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MARCH 2025

Poroshenko Regime Is Provoking Conflict With Russia In Waters Off Crimea (Photos, Video, Map)

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The regime of Ukrainian oligarch-president Petro Poroshenko is attempting to provoke an armed conflict with Moscow in waters off the Russian Republic of Crimea.

Early on November 25, the small armoured gunboats Nikopol and Berdyansk as well as the estuary tug Yani Kapu of the Ukrainian Navy entered Russia’s territorial waters in the Black Sea. The warships were moving towards the Kerch Strait. According to the Ukrainian Navy, the warships’ goal is to reach the Ukrainian port of Mariupol in the Sea of Azov.

Furthermore, the Ukrainian side has not sent a request to the Russian side over its moves in the Kerch Strait where the traffic is regulated under a schedule approved by the captain of the Russian sea port. The Ukrainian vessels “are carrying out dangerous maneuvers and are disobeying the Russian authorities’ demands,” according to the Federal Security Service’s Border Service in Crimea.

The Ukrainian warships were intercepted by several Sobol-class patrol boats, the coast guard ship Don, Mangust-class patrol boats, and the corvette Suzdalets. The estuary tug Yani Kapu was even rammed by the Russian warship.

The biggest Russian warship, involved in tthe operation is the Svetlyak-class PSKR-927. It’s armed with the AK-176M 76.2 mm naval gun and other weapons.

Poroshenko Regime Is Provoking Conflict With Russia In Waters Off Crimea (Photos, Video, Map)

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Poroshenko Regime Is Provoking Conflict With Russia In Waters Off Crimea (Photos, Video, Map)

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Poroshenko Regime Is Provoking Conflict With Russia In Waters Off Crimea (Photos, Video, Map)

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The Russian side also closed the traffic under the Kerch bridge.

Poroshenko Regime Is Provoking Conflict With Russia In Waters Off Crimea (Photos, Video, Map)

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Fueling the tensions further, the Ukrainian Navy sent Gurza-class small armored artillery boats towards the area where the aforementioned three Ukrainian warships were intercepted. However, they did not enter Russian territorial waters.

A group of Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters were deployed near the Kerch Strait.

The Poroshenko regime is intentinally fueling tensions in the region provoking Russian coastal guard and naval forces. According to local experts and political figures, Poroshenko seeks to use the possible escalation in order to gain an upper hand in the upcoming Ukrainian presidential election in 2018. His regime is currently facing a fully-fledged political crisis while the Ukrainian state is about to face a full economic collapse. The war or an emergency state is the only real option for Poroshenko to guarantee his power.

Some Russian politicians even compared Poroshenko’s actions with actions of the Saakashvili regime in Georgia ahead of the 2008 war in South Ossetia. Then, Georgian troops were also fueling the situation in the region by various provocations.

Another point of tensions is the region of Donbass eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian Armed Forces continue to shell positions of forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) despite the formal ceasefire regime established in the area.

Poroshenko Regime Is Provoking Conflict With Russia In Waters Off Crimea (Photos, Video, Map)

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AM Hants

Shame Russia did not jam their systems, leaving them as sitting ducks.

How long before Ukraine destroys her three new toys from the US? Not forgetting ‘dim wit’ Williamson has sent one of the UK relics, to Ukraine, with 30 marines on board. Wonder what they are planning, before Porkie hands over his Ukrainian assets to Dmitry Firtash, Pence and Biden, before being kicked out of Ukraine, in March 2019. Would they really be so stupid to vote for Tymoshenko, not learning anything, since 2014?

True Lies: Poroshenko Sells His Business to Dmitry Firtash, the “Party of Regions”, and Vice Presidents of the United States… http://www.stalkerzone.org/category/analysis/

Wolfgang Wolf

ukrainian floating scrap has nothing to be jammed… old analog systems)))

Vasi Oancea

rammed, not jammed

VeeNarian (Yerevan)

The Fatso is itching for a fight so he can scream for help from his new US Masters. RF should not disappoint him, and let’s see how many of the US yellow-bellies are ready to die for Neo-Nazis.


As long as Goys are killing Goys (((Poroshenko))) and his tribe are happy. This is why (((He))) is acting so reckless.


Who else can Gentiles fight? Jews invariably run from actual fighting.


The Americans won’t fight, they pay others to fight for them.


