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Preparations For War: US To “Temporarily” Deploy THAAD In Romania

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Preparations For War: US To "Temporarily" Deploy THAAD In Romania

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On April 11th, US European Command (EUCOM) announced that it will deploy a U.S. Army Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system to Romania.

The deployment is reportedly not permanent and will only last through summer 2019, while the existing Aegis Ashore program undergoes regular maintenance and updates.

“The THAAD, from the 69th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, 32nd Army Air and Missile Defense Command stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, will integrate into the existing NATO BMD architecture during a limited period of scheduled maintenance and updates on the Aegis Ashore Missile Defense System in Romania this summer.”

The THAAD will support the operation of the Aegis Ashore Romania mission at Naval Support Facility Deveselu as part of the existing U.S. and NATO BMD mission.

Once the THAAD is deployed, it will be under the control of NATO’s Allied Air Command.

With the end of the INF Treaty, according to the US, the Romanian Aegis Ashore (and now the THAAD) will assist in the protection of EU NATO allies as well as US forces deployed in the region “against the growing threat posed by the proliferation of ballistic missiles outside the Euro-Atlantic area.”

The site, of course, is aimed at deterrence, but if it fails it is expected to protect the US and NATO allies from possible “Russian aggression.”

THAAD is a land-based element of the Ballistic Missile Defense System. It is a globally transportable, rapidly deployable capability to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles inside or outside the atmosphere during their final, or terminal, phase of flight. This ability to intercept enemy missiles at high altitudes mitigates effects before they can reach the ground.

Reportedly it will only be deployed until maintenance and updates to the Aegis Ashore system are performed. But if further deterrence calls for it, the Aegis Ashore may be repurposed with Tomahawk missiles and the THAAD could become a permanent protection tool. But that would be in a scenario, in which “Russian aggression” “forces” the US and co. into a more assertive deterrence.

Since, despite the US EUCOM statement claiming several times that the deployment is temporary, there is ample evidence of military deployments (and withdrawal) lasting quite the longer period than initially hinted at.

On March 4th, US EUCOM also announced that it had deployed a THAAD in Israel, as “a demonstration of the United States’ continued commitment to Israel’s regional security under the Department of Defense’s Dynamic Force Employment concept.”

This placement wasn’t mentioned as temporary.

All of these deployments and militarization of the EU and closely surrounding region is more than likely a direct result of the termination of the INF treaty. Similar examples of this were the deployments of US B-52 bombers to the UK and their “regular” patrol exercises over the Baltic Sea near the Russian border.

In the 2019 US EUCOM Posture Statement, Russia was described as “a long-term, strategic competitor that wants to advance its own objectives at the expense of U.S. prosperity and security and that sees the United States and the NATO Alliance as the principal threat to its geopolitical ambitions. In pursuit of its objectives, Moscow seeks to assert its influence over nations along its periphery, undermine NATO solidarity, and fracture the rules-based international order. Russia actively pursues an aggressive foreign policy in violation of other nations’ sovereignty, carrying out subversive and destabilizing activities in Europe and the U.S. and exploiting opportunities to increase its influence and expand its presence in Afghanistan, Syria, and Asia.”

“This would be achieved by non-compliance with long-standing arms control treaties, such as the INF Treaty. These alleged violations allowed Moscow to develop capabilities that the United States continued to forego. Its “suspension” of the Conventional Armed Forces in Europe Treaty gave it greater flexibility to posture forces in regions of special interest to Moscow and to do so with significantly less transparency towards its neighbors in ways we do not because of our adherence to these treaties.”

US EUCOM also claimed that NATO (which is US-led to begin with) also supported the US decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty.

“Because they recognize that Russia’s Treaty-banned systems hold much of Europe at risk and that despite significant diplomatic efforts—more than 30 engagements over nearly six years—Russia refuses to return to compliance.”

Russia also repeatedly accused the US of breaching the INF Treaty. However, these calls were fully ignored by Washington, which killed the INF Treaty in early 2019.


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Xoli Xoli

Time Russian action.

