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Potential Exchange Of Azov As Path To Russia’s Defeat

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Potential Exchange Of Azov As Path To Russia's Defeat

Surrender of wounded Azov members

On May 11, 2022, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk announced upcoming negotiations on the exchange of severely wounded members of the Azov national battalion blocked in Mariupol for Russian prisoners of war. This decision caused widespread criticism from citizens of both Russia and other countries of the world that support the “denazification” of Ukraine. This is not surprising, since it is the Azov battalion that is the main unit that professes the ideology of Nazism and was actually created to destroy the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass republics.

Potential Exchange Of Azov As Path To Russia's Defeat

Image illustrated nazi’s ideology of Azov

A possible solution is already being actively condemned at this stage by pro-Russian analysts such as Igor Strelkov. He states that this decision, which will probably be taken by the military command of the allied forces, will make the special operation in Ukraine unfinished. Given the extensive military assistance from European countries and the mercenaries coming into the country, the operation risks being incomplete. It may also allow the AFU to launch a counterattack.

Moreover, in the comments of users and Strelkov-Girkin himself there is already an opinion about the actual betrayal of those Russian state officials who will give sympathy to the Nazis and allow Ukraine to exchange them.

There is a fairly simple explanation for all of the above circumstances.

Military theory emphasizes the destruction or defeat of the enemy’s military forces as the main objective of any military operations. Without this, it is virtually impossible to defeat the enemy without internal contradictions within the state. Such examples in history, of course, have occurred.

Also no less effective option to defeat the enemy army is to inflict a MORAL defeat on it. That is, to undermine the belief of the majority of enemy soldiers and officers in the possibility of victory, or at least in the relative likelihood of surviving the war personally. And vice versa, if there was no moral breakdown, even by all parameters defeated troops continued to fight hard, inflict high losses on the enemy and significantly affect the final outcome of the war. History also knows many cases in which an army far from being physically defeated has laid down its arms and collapsed precisely because of moral breakdown.

In the case of the blockade of the Azovstal plant we are talking about the siege of a fortress, persistently and quite successfully defended by a staunch and select garrison staffed with the best military force of the armed forces of Ukraine and already transformed by propaganda into a “banner of resistance against the aggressor”.

In this case, it is not the occupation of some “landmark point” (the Azovstal plant) that will be perceived as a victory, but precisely the decision against the participants of the neo-Nazi formation. The more Ukrainian soldiers and officers manage to avoid death and captivity, the more chances that the battle for Mariupol and Azovstal will be perceived as a victory. This will allow us to conclude that in all such situations we should stand to the end, inflict as heavy losses on the Russians as possible, and then they will let us out of the encirclement one way or another anyway and we will return home as heroes, contributing greatly to the inevitable victory in the war. On the contrary, the complete annihilation or capture and trial of the Nazis will mean inevitable death for Ukraine and will significantly affect the further behavior of those who resist. Finally, to hand over at least some military personnel directly to the Ukrainian side would mean multiplying one’s own losses in the future and significantly raising morale.

At this point, the head of the DPR, Denis Pushylin, announced the upcoming trial of Azov members. Allegedly, their fate will be determined at a tribunal, and an international one at that. However, despite the seeming adequacy of the measures against Nazis in the pro-American community, the Azov battalion is not perceived as war criminals. Moreover, since the start of the special operation, several states with a pro-Western orientation have already reversed their decision to recognize members of this formation as neo-Nazis (e.g. Japan).

Potential Exchange Of Azov As Path To Russia's Defeat

Another photo proving that Azov are Nazis

Thus, the Russian military and political leadership has a serious task in determining the next steps in advancing the special operation. Taking into account the unrequited steps towards the Ukrainian side in the negotiations, Russia needs to be as serious as possible in deciding the fate of Azov. Furthermore, the trial of war criminals is the initial goal of the Russian special operation.


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Ashok Varma

Russians now have the military advantage and need to keep battering the puppet Zio-Nazi racist regime. There should be no release of these Ukrainian and foreign terrorists. JAI RUS!

[A3OB] SF is gay

S I E G H E I L MEIN N E G E R !!! Our white brothers will prevail fugg thoses russhits dogs our nordic brothers will retaliate after we’ll give Erdocuck some gibs basicly no one usualy care about the PKK cuz everyone prefer the K K K



You are on the wrong site gay man.

flush goes the nation

SF is GAY, is a TROLL loser trying to steal the direction of the conversation. Not sure if this site has the ability to let people block idiots like this. He is partially correct on one thing SF is Gay and a Shciff Hole as well.


Mi6 like wishfull stinking,whos the author,who cares,lets see more nazis surrender!

Michelle Thompson

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Last edited 2 years ago by Mary

It’s a pig, not a man.



Omas Bioladen

Not exactly.


Gay Russian ads https://i.imgur.com/dmsuE9O.jpg

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack

Fucking troll. Eat a bowl of dicks. If you haven’t already.


Go to Ucrania, there are free visa for assholes as you..😁🤣

The maharaja

I bet this dip shit is typing from the US, too fuckin dumb to know that the NSA will tag every post and he will be on the FBIs “lets pay you a visit list soon” welcome to the new world dumb fuck! 10/1 says they start to publish the shit you write with your real name before too long will see how that goes over.


Nah, if he’s pro-Azov, FBI will let him shoot up a grocery store. They don’t give a fuck anymore.

Everything that is said on western TV is backwards.


Yes..look them crying as little fags…🤣🤭👌


How did you escape Azovstal? By sucking enough cocks or taking it up the arse until you achieved your quota and earned recuperation leave?