Until Russia responds with force, it will remain subject to escalating provocations until eventually Russia has no choice but to respond forcefully. Seems best to lay down the law now so that everyone knows the real limits and the provocations are put on hold. The Russians should remember what happened in Kiev because of a non-forceful response by the Berkut against the coup participants. Now they’re starting their cr*p near Crimea. When will Russia respond? Will it be when these Ukrainian ships are added to and fire salvos of missiles at the Crimean bridge?


3 small Ukrainian boats got close to russian waters Russian Media: OMG THE UKRAINIANS ARE PREPARING TO ATTACK US WORLD WAR III IS HERE!!! When i heard the news at first i thought the Ukrainians have send an Armada till i saw the pics of puny fishing boat looking rafts ?…


It is all over us and uk media, understandable for RU media as it relates to domestic affairs.


They were not “close to”, they were inside russian ter. waters. And they are military ships (some of them at least), puny or not puny… One tiny Al-Qaeda boat almost sunk USS Cole. Media reaction? Imagine british hysteria if russian ships entered british waters…


The Ukrainian boats were ARMED/ARMORED. They ENTERED Russian waters – which is a crime, in case you are operating under the delusion that the Zionist States of Amerika is “above the law”.

Carol Davidek-Waller

That is the purpose of the expensive Ukraine coup and why the neocon Zionist are willing to pick up tab for a failed state. Too provoke and weaken Russia. How is that workimg?




NATO’s Criminal Gangsters, aka FUKUS, led by the well known cut-throat Uncle Sammi Empiriumyanki always looking for an opportunity to engage a low-brow thug to get a war up and running. And, by the way it is OK for our Prince to butcher a Journo. However, we told the fuckin moron to use novochock and we could have blamed the Russians. But No. The cretin had to do it his way…………….


Furthermore, the Ukrainian side has not sent a request to the Russian side over its moves in the Kerch Strait where the traffic is regulated under a schedule approved by the captain of the Russian sea port……….The Poroshenko regime is intentinally fueling tensions in the region provoking Russian coastal guard and naval forces. According to local experts and political figures, Poroshenko seeks to use the possible escalation in order to gain an upper hand in the upcoming Ukrainian presidential election in 2018. His regime is currently facing a fully-fledged political crisis while the Ukrainian state is about to face a full economic collapse. The war or an emergency state is the only real option for Poroshenko to guarantee his power. Some Russian politicians even compared Poroshenko’s actions with actions of the Saakashvili regime in Georgia ahead of the 2008 war in South Ossetia. Then, Georgian troops were also fueling the situation in the region by various provocations.

So who has really fueled tensions? Crimea is illegally (under international law) back in the hands of Russia after Russia illegally invaded and forced an illegal referendum at the point of a gun. The Russians broke several agreements including the Budapest Memorandum (but Ukraine should honor a “schedule” with Russia?). Additionally, Russia invaded Eastern Ukraine to counter a Ukraine offensive (to retake Ukrainian land from separatists) and currently conducts the war from Moscow using Russian mercenaries and Russian military equipment in support of Ukrainian separatists. The entire war being conducted against Ukraine is a provocation by the Russian government to protect her geopolitical interests – albeit illegally. There is no comparison to Saakashvili and Georgia.

The punishment being doled out to Ukraine is simply an effort by Russia to reclaim her “near abroad” outlined clearly in the 2008 Medvedev Doctrine written during the pseudo Medvedev Presidency:

Fourth, protecting the lives and dignity of our citizens, wherever they may be, is an unquestionable priority for our country. Our foreign policy decisions will be based on this need. We will also protect the interests of our business community abroad. It should be clear to all that we will respond to any aggressive acts committed against us.

Fifth, as is the case of other countries, there are regions in which Russia has privileged interests. These regions are home to countries with which we share special historical relations and are bound together as friends and good neighbors. We will pay particular attention to our work in these regions and build friendly ties with these countries, our close neighbors

There is no such thing in international law as a “sphere of influence”. A sphere of influence does not apply to the US in South and Central America and it does not apply to Russia’s near abroad.

