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MARCH 2025

President Assad: “We have managed to foil the Western project”

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President Assad: "We have managed to foil the Western project"

A screenshot from the video

On Sunday, they President of Syria Bashar al-Assad attacked Turkey and the West during a speech at the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and expatriates annual conference.

We have managed to foil the Western project. West is like a chameleon due to its behavior to fit different situations. The psychological war against the Damascus government has failed to discourage us from fighting terrorism or even frighten us… We have fought terror since day one, and we will continue to fight it until there is no terrorist in Syria…,” Assad stressed.

He also added that Syria does not see Turkish President Erdogan as a partner.

Erdogan is playing the role of a political bagger after he was exposed for supporting terrorism, and we don’t consider the Turkish side a partner, nor a guarantor and we don’t trust it,” Assad said.

Assad also emphasized that Syria will not allow its enemies to take with politics what they couldn’t take with terrorism. And on the recent change in position of some western countries Assad said: “a change in positions don’t mean a change in policies … the west is like a sneak that changes its skin according to the situation”.

Let’s be clear. There will be no security cooperation nor opening of embassies or even a role for some countries that say that they want to play a role in ending the crisis in Syria before they clearly and frankly cut their relations with terrorism. At that point maybe we can speak about opening embassies.” President Assad added.

Furthermore, President Assad also said: “The price of resistance is much lower than the price of surrender… we paid a dear price in Syria in this war, but we managed to foil the Western project.”

The Syrian president thanked Russia, China, Iran and Hezbollah for supporting Syria and said:

“The direct support of our friends, politically, economically and militarily, made our advance on the ground greater and the losses of war less. Therefore, they are our partners in these achievements on the road to crush terrorism.”

Many considered that the speech was one of the most aggressive speeches of President Assad since the outbreak of the Syrian war. One very notable thing about the speech is that while the Syrian president aggressively attacked Turkey and the West, it didn’t directly attack the Gulf countries. A note that some believe it may mean that the near future might witness a Syrian-Saudi reconciliation, even if only on a low level.

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Keren Walters

A Syrian -Saudi reconciliation would be closely akin to a rape victim making friends with her rapist . Something must be done about the Saudi addiction to supporting terrorism. Like the Zionist aggressors in Palestine, Saudi Arabia must be held to account for 9/11, Al-Qaeda and Islamic State atrocities . .


Not going to happen. Unfortunately everybody loves Saudi oil and Saudi money way too much to actually put their foot down on that evil regime.

In that sense we’re lucky that the Saudis are basically incompetent. Imagine what havoc they could actually wreak if these guys actually had a clue as to what they’re doing.


The addiction is Islamic wahhabism and how can you get the Imams to change their tune (sermons) when the current message from above supports their lifestyle so well ? ( Dear Radical, that is NOT my real picture, that is not my real address and if You are going to kill my dog, please choose the little white one.)

George King

As well as its accomplices and plotters whose vassal global henchmen and their directors are strung from lamppost. There is such a place in Milan, I have seen it with my own eyes, indeed.

Keithon de Bique

The Saudis are quite corrupting – rivaling Israel. No wonder knowing Bush was funded by them they couldn’t leave after 9-11 w/out questioning and the massive American investment.

Moussa Saab

9/11 was an inside job

Nigel Maund

Assad is 100% right in all that he says. He is an excellent leader in the ME and that’s why Russia supported him. The Russians show much greater depth of understanding about the world in general than the evil Globalists. Maybe Russia is persuing it’s own Strategic Agenda, but then so do all States throughout history; the difference is that Russia is an ally one can count on and it always goes the extra mile to ensure ultimate victory. Also, because Russia supports the side with the moral high ground Russia will always win and Putin has emerged as the only Statesman the world has seen since Kennedy (who, beyond any doubt, the murderous and corrupt Deep State assassinated). Now let’s see what happens in Libya and Venezuela where the US Deep State Globalists are after the Strategic Oil Resources once again to support their otherwise worthless US dollar.


very well said, I fully agree with you.

Nigel Maund

Bru thank you! Appreciated! :)


The real friends of Syria is Hezbollah and Iran. Russia is playing double game.

Nigel Maund

Explain the Russians double game?


Don’t say that USA is helping ISIS. Don’t help syria gov since tyhe neginning but when the situation was bad. Don’t create an anti-missile system in Syria. Cooperate with USA.