I’m sure your mom, sister, wife will enjoy a black man…


I look for sites that your sort denigrate so southern front must be good because dicks like you hate it


Bugger off pink swastika/CNN/LGBTQ banderas,The world don’t need you and your kind,poof!




Yuri, I assume you are this site’s moderator? Last time I was here you were impersonating teenage girls obsessing over black cock. That is gay and quite obvious you aren’t a woman, I doubt many if any come on here.

Aunt Polly

Scary Poppins?

Stephan Williams

A30B’s real name is most likely “Schlomo Goldstein” or “Harvey Silverberg”. The hasbarabots are out in force these days – engaging in incitement and confusion.


It’s cute how you don’t know you are descended from blacks. What? You thought you were the first people on earth? Nope, it was blacks that were on earth first. So, put your head between your legs and kiss your black ass! Heh heh!


Russians will be making a huge mistake to release any of the Kiev Nazi criminals. The situation around #Lyman is rapidly deteriorating for #Ukrainian troops. Today, #Russia captured Novoselivka to the NW and now also captured Yarova. Lyman is now surrounded on three sides with only destroyed bridges over the Donets on the 4th side. The Ukrainian Nazi rabble is fleeing on a wide front as Russian airpower takes a heavy toll.

Abraham Lincoln

Prisoners of war are only exchanged after the end of a war not during the war!

Ashok Varma

Indeed, after defeating Pakistan and taking close to 100,000 prisoners, some who committed war crimes in Bangladesh, India only released them after 2 years and after the defeated side signed a surrender document. Russia needs to defeat Ukraine first and then release these prisoners on a case by case analysis vetting the NAZI and racist criminals, who should be tried and executed.


Asuk You defeat Pakistan? I think you eating too much vindaloo asuk . you are nothing but hot air asuk . You can only fight innocent defenceless kashmiri people asuk

Ashok Varma

Ignorant Turkey, no wonder you are begging India for wheat.

In 1971, Lt Gen Jagjit Singh Aurora, PVSM, then GOC-in-C, Eastern Command, accepted history’s greatest surrender since the end of World War-II.

In the above video, Brigadier Baqir Siddiqui, Chief of Staff, Eastern Command of Pakistan Army surrenders with his 12,000 men before Indian Army Major General Gandharv Nagra on December 21, 1971.

This is a less publicized and less well-known surrender ceremony which took place on December 21 1971, days after the first surrender by Niazi at Dhaka racecourse grounds where 93,000 Pakistani troops, some accused of war crimes surrendered.


asuk turkey don’t need Indian wheat .asuk you can’t even deal Bangladeshi army’s.just free kashmiri people asuk.


If Russia exchanges any of the Azov Battalion, they might as well go home in defeat. These war criminals need to be tried, convicted and hanged ASAP. Probably there are a few regular Ukrainian soldiers that fought honorably and they can be exchanged but most of the NAZI’s need to hang.

Zee-sky the Dick player

Let’s skip the “tried” and “convicted” parts directly, it’s just a loss of time …

G2 man

There is obvious panic in NATO and US warmongers ranks as Russia clearly has an upper hand now with a very deliberate policy of slow low cost grinding down of the battered UAF rabble and its Nazi auxiliary.

More Ukraine fighters surrendering in Mariupol, has US generals alarmed

Moscow has captured nearly 1100 more Ukrainian fighters who surrendered after making hollow bombastic pronouncements about fighting to the last bullet.

Ukraine has ordered its garrison in Mariupol to surrender, and the ultimate outcome of Europe’s bloodiest battle for decades remains in Russian hands. The Russian military has changed tactics and now relying on special operations and a war of attrition against a collapsing Ukrainian front that has lost over 40% of its full time manpower and almost all armor. Russians have been towing damaged Ukrainian tanks and repairing them at their mass tank factory at UralVagonZavod. Russian MOD announced that over 500 captured Ukrainian tanks have been put back in service and handed over to its allies. Ukrainian artillery and rocket forces have also suffered heavy casualties and the airforce has practically ceased to exist.

Russian military spokesman, Major General Igor Yevgenyevich Konashenkov announced that Russia has started constructing new POW camps as the existing facilities can not cope with the large numbers of surrendering Ukrainian forces. Russians also displayed the large numbers of NATO weapons they have captured, some still in their original casings with US, Polish, Czech, UK, French and German markings. A large number of outdated French and Italian Milan ATGM were also displayed. Ukraine has made it a punishable crime for its battered soldiers to complain about the low quality and ineffectiveness of NATO western weaponry being pumped into Ukraine. Almost half of the hyped up 89 M-777 artillery pieces sent to Ukraine have been destroyed or captured by Russian forces, prompting a bizarre complaint from the Polish FM that Russia is destroying NATO weapons faster than we can deliver them. The Poles have lived up to their universal reputation as being the dumbest folks around. Firstly, Poland is engaged as a illegal weapons conduit for a hybrid war against Russia, then complaining when Russia legitimately targets NATO illegal arms shipments with deadly accuracy. Just today, 6 major NATO weapons warehouses in Lviv were destroyed by Russian airpower.

Last edited 2 years ago by G2 man

Sources for these reports please.



christodoulou Anastasis

The heads of states that supported and continue to support the neo-Nazis, US A, ENGLAND, GERMANY, FRANCE, CANADA, TURKEY, CZECH REPUBLIC, ETC. must be tried first because the fighters are victims of the propaganda of the powerful. Fighters are fighting for money mainly and secondly for ideology embedded to them.


