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President Aliyev: Azerbaijani Forces Captured Shusha, Second Largest Town In Nagorno-Karabakh

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President Aliyev: Azerbaijani Forces Captured Shusha, Second Largest Town In Nagorno-Karabakh

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On November 8 morning, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev announced that Azerbaijani forces have captured the strategic town of Shusha from the Armenians in the Nagorno-Karabakh region.

The Armenian military denied the claim of the Azerbaijani leader. However, according to pro-Armenian sources, intense clashes have been ongoing in the area.

The November 7 video shows Armenian troops defending the town of Shusha from Azerbaijani forces. It was filmed northeast of the town highlighting the complicated military situation there. The capital of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, Stepanakert, is located just north of Shusha.

Armenian civilians are fleeing Stepanakert:

Meanwhile, heavy clashes between the sides also continue in the area of Martuni.

An Armenian sniper in action (the location is unknown):


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Judging by the map, that looks like a strategic town with main supply lines going through it. And quiet close to the capital but on an elevated terrain.


It seems to be over for armenians , get out and save lifes that is the best thing to do and make agreement

Zionism = EVIL


Vox Populi

LOL, senile old fool as the new POTUS.


fuck the US election. i don t care..

Jihadi Colin

Nobody with sense cares. It will make no difference at all.

Zionism = EVIL

The stupid Americunt fuckwits were jumping up and down when house boy Obama was selected and he did fuckall and and caused more wars for ZionistCUNTS, Biden is a washed out professional politician leech for 50 years.

Jihadi Colin

Biden won’t matter. He does excellently to remember his own name. He’s the obvious puppet to end all obvious puppets, and even then he’s unlikely to last six months before he “retires for health reasons”. The real rulers will start the same.


Why can’t Trump go back to WH? Cuz is Forbiden.

Zionism = EVIL

He is playing golf and Kushner the gayboy is supposed to tell him that movers are coming. Melania is filing for divorce too.


Jihadi Colin

Moan groan


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4da24e670f341d63ddeeb1843f2a696d736dbb22509656d37450708c2dfe7c0f.jpg Shusha was liberated from Armenian occupation. The statement came from President of Azerbaijan, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces Ilham Aliyev in his recent address to the nation from the Alley of Martyrs. The President said: – Dear compatriots, dear sisters and brothers. I declare with great pride that the city of Shusha has been liberated from occupation! Shusha is ours! Garabagh is ours! I heartily congratulate all the people of Azerbaijan on this occasion! Congratulations to all the people of Shusha! Giving this good news to the people of Azerbaijan on this historic day is perhaps one of the happiest days of my life. Dear Shusha, you are free! Dear Shusha, we are back! Dear Shusha, we will revive you! Shusha is ours! Garabagh is ours! Karabakh is Azerbaijan!

Zionism = EVIL

Aliyev is much tougher than his father and has kept his nerve. Kudos to him.

Random Dude

His father was definitely tougher, Ilham just has more resources that his father did. Ilham is a diplomat, Heydar was a KGB guy. There even was a joke comparison to Putin. Heydar goes to Moscow after Putin’s election, Putin says let me take you on a personal tour of Kremlin. Heydar says: no, let me take you on a tour of Kremlin:))))

Zionism = EVIL

Kids and angry trolls, don’t get mad as I will tell you some more family hard truths, President Aliyev is telling the truth as I had posted Iranian G-2 drone images on the earlier thread showing very weak resistance and the Azeri special forces had broken through to the town center and put up the flag on the Susa fort built by the Persians. A childhood friend of fine, and a fellow military aviator, whose son is serving as Sarvan (roughly captain) in the Artesh (military) on the Aras in Khoda Afarin region, told him that Iranian frontline troops are amazed at the Armenian unwillingness to fight as their officers have fled and the left behind old men and untrained kids with old Soviet era A-47, some D-30 with wheels removed and some Konkur ATGM and 81mm mortars and most don’t know how to operate them. The Armenians have proven to be the worst Soviet era military and now as I have said before Khankendi will fall in a week of so and then it is game over. The Azerbaijanis have fought with determination and true grit, the Turkish drones have carried the day though. The advance Azeri units have moved 5 kms on the road to Khankendi.

Great Khan

hahahaha Latest map, ,,,,,The Azeri troops in suburbs of Khankendi and left western road access open for 48 hours so that civilian and Armenian army can run….


Jihadi Colin

Where did you get this?


So removal of Russian trained offices worked great for N-K and Armenia??

Zionism = EVIL

Like I said in September, Armenia made two mistakes, first to elect or select a total idiot like Pashinian, secondly alienate Russia and limit Russian influence. Their military became complacent and thought poorly of Azerbaijan, fatal mistake as enemies learn from mistakes. This is not 1992. The Azeris have deep pockets and spent a lot of money on rearming and training from Turks, Pakistanis and ZionistCUNTS and developed a professional army. In the end strategic mass always wins. They just worn down a poor battered Armenia. The best outcome should be to accept the Iranian peace plan as Russia is in a coma and withdraw from NK and save whatever is left of Armenian military. If the Armenians don’t negotiate, they face an unconditional surrender.

Harry Smith

The only remark: difference between Russian support with kind words and real Russian support is exactly difference between pro-Western and pro-Russian Armenia. But I think Kremlin won’t go deep in this conflict because Armenia lost its strategic value for Russia in 2019 when long range radar system was built. At my point, Russia will be present in peace process but will give carte blanche to Iran and Turkey. The main task for Russia is to keep silent Armenian diaspora in Russia now.

Zionism = EVIL

I agree and have said the same from early on. Armenians are not very dependable for Russia as Pashinian links with Soros and attempts to wean it away from Russia. Russia is more interested in weakening NATO and Armenia is small fry. Also with total uncertainty in US, there was no need for Russia to become a target. Turkey and Iran will work something out.

Jihadi Colin

If Pashinyan was looking to lose the war in order to get an excuse to join NATO, yes. It did.

Fog of War

Now you’re catching on.

Vox Populi

The weather is supposed to be pretty mild for the next few days so the drones will be very active in the final push.