George King

Until there is a completed security situation and the country is secured Russia will not provide a system that could be compromised, captured and used against the liberation of Syria. What is it you do not understand. Assad is not known for his mouth overloading his ass and is basing his statements on intelligence that you have no inkling about, be patient.

The coalition has withstood everything thrown at them with very few real setbacks which can not be said of the anti Assad/Syrian state as he has stated.


Yes, Russia will not provide a system that could be compromised and captured before the war, during the war and after the war. It would have been easier to shoot every foreign planes before they enter Syria.

Nigel Maund

I’m not sure you understand what your saying or what your talking about. Your English doesn’t appear to be very good. Obviously not a first language?

Moussa Saab

Do not listen to this troll, Assad made a valuable point saying the U.S is like a chameleon changing its colors in different situations.

martin aguilar

Nigel, Serious must be 10 years old aprox

Toni Liu

Yeah he changed his mind as faster as rain drop to the ground, today supporting good side bashing against usa isis supporter now against one of good side, maybe he need some pepsi drink to peace his small mind


A great speech by a great president who stood by his people instead of fleeing when the country didn’t seem to be able to resist the murderous terrorist attacks, military involvement of Turkish soldiers dressed as FSA and terrorists feom many foreign countries and the staged propanda of numerous terrorist groups supported by many vile regimes.


…and in America, our Obama/Hillery gang continually chanted, “Assad must go” I am glad Syria survived, well done to Mr. Assad and to the people of Syria, well done.


The Jews are responsible for this war, it wouldn’t have happened without their machinations. Their evil pedophile rape cult should be outlawed and thrown into the trash can of human history with castration and slavery.

Moussa Saab

Not the Jews, but the Zionists


What percentage of Jews aren’t Zionists and don’t support Israel?

Moussa Saab

I am not an surveyor and could not find anything on the web. /:

Edit: I forgot to mention the reason why not all Jews are zionists. Jews are like the muslims when everyone started calling them terrorists, but over here, people are using the word Jew as Zionist. Zionists are not Jews but claim to be Jews, they are aethiests. And check out a video of the Orthodox Jews protesting/making a speech in Manhattan against Israel in the holy land.


What would your guess be? Mine is that it’s very high.

Moussa Saab

I am going to put an estimate so: ~14.3 million Jews in the world ~20,000 Orthodox Jews protested against Israel in Brooklyn, now I am guessing that 1/2 of all Orthodox Jews (men) in Brooklyn were protesting against Israel. =>the average Orthodox Jew man in Brooklyn is about 28 years of age => 1/2 of all Jews age 24-58 are married, which would ultimately mean they have the same view as their partner. =>The Jews in borough park, Boston are seeing a sharp incline in population growth with 6 children per couple, but the average Orthodox Jew has ~2.8 kids per couple 20,000*2*1.5*2.8 = ~168,000 of all Orthodox Jews in Boston are against the state of Israel

561,000 Jews living in Boston =>168,000/561,000 = 0.299465… = ~0.3

So 0.3 of all Jews in Boston are against the state of Israel, let us apply this to the people in Israel too.

Considering: -70% of Jews living in Israel were born there (under massive influence of propaganda)

-Haredi Jews (ultra-orthodox make up only 9% of Judaism in the country)

-Population of Israel is 6 million

– A very small amount of Jews (other than Orthodox) in Israel oppose the state) 0.02% Duh

-Propaganda in the country is working pretty well, and makes ~90% of Jews that used to oppose it now praise the country.

Doing some basic math 6,000,000*91%*0.0002*0.1+6,000,000*9%*0.3*0.1= 16,222


So this means only 16,222 people in Israel, or 0.0027 of it opposes the state of Israel.

Now for the U.S, except Boston and the world

14.3 million(World) -6,000,000 (Israel) -4.5 million in the U.S -3.8million (rest of the world) *Consider the rest of the worlds jews have same properties as in the U.S

=>In the U.S, 1/10 Jews are orthodox =>1.5% (just a guess) of non-Orthodox Jews oppose the state of Israel

Apply these properties and you get: (3.8+4.5)*1/10*0.3 +(3.8+4.5)*9/10*0.02 =249,000+149,400 =398,400 I doubt this answer (398,400 Jews against the state of Israel outside Israel) is correct, so I will divide it by 1.5 in the pretext of propaganda.