Senile former US president George W Bush calls Iraq invasion ‘unjustified’ and ‘brutal’ before correcting ‘I mean Ukraine’. He also acknowledged that US military killed more than a million Iraqi civilians.


Re yorgo

Brockland A.T.

Since NATO wanted the war to be a long, hard Afghan-like slog, panicking over Russia making it long hard slog doesn’t quite add up.

Still, neither side seems to have had their best Plan A’s come through in this war. However, Russia’s Plan B, fight more competently, was naturally built in. Its just a matter of not bleeding to death from previous losses as they win.

NATO doesn’t seem to have a natural Plan B.

Throwing endless amounts of American money and Ukrainian bodies into the fray hoping the Russians topple Putin and the non-Western world isolates and cancels Russia, seems a lot like the Plan A that didn’t work.

Plus the West has this whole Global Reset and global famine thing going.

How ‘Reset’ were the WEF elites planning to be? The war ends when Russia says it does, not when the West says OK, that’s enough damage to our economies to tame the peasants and plebes.


In plan A everybody was bragging about fall of Kiev and nobody even noticed that Ukraine lost territory bigger than UK with minimal Russian/DPR/LPR loses

Brockland A.T.

Taking more land than can be held is a common military error, and drawing an opponent into over-extension is an important military strategy.

Michigan Mam

@G2 man

Nah, not so much. Do not forget what the USA said in direction of Putin before Putin started the war. If he starts war, he will get a brutal, totally mercyless guerilla-war. (if that is in Ukraine only, or also in Chechnya, Kazakstan, Transnistria or everywhere at the same time – US did not say – but they warned Putin – so what ?). And what do you need to wage effective guerilla war against an invader ??? You need that asshole to bring in enough troops and gear so that it costs him lots of money to keep the troops there, and you need large amounts of enemy troops there to inflict the highest possible casualty numbers on him, using mines, IEDs, sniper ambushed, car-bombs, drones-strikes, suicide-attacks, sabotage etc. etc. So the west needs the red stinking Bear to come out of his cave, to kill him. And that is exactly what Putin stumpled in.

No the US and western war-machine is rolling, and the whole economy will change to war-time production, which is the speciality of the USA ( as you might know). And, and that’s also important – these assholes again managed to portrait themselves as having the “moral high-ground”. We all know that both USA and Russia are jew-controlled, so both are just pawns of the inernational satanist vermin, called “The Jew”. But still for the downgrade dumb masses it works – Putin and USA both played this in favour of the jewish agenda, in order to make it become a gigantic war, a clash of the Titans ( if you want to call it like this). And both convinced their mostly politically uneducated populations, that it is them who have the noble and upright interests, causes, and aims.

But already now it is visible that russia has lost the propaganda-war. Since Putin sticks to the dumb communist propaganda, which labels everybody not accepting russian oppression, invasion and russian lies “a Nazi” in order to convince the russians to invade foreign countries and thereby commit the internationally highly forbidden crime of war of aggression, it is clear that this cheap communist crap propaganda, might at best reach the rotten heads of some uneducated, underprivileged drunkards in russia.

But it will definitely not achieve its aim, with most of the western and asian populations. We have seen here dozens of times that even Putins closest friends,like the founder and boss of the russian Blackwater equivalent, Wagner group, Mr. Dmitry Utkin, which Putin uses in Ukraine (for example to re-take Popasnaye), is himself a Neo-Nazi and has even full-blown Nazi insignias tattoed all over his body.

I and others here posted the pictures here, and what was the reaction from the pro-putinists ? Silence ! Because the Kremlins lies blew up directly into their faces !!!!!!!!!!!!

Because everytime, when people, who think for themselves, easily trash the russian propaganda claims, and disclose the obvious and very stupid russian propaganda lies to the whole audience, the brainless Z-ombie applaudeurs here, immediately shut their mouthes, and play dead.

So often they were caught with their lies, and repeating the lies of the Kremlin. We told them often enough that Putin is an anti-russian, he is a jewish communist, a pro-bolshewic dog, and is against russia as a nation, he even spoke that out openly, that he is against russians being a proud, self-esteemed and souvereign russian nation. Every proud russian national feelings he wants to oppress and eradicate them. He (Putin) said for example, Quote:

Putin: “Russia was eternally multicultural” End of quote (meaning he wants UDSSR resp. communism back – aka with this confesses to being a communist – which he of course is being an ex-KGB boss etc. as well)

Putin: “If a multi-cultural society is hit with a bacteria of nationalism it loses its strengh and durability. We need to secure the entire russian youth from the virus of nationalism” End of quote (So wake up people, especially all russians ! Can there be anything more anti-russian, then a president that states he wants all russians to do not feel russian, do not have a strong patriotic national feelings, but instead he wants them to feel small and weak, and even vows to fight every russian, especially the youth if they dare to be strong and proud russians !! Realize: Putin is your enemy ! He even openly said it, but you people are obviously not smart enough to understand the simple words this imbecile jew-puppet spew right into your faces !!!?)

Putin: “Russia is dedicated to eliminate Xenophobia and Nationalism” End of Quote (So here you have it again, Putin pushing the jewish multiculti agenda, which is to oppress and squeeze and destroy the native people of a country and then replace them with foreigners from all over the world. And everybody who is against this outright genocide is labeled “xenophob and Nazi resp. nationalist”. It is soo cheap so obvious !!! Are you russians here really that blind, that you can t see that ?????)

