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Poroshenko’s Kerch Strait Adventure Goes Wrong

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Poroshenko's Kerch Strait Adventure Goes Wrong

On November 28, the martial law entered into force in 10 regions of Ukraine bordering Russia, Belarus and the breakaway republic of Trans-Dniester. It will last till December 26. Then, it should be lifted or prolonged.

According to local sources, the move caused a panic among local population of the regions inflicted by the decision.

France and Germany do not support the introduction of new sanctions against Russia in the wake of the November 25 incident in the Black Sea, according to Die Welt.

On November 28, Die Welt reported citing sources in the EU’s diplomatic circles that German and French representatives had standed against any anti-Russian sanctions over the incident at a private meeting of the Political and Security Committee (PSC) in Brussels on November 27. Instead, France and Germany are going to continue their diplomatic efforts over the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.

Translating from diplomatic language to common English, this means that Petro Poroshenko’s adventure to stage a military provocation near the Kerch Strait appeared to be total failure. Ukrainian ships were not able to pass the strait violating the establsihed rules. Russian coastal guards stopped and arrested the ships. The martial law was imposed only in 10 Ukrainian regions and Poroshenko is still facing a “threat” of the presidential election on March 31, 2019.

The NATO and the US also limited its support to the Poroshenko regime by formal moves.

Despite this, Porshenko continues its attempts to escalate the situation further and to achieve his two main goals:

  • to gain additional support among the local population by fueling the war hysteria and to delay the presidential election if it’s possible;
  • to gain additional support from Western states (money, weapons, diplomatic assistance) and to show the Ukrainian “strength” on the international stage by triggering new anti-Russian sanctions.

Giving an interview to Ukrainian media, Poroshenko claimed that the Russian “attack” on Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait “is only the beginning” of something bigger. The President further claimed that “intelligence” shows that Russia is preparing for a possible invasion in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the Russian side is strengthening the coastal and aerial security of the Republic of Crimea. On November 28, the Russian military announced that it is deploying a new division set of S-400 Triumph air defense system in Crimea. On November 27, Bal coastal missile systems were sent to the area near the Kerch Strait.

At the same time, Crimean courts have imposed two-month pre-trial detentions on all 24 Ukrainian servicemen detained as a result of the November 25 incident. If the situation develops in this direction, the only results gained by Poroshenko regime will be the further pressure on Ukrainian forces operating in the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov and the furher fall of support of the current president ahead of the 2018 election in Ukraine.

The economic successes of the current Ukrainian government is also under question. Ukraine’s national Commission on questions of regulation of energy and utilities (NKREKU) is going to halve tariffs for services of gas transportation to the entry points and exit points.

If the decision is employed, the tariffs for gas transportation services for all cross-border entry points in the gas transportation system will be reduced in 2.1 times – from $12,47 to $6,04 per 1 thousand cubic meters per day (excluding VAT). The importance of the Ukrainian gas transportation system is decreasing with the nearing launch of Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project.

So, Ukraine is attempting to keep the share of the gas transportation to Europe through halving the transit cost. On the other hand, this is turning the gas transportation system into a less profitable project. Some experts even specualted that the Porshenko government is just assisting the US effort to deter the Nord Stream 2 project and to boost its influence in the EU energy market. One of the most interesting speculations says that if Nord Stream 2 is aborted, Washington will just take control of Ukraine’s gas transit system under some pretext and will start dominating in the European energy sector.


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Dmitry Lunyov

The US does not need Ukrainian transit at all, their task is to disrupt the Nord stream 2, the Turkish stream, and then let the Ukrainian pipe fall apart to completely cut off Europe from Russian gas. And then we will see the economic end of Europe, because it will have to buy expensive American gas, which reduces the competitiveness of European goods + puts them in a dependent position on the United States. Most likely, the next step will be the full occupation of Europe and its transformation into one large military base, with the deployment of nuclear missiles there (the US is almost out of the INF TREATY)


Theres no stopping Nord Stream 2 now the Germans have too much invested in it. US LNG capacity cant meet all of EU energy needs, theres just not enough tankers & infrastructure.

Promitheas Apollonious

beside been x2 in price and that is only the beginning.

Brother Ma

The yankees could ship the greek mediterannean gas to Alexandroupolis and from there to the Eu which may cheapen the price. Also yankee bases are going into alexandroupolis to stop the Russians.

Promitheas Apollonious

Stop the russians ……. they been trying to do that since the 90s and look where it got them.

Dmitry Lunyov

If there is political will, in 2-3 years they will be able to build enough plants, besides do not forget that there is Qatar and it also sells LNG. And about tankers, for the Yamal LNG project , the Koreans have already made a lot of tankers, and even ice class. So nothing will prevent them from building more for the US

Promitheas Apollonious

you forgetting something, about gas and americans. Almost all the drilling going on right now in Mediterranean it is american interest both in cyprus and greece. So they dont plan to supply europe LNG. You should check this then think again.

Dmitry Lunyov

Believe me, if the russian volume of gas leaves the European market, there will be a huge deficit and no European producers will produce so much gas. And once again, we take the situation not this year, but the next five years, when the US will complete its LNG plants. And again, do not forget that there is Qatar , which is America’s vassal and will calmly cover the european deficit

Promitheas Apollonious

i understand numbers my friend and common sense. As I said maybe you should search what I said.


America has proven to be an unreliable partner to any nation though. The US leadership has, for decades, had the morals of drug pushers.

Anyway, only a few weeks ago Russian liquified gas was being transshipped to ships flagged to US allies due to a shortage of gas in the US. :)


And Golan, along with the Big gas find off Palestine which the IsraHellis are also planning to Rob. The Rothchilds, the Murdochs and Afek

You can call me Al

You missed the Golan heights. If Syria were wise, they would have drilling rigs within there current border and drill horizontally into the Golan heights.