Add them all up 265,600+168,000+16,222 =449,822 in the world

And finally, divide it by the population of Jews in the world

449,822/14,300,000 = So 0.031456 or %3.1456 of all Jews in the world are against Zionist Israel.

**I did basic google searches on this subject and this answer can be totally out of wack, but at least I tried. Correct me if I am wrong in anything.


My guess, without putting as much work into it as you did, was that over 90% of Jews support Israel. As compared to over 100 UN and other resolutions against Israel. Most of them very lopsided votes against Israel, and quite a few near unanimous or even unanimous. Which ought to provide insight into the dichotomy between Jews and the rest of humanity.

Moussa Saab

But here you are referring the U.N resoulutions against Israel as the country, and not the Jews in them. Israel is controlled by the few elites, the same like in the U.S.


In Israel, most voters support the fascist Jew world order land theft ethnic cleansing agenda, which is how Netanyahu got elected, in the US they don’t, which is how Trump running on America First got elected. But it’s being forced on Americans anyways by the Jew world order deep state swamp slaves.

Most Americans support the creation of a Palestinian state, most Israelis do not. Some polls show that they do, but being Jews they’re lying and consistently put governments in place that avoid it and pursue land theft and settlements instead. Never trust a Jew. The Talmud is rotten and they’re taught to lie, cheat and steal from non Jews from birth. They’re famous for it and it’s a root cause of antisemitism.

Moussa Saab

Here is where propaganda and brain-washing comes into play. As you can see, even many Christians from Europe and U.S and even parts of east Asia (Japan), mostly countries of U.S Zionist influence support Israel’s stance, but why would people from totally different religion, race, nationality give a fuck about Israel? Because of the brain-washing propaganda. Under the U.S empire, you have school books supporting Israel, News repeats itself ovet and over talking about the evil Mooslims trying to destroy the sacred Israel, dozens of Israeli news channels. When you say most Americans support the idea of a Palestinian state, they are not even told what Israel is doing in the region for the Arabs to be so upset. They think Israel are the victims. Now if you ask a Jew, if you support a religious state that embraces Judaism, he would definitely say yes, but most do not know what Israel’s plans are in the region.

Gue Bjuen

stop calling them zionist. weren’t the jews always climing up to key posisitions when different civilzations had their golden ages? and what did they do? they used that power for their own benefits and mass murdering. do you call the jews who made tons of money in the opium trade in china or in the slave trade in the US “ZIONISTS”? their history is full of those dirty double playing starting from the ancient human history. i don’t call them zionist nor khazar jews, i just call them JEWS!!!

Moussa Saab

I do not know much about Jewry, but you can not call an entire religion a plot against humanity. Orthodox Jews, are protesting against Israel, calling them murderers, what can you say about that? The few elites that claim to be Jews, can get support from the Jewish people, brain-washing them. To put it into simpler terms, it is like a corrupt religious leader, claiming to be ‘insert religion’, get massive support, manipulate them into thinking they are superior and the world is plotting against them, expand your kingdom and areas of influence into other nations, process repeats and repeats, but does that mean the few elites actually believe what they are doing is true? No, hence they usually lie about god and are aethiest. You can call the elites, rich and powerful, parasites, destroying nationalities and religions from within by corruption.

Wahid Algiers

Western project? Nice. Call it greedy cabal and plot of westerners and Israel.


Its true West is like a chameleon. LOL Chameleon is a type of lizard that can change the color of its skin to look like the colors that are around it.


What President Doctor Basharl Assad said in his speech. I am 100% agree with that. Turkey support Western terror project against Syria that is why Turkey have allowed western countries to use their Incirlik Air Base and strike Syrian army from there. Turkey government itself is a Zionist project. Due to high corruption Erdogan government have left Turkey in stone era.


I want to apologise for my Country’s evil actions with Obama (giving aid to the rebels). I firmly believe with Trump you will see American actions align with your own policies. American citizens have very little power to change our government’s behavior because, for one thing, our ‘news outlets’ continually tell us lies. I get around the lies by searching many foreign news media. But most voters work and have families and do not have the drive or the time to research. I realize it is a lame excuse I am writing for the apathetic American voter, but its true. Lastly American Voters do NOT want to kill your kids or steal your oil, we are basically as fearful and lazy as the usual human anywhere.