Pashinyan the traitor has withheld the support that would still have the Azeris still down on the plains. While the Artsahks have fought the IDF, Azeris, Turks and others. And you’re claiming that it’s the Artsahk’s incompetence that’s not stalling the Azeri advance, not Pashinyan’s treason.



Zionism = EVIL

I was about to post it, it is the correct map and now the advance units have moved 5kms north. Luckily, the Armenians did not put up too much resistance and the city is quite intact.


the rest will be even easier…domino effect…hankendi/stepanakert will be captured too…civilians are already evacuated…

Zionism = EVIL

There are long lines of cars of civilians and Armenian military fleeing Khankendi, I will post the video after editing it. Too many dead Armenian soldiers all over road. They seem to have abandoned a lot of equipment, I don’t think they will fight.


interesting…i will be waiting for your video…

Zionism = EVIL



Then post the proof here.

Jihadi Colin

The resistance will collapse exactly as I predicted right here a month ago as soon as the civilian population flees.

Zionism = EVIL

That is why the Azeris have left the north west road open for civilians and wounded, but no retreating military allowed. The Armenians will have to surrender in KhanKendi.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00ad7a4a980908bd1ca9740954f5a0a2bed1f6b9287f75827cdff480ee784484.png https://anna-news.info/eventfeed/08-11-2020-nagornyj-karabah-operativnaya-lenta-voennyh-sobytij/

John Brown

It will be over in 2 weeks at most with a total and complete unconditional Armenian surrender.


Svaka vam cast rusi…namerno malo slovo..Turcadija I dzihadiste vam u predsoblju..ko sa djavolom tikve Sadi o glavu mu se lupaju..tako je bilo da Hitlerom 39..pa ga najebaste gadno

Random Dude

Not a fan of being a pie in sharing, are you?

Zionism = EVIL

Some of the Croat and Serbian genocidal war criminal cowards are truly pissed off at Russia lol. They expected a bit too much from Russia.

Random Dude

Whoever he is, he is a Polish sympathizer. Not that anything wrong with poles, but Russians are not exactly the ones they should address their concerns.

Great Khan

Putin very sick like Russia, sorry can not help….Biden come and take money from Ukraine…hahahahah


Biden san returns to Ukraine, makes money from Russian gas, ask father to lift sanctions in return for more gas. FSB sends him hookers and coke. Ukraine makes peace with Russia.

Great Khan

Polski FIAT ,,,,junk…Mongolia send it back….Polish more stoopid than fat Amerika…..hahaha

Fog of War

Mongolia prefer Yaks and miniature horse. Live in Yurt.


Russian, please.

Zionism = EVIL

It is Polish, he is pissed off at Russia.

Anduin Lothar

It’s Serbo-Croatin, judging by the name I think he is Croat…

Zionism = EVIL

He is also posting on Twitter in Polish. I knew he was one of those. He seems to blame Russia for everything.

Anduin Lothar

Maybe he works in Poland, a lot of Croats work there, post above is on Srb-Cro. Name Robert is common in Croatia.


thanks God.. this fucking nazi croatian ustasha whore is gone.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a798398680c20925249b89df8b34f0afcaad15b34b81d74d20c62c009660485d.jpg


Polan stronk!


Klingonian empire stronk


But Romulan stronker

Great Khan

hahhhahahGreat Khan much joy….Armeni loser like fat stoopid man Trump…don’t accept defeat…KAPUTENHEIMER!


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/7f052bc5873bf4310f41e376fc599ef1d9d8b909acc9c28cb261e611ff0b456b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5e07f5a61d4995016aff79623e95df0aa52b288d34ed0fd60bd8f054855e03ab.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e305dcde62d394c20991774947256e79294f89b57cf4e8077761139fe37410d8.jpg Victory is already ours !!!!! Long live the Azerbaijani people, long live the Azerbaijani soldier! Love to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev !! 1 Love to the brothers and friends of the Azerbaijani people !! Long live Turkey !!! Long live Pakistan !! Long live Israel !! Long live Georgia !!! Long live Ukraine !!! KARABAKH IS AZERBAIJAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4dd963b3a83251c09d8101d5b59289970a2588d5b88ef349b7e01226c4a21dd.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/17a6004590e255ed9308688332038083a00dc6ffc5eb8c9edc54d3e5fdeedf83.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d8857244284e9cc8a857a6633198597b21c3e3d6390e67c63f996c61365d9cb8.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/633b4851047bcec934fbcd268ba5e8f0a9fb26c3ce6a9d6168f4871b04acc84d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/5359ccd2d7b73302c90b742b93888cbac7a17a980ef61da5882dc7de1ecd6196.jpg


and long live ISIS..you forget that

Random Dude

Also Turkish Special Forces, Pakistani Mujahedeen, Italian Mafia, Japanese Yakuza, Iron Man, Thor, and Tom&Jerry


HAhahahahahahahahh………. The army of Mars is still forgotten … Thank you, aliens from heaven !!


and woody woodpecker, too

Random Dude

true that


The unfortunate ………. In fact, Pashinyan is very grateful … He helped us a lot !! What you are experiencing today is due to him !!! You can’t even defeat it properly.



Vox Populi

Azeris celebrated on the streets of Baku after President Ilham Aliyev said on Sunday his country’s forces had taken Shusha, the second-largest city in the Nagorno-Karabakh enclave, independent sources and western media have confirmed that the city had been captured. An emotional President Aliyev addressed the nation and later offered Islamic prayers at the tomb of his father, Azerbaijan’s first Soviet era leader Haider Aliyev.

Servet Köseoğlu

When winter comes for war, You shall hear no Lions roar When winter brings to life all it finds grim, The Bears will freeze where they swim When winter ravages and all despair, No Falcons shall fly high in the air. When winter comes with all it’s might, Only the Wolves shall howl in the night……well-done…Earned victory…

Harry Smith

ROFL! Boz kurt detected.

Servet Köseoğlu

rofl….this is house of stark theme from got..ı am not boz-kurt at all .but it perfectly fits…

Harry Smith

Yes. I didn’t watch Game of Thrones. ROFL!