Hasbara Hunter

You’ve already had plenty of opportunities to Fire some Nukes USraHell….But you didn’t….You are Loudmouthed Chickenshit Cowards….

Promitheas Apollonious

fire them where exactly my friend? that they are chicken shit could not agree more with you.

Hasbara Hunter

North Korea for instance….or Iran….why bother to have Thousands of Bodybags returning back home to the States in a Conventional War if you can Nuke Iran?

Promitheas Apollonious

because they will not be able handle the retaliation, against them, as far the americans are concerned. as for israel, they better as their patrons farting than doing.


Yes but when a rat is cornered it will attack. Their economy and currency is on the verge of collapse, a worthless dollar means no money for weapons or pay for the troops. They feel cornered, but feel if they could steal Russian resources they could get out of debt and contain China.

You have to understand American culture, they worship wealth and power, without it they feel valueless. Not ruling the world is worse than death to them.


They will just print their way out of it, and in the meantime, consolidate territory for further expansion and resources such as Golan Heights, West Bank, Gaza. With their Jewish connections around the world I’m sure they will always have some form of State/Industry support.


They have been printing their way out of it since 1972, but it’s starting to show. Even though the price of gold is stable and the banks in US/UK say gold demand is low, the goldfields in Western Australia are mining record amounts, employing more people and the Government is getting more revenue from royalties. The invasions of Libya and Mali purely to steal the gold was very blatant. One day London bullion market won’t be able to deliver, and the dollar will collapse within weeks. All empires have tried debasing their currency as they fall, and it always ends the same way.


Who would be buying the gold though other than Russia and China?


People just ordinary people who can see where this is going You might also find that American banks are stocking up. JP Morgan is rumored to hold a mountain of silver. A logical plan for the American plutocracy would be to hold gold or silver, to maintain their wealth after a collapse.


The Americans are preparing to attack Russia. I know people say they would never do it, it would be crazy, but they are crazy. They don’t really care about American casualties, ruling the world is all that matters to the USA.


if they are crazy enough to suicide and be eliminated from the face of the earth yes they will. What the americans trying to do is have europe to go to war with russia believing that they will enjoy a free ride after the dust is settle. I think russia will hit usa before any one else.


What the americans trying to do is have europe to go to war with russia

Britain did precisely that with WW2. Pitted Germany (via Hitler) against Russia so that they mutually destroy each other. If Russia falls for it this time, it should raise questions as to who really runs it.

Jason De Larue Samuel

Israhell is the mastermind of all this shit


It appears that way. The real culprits sit in the City of London. That doesn’t mean Israel isn’t part of the equation.

Jason De Larue Samuel

Israhell and the mossad yeah i think so


Yeah it’s the Jews the poms the niggers the Arabs, in fact everybody except the people doing the killing.

Jason De Larue Samuel

Only muppets

Jason De Larue Samuel

Only zioniSme


This time hopefully, Russia will nuke the US off the face of the earth. Sadly there is no other way, I love dogs but a large rabid dog has to be put down, and the USA is a rabid dog.


There is no doubt that the US is a rabid dog but I don’t think either will press the red button. It reminds me of the Cold War chest pumping.


Yeah just ignore the facts and stick to beliefs, it’s more comforting.


Nothing to do with beliefs. There were plenty of “facts” during the Cold War, yet nothing happened. US tech was actually transferred en masse to the Soviet Union. This was uncovered by Anthony Sutton [1] and confirmed by CFR officials. Combined that to the Yeltsin-era rats still deeply roaming Russia [2] and Putin’s decades-long coziness with Kissinger; and one should have good enough reason to wonder what’s really going on. The contrast between the US media/government and Corporate America is also worth considering.

The US arming its puppets neighboring Russia can be seen as alarming but is it business as usual for the US?


[1]: National Suicide: Military aid to the Soviet Union https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/1559801.National_Suicide

[2]: The Rich Also Cry http://www.unz.com/ishamir/the-rich-also-cry/


They are getting desperate, the American financial system is on a precipice and could fall at any time. It’s because they are losing, that the US will go nuclear, because it’s the only way to win.