Putin is not pro-russian leader, no ! Instead he pushes all kinds of propaganda from the International Jewry agenda, including the multiculti propaganda. But lots of the dumb RT-media brainwashed russians obviously still cannot see through the fog of his judeo-communist lies. Would they only listen to what Putin states, they would immediately grasp what Putins agenda is, and that he is just a smelly little agentdwarf of the jews, who has the mission to bring back russia under the ironfist of the sinister Jews and enslave christian russians, and then force them into senseless war, to eliminate them and empty the country of them, so that afterwards mio. of refugees from all over the world, and “businessmen” from China, Chechnya and Israel can fill the space and take over the land, resp. what’s left of once (before 1917) proud national Russia.

Putin sells Russia out the the International Jewry. He is a traitor, a treacherous leech, and slimly little worm, posing as “russian leader”, while lying directly into the russians face, and sending them into death in Ukraine.

He now even managed to drive the otherwise always neutral states of Sweden and Finland into the arms of NATO. What a “great achievement of Putin”, that’s for sure good for Russia (irony off). Even the dumbest russian drunkard needs to realize that Putin is driving Russia into total isolation, bloody and complete stupid and illegal war, and likely wars, pushing anti-russian agenda, and oppresses and eradicates christians through war, and imprisonment, while bringing in foreigners from Chechnya, Syria and China, as well as jews from all over the world in order to take over the land from the then eradicated native white russians. Wake up Russians, you are cheering genocide, you’re own extinction !

Last edited 2 years ago by Michigan Mam
Vlad the Imposter

“If he starts war, he will get a brutal, totally mercyless guerilla-war.”

Stopped reading after this.

In order to have a successful guerilla war Ukraine would have to have a strong Ukrainian, anti-Russian presence in the civilian population … they don’t. This is why you never heard a peep of an insurgency in Crimea despite the CIA / Ukraine trying to drum one up.

Unless the Russians decide to conquer all of Ukraine they will be seen as liberators not occupiers and I don’t believe that the Russians want the trouble of trying to govern western Ukraine.

It would be poetic justice however if the Russians decide to level cities in western Ukraine just to make them suffer the way they are making the people of the DPR / LPR suffer today.

Robert Fleming

Alright mate, give it a rest. Maybe take a break from your computer

Tom Bombastadillo

Well I had to stop partway through your screed because you became incoherent.


Israel is calling the shots in all of this. The US, along with NATO, are captured, by money, Israeli Assets. But remember 70 AD and the destruction of Judea and Jerusalem prophesied by The Lord Jesus Christ? What you are seeing in Ukraine is Act II the beginning of the complete destruction of the seed of the devil whom Jesus told them in John 8:44 that their father is the devil. This destruction is spelled out in Ezechiel 38 & 39 and Apocalypse 20, which is a short synopsis of the previous 19 chapters

Alina Kabaeva

LOL sad piece of shit… apart from getting a beating from some pathetic farmers you’ve shown nothing. Nobody is scared of Russia, actually you’ll end up retreating from Donbas, Crimea and who knows….maybe from Moscow itself. And only because propaganda alone can’t win a war. “russian military spokesman”…who the f do you think cares about that muppet? Go f yourself with your Konashenkov, Putin, Medvedev and other criminal retards who dream only about war, genocide and stealing lands from their unprotected and weak neighbours.


Happy now ! 😊


You sound hangry. :-(


“… slow low cost grinding down… ” => a rather descriptive expression.

Tom Bombastadillo

It looks like WW2 with all those tanks and rifles.


dreaming dream again wake up you having a nightmare…

Zee-sky the Dick player

First of all : Fuuuk u for the ” The Poles have lived up to their universal reputation as being the dumbest folks around” …they are largly beaten by muricans and hohols. Poland has only stupid politicians, just like in the 30’s. It looks poland can only choose the right persons to govern when the country is in deep shit.

Secondly: i agree with you for all you wrote (except the polish stuff off course) :-)

flush goes the nation

And we thought Illinois Nazis where bad! Joke. Seriously I am surprised they where aloud to evac out of their would be tomb,


“Evacuated” to preliminary prison in Rostov.) It’s called POWs, but mad lying ukros tweeting (like a bird) about evacuation or extraction (another stupid word). “One of main ukr. ideas is to lie to ourselves and to others as much as possible, because, if to say truth, everything will collapse” as Lusia Arestovich said. youtube.com/watch?v=igBsmFurha8


Not POW but POSMO ;o)


The anglo saxon are splitting the long United slavic society bit by bit, that’s what long conflict means. They are getting blood ally who will be able to infiltrate and break down Russia. They don’t have to win the whole ukrain for now, otherwise they would have nothing to engage ukrain with……….Russia seems not to understand this

Ashok Varma

That is how these evil Anglo bastards operate, sow divisions and hate, look what they have done to the Arabs and destroyed 6 Arab and Muslim nations in the region just to protect the Zionist cancer in Palestine. Yugoslavia was the template for the destruction of Orthodox Slavic nations and unfortunately, both Russia and China went along with all Anglo-Zionist NATO wars. They operate as a hyena pack, isolate the victim, then spread lies and hate. The demonization of Russians is not new, it goes back centuries. Only now when faced with an existential threat, that Russians are waking up to Anglo-Zionist evil.


Same thing they done with India, dividing this country to 3 parts. Pakistan is indian ukraina. China and Taiwan. Sudan and Southern Sudan. Colombia and Panama (for control over the canal). They promoted wahhabism to take control over Suez and Persian gulf (so called Lawrence of Arabia was english spy).