Servet Köseoğlu

you didnt loose too much…:)))

Harry Smith

I know. ;)

Zionism = EVIL

You know as a professional soldier and now much older now, it is very sad to see young men being maimed or killed for their political masters. Armenia has send kids to die, I have edited the more gruesome photos, but this sums up the Armenian situation young kids fleeing. Very sad, this idiot Pashinian could have saved them by withdrawing.


Servet Köseoğlu

sure..its tragedy for both sides..young men leaving their families behind,never see their kids,viwes again,smell the rain,swim in the sea,taste love…because of stubborn journalist Pashinyan who has no idea of regional balances…imo for non european actors presidents has to be chosen from hard-core military,diplomats or intelligence services

Zionism = EVIL

I posted a line up of Armenian general staff, they are all old men, even older than me, from the Soviet era and I have no fucking idea what these fools were thinking? Armenia on paper is relatively educated, but their military seems to be worse than African tribals in terms of C3I. Pashianian and his generals should face a treason trial.

Rhodium 10

You forget that Pashinyan is a pro western president…his main goal is to be member of the EU and left CTSO…he will not have problems because he will blame Russia with one finger and with the other he will promise Armenian people EU membership!..

Zionism = EVIL

That may be the outcome of this disaster. Sorry for such unnecessary loss of life. I have visited both Armenia and Azerbaijan, they are like Iran, generally nice people and beautiful landscape. I hope they learn to live peacefully after this mess.

Rhodium 10

Dont be Naive!.. I also dont like Armenians ( is not a friendly people with tourist) but its not a matter of lands…NK will turn in a new Idlib with Turkish troops and Mossad agents…look at Kosovo..a Turkish Pseudocalifate with a Huge US base ( Camp Bondsteel)…


Withdrawing? He hasn’t provided them 10% of the support that he could of. The Azeris would still be down on the plain if he did. He’s a traitor who sold out Armenian for the Jews. https://azeridaily.com/images/81259_src.jpg https://a1plus.am/static/articles/20/06/25/l-noSsqj2F3g.jpg


Where are all those online military tacticians (such as Rhodium 10 :D ) who said, Armenians intentionally left the plain terrain to lure them into mountains and this will be the end of the offensive? Well… they passed the mountains less than 2 weeks and now Armenians have to call for ceasefire (if they are sane…).

Servet Köseoğlu

Good -point…but after 3-4 posts you start to learn ignoring him at basic instinct level…such a tool…xD


Ehh ignoring is easy, but delusional wishes bothers me most. Your wishes and the reality do not always meet… I can’t even understand how insane one could be to not to grasp such a basic logic. They read one thing or two and they became expert of warfare… yeah we saw their expertise lol

Zionism = EVIL

Baghdad Bob and Goebbels did quite well for a while :) at least, the Saudi spokesman Assiri also lied for 2 years about Yemen before his head was chopped off.


Well… they had an agenda didn’t they? These people I am talking about are pure idi0ts.

Zionism = EVIL

That is why this the best free entertainment, they are all “experts” from the safety of their parents basements. They have been predicting that Iran will be attacked since 42 years and since then half a dozen Americunt presidents have bit the dust lol


There won’t be attack on Iran from outside. But inside? I am not so sure about that. I know a Persian. As she told me, they don’t like the mullah regime, but they hate America more than them.

Zionism = EVIL

Iranian nationalism trumps everything. The mullahs are unpopular but Iranians don’t betray their country.


Economical reasons can cause unexpected reactions. That’s why I am not so sure. They need to keep their economy well, if they want to stay in power. That’s why now in here (Turkey) Erdogan is in trouble, his chances on the next election are decreasing each single day.

Zionism = EVIL

We have a lot of armchair generals like Trump here on and they get mad if you tell them the truth. The Armenians totally missed the boat. They lacked cohesive defence planning for 25 years.


Jihadi Colin

Their choice was simple. Recognise Artsakh/ annex Artsakh, or return the occupied territory after negotiating the best terms available. Ten years ago they might have got autonomy for Nagorno Karabakh within Azerbaijan, a demilitarised zone at the border, and international peacekeepers to make sure that the terms were kept. Now they are going to lose it all.

John Brown

Exactly right.


This war was inevitable… there was no solution except militarily. (well they could have agreed on some kind of peace plan, but both sides were too proud about this issue, it was impossible). Yet Azeris prepared for offensive and made their plans while Armenians trusted on what… other countries? Foolish.

Zionism = EVIL

Like the old adage, if you need to something properly, do it yourself. Outsourcing not a great idea. Even to trolls in Indian call centers :)


Exactly. Like they say, gods help those who help themselves


The only plan that the Azeris have is that Pashinyan will betray the Armenians in N-K.


They were waiting for the right political ground for this offensive. Armenia turned her face to West from Russia, America boggling with elections, Pashinyan is a moron. This was a perfect time. But you think they just attacked full ahed? :D No plans at all? okay.


It has nothing to do with planning. The Artsahks are being betrayed by Pashinyan the traitor.


Their minds are on Kim Kardashian … Kardashian will come with her ass and save them … The end of the immoral nation is known …

Random Dude

for some reason I think her ass is bulletproof


Bayraktar-TB2 missiles penetrate very easily …

Random Dude

MAM-L will be renamed into Kanye

Alekai Mordechai

Ray-J wants to know your MAM-L’s location.

Rhodium 10

During 90s war AZ retake Shusha and lost the war….its not about NK army…it is and I wrote here that Pashinyan like all pro western Serbian president ( Kosovo) will ask to Join EU once NK fall under AZ and Armenians expel Russian troops…Kim Kardashian and sisters are enjoying holidays in Tahiti….Armenian air force are missing…civilians flee because otherwise will be executed by Syrian terrorist or even AZ soldiers…and fights continue…

Random Dude

That is not what he asked. He asked about the alleged tactic to lure into the mountains and stop the offensive of Azerbaijan there. What happen to that plan?


Now Azeris took the second bait. Next phase is to lure them into Stepankert.

Random Dude

Whats the point of baiting if there is no string. https://media0.giphy.com/media/KDgYtRQT9MtlIdyZnf/giphy-downsized-medium.gif


Just…. imagine there is a string okay?

Random Dude

fine, ill imagine it. as long as it is ancient


Yes! It is 2000 years old!