Russia will hit continental US with a decapitating strike using Zircon missiles launched from submarines close to the US coastline, and attack their ABM installations in Romania and Poland with Iskander missile salvoes.


it is what they say they would do and I have little doubt they will. Maybe also decide to make a first preemptive strike themselves rather than wait to be attacked.


You are full of crap boy !

Russia aint going to attack anyone, and certainly not going to start ww3 ! You are a victim of the main stream media they feed imbeciles like you day in day out.


weird think is that in my country (Romania) have moved in secret over 1 millon jews and the number is rising.. rats abandon Israel and are moving here.. something big will happen for sure


The problem for Jews living in Israel, is everybody else is a Jew.


LOL! Rats in a barrel….

hope springs eternal.

Thank you. Interesting to note. Signs of the times. I think deep inside, Israel know they are done for in their present location.


A lot of Jews are also returning to Germany. Jews as a religion are nomadic, they have always moved to greener pastures when they could. Also they have turned Israel into a shithole the pollution is terrible, drinking from any of the creeks or rivers will kill you. That’s why they steal water from the Litani river in Lebanon. A part of Judaism is usury, which applies to the land as well as money. Most animals can carry a few ticks without harm, but a lot of ticks kills the animal. Jews scattered about the globe do not sicken the host countries, but in high numbers the host sickens.

PS I’m talking about the religion not the man, not all Jews are ticks.


yw! i work with some people here and we try to expose them. they slowly started with their satanic shit. they put 5 goat statues in Bucharest, they planned to build a mega synagogue in a place where officialy around 50 jews live … it was known to use since late 90’s that they plan to move Israel here.. a part will go to Russia .. some to Moldavia.. some to Ukraine.. but the main target is Romania.. they keep tryin to build holocaust and jewish history museum in Bucharest… i do not want these rats in my country ….

Concrete Mike

Well if jews a flocking to romania, you should be fine for a bit.


yes, but they bring their satanic shit here


How is the US going to rule the world if they get their asses siliconized? A few Poseidon torpedoes would neutralize the east and west coast, where most industrial, population and military are located, and render the area uninhabitable for centuries.


Exactly who would die? Just ordinary Americans, the US does not give a fk about the American people, they are just slaves. If 99% of the American population were killed they would simply get more slaves.


US will have an almost destroyed infrastructure, industrial capacity and military installation…..how are they going to rule the world in such a pathetic condition? The surviving world is not going to want to deal in dollars from the almost defunct empire that has no ability to back its money, or pay its debts with some tangible assets. Gold, and other tangible modes of payment or bartering will become the norm. The US elites are going to suck rocks and play with their “Monopoly money” printers in their protective bunkers.


Their trying to subtly. But will Russia nip it the bud?……I think so! Not to mention all the missile tests lately to demonstrate to the US Elite that they will not be safe from retaliation.


Americans are not crazy. They are overworked. Their elite, the Glitzy Classes of the Neo-Gilded Age, call the shots and they don’t share in the suffering that their decisions cause.


Exactly, they will gladly sacrifice the American people, and buy new Americans. Americans just aren’t productive enough, too poorly educated to function in a modern world. So how to throw out the current crop? I know get the Russians to kill them.

peter mcloughlin

The West sees Russia as ‘a long-term, strategy competitor that wants to advance its own objectives at expense of US’. Both sides want to advance their own objectives. The problem is, when core interests clash (those conditions perceived to present an immediate or future existential threat) there will be war. And all the evidence suggests NATO and Russia are on course for conflict. https://www.ghostsofhistory.wordpress.com/


I am Romanian. Most people do not want USA army here. (((some tv stations))) brainwash idiot millenians and boomers (like my dad) to think Russia will invade us and that they plan to take over Moldavia and parts of Romania… Clown world… Honk! Honk!


It is the same in Finland


wish we could talk more about Findand and what is going on there.. would you consider guide me for an article please?