Kelli Hernandez

What a bunch of BULLSHIT .R Russia did not do the referendum at gunpoint in Crimea for which 95% of the population voted for, not wanting Kiev Western backed neonazis on its doorstep . Unfortunately, Donbass and Lugansk were not so fortunate. Having rejected the neonazi illegal coup instigated by Obama, Nuland & McCain, and it’s subsequent illegitimate government, it has been subjected to constant shilling by neonazi bumbling idiots from Ukrsine, and in which Russian separatists were trying to stop armed by Russia to help the people of that region. Also Russia provides clothes and food to the Donbass region. Poroshenko is a ZIONIST JEW, placed in Ukraine specifically to provoke Russia and while doing so has turned the lives of Ukrainians upside down but that’s what you get when you allow yourself to be s vassal of Western backed coup. This is all about the Zionist regime pissed off that Russia put a stop to the Yinon plan. And that Russia also established a no fly zone in Syria rendering the Zionist state impotent and unable to carry out bombing Syria at will lest ZIONIST lose one of their failed boondoggle US jet F-35. Russia should never submit to the Talmudic evil that is Israel and the US, Saudi UK alliance. Ever. Soon, Russia will lose its patience.


Most of your response is simply regurgitated Russian propaganda.

“…….Russia did not do the referendum at gunpoint in Crimea………”

I could have said that better. The Russians forced the adoption of a resolution at gunpoint i.e., Russia forced the deputies of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea to adopt a resolution (Nemtsov, “Putin War”):

As for how “voluntary” the return [of Crimea] was, Igor Girkin, the former Defense Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, recounted on January 22, 2015, on the program “Polit-Ring,” broadcast by the online channel Neyromir-TV.

By his own account, Girkin arrived in Crimea on February 21, 2014. “I did not see any support from organizers of state power in Simferopol, where I was located. The militia gathered the deputies [of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea], I don’t know how else to say it. It was to force them into the building, so they would adopt it (a decision on conducting the referendum on the entrance of Crimea to the Russian Federation).” We 23 note that the events described by Girkin (Strelkov) took place on February 27, 2014, immediately after a number of strategic objectives had been taken over by Russian Special Forces on the night of February 26- 27, including the parliament building, where, at gunpoint, with no media present and without the video broadcast of sessions as specified by law, the deputies supposedly voted to hold a referendum.


What about the 96.77% who voted to rejoin Russia – however the referendum came about their wishes are very clear



Do you understand i-l-l-e-g-a-l? I know this many seem hard to believe, but you can’t just annex part of another country. Comprende?

Promitheas Apollonious

Is it true that been a single cell, makes breathing difficult?


“Do you understand i-l-l-e-g-a-l? I know this many seem hard to believe, but you can’t just annex part of another country. Comprende?”

This much is true: the acquisition of territory by war is illegal.

But that is not the case here. Russia did not (re)acquire Crimea by war, or even by the threat of war.

There was a coup in the Ukraine (itself an illegal act) and as a result the people who make up Crimea decided to break away from Ukraine.

So sorry, but if you are willing to accept that initial violent coup as a legitimate act of self-determination then you should also be willing to accept the decision by the population of Crimea to want no part of that regime change.

One begat the other, after all.

And split away it did, and only after having done so they voted overwhelmingly to join the Russian Federation.

Which all rather destroys your l-e-g-a-l argument, because it means that the Russian Federation didn’t “annex part of another country”.

It annexed a people who were stateless, and who wanted to be part of the Russian state, and that is perfectly l-e-g-a-l.

You could argue – if you are so inclined – against the legality of such a unilateral vote by arguing that the Crimeans can’t legally decide to leave the Ukraine in the first place.

You could argue that, but that runs into a messy legal problem: how did Crimea end up in the Ukraine in the first place?

Did anybody ask the Russian Republic (a constituent part of the USSR, but nonetheless a republic in its own right) if it agreed to having some of its territory carved off and handed to Ukraine?

Because I believe that the answer is “No. No, they didn’t”. Legality. Man, ain’t it a can o’ worms.


“……..But that is not the case here. Russia did not (re)acquire Crimea by war, or even by the threat of war……”

If you believe that an invasion by the Russian military into a sovereign nation is not an act of war, then no such thing exist in nature. But, in reality, Russia invaded illegally and forced a referendum at the point of a gun – and illegally annexed a part of Ukraine recognized by Russia as Ukrainian sovereign territory (Budapest Memorandum).

There indeed was a coup, but this was a legitimate uprising by ethnic Ukrainians after Yanukovych caved under pressure from Vladimir Putin to reject the economic package offered by the EU. That is what started the protests. The protests became violent on November 30, 2013 when the Berkut police violently cracked down on demonstrators. This caused the protests to swell to hundreds of thousands of people. So the Maidan Revolution was a legitimate protest in which the Yanukovych government and Russian intelligence failed to understand the underlying reasons – part economic, part history – which led to a coup.