Random Dude

ok that i can imagine. Is it long enough to go from Black Sea to Caspian Sea?


It extends even more… to the Mediterranean :D

John Brown

the alleged tactic to lure into the mountains and stop the offensive of Azerbaijan there.

Your answer.

No. The tactic is to lure the Armenian army to put all the best troops they have left into the mountains and stop any Armenian resistance to Azerbaijan there.

Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders have destroyed what is left of the NK army there today with this trap, which will be proven by the NK surrender in less then 2 weeks.

The most effective weapons in the Azer arsenal are Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders not air power. They got ride of all the best Armenian generals intelligence officers etc. totally sabotaged the army and air force.

If the USSA had the leadership of the Taliban and North Vietnam betraying their own solders the USSA would have won both of those wars as easily as Azer is winning this one..

You go Pashinyan hero of Azerbaijan!!!

I hear they have cleared the way for Azer to take Yerevan and they will all get medals from Azerbaijan.

John Brown

Pashinyan like all pro Zio puppets will ask to Join ZU once NK fall under AZ and Armenians expel Russian troops..

Yes but first Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders will get their medals as hero’s of Azerbaijan!!

‘Contrary to NATO wishful thinking, complete air superiority does not necessarily equal success on the ground

The most effective weapons in the Azer arsenal are Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders not air power. They got ride of all the best

Armenian generals intelligence officers etc. totally sabotaged the army and air force.

If the USSA had the leadership of the Taliban and North Vietnam betraying their own solders the USSA would have won both of those wars as easily as Azer is winning this one..

You go Pashinyan hero of Azerbaijan!!

Jihadi Colin

You’ll find the Armenian trolls will fall mysteriously silent as the military situation deteriorates.

I am seriously disappointed with Armenian information management. Their propaganda is amateurish and counterproductive. The more they make wild boasts of victory the more they show themselves to be inhabiting a fantasy world, so that even if they say something true nobody will believe them. Azeri propaganda is not that much better but is at least slightly rooted in reality.


Both sides are making propaganda, we are talking about Caucasus :D But Armenians are completely delusional on this war. They are on “chosen nation syndrome”:DD They are waiting for deus ex machina to save them…


See my comments above on the airspace over Artsahk being closed and Artsahk armor being brought up to the front lines under the cover of the no fly zone. If this holds and Artsahk heavy weapons with long range precision weapons are brought into play guided by the Russian Orlan 10 stealth recon ecm drones now operating over Artsahk according to a recent article by SF. Those canyon roads that the Azeris are advancing up will become death zone kill boxes for the invaders.


new videos… https://twitter.com/ConflictTR/status/1325416313569894400 https://twitter.com/ConflictTR/status/1325411397933686786 https://twitter.com/ConflictTR/status/1325409673516879878


Where were those shot? Someplace far away from the combat zone where the main no fly zone is in place.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00ad7a4a980908bd1ca9740954f5a0a2bed1f6b9287f75827cdff480ee784484.png https://anna-news.info/eventfeed/08-11-2020-nagornyj-karabah-operativnaya-lenta-voennyh-sobytij/ –


Just as I suspected. This is 50km, further by road, east of Shusha. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3af554bc985aadc88cbfb457051cf69968ac646a2188171f498875dd15366259.png https://anna-news.info/eventfeed/08-11-2020-nagornyj-karabah-operativnaya-lenta-voennyh-sobytij/


Sorry, you fall into that category I mentioned just above. I just can’t take you serious anymore.

What canyon roads, what airspace? Armenians almost agreed for a ceasfire and to leave the NK, I believe we will hear the details soon. Well, I can’t know if they abide ceasefire, but then it is obvious that offensive will continue. Russia could have ended this by not letting it to start in the first place, are you that naive to believe they now came their help, after they lost the most strategic city in NK?


SF is reporting Russian drones over the combat zone. AMN and Anna are reporting the airspace over the combat zone being closed. And Artsahk armor being brought to the front under the no fly zone. You can try to disprove this.


No, I don’t need to try to disprove anything. On the contrary, claimer must provide evidence, everywhere and everytime! That’s the basic rule of an argument. As I stated they are talking about some kind of ceasefire and retreat of Armenian troops. We will se what is happening in a day or two.


I did provide evidence. You rejected it without disproving it.


Actually I wasn’t talking about you, sorry for the confusion. I was talking about Anna news, there is no evidence more than words.




I watched the video and which part of it refers to closed air space or drones exactly? Did you even watch the video? They are speaking about the situation in Shusha and video is 2 days old.


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b827aba2596c412dba5399869c4310497e1fdd2296a2018d12c0aa3ca68a695e.png https://anna-news.info/eksklyuziv-boi-za-shushi-eho-karabaha/


Those are words I mentioned …. dude are you having cognative problems? I am not going to discuss with you further.


It proves my points which you’ve failed to disprove. You haven’t provided a single piece of evidence to disprove anything that I’ve written.

John Brown

In 2 weeks at most a total and complete unconditional Armenian surrender will prove it.


Check back with me then, and we’ll assess your projection.

Spencer goto

Hey Richard, did you not notice Kohlhaas is a troll? Don’t argue with him. Lots of fluffy empty words, but no evidence. Keep on the good work Richard! Keep sending the links!

John Brown

claimer must provide evidence, everywhere and everytime! That’s the basic rule of an argument.

That the rule in science as well


I approve this message as a senior scientist :)

John Brown

Yes exactly.

Its over. It was over the day the Soros anti Russian coup leaders came to power in Armenia. Without massive Russian support Armenia is nothing.

John Brown

Its over. It was over the day the Soros anti Russian coup leaders came to power in Armenia. Without massive Russian support Armenia is nothing. Think based on reality not fantasy.


Check back with me in two weeks with a status update on your projection.

John Brown

‘Contrary to wishful thinking, complete air superiority does not necessarily equal success on the ground

The most effective weapons in the Azer arsenal are Pashinyan and the rest of the Soros coup leaders not air power. They got ride of all the best Armenian generals intelligence officers etc. totally sabotaged the army and air force.

If the USSA had the leadership of the Taliban and North Vietnam betraying their own solders the USSA would have won both of those wars as easily as Azer is winning this one..

