban security machine. If I’m wrong please let me know. I hate to deal in caricatures and I will gladly change my opinion if someone has contrary info.

Daniel Castro

He was kicked because he wanted to keep on with the revolution even when the soviets have told him to stop.

Yes, he was ruthless, but of course he was like that because of some raskolnikov complex, just like every revolutionary he thought the end justify the means. Of course he did kill a lot of people, one can’t just deny that, problem is he did that thinking it was for a good cause, which makes him the ultmost fool, the usefull idiot.

If he were not such a fool he would just have submited himself to the soviets and stayed on some communist country ripping the results of his heroic fame, but he went on trying to bring revolution to Bolivia with zero support, Fidel could easily rescue him before the americans could get there, but this would upset the soviets and hurt the Cuban people, so he let Che meet his so desired martyrdom for the revolution.


Thank you.


By morons.


There are nut jobs that worship Jim Jones, Chales Manson too.

Ernesto Che Guevara: “I am not Christ or a philanthropist. I am the complete opposite of Christ. I fight for the things I believe in with all the weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other dead.”

That man operates a prison and killed all his enemies including homosexuals who he considered to be “maricones”(faggots).

Here is what he thinks of a free press… “We must eliminate all newspapers; we cannot make a revolution with free press. Newspapers are instruments of the oligarchy.”- Ernesto Che Guevara

Go worship at your own risk


There are nut jobs that worship Jim Jones, Chales Manson too.

Ernesto Che Guevara: “I am not Christ or a philanthropist. I am the complete opposite of Christ. I fight for the things I believe in with all the weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other dead.”

Don't read butthurt replies

MzUnGu take your bs nonsense propaganda lies out of here and go back to whatever hole you came from. Sound like a damn brainwashed yank. Wouldn’t be surprised if you happen to be one. Long live Che. People like you are a cancer to the brain and a walking abortion.


You give new meaning to the word “delusional.”


There are nut jobs that worship Jim Jones, Chales Manson too.

Ernesto Che Guevara: “I am not Christ or a philanthropist. I am the complete opposite of Christ. I fight for the things I believe in with all the weapons at my disposal and try to leave the other dead.”

That man operates a prison and killed all his enemies including homosexuals who he considered to be “maricones”(faggots).

Here is what he thinks of a free press… “We must eliminate all newspapers; we cannot make a revolution with free press. Newspapers are instruments of the oligarchy.”- Ernesto Che Guevara

Go worship at your own risk


One can bet that the Coup(s) was/were instigated and paid for by either ( /and ) Washington, London , Paris ALL controlled by Tel Aviv


France 100 percent!


I’m inclined to agree as I have spent a lot of time in Cote ‘Ivoire in 2006-2007, during which I predicted the “revolution” based on the number of French troops I saw there.

THAT told me something was coming and it did of course…manufactured revolution in 2009 to put in a “useful Idiot” to do France’s bidding

A very good friend of mine, a French citizen, doing business in “Cote” “disappeared”

The only proof/trace which remained to prove she existed was her passport.

To this day my whole body tenses when I think of what MAY have happened to her and YES I wrote the French Consulates, in “Cote” and France, 2 years ago about her, with no reply

They couldn’t care less


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Lord Humongous

Sure, because Communism has worked out so well…

Don't read butthurt replies

Yeah, because if it didn’t or wouldn’t then the damn Capitalist yanks or Zionist pigs wouldn’t try to destroy it.

Lord Humongous

OK. Whatev…


Imagine trump doing same for his people. LOL


Unusual for Africa. Recently a Nigerian president was buried in a solid gold tomb while his people live in poverty. But it has happened before that African presidents live poor lives. However they are not respected and overthrown by corrupt thieves who place some one who takes no dissent. Africa is used to that, perhaps like many countries who would prefer not to compare us to them


Sounds like Jose Mujica


Jan Christian Smuts on imposing european forms of government on africans: http://faithandheritage.com/2017/12/jan-smuts-on-the-racial-policy-of-the-union-of-south-africa/

In short: “If the bonds of native tribal cohesion and authority are dissolved, the African governments will everywhere sit with vast hordes of detribalised natives on their hands, for whom the traditional restraints and the discipline of the chiefs and the elders will have no force or effect. … Such a situation would be unprecedented in the history of the world and the results may well be general chaos.”

In the 1920’s this man predicted today’s Africa. Yet we cannot discuss these subjects today without being shunned by the academia.

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