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Preparing For New Battle? Syrian, Russian Troops Held Joint Drills In Aleppo (Video)

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Preparing For New Battle? Syrian, Russian Troops Held Joint Drills In Aleppo (Video)

Click to see full-size image. Source: RT

The Ministry of Defense of Russia announced on February 8 that Russian troops held a series of joint exercises with armored units of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

In a statement, the ministry said the exercises were held in the countryside of Aleppo in Syria’s northern region. Battle tanks of the SAA took part in the exercises.

During the exercises, Russian service members “corrected the mistakes” of Syrian forces as they used their battle tanks. Some parts of the training were repeated several times, which took up to 3 hours.

The Russian Zvezda TV shared footage of the exercises, showing SAA troops maneuvering with T-72 battle tanks and BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles.

Russian officer Grigory Lazotkin who took part in the exercises said SAA troops “are not the same as they were” at the start of the war.

“Today, the combat abilities of these forces are much higher than before … as a result of good training,” RT quoted Lazotkin as saying.

Today, the SAA is facing several challenges from the northwestern region of Greater Idlib, which has become a safe havens for terrorists, to tensions in the northeastern region, instability in the southern region ending with ISIS’ growing threat in the central region.

Russia’s support has been critical for the success of all SAA operations since 2015. This support continues to grow on all levels, despite the ever increasing Western pressure on Syria.


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Time to clean up HTS and Turkish backed jihadis and their network in Idlib.

Icarus Tanović

Jihadis? They have nothing to do with Jihad whatsoever. That’s msm narrative, they are commong crooks, thugs, cowards and headchoppers.

Jens Holm

Its heard all trhe Assad soldiers are forced recruits and are handcuffed.


No, you’re thinking of HTS. The totally moderate, pro-democracy freedom fighters…

Jens Holm

The only one in Syria having an idea about, what democrasy is, are the SDFs by PYD. And the PYD one is limited.

cechas vodobenikov

dane education teaches LSD hallucinations free dinkmark as US colony

Jens Holm

You seemes to be teached nothing or is not able to learn anything.

As written many times before we are in Western Economies with many countries as well as Nato.

…And we are doing pretty well. If we all are jews too, I love Jews and myself as well.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

Hitler tried to create the EU by force of arms. It is clear that the power of money is stronger than the power of arms.

Jens Holm

no he didnt. none was not even asked.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

NATO is US Zionist dominated. European countries are only pieces in the game in the Zionists’ struggle for world domination and it is on European soil that the US Zionists want the next great war to take place in the battle to conquer the lands of Russia and Eastern Europe. Hopefully, the next major war will also take place on the American continent.

cechas vodobenikov

jensy knows—boyfriend handcuffs u for BDSM

Jens Holm

If so, Im not forced. We dont do that very much here.

Leif Oskar Zetterstrøm

All countries force civilians in uniform when there is war. Those who cowardly do not follow the laws of war are executed.

klove and light

lolol….. they r totally fucked……SAA infantry….totally clueless………and that guy shooting and spinning around and shooting again-the dude did not even aim…total utter bs !!!

death to america death to israel curse on the jews…houthis

Adam Prisbit

you right about one thing…SAA a joke.

IDF will soon destroy all irgc terrorist and nuclear reactor!s

Lone Ranger

Lay down the LSD kiddo… SAA won. Mossadisis lost.

cechas vodobenikov

your rehab failed—not enough methadone and Seroquel in your village

Jens Holm

You is his doctor or what?

Adam Prisbit

piece of SHET the poorest kibbutz in West Bank is richer than the richest village in Russkiy land

Adam Prisbit

lack of discipline, world war 2 red army tactics. not to mention attacking at night without air defense, syrian militias getting annihilated by US airforce at conoko oil field. 600 wiped out in 2 hours

Lone Ranger

Disney called they want you back Trollstoy ?

Adam Prisbit

you repetive insult dont hurt me but make me LAUGH!!!

Lone Ranger

Than laugh Trollstoy ? Your very existence is an insult to yourself, a jew supporting neo nazis and rapist cannibal headchopping terrorists. Uncle Shlomo isnt proud…

Jens Holm

Most of us dont care half a camel about Your insinuations. It just confirm You culture or lack of same.

Lone Ranger

Sure Jens… Oh look its time for your next Thorazine shot…

cechas vodobenikov

tritz transgender shift–triggered

Jens Holm

It seemes cechas vodobenikov most likely is no trans herself. The skirts only cober here eyes.

Or maybee like devils brigade :) look


Adam Prisbit


Jens Holm

Things are not like that at all.

The big mistake by the Bolsjevics after WW1 was ultimative demands. If they have compromised with Trotskyj, they would have some kind of Social Democrasy, which is doing relative well in the West even today.

In Denmark they today are 25% and even so, they has the Governess and by that the premiereminister as their too.

Lone Ranger

Trotskyites are worse than nazis.

Jens Holm

Thats a relative to me. The reasons for them should die or being replaced.

Here Trotskisme could have neutralized nazisme in Ukraine.

Lone Ranger

American neo-trotskyites run ukropnazis at this very moment…

Jens Holm

I dont care

Lone Ranger

Not surprising. I wouldnt care either after that much LSD…

Lone Ranger

Meaning trotsky and democracy in the same sentence is an oxymoron.

Jens Holm

No its 2 different ways to get same thing

Lone Ranger

Same as LSD can split your reality into two… Say no more, Jens. I feel you…

Jens Holm

You dont feel at all. I do feel for people having big problems, which gave them Bolsjevisme even it was not even majority rules.

The Kulak farmers in Ulkraine fx cpuld have kept their farms and employed. Istead millions did in a long line of very dortt and dark incdents.