You go Pashinyan hero of Azerbaijan!!! I hear they have cleared the way for Azer to take Yerevan and they will all get medals from Azerbaijan.

Zionism = EVIL

President Ilham Aliyev and First Lady Mehriban Aliyeva visited Alley of Honors and Alley of Martyrs today.



“Footage captured by Armenian soldier, showing yet another Azerbaijani Air Force AN-2 reconnaissance plane getting shot down by Armenian Air Defenses. The Armenian military leadership has been aware of the Azerbaijani tactics to expose valuable air defenses with the use of AN-2s for quite some time now, which would suggest that it was likely engaged by a portable MANPAD. Footage captured on the 7th of November 2020 in the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh) region.”

– Another Azeri AN-2 Recon Plane gets shot down by Armenian Air Defense –



https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/12ac6121b9406f2d4ed81452950d5943f4e86d419bfbb10ae34f68dca45af50c.jpg https://anna-news.info/eksklyuziv-boi-za-shushi-eho-karabaha/



Arman Melkonyan

The Armenians look and sound like human beings. The Turks and the Azeris show what they are: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4124f5379ac17064598d8f3bbdfda1c5e58037db45754405351c9ac61018719.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4844e6d5d21f5ebc83bf2662e7d465972e7f94f7be1b1791c92a812d6b9eff32.png

Fog of War

Stop posting the same thing over and over again. Its boring.

Arman Melkonyan

I’m not here to entertain you, death-loving pervert.

Fog of War

It seems the Armenians and Azeris are death loving as they both willingly walked into a Zio trap.

Arman Melkonyan

What an insidious moron you are.

The Armenians didn’t attack the Azeris. They just wanted to be alone and live in peace.

Fog of War

You’re obviously to stupid to understand the extremely high level game being played here. Now kindly go fuck yourself and dont bother answering. At this point, I dont give a damn what happens to Armenia or Azerbaijan as both peoples seem to be oblivious idiots.


AMN and Anna are reporting that a no fly zone has been put in place. I’m assuming by the Russians. Over Artsahk closing it to the IDF, Azeris and Turks. And that Artsahk armor is being brought up to the front lines to repell the Azeri invasion.


Shut up would you? War is over.


Ignoring the proof of Azeri aircraft dropping and Artsahk armor in play doesn’t make you very rational.


Dropping aircraft? Are you talking about AN-2?…. They are sending those planes to find out Armenian air defence systems…. even an Armenian soldier said the exact same thing in Anna news footage.


And they’re being shot down when they enter the no fly zone.


Exactly! That’s the point. Do you seriously expect an agricultural plane to dodge air defence? :D


Yes, there’s a no fly zone and Azeri aircraft are being shot down.


Yes to what? About dodge thing mentioned? Haha


Yes that there’s a no fly zone in place over the combat zone and the Artsahk forces, which may include Russian specops, are enforcing it.


“the Press Secretary of the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan, reported on Sunday morning that the Artsakh Defense Army managed to destroy at least two Azerbaijani unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that were flying over their positions in Karabakh.”

– Update: Armenia denies Azerbaijani claims about Shushi, battle continues –

https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/update-armenia-denies-azerbaijani-claims-about-shushi-battle-continues/ –


If it got shot down by a manpad as the report states. Then it failed at both it’s missions.

“According to Izvestia, based on unnamed sources, Baku has the capability to modify an An-2 into a unmanned precision weapon.

For this purpose, biplanes are loaded with additional fuel and explosives and sent to ram enemy positions.

It is likely that Azerbaijan has turned it into a suicide drone of sorts – load some weapons on it, or some small bombs, and either have it drop them or have it ram into a target.

What’s more likely, however, is that it is a dummy target – it’s turned into a sort of reconnaissance UAV – it’s sent in first, being slow and cheap, it’s destroyed by Armenian air defense forces, which reveal their positions. These positions are then targeted by attack aircraft or actual combat UAVs.”



Well… what should I say to this? Thanks to proving my point?

If it got shot down by a manpad then, it failed…. and? So? They are trying to locate their air defences. “Try” is the keyword in here.


The air defenses that they’re talking about are heavy weapons, not manpads.


thats the aim already…being shot down to ferret out air defense systems…you are a slow learner arent you?… https://southfront.org/azerbaijans-innovative-use-of-soviet-era-an-2-aircraft-as-part-of-its-drone-strategy/


Then they failed. evidently it was shot down with a manpad.


Do you know how vulnerable extended supply lines are? Do you think Russia will allow Islamic jihadis and other scum entrench themselves in Caucus?


You should learn to write Caucasus first and then, you can enlighten us with your expertise…


So instead of giving me an intelligent answer in regards to extended Azeri supply lines and Russia’s position to Turk and jihadi scum that are trying to entrench in the area, you blow some BS spelling smoke.


Sorry, sorry…. I don’t want to be that a.hole grammar nazi guy, but you were speaking so sure and then I read “Caucus” it was quite funny. But it shows that you are not familiar with the area.


Wrong assumption, I am Armenian.


That’s even worse though. It would be similar if I had wrote “Antol” instead of Anatolia


Do you have a reply, or are you blowing more smoke?


Okay, okay. Now Az. troops in Shusha do not have proper supply route since they do not have complete control on any road connecting them with their territory. If it fstays like that, then, yeah it will be a problem for them. One of their primary objectives will be ensuring such a supply route. But besides from this point there are no current positions that will put them into a hard situation. They have already reached the farthest points in the south and they are moving towards north as you can see, so the supply line is not stretching deep into enemy land. Besides, clashes at the south easened and situation in there not a problem for them either. Armenians on the defending side are much more serious situation compared to Azeris. With losing Shusha they have lost the most important supply route into NK. The other route is much longer and passes just near of the Az. border.


Longer supply lines can be interdicted by irregular forces. It is possible for Azeri forces to have bypassed broken Armenian units only to see them attack their supply lines later on. Also, when the drone threat is minimized Armenian forces can deliver a counter strike in the south cutting off the Azeri forces in the north.


It is over.

Zionism = EVIL

Richard, I know you mean well, but at this late stage and with the US situation, Russia will not intervene, the desperate Armenian media is making up crap. I simply don’t see any of this happening.