Typically, Russian propaganda responds to the events by saying this was a neo-Nazi-US coup (because of Victoria Nuland), but the coup really started because of Russian domination over Ukraine for at least the past 100 years (including the Holodomor). Just the domination of Russia over Soviet block countries has caused repercussions (joining EU and NATO) in the same way as South and Central American countries have responded to US domination during the cold war.



“There indeed was a coup, but this was a legitimate uprising” No it wasn’t. It wasn’t legitimate and certainly it wasn’t legal. I-l-l-e-g-a-l. Try your “legitimate” coup in Washington DC, go ahead and attack police – you’ll be shot dead in 2 sec.

It was EU that tried to force Yanukovich to choose between Russia and EU, and then a few thousands organized criminals, thugs, bandits, hooligans, and especially neonazi psychos and fanatics from Right Sector and Svoboda started an armed rebellion: barricades, sledgehammers, machetes, molotovs, even guns, they burned Kiev, attacked police and government buildings, “revolutionary” terror /plain terrorism/ that western lying media presented as some ‘democratic movement’. Bunch of psychos and degenerates no different from ISIS. Fully supported by Obama, Nuland, McCain… These psychos now own Ukraine, they destroyed every opposition but their own criminal factions, they are trained and armed by NATO, used as a cheap cannon fodder in american undeclared war against Russia. They are not even vassals, they are slaves. Pity that Yanukovich was such a coward.

-“RT, russian propaganda, blah, blah…”

The truth.

https://theredphoenix.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/1453385_563265287074825_1492756770_n.jpg?w=700&h=465 http://www.internationalist.org/kievmccainetyahnibok131215.jpg https://razm.info/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/Ukraine-Protest_Horo-2-e1392750469462.jpg


https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/zloy_israelit/69798362/2216/2216_original.jpg https://libcom.org/news/neo-nazis-far-right-protesters-ukraine-23012014 https://www.veteranstoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/140124_FOR_Ukraine-04.jpg.CROP_.original-original.jpg https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/zloy_israelit/69798362/4905/4905_original.jpg http://www.internationalist.org/kievpravysektorfascist140221.jpg https://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1359156/slingshot.jpg?w=1000&e=602012fb949a8f60adf1f90300aefa26 https://ic.pics.livejournal.com/zloy_israelit/69798362/5126/5126_original.jpg


“If you believe that an invasion by the Russian military into a sovereign nation is not an act of war, then no such thing exist in nature”

Again, I am impressed by your ability to construct a straw man.

I certainly agree that an invasion of the territory of one nation by the army of another nation is an act of war. It is, by any definition, an “armed conflict”.

But there was no Russian military invasion of Crimea. None.

There were Russian military forces in Crimea, sure, but they were there because of an existing agreement.

The Ukrainian forces were unwilling to take on those Russian forces, sure, for the obvious reason that shooting at Russian soldiers is most unwise, no question.

But that’s not an “invasion”, Tom. That’s not an “armed conflict”.

“There indeed was a coup, but this was a legitimate uprising by ethnic Ukrainians after Yanukovych caved under pressure from Vladimir Putin to reject the economic package offered by the EU”

So we are in agreement, you and I, that a popular uprising against a central government is “legitimate”.

In which case I will point out – yet again – that this must mean that the decision by the Crimeans to “uprise” against the coup-regime was perfectly legitimate, as must be their subsequent decision (wise indeed, as it turns out) to give up any ideas of standing on their own and to seek instead union with the Russian Federation.

You can not claim that the former is legitimate and the latter illegitimate unless you wish to claim that “ethnic Ukrainians” possess rights that the “Crimeans” do not.



Yes, it was an invasion by Russian military and special forces. Putin acknowledged the invasion and personally oversaw the operations. In “Putin. War” written by the murdered dissident, Boris Nemtsov, he quotes Putin from the documentary on securing Crimea:

In order to blockade and disarm 20,000 people who are well armed, you need a certain kind of force, not just in quantity but in quality. Specialists were needed who knew how to do this. Therefore, I gave the orders and instructions to the Ministry of Defense, why hide it, under the guise of protection of our military facilities in Crimea, to deploy a special division of the Main Intelligence [Directorate] (the GRU) together with naval infantry forces and paratroopers

Of course, Putin admitted this for home consumption. And it wasn’t ethnic Russians that rose up against the coup, it was Russian special forces that secured Crimea – “gathered the deputies [of the Supreme Soviet of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea]” and forced them to adopt a referendum on “entrance to the Russian Federation”. They didn’t do it becase they cared one iota about self-determination for ethnic Russians, but to secure the peninsula for their military facility, secure (control) the Kersh Strait and the oil and gas off the coast of Crimea.