Ashok Varma

Absolute truth. The Anglo-Zionist devious criminals operate by divide and rule, like Jew controlled corrupt Ukraine, they planted the Zionist cancer in Palestine circa 1948 to create permanent conflict in the Arab world. It is no coincidence that India was partitioned in 1947 with the creation of cancerous Wahhabi terrorist beggar state of Pakistan, which serves as a western puppet tool to destabilize the region. Ukraine is a big a cancer as the Zionist entity called Israel, created by the British Balfour Declaration in London.


As Indian general say so.99p boy


Let it be! They should end their days in jail or got “extracted” to LDPR for death sentence. May be not all of them, but their leaders, notorious butchers and all who has tattoos with any kind of swastika for sure. They are not indians or buddhists from Nepal, so their swastikas is the brightest evidence — they are fascist/nazist scum. Death to fascists!

Lord Protector of the Drop Bears

Put the Azov battalion to work digging canals. Or perhaps widening old ones!

don' t worry

I think there are enough “normal” Uki POW’s in russia’s custody left to exchange for russian POW’s . So no need to let theses thugs get away und not be punished.

José Oliveira

1) prisoner of war swapping during the war is good for the winning side. It receives back well prepared man, while the others will soon be cannon fodder;

2) in particular in the case of Azovstal, we’re talking about guys very demoralized, not well fed, that haven’t seen sunlight for more than 2 months. Let’s not forget many ukrainian soldiers are common humans, and not all are NeoNazis like Azov, Aidar, C14, Svoboda, Right Sector, etc.

3) on the other hand, russian troops now know that if they’re captured, their release/swap is priority. And given the number of Ukrainian POW that Russia has, it’s a garantee that no Russian man will be prisoner of Kiev’s regime for too long;

4) since Russia is winning in the most possible human way (of course war is already naturally inhuman since it starts), many times stopping firing/bombing and giving chances for surrender, if these news reach the other Ukrainians in the front, more of them will lay down their arms, instead of fighting to their death. Again, it’s important to remember many are regular humans, not all are NeoNazi pigs.

5) POW swapping also gives extra motivation to treat well the Russian POW, instead of behaving like animals using torture and assassinating defenseless POW like some Ukrainians were doing.

6) I’m not worried about the nazi scum, because Russia’s intel will identify them all, bring them to a prison in Russia, judge them, and imprison them for life (or death sentence). None of these will be swapped in POW exchanges;

7) now that the allied forces are starting to encircle big cities in Donbass (Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, and later Slaviansk, Kramatorsk, etc), the Mariupol scenario is a good example for any encircled forces now seeing the Azov guys without limbs, with muscle loss, and completely defeated. They either lay their arms on time (like the guys at the Ilyich plant) or suffer unnecessarily for months until becoming almost zombies (like the Azovstal guys).

So, long story short, the guy that wrote this SF piece of *cough* crap *cough* text, is either delusional, or very badly informed. It reminds me that article with the “+70 vehicles destroyed after 5 river crossing failed attempts”, that after all were still ok and advancing (as we could see in the Defense Politics Asia video). I honestly don’t understand why SF publishes BS like that and this article. Do they want us to stop coming here? To be a plural website, you may publish different/opposite respectable opinions, not publish unverified BS every other day!


Then why the fuck did they lose so much territory in failing to take Kiev? Meanwhile you condone Russia’s conceited calls to genocide and care little for the formerly race based caste system still pervading in India today (though not on paper).



Hitler needs help from the bunker ASAP, I’ve devised a time travel device for you to head back and save all of Germany from the Soviets. All you have to do is load a 9mm, stick it in your mouth, and pull the trigger. Make sure you take your boyfriend Michigan Man with you as well faggot Nazi.


NONE should be released. ALL of them should be brought to justice! The coward punks were happy to kill civilians. Now, when an actual army is wiping them out, they surrender. To the last drop of blood their ass.


“Zio-Nazi” does not make sense. So, you are just as bad as them. Heh heh.


Be like Stalin


Stalin’s period is rememberd by ukrainization, so formally Stalin one of Ukraine’s fathers alongside with Lenin, austro-hungarians (first SS troops been created by Habsburgs, it’s the Gunmen of Sech/ Sechevye Strelcy – rus/Sitschower Schützen – germ.) and nazist germans (have created SS “Nachtigal”/”Nightingale” battalion and SS “Galizien” division). With all respect to Stalin, he did many great things, but ukrainization is not one of them. We should make de-ukrainization for de-nazification.

Michigan Mam

Yeah you idiot. Call for genocide against foreign nations again. That will give a good picture world-wide, and paint russia and her politicians as great and peacful truthworty statesmen. Hahaha, you’re soo stupid, do you even listen to what you say. Thinking about it even for one second ????


Yeah Michigan, nazis are your friend… this is why you are in the 4th reich, and brainwashed to forget about the sacrifices of WWII.

Well done, I hope for your sake you’re an aaryan because your shit country is going to get a lot more violent in the future.


Nada de intercambios, que paguen los crímenes al pueblo ruso.

Lord Protector of the Drop Bears

Jose Oiveira tiene contrapuntos inteligentes.


Who wrote this: “It may also allow the AFU to launch a counterattack”? This is crappy analysis.

Fred Dozer

I agree ! Russia dropped less bombs and missiles in Ukraine to date, than the US used in 5-days in Iraq. Furthermore people in Kiev are warm and cozy watching television and eating popcorn. The US made the civilians suffer, no electric, water, food or safety. And yeas, everyone love the US.

Fred Dozer

My point being, Russia did not yet begin to fight. They are in a Special Operation, not a war. But that can change.