AMN and Anna aren’t Armenian. According to SF Russian drones are flying over the combat zone.

Random Dude

Russian made drones, not Russian drones. Russia has distanced itself from this conflict, and is not coming back, Get over your denial stage already. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/c051dfa8cfdb5a5c0ba9230d5dce16f8cedf415e5786f27d472f70084595d50e.jpg


Something that advanced takes a lot of skill. At this stage I don’t know who is operating them. But the SF article says that they’re being used to direct artillery fire. Depending on how that’s being done, it’s at the upper limits of the systems capabilities increasing the possibility that the operators are Russians not Armenians. At this stage it’s unknown with certainty who the operators are.

Random Dude

Those shaky ones? My nephew has something similar. Doesn’t take too much skill. But well, it depends on the intelligence level


“The Orlan-10 (Russian: Орлан-10) is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) developed by the Special Technology Center (STC) in Saint Petersburg for the Russian Armed Forces.[1][2] The price of one drone is reportedly between US$87,000 and US$120,000.[3] The drone is usually used in a group of two or three, where the first one is used for reconnaissance in a height of 1–1.5 km, the second one for electronic warfare and the third one as a transponder that transmits intelligence information to the control center.[3] One system can include up to 5 vehicles.[4] More than 1000 Orlan-10’s have been produced, with 11 different variations.[5] The Orlan-10 features a composite hull that reduces its radar signature.[6] It has seen action in Ukraine, Syria and Libya.[7] According to media reports, an updated variant of Orlan-10 tactical UAV is to enter service with the Russia’s ground forces in 2020. The updated variant is expected to have a laser designator to allow it to pinpoint targets for precision-guided artillery and aircraft munitions.[8]”

– Orlan-10 –


Random Dude

This is just sad. A country that inherited a pioneer industry of drone making, now doesn’t even rank in Top10 of drone maker countries. In 2020 Orlan was was upgraded with technology that was widely used on drones 25years ago. Don’t know to be sad or laugh.


Really, do you have any credible reviews of the drone supporting your assessment?


Caucus is within the Russian sphere of influence.

Random Dude

3 days ago you claimed: ‘Russian specops are now deployed in Artsahk. With air defense manpads, satcom uplink data feeds, recon and munition payload drones, and precision long range weapons capabilities’ If they managed to “stop” Azerbaijani advance into Shusha, then I am pretty sure the no fly zone will also be extremely “successful”.


People said the same thing on the Turk Idlib advance before it got shut down and pushed back.

Random Dude

Your comment is irrelevant to mine. I don’t care what people say about Idlib. You made a baseless claim 3days ago, it didn’t work out, now you are making another baseless claim. Do you have any justification for your claims, or should I move on from you?


What’s irrelevent about it? They shut down the airspace to the Turks so that the local forces could push them back.

Random Dude

Again I am talking about Karabakh. You made a false claim 3 days ago, you are making another claim today without proper source or credible explanation. How can you defend you claim?


What’s irrelevant about comparing Idlib with Artsahk involving the same types and/or the same forces and equipment?

If my guess is wrong, and it’s not definitive, but even if it was, you’ve failed to disprove it.

Random Dude

Are you ok? I don’t need to prove it. You made the claim, you need to prove your claim. No proof, no claim


The proof of a no fly zone going in place over the combat zone is all over this thread. Starting with all of the pictures and videos of shot down Azeri, Turk and IDF aircraft. I’m sure that you’ve seen it. I also posted the AMN and Anna reports about a no fly zone. Whether Russian specops are involved hasn’t been proven or disproven.

So try answering the question, rather than evading it with stupidity. What false claim have I made?


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00ad7a4a980908bd1ca9740954f5a0a2bed1f6b9287f75827cdff480ee784484.png https://anna-news.info/eventfeed/08-11-2020-nagornyj-karabah-operativnaya-lenta-voennyh-sobytij/ 3

Random Dude

So in your opinion a downed drone means control of the airspace?


For all of the shot down aircraft and the ones that stay out of it it does. Could it be improved on? Sure, but it’s having an effect.

Random Dude

So it seems like the Great Russian Air Defense is gone again. Didn’t know the clouds and mist worked for Russia. Enjoy 2 videos and 3rd is about you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MM8YYQZXoAA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPFFImi3DQw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_qSC3uVANa4


That’s in Maruni less than 5 miles from the Azeri border. It’s nowhere near the Shusha fighting. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/1f/QarabaghWarMap%282020%29.svg/1200px-QarabaghWarMap%282020%29.svg.png




The victory of Shusha was greeted with enthusiasm in the heroic Tartar, people in the streets! https://youtu.be/Bi64gS5alrM

Arman Melkonyan

All you Jewish and Turkish trolls who are defending the depraved genocidal Azeris and Muslims (ISIS *is* Islam). This is what you are: https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4124f5379ac17064598d8f3bbdfda1c5e58037db45754405351c9ac61018719.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4844e6d5d21f5ebc83bf2662e7d465972e7f94f7be1b1791c92a812d6b9eff32.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4186b5d61a33030c3dd853ef7cdfa3ac5301bbc0c9371150decebe2c30dc25e6.png

Jihadi Colin

ISIS is Islam?

Tell that to the Muslims who have done most to fight ISIS, from Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq to the Syrian Arab Army to the Taliban.

Arman Melkonyan

THIS IS ISLAM as recorded in the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an:

Qur’an 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” 
Qur’an 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” 
Qur’an 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” 
Qur’an 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam.” 
Qur’an 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran.” 
Qur’an 8:60 “Muslims must muster ALL weapons to terrorize the infidels.” 
Qur’an 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” 
Qur’an 9:5 “When opportunity arises, Kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” 
Qur’an 9:28 “The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” 
Qur’an 9:30 “The J-ws and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” 
Qur’an 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” 
Qur’an 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; Behead them when you catch them.”