Wahid Algiers

Hi bcbingram, your comment is a very great gesture and sign. Thank you. In Germany some people created a word for the “news outlets”: Lügenpresse, what mewans lying press and that wording was used by Mr. Trump too some weeks ago when he critized the mainstream medias in the US and the deep state’ s wheelings and dealings. Once again: a very great gesture of you.

Moussa Saab

We have a word in America for that too, FAKE NEWSSS


I have full understanding and appreciate your comnent very much. The Americans I know are nice persons, but most are naive sheep manipulated by the mass media. That s why, when being critical, I find it better to avoid wordings such America(ns), but to speak instead of the American regime (using their own words, as they speak so of governments they want to overthrow…)

Dod Grile

It is not over until it is over (i.e. the fat lady sings). She is not going to do that until the CIA and the NSA lay in smoldering ruins and everyone of those Forbes 400 corporate fascist oligarch war racketeer parasite criminals are DEAD, DEAD, DEAD!


Keithon de Bique

“witness a Syrian-Saudi reconciliation, even if only on a low level” – God I feel ill. PS I would have had words for Trump, Obama and Bibi calling them TERRORISTS.


Al-Asad has played the terror card well. A big gamble, but ultimately, he convinced much of the world that he’s the better choice over any other Mafia group. The lion has prevailed over the wolfs. Does that make him less of a dictator or criminal? No. The ‘West’ is a nonsensical generalisation, just as much as if one were to speak of ‘the Arabs’, or even more so. Certainly, there was interest of some Western countries to debilitate Syria and, most importantly, to sell arms. Removal of the al-Asad clan was never really on the agenda, at least not for those understanding the situation.


This comment is a joke. XD.


The fake free world (USA and allies) want to destroy the real world (Syria, Iran, …) because the fake free world only stand with lies and propagenda and murdering.

martin aguilar

Assad and Putin heroes of the world !!! Hurray for Sirians Russians and Iranians !!

Cheryl Brandon

Assad is 100% right about Turkey and the USA! USA is only concerned about it’s wealthy elites and Israel;Historically , USA spends taxpayers money to safeguard the money of the .investments of the RICH; USA= military empire!

martin aguilar

I´m from Argentina, Cheryl I always agree 100% with you . KEEP IT UP you are great, we need your comments !

Cheryl Brandon

9/11 carried with the knowledge of GOP Cabinet/ evidence from the crime scene destroyed by USA; Mossad and CIA were the architects as to how it would be done; Larrry Silverstein and Frank Lowy were both great friends of the Mossad and, they recently leased the building from the Port Authority Chair who was also a Jewish supremacist in July 2001. When they got the bill for the cost of removing the asbestos from the building; They decided to gut it; GOP cabinet went along with the plan, in order to get a grand excuse to invade Iraq and other countries.-Christopher Bollyn’s book on 9/11


It would be nice to know how they disintegrated the buildings in mid air like they did. I agree with Dr. Wood that the evidence points to some type of directed energy. But I don’t think that she proves that it was “free energy”:


Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Assad never said anything about the GCC because everyone knows what conniving snakes they are and backbiting towards each other, why would he say anything really?

martin aguilar

Assad and Putin heroes of the entire world ! Specially for the West , who´se actual govts are absolutely DISGRACEFUL !

SaBah Leilee

What do they mean by ‘aggressive’ speech, seriously? He is a sovereign state, HE DOES NOT OWE anyone, anything. Why is he aggressive when he seems to come from a sovereign, reconciliatory position. He has never said , NO to diplomacy, it is us , the U.S. who are the “MAD DOG” indeed. Mad dogs of perpetual mess and mass hysteria. Literally. It is us who are the aggressors, we just came to get numbed into it with time. We are in 7 wars, our military is protecting puppy seeds in Afghanistan and you call Mr. Assad aggressive. Where I come from, we call that kind of talk, Zionist. We have up to 700 military bases around the world and the highest rate of child poverty in the developing world. 700, really? Is our penis that small Miss Liberty that we have to flaunt our mad dogs everywhere? And btw, I would believe Mr. Assad before I’d believe Erdogan. The stakes are too high for a “low level” reconciliation with Wahhabi regime. IDK.


Putin is a hero. Russia is defeating terrorism while America supports terrorism by helping Saudis. Terrorism is a life time business for USA and SAUDI ARABIA.

Igor Dano

Assad, a man who keeps his head up for a reason. He did not submit to the tribe, like the puppet on the picture. http://www.zimbio.com/photos/Prince+Charles/Evelyn+de+Rothschild

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