Oh sure I would like to tell someone as well. I guess it best decribes the situation that I can not think of any Finnish article that would cover the situation as all media is now in one bundle under Nato. How is that even legal, I don’t know. Nato exercises, we are not even in Nato as there is no support! A lot of private people in social media are worried and so on. It all started in 1994 after a (artificial?) recession and EU membership and dubious elections. I’ve found someone to say that Australia had a similar, basically a UN takeover in 1975. Just now a days here, at worst, they might teach kids attending little scouts that reproducing is bad because of CO2, UN stuff..


thank u god sir!!


You’re a terrible liar, you know that?


The Chinese have bought up everything everywhere ;) Now he’s Romanian Citizen….or Chinese…….I don’t know….


actualy my name is written in katakana which is a japanese alphabet. i am not chinese i am a mixture of slavic and germanic people. born and raised in Romania under Ceausescu. Smaug u can kiss my pale white ass

Gregory Casey

I’d far prefer he doesn’t do that if I were you. Eating pig-shit is infinitely more suited methinks!

Concrete Mike

Takes one to know one, so im told by my 6 year old neice!


me????? :) pls explain

Pave Way IV

I’m from the US. Most people here do not want the USA army in Romania, either.


If only Americans would vote for people who are not part of the plutocracy, the American people would have the worlds highest standard of living. But the brainwashing is intense, I joined up because they convinced me that the commies(Vietnam) would invade Australia. It took me a long time to realize that I was the invader.


You are assigning some magical powers to voting.


No but it requires free thought, something Americans simply do not have. From the outside you can see America turning into India, extreme poverty, shitting in the streets, whilst the Maharaja’s bask in extreme wealth and use your children as sex toys.

What you morons don’t understand, is if you don’t vote for your current lords and masters, they don’t get payed, no point in bribing a politician if he is not in power. You see many Americans complaining that it’s all because of the Jews, but you just keep on reelecting them.


who can u vote? do u think votes count????


Well one name I remember was Jill Stein, I don’t know her policies, but that doesn’t matter. The idea is to vote AGAINST the Republicans and Democrats so any body else will do.

The plutocrats have Americans well trained, they vote for the same people every election, and always get the same rubbish. Americans who don’t like the red and blue simply don’t vote, they just bend over and take it.

In reality the people do have the power, but are simply too stupid to know how to use it. The USA is an evolutionary dead end, time it became extinct like the dinosaurs.


1. The filteration system does not allow anyone who isn’t part of (((the plutocracy))) to become a candidate

2. The voting itself is rigged through electronic voting machines.


Well I often hear Americans talk about how they are armed and dangerous. Thomas Jefferson once said The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. But it seems Americans are just big mouthed chickenshits, armed to the teeth, but too scared to pull the trigger.

I am old enough to remember when Americans had balls, and forced the politicians to end the Vietnam war, today they watch the Simpsons and stuff their faces, bread and circuses.


just think about how much programming takes place in USA.. they also had MK Ultra… and other CIA opperations… they are programmed via music/tv/movies … that country is doomed… just like most parts of western Europa.. and probably like Japan and Korea.. they have no oppinion of their own anymore


I know. I have many american friends. I am not blaming the american people … just the jewish cabal and the NWO

Pave Way IV

I appreciate that you make the distinction, ナイトストーカー. But my personal opinion is that the American people should take direct responsibility for everything our corrupt, immoral government does, and the rest of the world SHOULD blame the American people for the actions of our government. It’s our (US citizen’s) problem to fix and nobody elses’.

Americans love to hide behind the futile belief that ‘voting’ and ‘the law’ are all that’s required to fix a corrupt government. If it’s not working, then it’s because we’re not voting for the right pre-selected evil candidates or that we just need to pass more laws to punish corrupt politicians. Except ‘voting’ and ‘the law’ were specifically usurped (over many years) to ensure they’re worthless for fixing a morally bankrupt, corrupt government.