Ashok Varma

US is a genocidal war criminal and has no respect for humanity. Russia is conducting a very ethical and limited police action in its own territory and accomplishing results.

Fred Dozer

The US lying government main-stream media talks all day long about Ukraine Wining and Citizens bombed hourly. Slickening how people have no time, to find for themselves the truth. Now they cannot even pay for fuel and many folks already working two jobs. Than I hear Musk make the comment, “People wanting Unions is not good for the economy”. The richest man in the World , is afraid to pay a Fair-Wage.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fred Dozer

99p boy how much pocket money do you get from putin a Russian propaganda.. you lot are penny beggers.

Ashok Varma

A failed beggar state of terrorist Turkey is begging India for wheat. 70% inflation and 30% unemployment rate and a madman Erdogan at the head Turkey.


Indian clown 🤡

Lord Protector of the Drop Bears

A far cry from the secular moderation of Attaturk.


Senile Bush admitted US war crimes:

Former US president George W Bush calls Iraq invasion ‘unjustified’ and ‘brutal’ before correcting ‘I mean Ukraine’


Other sources say that we have used more cruise and ballistic missiles than in Iraq and Yugoslavia operations combined. But agree with both of you in general — massive offensive of AFU seems unlikely. 1-2 mobile battalions is their maximum. 14th of May they lost one tank battalion, 26 tanks, 12 IFV/APC and ~100 people in Zaporozhie region near village Vishnёvoe. tvzvezda.ru/news/20225171553-QYBD1.html

Ashok Varma

The AFU can’t even launch a counterattack in a tea cup, they are fleeing everywhere and that is why the idiot Polish FM is complaining about Russia destroying NATO weapons. What else did the dumb Poles expect? It is quite hilarious.

SF is gay

S I E G H E I L MEIN N E G E R !!! Our white brothers will prevail fugg thoses russhits dogs our nordic brothers will retaliate after we’ll give Erdocuck some gibs basicly no one usualy care about the PKK cuz everyone prefer the K K K


[A3OB] Chimpshokingchampion

U right dawg lets hunt some niggs like gendron or some kikes like bowers did. I find out that the KKK was too kind toward minorities I’d prefer the SIEGE style of the thing if you know what I mean


Покохайтеся, холопцы.

Tom Bombastadillo

You guys …. I make jokes about “mud people” from time to time, but I would never harm one without good cause.

Stephan Williams

More hasbarabot nonsense. You and “SF is gay” should get a room…or maybe you’re just a couple of Tel Aviv sock puppets of a pimple-faced zealot assigned the job of destroying the comments section of southfront from Mommy’s basement…

“The Jewish Hasbara in All Its Glory. Lies Lies Everywhere” by LARRY ROMANOFF



Shlomo, go fight.

SF is gay

OY VEY IT’S ANADUH SHOAH (just kidding) I’m discovered as I said before now the jews triggered the war there is no comming back so take the whitest side so choose the ukrainians not the mongolid mutts aka russdogs


Shlomo, you are dancing with a Sarmat, not a S300. You are going to meet Jeovah sooner.

Last edited 2 years ago by jorge
Fred Dozer

They deserve the same treatment the US gave to Libya Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. The US government laughs with joy, at such treatments. They are complete Savages, and would do the same to Putin.


“One “Sarmat” with 10 nuclear blocks is enough for whole England.” May be not one, but 2 or 3. Add “Poseidon” (“Status-6”), “Caliber”, “Iskander”, “Dagger” and other “Putin’s cartoons”, that’s why no one will do the same with Putin. Creation of these toys has started before the speech in Munich in 2007 or near, because Putin knows his counterparts well, savages respect only brute force.


DPR is a republic, pi, point. The head of the DPR, Denis Pushylin, announced the upcoming trial of Azov members.


The POW’s from Avostal should be tried in a Donbass and Russial Jount court.

Those POW’s who are deemed to have adhered to the established rules of war should be freed when hostilities have ended.

Those POW’s who have NOT adhered to the rules of War and who have committed atrocities against both sides should be sentenced to captivity, or death for the worst offenders.

NATO and retired NATO forces should be regarded as ordinary mercenaries, and be executed, imprisoned or publically sold back to their home countries. If their countries no longer want them back , they can be locked up with the AZOV thugs. If their countries do want them, a condition that prior to exchange should be a week long Media confession by NATO in all NATO countries and news outlets.

Those Ukie POW’s who are ‘blameless could be swapped for Russian POW’s on a One for One basis.

Ashok Varma

Indeed, that is normal process and defined by the victor. India has a lot of experience in handling large numbers of prisoners. They are released in a swap long after the defeated side signs a surrender document. In Ukraine, a large number of the captured scum are not even soldiers, but foreign Nazi racists and terrorists. The bearded freak in the photo looks like ISIS and probably is, as the CIA has sent a lot of Wahhabi terrorists and criminals to Ukraine.

christodoulou Anastasis

The heads of states that supported and continue to support the neo-Nazis, US A, ENGLAND, GERMANY, FRANCE, CANADA, TURKEY, CZECH REPUBLIC, ETC. must be tried first because the fighters are victims of the propaganda of the powerful. Fighters are fighting for money mainly and secondly for ideology embedded to them.

Fred Dozer

Does anyone else notice, Nuclear Weapons are Useless. Countries want to take Russia apart with ZZZZZero Fear. ?


This will be another Russia leadership blunder, if they will agree free the Nazis. This will be Putin failure and Russians solders die for nothing. This will be another Putin lies.