Qur’an 3:54 “Allah is the greatest deceiver” – “Allahu khayru al-makireena”


Jihadi Colin

You do know that ISIS is focused on Muslims who are “mushriqun” (apostates, by its definition) and/or “taghuts” (oppressors, by its definition) as enemies? By your logic Muslims should have flocked to ISIS and yet it’s been shown that ISIS is basically staffed by sociopaths with next to no knowledge of Islam. Incidentally, I have read ISIS literature and it is incredibly selective in what to believe. For example, say 99% of Islamic scholars condemn slavery, but some obscure 10th century mullah approved of it (one of the issues of ISIS magazine Dabiq went on about this at some length). Well, ISIS will declare that mullah valid, because it’s convenient. In fact, apart from that, I’m not even convinced – after six years of reading everything I could find by and about the group – that ISIS even exists except as a marketing label.

Arman Melkonyan


I just gave you QUOTES from the QURAN and you’re still denying that Islam IS terror, rape, torture, and genocide?

Go fuck yourself. Or have yourself fucked by your Turkish and Muslim masters.

If you say you’re a Muslim, then you ARE acknowledging and practicing what the QURAN says, it doesn’t matter whether you’re ISIS or Hezbollah, or just a Muslim woman making a sandwich for their Jihadi husband.


Looks like you need a mental check too…hehehehe!


Well , he gave you quotes from koran , just facts then you show very emotional reaction like ,,bro you are mad , bro omg you’re mental blablabla ” , seems like you cant handle the truth and facts ;)

,,facts dont care about your feelings” ;)


WikiIslam, this is an anti-Islamic website set up with the sole purpose of disseminating poisons and information about Islam, under the guise of an Islamic name to deceive its readers…


mate , why you try to change subject ? his quotes has nothing to do with antislam or proislam website. His quotes are from quran …. quran you can buy in every country and every shop. I read quran in German twice and his quotes are correct or maybe German quran trying to ,,decive” us ;)


I know some wiki-Islamic writers. Have seen them debate with some Muslims on their forum site.

Fog of War

Are those not actual quotes however ?

Jihadi Colin

You really think this can be taken out of context? By your logic then Jews should be genociding cities sparing nothing but virgin girls as sex slaves, Hindus should be burning forests as offerings to gods, and Christian heretics should be burning at the stake.

Context. Learn about it.

Arman Melkonyan

The context is Islam and the Quran, moron.

Keep showing how insidious and stupid you are by suggesting that you’re referring to ANOTHER context without even saying what that is.

You must have studied Critical Thought/Philosophy in a Madrasa.

Jihadi Colin

Your logical failures are your problem.

The passages you quote are from the time of war in the Qur’an. And I’m not even a Muslim, or a theist.

You need to work on your presentation, too. Gibbering abuse is no substitute for discussion.

Arman Melkonyan

The Qur’an is not to be read and applied only in wartime, moron.

Keep stooping lower and lower defending you Turkish Muslim masters.

Jihadi Colin

Now you’re just gibbering.

Arman Melkonyan

Nothing you posted denies or repudiates the quotes I posted from the Quran.

Yes, Mohammed lied, cheated and contradicted himself.

But, Mr. moron,

The Qur’an is the SAME as Allah for Islam and the Muslims.

Therefore, it remains that:

THIS IS ISLAM as recorded in the holy book of Islam, the Qur’an:

Qur’an 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water; melt their skin and bellies.” 
Qur’an 3:28 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends.” 
Qur’an 3:85 “Any religion other than Islam is not acceptable.” 
Qur’an 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam.” 
Qur’an 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran.” 
Qur’an 8:60 “Muslims must muster ALL weapons to terrorize the infidels.” 
Qur’an 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid; urge the Muslims to fight them.” 
Qur’an 9:5 “When opportunity arises, Kill the infidels wherever you catch them.” 
Qur’an 9:28 “The infidels are unclean; do not let them into a mosque.” 
Qur’an 9:30 “The J-ws and the Christians are perverts; fight them.” 
Qur’an 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood.” 
Qur’an 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels; Behead them when you catch them.”

Qur’an 3:54 “Allah is the greatest deceiver” – “Allahu khayru al-makireena”


Jihadi Colin

Did you actually read the thing or are you just quote mining from the internet?

Arman Melkonyan

I have 3 copies of the Quran in different languages from established publication houses. I checked those quotes and they are there, just as I posted them here.

Search the internet. Type the Sura number and see for yourself. (Sura number and ‘Quran’ as search words are sufficient to get you results.)

Jihadi Colin

I read it myself. Do you say that the Quran was all invented at one go instead of being “revealed” (ie, made up) over a period of years to suit the needs of the moment?


What about Şəhid Denis Pronin, an Azerbaijan Christian soldier who was martyred in Karabakh. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9dd25dfd854eaed51e5fec030ea0b55515369a0abdee129e7042372f92c747d1.png

Fog of War

How do you explain Muslim actions in Europe then ?

cechas vodobenikov

your stupidity is transparent—of the millions of Muslims in Europe there are few incidents

Fog of War

Explain this then you blithering idiot .

The top 10 countries with highest rape crimes in the world 2020.

10. Denmark and Finland 9. Zimbabwe 8. Australia 7. Canada 6. New Zealand 5. India 4. England and Wales 3. USA 2. Sweden 1. South Africa



Yeah.. Only even according to liberal media that paints every critique of Islam as “Hatespeech”, 2/3s of muslims want sharia law. 2/3s+ of German Turks are claiming loyalty to Erdogan over their supposed homeland. Its not the terror attacks. Its not even about religion. It is about an archaic culture that is incompatible with democratic values, humanic values, and a tolerant, peaceful, secular society. Funny how people who think they are “progressive” support the most archiac and anti-progressive people, only because the have a darker skin color. While those that are defending progressive values, for which we europeans have fought hard for 100s of years long, are being branded as right-wing/nazi/younameit. Cowards.

Jihadi Colin

How do you explain that just about all of those “attacks” were by people who were “known to intelligence services” but nothing was done about them? Most of those attacks, especially in France, always come at incredibly convenient times for the regime. You’d almost think they import terrorists who can be allowed to launch highly politically convenient attacks at an appropriate time.

Fog of War

Look at the rape statistics I posted in this thread, are those done by ” intelligence ” assets also ? What about all the other crimes that have shot up in Europe recently ? Still intelligence assets ?