There is no comparison to the Maidan Revolution. Zero.



I do want to make sure I understand your argument, Tom.

You are claiming via 3rd hand hearsay that an entire DIVISION of GRU ground forces – plus Naval infantry plus paratroopers – were transported from Russia to Sebastopol and nobody saw that happen?

NATO didn’t see it. The CIA didn’t detect it. No USAF plane spotted it.

Nobody saw a thing, even though we are talking an entire DIVISION of troops that had to be either airlifted in or transported by boat since, obviously, they can’t walk there and they can’t swim there.

And you really believe that it is credible that an entire DIVISION can be moved in that manner and not be spotted, even though every intelligence agency on Planet Earth was pointing everything they had at Ukraine? Really?

“There is no comparison to the Maidan Revolution. Zero.” Oh, don’t worry, on that score we both agree.


All of your response is copy/paste russophobic anglo-propaganda and utter crap (along with Nemetsov – a paid liar and a traitor). Int.law? Like NATO/US supporting armed nazi rebellion in Kiev? The US don’t give a flying fook about int.law, they are illegally in Syria, they illegally attacked Iraq, illegally recognized Kosovo, illegally abducted foreign citizens, illegally killed people worldwide (they still do). As George W. Bush once said: “International law? I better call my lawyer; he didn’t bring that up to me.” btw if ukrainians have the right to choose their own destiny who the fuck are you dumb asshole to force russian people from Crimea (and Donetsk!) to live under Maidans nazi bandit regime?


“…….Like NATO/US supporting armed nazi rebellion in Kiev?……….who the fuuuck are you dumb asshole to force russian people from Crimea (and Donetsk!) to live under Maidans nazi bandit regime…….”

Classic RT (Russian) propaganda. Sometime when we have more time, I will explain what really happened, OK?


Classic, russophobic, indoctrinated zombie who can’t handle the truth – that’s you. Nothing to explain there. Keep repeating CNN/MSM/StateDept lies and mantras about ‘eeeeevil russian influence’. But the evil empire is not in Moscow; it’s in Washington DC…. and you serve them.


I don’t believe Russia is evil – just a bunch of liars (MH17, Skripals, Montenegro coup, interference in the US election, Red Crescent Aid Convoy, invasions of Crimea and Eastern Ukraine). My favorite was the state-owned journalists at RT interviewing a couple of innocent “civilians ” about their “vacation” to Britain. Bunch of liars.



“My favorite was the state-owned journalists”…


What, like slavery?


Like they are mouth pieces for the Russian government – and on the government payroll.


“Like they are mouth pieces for the Russian government – and on the government payroll.”

You can not be so naïve as to believe that this is any different to the Western mainstream media journalism.


In fact I do. Here is a classic example of the state-owned journalists at RT and Channel One doing the work for the state (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/sep/06/alexander-litvinenko-alex-goldfarb-sues-russian-tv-channels-for-libels?CMP=share_btn_tw):

“…….A close friend of Alexander Litvinenko sued two Russian state television channels on Thursday for airing false claims that he was behind the late dissident’s murder.

Alex Goldfarb said he was the victim of “malicious defamation” in broadcasts shown on RT and Channel One earlier this year that blamed him for the fatal 2006 poisoning of Litvinenko in London.

In a complaint filed to federal court in Manhattan, Goldfarb accused both channels of libel and intentional infliction of emotional distress. He requested unspecified damages……”

It is not a secret that the Russian government was behind the murder of Litvinenko and the attempted murder of the Skripals. Reporters Without Borders in their most recent report indicate that 34+ journalists have been killed doing their job during the Puitn Rein of power. How many do you suppose worked for RT or Channel One?


Tom, I am once again in awe of your ability to argue against your own straw men.

I didn’t quibble with the idea that “state-owned journalists” are partisan commentators. I am certain that they are.

But what I pointed out is that you appear to believe that this is a uniquely Russian phenomenon.

Here, I’ll repeat it again: “You can not be so naïve as to believe that this is any different to the Western mainstream media journalism.”

“It is not a secret that the Russian government was behind the murder of Litvinenko and the attempted murder of the Skripals.”