Fine editorial. And what will happen if Russia makes (or continues to make) those kinds of deals.

We need to have a war crimes tribunal in Moscow of the American, British, French and Turkish high command orchestrating this from the beginning 8 years ago, or Nuremberg will be for “naught”!…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
christodoulou Anastasis

The heads of states that supported and continue to support the neo-Nazis, US A, ENGLAND, GERMANY, FRANCE, CANADA, TURKEY, CZECH REPUBLIC, ETC. must be tried first because the fighters are victims of the propaganda of the powerful. Fighters are fighting for money mainly and secondly for ideology embedded to them.


I re$t my case. https://www.ae911truth.org/

The beginning of our end when the UN looked the other way and China and India hauled away the crime scene!… Perfect vehicle for creating Al Qaeda/Al Nu$ra/I$I$ and NOW Azov Nazi$!…

Putin is a ball less scrotum if he doesn’t seek justice for all of those Russians dying for their Country!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The Russians hold about 7,500 Ukrainian troops and about 805 Azov battalion prisoners. The Ukrainians have a few hundred Russian POWs. The Russians will exchange regular Ukrainian troops for a Russian prisoner swap. The Azov prisoners will stand trial.


Azov are useless wannabe of the Germanic SS. To the death they say, lol crying little girls. so they can live! Von Eickmann would of laugh at this pitiless Azov Ukrainian Slavic wannabes! Stop using the TotenKopf Death Head emblem its an embarrassment!


SS “Galizien” and “Nachtigal” consisted of ukrainized popupaltion of Malorossia and Karpatian Rus’, same as Sitschower schützen in Austro-Hungaria (1914), they committed genocide in Galizia/Galizien among the people who wished to save their russian identity. Ukrainian is political identity, not ethnic. It’s the root of ukro-nazism, that’s why any form of ukr.regime will be hostile to Russia — regime of Petlyura, regime of Skoropadskiy, regime since 1991 was not friendly from its beginning. They has started maneuvers with Atlantic pact since 1993. Before the independence referendum Kravchuk promised to not provide ukrainization, but broke his promise very soon.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
The maharaja

Whats with all the “we need to” I get the “Russia needs to”. Ya have an opinion leave it at that but dont think yours counts. Unless you hunted these rats and went toe to toe for Mariupol you have no say! If you are not from the DPR you have no say! The Russian army the DPR with the LPR will make the decisions. Really not a big deal as Russia still has a war to fight. The story of azovstal is over, one battle in a much larger picture.

Last edited 2 years ago by The maharaja

Regardless of how many wins Russia has NATO won’t stand aside without launching an 9vert offensive sooner or later Most likely when they’re satisfied Russia is exhausted or close to it. Simple as Plain common sense.


Good luck with that fantasy when Russia nukes half of Europe. NATO is a pussy and will do nothing.


And again Poland will suffer the most.)


So nato will sit and take it ..paul boy think harder I don’t think you want to believe what’s gonna happened to your be loved Russia . Liquid brain


nazi very stupid—hitler and Napoleon believed your moron analysis—but then you idiot amerikans cannot think


That’s why Ru has used 15% of military strength, but regardless… after this operation there will be western spies trying to conduct activities in russia/belarus/china/etc. for many years to come.


No mercy, no relenting, NATO mercenaries and neo-nazi terrorists must be eradicated for good! ONWARDS TO VICTORY! Those Azovites are no heroes, they are pure terrorists and criminals, need to be treated as such! To do otherwise is to betray the effort and sacrifices of Russian soldiers!

Karl Pomeroy

Official DPR sources say they will be tried in a court or a tribunal. No exchange is under discussion.


LMAO to this article. This line is enough to tell you that there’s no credible information here. “On May 11, 2022, Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk announced upcoming negotiations on the exchange of severely wounded members of the Azov national battalion blocked in Mariupol …”

If Russia ever exchanges Azov members, it will be a blow to the moral or entire Russian operation and ppl who suffered under Azov regime, Russia will lose trust from all sides immediately. It’s not going to happen. Putin is not that idiot. This is a chance to parade and expose these war criminals on global stage, he ain’t gonna miss it, he will get some vodka, and a bucket of popcorn watching how this is going to destroy EU and US’s credibility on international stage (if there’s any left…)

An article in Guardian saying that prosecution of PoW (ie: Azov members) is a violation of Geneva convention, hence arguing that Russia will not be able to persecute them. That’s true to simple captured combatants, but it doesn’t apply to war criminals. With a number of interview and confessions by local civilians on Azov’s war crime, Russia can easily build a prosecution case against Azov’s member


so far none exchanged

Karl Pomeroy

I agree. No credible information in this SF western propaganda article. Read Donetsk News Agency today. All Azovstal fighters that surrendered will be tried in court or in a tribunal. I did not sense any mercy. What is going on with SF?


I guess it’s good to have a neutral news source that presents material from both opposing side. So we as audience can rack up our brain and determine the actual real situation on the ground. Russian is not invincible, they make mistake too. But the things that came out of Zelensky and Ukraine side are seriously stuff appropriate for a circus show.


More than half of this text is compilation of recent Igor Girkinds (Igor Strelkovs) Telegram posts. Despite that he was not credited as author of these. That’s a BLATANT intellectual theft.

And of course the release or exchange of AZOV (aka “NAVOZ” – “gavno”) will be a hugeINTERNATIONAL HUMILIATION and blow to morale of all allied troops and societies of RF, LNR and DNR. Why? Because we’re talking about release of true murderers, rapists, torturers, terrorists and genocidal monsters. These guys deserve nothing but investigation, trial and death penalty. All public, serving both as an act of JUSTICE for the victims as well as HUGE moral blow to the nazi Ukraine state and ROTTEN TO THE CORE western degenerated regimes that support the Ukrainian terrorist regime.

