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Powerful New Evidence that U.S. Is A Dictatorship

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Powerful New Evidence that U.S. Is A Dictatorship

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Written by Eric Zuesse

Because the U.S. Government flaunts itself as being a democracy instead of a dictatorship and it coups and invades and overthrows and replaces (“regime changes”) Governments that it declares to be dictatorships instead of democracies (the “New Cold War” isn’t about “capitalism versus communism,” but about “democracy versus dictatorship”), a crucial question now in all international political discussions is: Is the U.S. Government ACTUALLY a democracy, or does it instead only pretend to be one? In other words: Is the U.S. Government’s position in “the New Cold War” fraudulent?

The June 2022 issue of the peer-reviewed academic journal, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, contained an article that answers this question with empirical data which has definitively crushed all of the U.S. Government’s references to itself as being a “democracy.” It is therefore significant not only because it proves that the U.S. Government is a dictatorship, but also because it proves that the U.S. position in “the New Cold War is fraudulent”. The article is therefore of significance not just to Americans, but globally.

The article, which was specifically about and addressed to America, closed by saying: “We think it is time that social scientists stop pushing the equivalent of the Ptolemaic solar system. They need to recognize what almost everyone else does: that we live in a money-driven political system. No one is going to make progress by adding epicycles to voting models.” In other words: political ‘scientists’ and ‘historians’ who continue to perpetuate the U.S. regime’s claim to being a democracy (one-person-one-vote instead of one-dollar-one-vote) are now archaic: they are equivalent to the physical philosophers who had preceded the first physical scientist or “physicist” Galileo’s empirical demonstrations and the resulting first scientific theory (and subsequently Darwin doing the same thing in the biological sciences), that the Bible is not a book of history but instead a book of mythology mixing lies with truths in order to perpetuate and expand a particular clergy. But, now, the issue isn’t about control of the State by the clergy, but instead it’s about control of the State by the aristocracy — the nation’s super-rich. That’s what’s at issue in today’s America. Science is finally now extending outward, from its existing base, first in physics, and then in biology, to demonstrate such powerful empirical political realities as this in society — encroaching now upon the U.S. regime’s fraudulent dogma that the U.S. Government is a “democracy” instead of a “dictatorship” (a dictatorship such as it invades abroad and tries to overthrow and replace, by a ‘democracy’, some foreign nation’s Government — to add a new vassal-nation to the American empire’s ‘allies’ or actual colonies). This Emperor has no clothes, is what this academic article displays. But this particular “Emperor” represents not the clergy (such as in the time of Galileo and of Darwin), but instead the aristocracy — the super-rich (the imperialists, in the “New Cold War”).

The article’s title is: “How money drives US congressional elections: Linear models of money and outcomes”. Its “Abstract” or summary says that “the relations between money and votes cast for major parties in elections for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives from 1980 to 2018 are well approximated by straight lines.” In other words: Billionaires and other super-rich individuals can and do purchase electoral outcomes with their enormous political donations in America. It’s a “straight-line” relationship between money and winning: the candidate who is backed by the most money has the biggest (a huge) likelihood of winning; the candidate who is backed by the least money has the least (a minuscule) likelihood, and most of that money to the winning candidates comes from the few super-rich. The way to be politically successful in today’s America is, now clearly, to be more corrupt than your competitor — to be offering the Government for sale to the highest bidders (and to deliver on the promises that the politician makes to these individuals, so as to be able to remain in public office and continue to serve those masters). (And, then, after public office, come the biggest private benefits, to those former office-holders.) America is an aristocracy, not a democracy; it is one-dollar-one-vote, not one-person-one-vote. That’s what the article demonstrates.

Even more crushing is the same three authors’ (Thomas Ferguson, Paul Jorgenson, and Jie Chen) further analysis from these same data, their article “Big Money — Not Political Tribalism — Drives US Elections”, which exposes the fraudulence of the two American political Parties’ supposed ‘ethnic’ or ‘racial’ appeals, as being instead actually the aristocracy’s distractive political theater pumping those divides, as being, in reality, instead — at the structurally deeper level — between Republican versus Democratic Party billionaires, with Republican billionaires financing White-power appeals, and Democratic billionaires financing Black and other minority (and feminist) power appeals, all so that the nation’s population-at-large won’t be fighting instead against the aristocracy itself, which is the sole real beneficiary of this system of exploitation of the masses (exploitation of workers and consumers). Thus, the aristocracy’s victims — the public, the consumers and workers, the people who are NOT in the aristocracy — look elsewhere than at the aristocracy, to see their enemy. This latter paper isn’t behind a paywall, and it shows the same straight-line graphs relating money to power that the first-mentioned one here (which IS paywalled) did. So, one can readily see visually, here, how profoundly corrupt America’s Government actually is. (Those graphs are stunning, because the data are.)

I have previously posted articles summarizing, and linking to, a vast range of other empirical evidences, of many different types, all likewise pointing very strongly toward America’s being an aristocracy instead of a democracy, and these are some of them:

“How America’s dictatorship works”

“America Is One-Dollar-One-Vote, Not Really One-Person-One Vote.”

“Jimmy Carter Is Correct That the U.S. Is No Longer a Democracy”

“Politicians Don’t Actually Care What Voters Want”

“Is the U.S. actually a ‘police state’?”

“How the U.S. Government is controlled by its armaments firms”

“How the Billionaires Control American Elections”

“The Evilness of America’s Ruling Class”

All of those data should be compared to the opposite view, the U.S.-regime-imposed view, which is expressed by America’s political ‘scientists’ and ‘historians’, who continue to perpetuate the U.S. regime’s claim to being a democracy (one-person-one-vote, instead of one-dollar-one-vote — which is America’s reality). Not only politicians, but also scholars, are beneficiaries of billionaires’ donations — the donations funding professorial chairs, college endowments, and ‘non’-profit foundations and ‘charities’. Such private interests thus control the public interests, to produce a deeply corrupt (privatized) body-politic.