FYI – https://unelettrepasrecue.com/2017/01/06/lebanon-ready-to-join-east-mediterranean-race-for-oil-and-gas-enfr/

Wolfgang Wolf

is primarily a matter of pricing.. nobody of the big industry league in Europe will buy LNG for 2x the price of pipeline gas…

Brother Ma

They will do whatever America tells them to do ,including buy gas at twice the price. No eu gov is strong or brave enough to go against the Yankees regardless of the strength of its citizens. I wish it was not so.

You can call me Al

not really, but I see where you are going with this:


Brother Ma

Touche. Americunt ‘s End game!


There is nothing yet to compete Russian pipe gas.

Promitheas Apollonious

Yet no soon there will be.

S Melanson

Is it not said that all pipelines lead to Rome

Promitheas Apollonious

something like this yes.




I disagree :)

If the gas’s emanating from the mouths and rectums of American blowhards was captured the US could supply all the world with gas for as long as the current insanity lasts in the USA.

John Whitehot



Thank you sir :)

S Melanson

The problem is for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If they all blow gas simultaneously, our sun goes supernova.


‘Supernova’ sounds a bit Russian to me and on that basis alone , it will be Putins fault :)

You can call me Al

Maybe that is the cause of global warming ?.


That was funny lol


Thanks :)

S Melanson

More evidence of the emerging multipolar world. Porkoshenko is still the same oligarch of Wonkavaters. I am surprised he has time to tend to hatching James Bond like escapades when he has only a few months to finish looting what’s left in Ukraine of any value – then his one way ticket to Las Vegas as a stand up comedian.


Think Porkos is going to Vegas to play Russian Roulette with the Clown Prince…. Lol

Zionism = EVIL

Seriously, Ukraine is a joke with almost 25% of more its population Russian and even the so-called Ukis are not interested in Porky’s arsekissing the Americunts and Zionist parasites. The US cowards and their NATO trannies will do nothing if the Russian bear tears Porky a new arsehole. The Ukrainian military can be whupped by Russia pioneer youth, let alone the Red Army. Russia can turn Ukraine into Chicken Kiev in about 8 hours at T-90’s top speed from Don Bas Russian region.

Brother Ma

Funny how we have not heard Bibi barking lately. Has he gone to ground? No loudmouthed ugly Zionists around?

Zionism = EVIL

Bibi is shit scared as Hamas Fajr 1 brought down a whole Zionist rats housing block in Ashkelon in southern occupied Palestine. There is a US study on how weak the Zionist child killers military is now as others have improved their tactics. Even totally embargoed Hamas scared the Zionist rats, imagine what Hezbollah will do? BTW, even Putin turned down Nutter Yahoo’s effort for an arsekissing trip to Moscow. Shoigu and the Russian military are in no mood to appease the Zionist scum who killed 15 Russians. The Russian Knights are visiting Iranian Kish island and put a dazzling display with Su-35 and quite pleasantly the Latvians are also attending along with Chinese, Indians and lots of others. Indonesia is buying Iranian Kowsar training aircraft. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b69079deddfd081a495bfc1ccedee1802b159d3f47659fd1ad9e9267948f0cfa.jpg

Brother Ma

Love it! I hate that Zionist Baby Killer’s face!

Assad must stay (gr8rambino)

Lmao that literally made me laugh


Ukraine is no match for Russia. Porky is a Zionist pig.

Wolfgang Wolf

ha, what a nitty gritty out-of-thin air speculation: do you think, that RUS will deliver 1 single cubicmeter of gas thru a pipeline system that is owned by the US? NEVER EVER!! ))))))


Considering that the pipeline was built by Russia and paid for by Russia, your statement would be more accurate like this.

do you think, that RUS will deliver 1 single cubicmeter of gas thru a pipeline system that is stolen by the US? NEVER EVER!! ))))))

Wolfgang Wolf



US can go FUCK them self, there is nothing what can do US in Europe, if they think that Europe is Afghanistan or Iraq or Libya,people of Europe will stand against any aggression from US the worst COUNTRY to trust,I better trust Afghanistan than US, We will defend ourselves from any American invasion an we will not e ver trust America.. the country which ATTACK small States for their conquests and mineral resources,,, why they don’t attack China or Russiaor Europe??? To change the government’s, they are Warmongers. Shame on American, what they were and what they become, A state which nobody trust. .


If the Europeans are not deficient, they must give up the mafia Poroscenko who has already ruined his country. They have ready the Turkish stream to the south and with the North stream they will have complete energy independence. Ukraine of the coup for the US will not count anything, just as a missile base.

The Flyer

I’m only 14 so goof on for my uninformed opinions me but I feel like Ukraine wasn’t pushed by Western Allies to provoke Russia in the black sea but that it was order by the Ukrainian military or even Porkoshenko to gain support for Ukraine for the western world and to weaken Russia with sanctions . The Russians and Ukrainians where both at fault in the Incident and the sanctions wont help to stop Russia . I don’t see why so many Countries are siding with Ukraine when they provoked Russia they were using Naval Vessels and Ukraine didn’t inform or ask permission to pass even if the Russians shouldn’t have been blocking the Way to the Sea of Azov . And i wish that the Mainstream media would report more on the situation in Doentsk and Luhansk to show the bad that Ukraine is doing

Bigaess Wangmane

Giving an interview to Ukrainian media, Poroshenko claimed that the Russian “attack” on Ukrainian ships near the Kerch Strait “is only the beginning” of something bigger. The President further claimed that “intelligence” shows that Russia is preparing for a possible invasion in Ukraine.

Probably the 1st good piece of news the Ukrainian people have heard since the coup in 2014.

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