Thus anybody – I repeat – ANYBODY who argues for exchange of AZOV war criminals in these circumstances is a BONA FIDE TRAITOR AND SABOTEUR that should get stripped of their position and imprisoned to prevent any further damage. No matter how high in ranks they sit.

Karl Pomeroy

I think this whole “exchange” narrative is Western propaganda. According to the Donetsk News Agency, all troops that surrendered at Azovstal will be tried in court, which will be a tribunal for any deemed guilty of war crimes, including Nazis or nationalists and those taking orders from them. Why is SF even publishing this rumor?

Joseph Day

I’m Australian, and I agree

Karl Pomeroy

I’m not sure I understand or agree with the point of this article. The author says, for example, “The more Ukrainian soldiers and officers manage to avoid death and captivity, the more chances that the battle for Mariupol and Azovstal will be perceived as a victory [for Ukraine I presume].”

The author seems to assume Russia has launched an all-out war against Ukraine, in which victory must be total. But actually, Russia is merely performing a surgical operation, in which there are trade-offs. The Russian command no doubt perceives that the ultimate fate of wounded Azov Nazis is of little importance compared to the goal of securing the borders of “Novorossiya”, by which I mean the Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts, and whatever other territories end up being included.


900 nazis now incarcerated by Russia after full surrender in mariupol….if ukie morons do not surrender, Odessa will be liberated and ukieland will become small feudal colony like Denmark—with half reverting to Russia, other parts to Hungary, Poland


Die azovitten werden sich jetzt in sibirien erholen, russen haben ein Herz für nazi hiwis

Muhammad your Prophet

Their fate will be decided by the international court of the People’s Republic of Lunga Lunga in Dombass. The judge who will carry out the international court proceedings will be Dimitri the sadistic clown.

Karl Pomeroy

Correction: Their fate will be decided by court or tribunal in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

Muhammad your Prophet

It’s the phony People’s Republic of Lunga Lunga.


Donkey republic? Recognised by terrorists Putin …


verehrer des kinderfickers (laut koran 8 jährige gheiratet) muhammad, halt die fresse.

Karl Pomeroy

Where is this article coming from? The West? According to the Donetsk News Agency (DAN), nothing is being “negotiated” regarding Azov detainees. DAN says in an article today:

Donetsk, May 18 – DAN. Fates of Ukrainian militants who surrendered at the Azovstal steelworks will be decided in court, the DPR Head Denis Pushilin said.

“As for war criminals, and those who are nationalists, if they laid down arms, their fate will be decided in court. No matter what emotions some people might feel, and I know that opinions differ, if the enemy laid down arms, his further fate is decided by a court. If it’s a nationalist criminal, it’s a tribunal,” Pushilin said during his visit to Mariupol.

He specified that not only commanders, but also those who acted on their commands and who stick to the Nazi ideology in their actions and deeds, especially in relation to civilians, are considered war criminals.


An army without clear goals fights with its hands tied behind its back. Russia lacks clear goals: politically, economically, and militarily. Where is the Russian leadership? Putin is nothing but vagary, Peskov is a Court Jester, the Russian MOD does daily body counts much like the US did in Vietnam and claims progress, while Lavarov does his best to alienate and make neutral players enemies. Judging by Russian media you would think the only thing that mattered was the exchange rate and paying off Western loans to creditors who won’t be allowed to do business with Russia for decades.


Mister, are you the real-deal Igor Girkin, or just an imposter?

Regarding the goals it is “denazification”, demilitarization and “neutralization”, we don’t hear about federalization any more.

And in this war “denazification” is attainable after about 25 years of occupation of entire territory of Ukraine and elimination of all banderites from society, all espionage and sabotage networks they were preparing, down to every single last guerilla fighter.

And to that end the forces mobilized so far are painfully and obviously insufficient. You can’t beat and subdue the military and political power with less personnel than in years 1944-1946. And I claim you need far more personnel. Why? Because last time banderites had mere 3 years to indoctrinate Ukrainians and fortify their power. They reached mere 130 000 manpower and were still PITA to deal. This time they indoctrinated entire society for 8 years using power of all massmedia, education system, internet, volunteer organizations, youth organisations. EIGHT goddamn years. How many diehard-hardcore extremists do they have this time? Two to millions is the lowest that one might imagine. Ukraine as of now is comparable to Third Reich, NO JOKES.

And to subdue THAT danger mere 200 000 troops were sent. And no occupation forces are even in plans, not to mention formation, training, equipping and whatever. All that to handle best equipped and best trained guerilla in the world, that was supposed to be the REAL WESTERN RESPONSE to EXPECTED by the West smooth takeover of Ukraine. But instead of takeover we’re watching downscaled pseudo-war with more or less static front and NO VICTORY IN SIGHT. OK, the Ukies are losing equipment and manpower. But they’re replenishing manpower all the time, and West did not even start to send them real-deal heavy weapons, the West is instead cleaning-up warehouses of post-soviet equipment its allies from Central Europe had (OK, aside from antitank ). Russia is not increasing its land force, it barely replaces lost personnel, letting Ukies gain numeric advantage.

What’s in sight is another Minsk-style stalling for time by the West rather than total Russian victory and denazification.


The Russian Duma and the Defence ministry have left it clear = Azov members will not be exchanged and will be prosecuted….

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