Jihadi Colin

You import headchoppers and other psychopaths, you take the consequences. Remember the “moderate rebels” they love so much? Those are the people they imported. Don’t expect any sympathy from me for them.

Fog of War

The number of former Jihadis cant account for the increase in the number of crimes, there’s too few of them. The crimes are being committed by ” normal ” migrants mainly from the Muslim world and Africa who only want a ” better life ” in Europe supposedly. Obviously their Muslim culture is not preventing them from acting like ungrateful thugs, in a way , it might actually be encouraging them as they might be looking down on the indigenous Europeans, their religions, and their cultures. Statistics dont lie. There is something seriously wrong happening in Europe .

Jihadi Colin

The immigrants from Africa are at least substantially Christian. So you can’t exactly blame religion for it.

Europe can go to hell. The continent created more misery for the world than all the rest put together.

Fog of War

Nice deflection. If you feel that way you can go to hell also. Anyone who condemns a whole continent and peoples for the crimes of the multinational elites is a bleeding idiot in my book.

Arman Melkonyan

We’ll see…


Arman Melkonyan

Turks can’t even fly their own planes now: https://eurasiantimes.com/breaking-pakistani-air-force-pilots-flying-turkish-f-16-jets-as-erdogan-attempts-to-fill-the-coup-void-reports/

Arman Melkonyan

In a few hours, the depraved Turks will lose billions of dollars even as the Turkish Central Bank — meaning the whole fucking 93 million of the genocidal Turkish Muslim scum — have NEGATIVE 40 billion dollar in reserves.


You’re fucked.

And all the pro-Turkish trolls here at Southfront, you’ll be out of a job soon:


Random Dude

are we there yet?

Arman Melkonyan

I give you the Turk… https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4844e6d5d21f5ebc83bf2662e7d465972e7f94f7be1b1791c92a812d6b9eff32.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4844e6d5d21f5ebc83bf2662e7d465972e7f94f7be1b1791c92a812d6b9eff32.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a4124f5379ac17064598d8f3bbdfda1c5e58037db45754405351c9ac61018719.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4186b5d61a33030c3dd853ef7cdfa3ac5301bbc0c9371150decebe2c30dc25e6.png

Arman Melkonyan

And now, for the comedy hour.

Muslim Turkish scum,

Unlike Trump and his Trump Towers both in Istanbul and Baku, Biden doesn’t have any investments in Turkish- and Muslim-infested lands. I hear he has a few in Ukraine…Hear that, perfidious Russian traitors to Christianity?


You sided with the Turks against the Armenians. There may be consequences, Jews’ slaves(=Slav). https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/turkey-says-no-change-relationship-washington-if-biden-wins

Fog of War

” There may be consequences, Jews’ slaves(=Slav). ”

Fuck off we your anti-Slav bullshit. You Armenians wanted to suck NATO / Soros / American dick so suffer the consequences with dignity. Leave Slavs out of it, they have their own problems fighting the NWO demons.

Arman Melkonyan

Slav=slave of the Turks and the Jews

Nothing changed since the days of the donmeh Bolshevik Jews.

U n k n 0 w n

Cry more (Li)armenian loser.. (Li)armenians all have big noses.. Because they like to lie and deceit.. Beware of the mad, butt-hurt Armenocchio.. What happened? Your daddy Mr. Putin left you alone? No bones thrown from Washington and Brussels? Go bark under a tree..

Arman Melkonyan


You know that Putin and the Russians are COMPLICIT in this savage war on the side of the Azeris against the Armenians?

The Russians could have employed their electronic warfare (EW) assets and disabled the Turkish and Jewish terror drones without risking the lives of any Russian soldiers. But the Russians betrayed their ally Armenia (again) for Azeri dollars.

Russia=USA Turkey=Israel

cechas vodobenikov

you are an inferior racist loser—pitiful


https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/00ad7a4a980908bd1ca9740954f5a0a2bed1f6b9287f75827cdff480ee784484.png https://anna-news.info/eventfeed/08-11-2020-nagornyj-karabah-operativnaya-lenta-voennyh-sobytij/ 2


“the Press Secretary of the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan, reported on Sunday morning that the Artsakh Defense Army managed to destroy at least two Azerbaijani unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that were flying over their positions in Karabakh.”

– Update: Armenia denies Azerbaijani claims about Shushi, battle continues –


Potato Man

I know some people here are just pro-Armenia and what not….BUT let’s not be kids. We seen this happen again and again…SF post Armenia might hold and 1-2 days later Oof nope they lose it. If you think they (Azer) not gonna take the city come back in 1-2 days later (we get more info and see what really went down)….BTW if they can’t take the city they gonna shell the whole city and send more drones….which what Zion-Turk block known for… It’s looks this bad now…yup…I’m not really hopeful, but if they hold it…nice.

Bobo Voxar

only truth here is that russian never get fall friendly nation .. really friendly … this really cost you 3-4 generations of real friendliness .. armenians trashed this friendship during 10 y … how simple let their genetical memory fade to extinction.. gruzinians are next to fall into hell … bravo Soros pigs

Arman Melkonyan

Armenians will never forget the endless betrayals of the Russians.

Back in 1917, you sold us out to the barbaric Turks.

Now, you are busy building nuclear power plants for the Turks and selling advanced T-90 tanks to the Azeris while they torture Armenians to death.

Who needs enemies with allies like the Russians?

FUCK YOU Russian.


GET THE FUCK OUT of Armenia.

Bobo Voxar

I am not russian… Yes, russians fucked out and you as a nation are on the edge of defeat and extintion… see your history first and sweep out Soros from your head …where are the times you sold your ppl to turk slavery, when you own half o Carigrad for those money … Read history first

Arman Melkonyan

Stuff that Soros nonsense up your collective Slav and Russian asses.

Fuck Soros and fuck Putin.

You Russians are collaborating with depraved Muslim Azeris and Turks to commit genocide on the first Christian nation of the world, the Armenians.

I curse you Russians.

May you suffer the same end at the hand of the Muslim Chechens, Turks and Tatars.

May your wives, mothers and sisters taste the Turkish treatment reserved for Christian women.

Bobo Voxar

Perun smeyaet sya… nexvatit ruk,nog i golov ponyat

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