Those do both appear to be common-hearsay, yes, though I happen to find the “evidence” behind both accusations to be very thin indeed.

And I don’t know why I have to point out (but, apparently, I do) that neither Litvinenko nor Skripal were journalists, which makes their inclusion in your paragraph something of a non-sequitur.

“Reporters Without Borders in their most recent report indicate that 34+ journalists have been killed doing their job during the Puitn Rein of power.”

You mean Putin’s election, I take it?

I don’t much doubt that 34+ journalists have been killed during that period. That period does, of course, cover a nasty war in Chechnya and it also covers a period of rampant corruption and spectacularly thuggish oligarchy. All of which can be particularly hazardous to an investigative journalist’s health.

Looking into local corruption can be just as fatal as poking your nose in any other source of corruption, but it is mighty hard to lay the blame for local corruption or the corrosive effect of oligarchy at Vlad Putin’s feet. He did not create either, and both will exist long after his Presidency.


“………And I don’t know why I have to point out (but, apparently, I do) that neither Litvinenko nor Skripal were journalists, which makes their inclusion in your paragraph something of a non-sequitur…….”

Nope. I showed that the state-owned journalists at RT were heavily biased in obvious cases of murder by the Russian government. That is not hard to believe considering they are state-funded and state-run. That is why they were included. So it was not a non sequitor.

You can look for all kinds of excuses for the killing of journalists in Russia. Reporters Without Borders ranks them at 148. That hardly is a reflection of the Chechen war.

Putin is a part of the corruption so i feel comfortable laying the problem at his feet. Certainly some killing was due to exposing corruption (like Magnitsky although he is not a journalist), but some is political like Boris Nemtsov – or the three journalist murdered in CAR (and one poisoned investigating the murders), or the six journalist killed that worked for Novaya Gazeta.



“I showed that the state-owned journalists at RT were heavily biased in obvious cases of murder by the Russian government.”

Again with the straw man. I’m actually over here, Tom.

And, once more, yet again, I am not arguing that Russian journalists are unbiased.

I am sure that they are very biased indeed, which is an observation that I am making for, what, the 3rd time now.

And, once again, I will repeat the statement that you appear determined to ignore: “You can not be so naïve as to believe that this is any different to the Western mainstream media journalism.”


And my favorite is “Montenegro coup”: Milo Djukanovic, a dictator and crime lord staged laughable “coup” in order to arrest his opponents and steal the election (again); antirussian hysteria is popular in America, so now he can freely terrorize opposition and rule forever (*as long as he serve his NATO masters and albanian mafia). I doubt you even know where Montenegro is, you trust CIA/Belingcrap lies and fabrications obediently repeated by mainstream media. They are not owned by the government, they are owned by dirty corporations and tycoons like Murdoch, Turner, Bezos, Soros, Zuckerberg and other scum. They are even worse than the government. Voice of America (*US government propaganda) is at least more professional and civilized than CNN or Fox. Famous Pulitzer for example, was a bloodthirsty, warmongering liar. They all are.


Hasbarat, peddle your BS elsewhere.


Like where? Meduza? Moscow Times? Novaya Gazeta?


Breitbart, Jerusalem Post, The Guardian. Those are the venues for Jew trolls.


Shouldn’t that be (((Breitbart))), (((Jerusalem Post))), (((The Guardian)))?

Neo Onh

Just liberate Novorossiya and Malorossiya and get it over with!!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b85fa2632d891abc946ab8a5a46d093ba85388a518f2cfb6e1508dde49bef970.jpg tug boats are built like bulldozers…….


At any moment Russia chooses, they could take over Ukraine in 2 days! Not my words, US army Generals words in 2015! 2 fucking days!!!!

Dušan Mirić

I grow up in Otočac, a small town in Croatia, and when the clashes broke up among “Serbian” and “Croatian” forces in 1991 I attempted to hide in my grandpa’s house in Plitvice National Park woods… Two years later I met a man from a village from vicinity of my hometown where he told me that all villagers were supplied with arms but refused to fight their Croat neighbors. Then cam a mob of bullies, start shooting on Croatian police… “They all just leave the village!” said the man. I supported their action and almost started a fight. Those ships… those boats Ukraine send is a kind of bulling just to ignite larger fire. Some Serbian analysts says it is coordinated with CW attacks in Alep and tensions in Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija occupied by NATO. I hope they’re wrong.


It’s time to crack North Stream in response

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