Neither ‘voting’ nor ‘the law’ will ever be a threat to psychopathic leaders in the US – and that’s by design. This happens everywhere else to some degree – it’s not just unique to America. Yet both have been elevated HERE to almost a sacred religious ritual status. Americans won’t ever question the futility of trusting either one or recognize that they are now both control tools for the state. That would be patriotic blasphemy!


well i do study asian languages now (japanese, mandari, korean, vietnamese and mongolian.. i am fascinated i might say) .. American people are dumbed down… they live in the illusion that ‘murica saved the world from dictators when they actualy did the opposite. it was not only about oil and opium, it was about NWO, instaling their cabal. creating a greater Israel and mostly erasing history.. even after what Trump keeps doing for Israel they still think in the Qanon bullshit and 4D chess… i can never forget that they bombed Romania in ww2, my grandmother was a refugee from Moldavia, they bombed the trainstation in Buchaest it was full with moldavian refugees…. so basicaly they did some ethnic cleansing… and they did that all over the world with their corrupt goverment who is Israels dog. I do believe in God and I do believe we pay for our ancestars sins, so in my oppinion America is doomed.

Tommy Jensen

Im from Poland and I want the US army in Romania, in Poland and EVERYWHERE in E-Europe as long as they give us dollares . I voted for tactical nukes to be installed in all EU countries secretly along all borders to Russia and wait for the right moment………………………….……..LOL.


but Trump said all coutries who host USA army will pay to USA for protection


And those that don’t want to hoste FUKUS army, either have a color revolution, get invaded or need “protection” against a sudden emergency of Saudi-funded Takfiri/Jihadi/Salafi/DAESH lover-eaters.


exacly brother!!!!

Gregory Casey

Smokin’ bad ganja again I see Tommy!


No offense intended but it doesn’t matter what you want. Treaty of Westphalia is dead. Empire has the principal of selective extraterritoriality of it’s laws. They kidnap journalists, take presidents hostage midair, sanction third countries, reappoint another country’s president in clear day light and get away with it.


since they killed Ceausescu (which was a Mossad/CIA opperation) my country was torn to pieces…. I know what they do.. i see what they also did in former Yugoslavia.. in Lybia, in all Middle East…


You got to understand that the soviets were hard people. It takes many many generations to change. Europe of 100 years ago was vastly different and the Nazi’s were just one of the bad people. Remember romania had an empire then too.. Dont know of any nice empires.. Actually I know of 1 empire who included most of the indian subcontinent, he converted to buddhism and his empire fell apart after him. So empires thats not hard and strict fall apart.. Dont necessarily need to be cruel but you can see how strict the US empire is.. Because behind the smiles and ties, they accept no compromise and demand loyalty and conformity. And that power can easily be abused as we see in guantanamo and empire law. I can see what the people remember when the red army rolled into the country in WW2.. Especially when that country helped kill many millions of red army soldiers. Also having forgotten what Ghengis Khan and his horde did after they rolled in centuries before..


well i was raised my by grandparenst. they were war refugees. i know damn well what massacre americans commited in here in WW2… u try to tell me ameica is our greatest ally.. just like israel is america’s greates ally.. comman… bullshit… america is where the oil is … all this russia-america bullshit.. who profits from it? just the bankers and weapon manufactors…


It might be time for a ‘temporary’ deployment of the S 400 in Cuba.


Don’t get so trigger happy, South Front, this is actually just the usual. We train with allies to get a feel for the local terrain and develop working relationships and contingency plans.


…..or creeping up slowly on Russia’s front door.


The Russian’s will take them out easy enough when the line is crossed. Let the US waste their resources placing precious assets. In the meantime, Russia strengthens even further and BUILDS Allies rather than alienating them.

Make sense

You smoking weed James?


I wish.


True, the Russians are decades ahead of the US in rocketry, in fact they are ahead in all areas of defense. The US traditionally was only interested in offensive weapons, invasion forces, so most gets spent on carriers and sneak attack aircraft like the F22/F35 etc. The US has been threatening to invade Russia since WWII, so the Russians have a lot of experience in foiling an American attack. The current Russian advantage is the result of 70 years of American foreign policy.


I look forward to seeing more US frustration :)


Did you forget the US army fought with the white army against the soviets?? Not sure if they actually saw combat because they got sick and left soon after..


Henry Ford and other American plutocrats also financed a mercenary army to invade Russia to coincide with the assassination of Lenin.

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