How many, how and why is probatly eriased in You history book.

But it insist in well documented writings and even in Danish.

Lone Ranger

Thanks for confirmation… Dont worry, help is on the way… Try to relax…

cechas vodobenikov

dink lives in totalitarian US colony where queen requires slaves to live in basement ,obtain Covid passport —massive police state repression when citizens protest vs covid fascism…Jenny love fascism—expected from robot

Jens Holm

You probatly learned that in You dummy school. Come and have a look.

Its as You are jailed in some basement far away from us.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yes we have seen how well U.S. training and command does for the likes of the Poles and Ukrainian Nazis… Not to mention Iraqi officers facing CIA backed terrorists. Canon fodder.

Jens Holm

I acnt see Your relevancy. Its very much about You are able to improe standards and not about who.

In this I see succes for Al Qaida, a period ISIS and very much SDFs and mainly Kurds. The arabic SDFs had liited succes because they were limited by their culture and faith. USA also has trained the Shiit Milisia in Iraq, which dont like them anymore. As I recallk it, they are doing pretty well against USA as well as any sunni alive.

The Nato helped Iraqi officers now are doing pretty well and in army as well as in the air and partly in logistics. There are no failures there as You describe it. Thats confirmed by danish teachers for them. And its a Nato thing and we also have given them good leftovers to complete their equipment.

You seemes to ignore they hardly existed as a real force and almost all hard and light stuff by that easy was taken by ISIS and maybee partly by the Qaidas.

So You compare in a very fielthy way. They dont run away becuase the low ranked officers and leaders below them now are real commanders havigcontrol and they all shoot back. Here we also has gioven them shooting practice, so they dont shoot in the air and also hit the enemies better with less bullets.

You seemes not to know much about Poles as well as Ukraine. As usual very infected, You name Ukrainians as Nazis and look down at Poles. Poles actually defeated the Bolsjevics after WW1 and took their country back. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a34e268067814a3c87681bd2d658ab391d071f3045569e41410800811ddc912f.png

Several 100.000 poles fighted at the western front and in Italy as well. And many do remember 4.000 in Katyn as well as the Warzava Ghettoo uprise as well as the many 1000s which was jailed and deported for Years just because they were not communists.

One of my friends mother came home after 3 years in Sibiria. She only had her filthy clothe and a russian version of an old russian zippo ligther and a watch. She did get a job right away bt as united with her smalkl children with about 8 others in a not heated flat.

They dont forget that.

I also allow me to say Poles are and addiction to Nato and if they are bad educated, the Russians probatly was in the fontgzone by Jaruselsky.


Russia khazar jews north are the equivalent to kievs to todays,no big deal!

Jens Holm

The big bang theori also is clapping in Youir hands:)

Jens Holm

D NA dont say that at all.

cechas vodobenikov

jensy sees hallucinations fueled by bad LSD…poles/danes can hardly screw in light bulbs—defeated in all wars….when not aggressive to nazis, they occupy fake nation dinkmark, occupied by masculinized females and feminized males–like your colonial master USA


Who I may add were absolutely smashed from the east by more experienced and stronger minded older bred soviets,so much for pwetty boi + hato training,fkn lol!


uuuuuuhhhhh what? what exactly is their WW2 era tactics?


Blew you incest master outta germany for keeps though,besides you lied again,seens russia comfirms each and every soldier lost in combat (period) Don’t insult higher intellects!

cechas vodobenikov

another fake CIA /mossad agent expressing her insecure LGBT/BLM INSECURITY

Jens Holm

Substance as aqaurius in the sky and deep dark cloud between.

Me&Myself None

Assad could have got rid of these cockroaches if he had asked Turkey for help instead of Russia. Erdogan helped Azerbaijan retake its lost lands in just a few weeks, while Russia has been at it since 2015. Afraid to engage the true terrorists behind the problem, instead preferred to bend over head over heal trying to please them or be friend with them.

cechas vodobenikov

the same 3 CIA agents recycle at SF–jens, tritz, freakman, now biscuit….where is bacon, corn hole?

Jens Holm

You being among us say, its a very free site.

Captain Freedom

they get more numerous when they smell war… remember when Plastic_Zion had to do all the work?

Jens Holm

I cant speak for the other two, but I do see there already is a war.

I have been here for a while…

Thereal smaell comes form The Baathists by Assads.

Icarus Tanović

Luna too.


An increase in Russian military participation in non front line operations such as artillery and rear area support. Would be helpful in freeing up SAA and other frontline forces to proceed with clearing operations in a more efficient and lower death and injury manner.

With Trump withdrawing forces some patience was warranted. But now that Israel has changed the US Government and filled it with Jews. The drawdown is unlikely to continue and a continuation of the forever war is certain unless efforts are made to resume clearing operations and win it.

Jens Holm

You are worse then blind. Turks just took more.

None else normal thinking ones expected any patience. It for years has been expected that if USA was not there, the Tuks would invade and at least in the same way as in Iraq.

Your versions for Russians might be nice but its totally out of context. And how real is it? I see no competent Assad forces as feet on the ground.

They are dead, tired and traumatized and more and more even are hoistile forced leftovers. Their best hopes those spendables has, is the enemy is like that as well.

Pave Way IV

The old Syrian Army officer core sucked – typical lazy-bastard privileged elite chair polishers. While the U.S. typically panders to such useless bastards, the Russians are a bit more enthusiastic in purging such entrenched dead weight in forces they’re training. Fragging lessons for SAA infantry probably go a long way to keeping the officers honest, as well. Good job, Russia.

Icarus Tanović

If there are T-90, there we are in serious stuff.

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