On which side of this debate, about the aristocracy and the public, do you stand, and why? And what do you think should be done about it? Do you favor the aristocrats, or the public? This is not a political question, but a meta-political one. It transcends existing political Parties, and all existing political prejudices. It requires authentically scientific thinking about public policies. Above all, such questions concern the existing one-dollar-one-vote (aristocracy), versus the possibility of one-person-one-vote (democracy) emerging (or re-emerging). But can dictatorship ever transform into democracy? If so, how? Of course, history provides answers, and it shows that, at least for a while, the American Revolution did transform an aristocracy here into a democracy (albeit, a limited one): it conquered Britain’s aristocracy on its land. Unfortunately (or fortunately, if one prefers aristocracy to democracy), an American aristocracy has recently risen here. America now has its own aristocracy. In science, only history provides answers. There have also, in some other countries, been revolutions overthrowing the local nation’s own aristocracy. All evidences in science are historical facts — nothing else than that. And the articles which are linked-to here are scientific: they are analyses which are based only on the relevant historical facts, displaying what history (not myth) shows. One thing that all of human history shows is that every aristocracy is based on myths. America’s aristocracy is no different. Social science is now puncturing that myth — exposing that fraud. This is significant globally, not merely locally.

Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.


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Eric Zuesse has a good handle on the real plot. Sadly, because of the high levels of censorship in the corporate media, the only people likely to read this stuff (apart from the trolls) are people who already knew most of it anyway.

Southfront resident nigha

This whole article is a total bullshit and a bunch of deceptions. US is no dictatorship. Never was. It is called Chaos with total freedom. A group that wrestles power tries to enforce Tyranny.

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha

The USA is the most despised nation in history. The constant avalanche of pro american propaganda is literally the only thing keeping people just confused enough to not immediately begin cutting throats of any American they see.

Eric Zuesse

That would include me, because I am an American. I just wanted you to know this.


Me as well. Accountability is what’s lacking, from top on down. Societally.

Southfront resident nigha

Nope. Accountability is lacking from bottom up. Find a nigha or a hick who held himself accountable for anything in their lives 😆😆😆😆🐷🙉🙈🙊

Putin bitches tears taste like heaven

Long live russian democracy hurray 🤣🤣😂🤣💩

Southfront resident nigha

If it is so despised as you claim, why does every nigha, beaner and kebab in the World tries to immigrate to US?

Last edited 2 years ago by Southfront resident nigha
i wonder

Because they are willing to sell their vote for welfare


They don’t. These guys try to invade my home country instead.

Edgar Zetar

I can dissect your comment and try to get some light to your way of thinking… “Kings (Monarchs) will always be despised by the people at the lower living levels who fell their disgraces are faults or blame the Kings. Also regular people (lower uneducated levels) will always blame others from their mistakes, even if you give them oportunities and they fail will blame you for his fault. Well USA is the King and the Courts (Contesans) are Western Goverments, (Today is easily to understand what I said when EU Goverments pursuits policies who go against their own citizens and its on Behalf of their Ruler Monarch USA)… so my friend you only comment your hate to USA while Western Goverments loves USA.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

The US Stopped the chance of being a Democracy the day the gold standard changed. Once that theft occurred, it was the beginning of a slow decline, hidden by ww2 and the industrial might it built up for a while, but now out in the open.


I was always told USA was a republic not a democracy. In historical wargame rules republics can withstand foreign wars longer than democracies without internal revolt ( which was one reason to pick being one. ) They also lost more production to corruption than democracies, so democracy was a better choice if you didn’t want to fight foreign wars.


No no. City od London is head of dragon.


Some dragons have more than one head.



You missed it by “this much” https://www.ae911truth.org/evidence/technical-articles/articles-by-ae911truth/845-nist-confirms-its-building-7-report-is-indefensible-part-1-of-5-the-omitted-web-stiffeners

“Happy 21$t Birthday to U.$. and the parties that looked the other way – http://www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/groundzero/cleanup.html – https://theduran.com/putin-911-not-inside-job/ that got them to THIS https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/putin-warns-macron-large-scale-catastrophe-looms-ukraine-nuclear-plant

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

The Institution that is the US Government is the Dictatorship

Edgar Zetar

USA is not a police state also isnt a Dictatorship of a single Ruler, its a Elitists System of Goverment or you can call it a System based on Dictatorship. Guess the main issue in USA are the High Clases and the ultra cannibalism at the top clases (aristhocracy with hunger of power and who want to perpetuate their power at the top)… If USA cleans their Federal Goverment from this issue, repair their broken economy system of debts everybody except to the UltraRich, then I think they wont need to fight Russia or to start Wars in MiddleEast or to go and taunt China. But USA wont and will ever do that, so everyone else start manufacture weapons and train your soldiers, at least we will fight and must kill us before taking our lands not like the Frenchs in WWII. Only the moron countries or totally infiltrated countries wont buy weapons or train an Army…. I always said When The first Bullet between Big Countries is fired, all the International Systems, Lawyers, Burocrats would run away and hide and the Strongest Army would win any fight.

Last edited 2 years ago by Edgar Zetar

America has no oversite. Selling CPS babies/kids. Sells prisoners. Sells humans. There is an underground that is directly beneath the surface of the legal government. Democracy works in an open and honest government. When things are being kept secret, people have no voice. I dont believe in a democracy in any nation any more. I believe that different percentages have it good versus bad.

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