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President Putin’s Inaugural Address Highlighted Change Of Eras In Russian Politics

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Vladimir Putin’s speech at the inauguration ceremony as President of Russia:

Citizens of Russia, ladies and gentlemen, friends,

In these solemn and crucial moments of assuming the office of the President, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the citizens of Russia across all regions of our country, as well as those living in the historical territories of Russia who have won their right to stand united with our Motherland.

I humbly honour our heroes, the participants in the special military operation, and all those who are fighting for our Fatherland.

I would like to thank you again for the trust you have placed in me and for your unwavering support. These words are directed to every citizen of Russia.

President Putin's Inaugural Address Highlighted Change Of Eras In Russian Politics

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I have just taken the oath of office of the president. The words I spoke convey the essence of the supreme mission of the head of state: to protect Russia and serve the nation.

I understand that this is a tremendous honour, a major responsibility and a sacred duty. These have always been the guiding principles of my work in the past. I assure you that the interests and security of the people of Russia will continue to be my foremost concern.

The consolidated will of millions of people is a tremendous force, as well as evidence of our shared firm conviction that we will determine the fate of Russia ourselves, and only ourselves, for the sake of present and future generations.

You, the citizens of Russia, have confirmed that the country is on the right course. This is of great importance right now, as we face serious challenges. I see this as your deep awareness of our common historical goals, and unwavering resolve to defend our choices, our values, our freedom and Russia’s national interests.

I am confident that we will pass through this difficult pivotal period with dignity and emerge even stronger. We will undoubtedly accomplish everything we have planned for the long term, all the far-reaching projects aimed at achieving our development goals.

Our top priority is the preservation of the people. I am confident that the support of centuries-old family values and traditions will continue to unite public and religious associations, political parties, and all levels of government.

Our decisions regarding the development of the country and its regions must be effective and fair and must promote the prosperity of Russian families and improve their quality of life.

We have been and will continue to be open to strengthening good relations with all countries that view Russia as a reliable and honest partner. Indeed, those constitute the global majority.

We are not rejecting dialogue with Western states. The choice is theirs: whether they intend to continue trying to contain Russia’s development, continue the policy of aggression, the relentless pressure they have been exerting on our country for years, or seek a path to cooperation and peace.

To reiterate, we are open to talks, including on security and strategic stability, but not to negotiations from a position of strength. We are open to a conversation without arrogance, conceit or exceptionalism – a dialogue on an equal footing and with respect for each other’s interests.

Together with our partners in Eurasian integration and other sovereign development centres, we will continue to build a multipolar world and an equal and indivisible security system.

In this complex, rapidly-changing world, we must strive to be self-sufficient and competitive, opening up new horizons for Russia, as we have done many times throughout our history.

But we must also remember its lessons and never forget about the enormous price we paid for internal unrest and troubles. Therefore, our state and socio-political system must be strong and resistant to any threats and challenges, ensuring the progressive and stable development, as well as the unity and independence of our country.

President Putin's Inaugural Address Highlighted Change Of Eras In Russian Politics

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However, stability is not equal to inflexibility. Our state and social systems must be flexible, creating conditions for renewal and progress.

We can see that the atmosphere in society has changed, and how much we now value reliability, responsibility, sincerity, integrity, generosity and courage. I will do everything in my power to ensure that those who have displayed these admirable human and professional traits, and who have proved their loyalty to the Fatherland through their deeds, achieve leading positions in state governance, the economy and all other spheres.

We must ensure reliable continuity in the development of our country for decades to come and bring up new generations who will strengthen Russia’s might and develop our state based on interethnic accord, the preservation of the traditions of all ethnic groups living in Russia, a civilisational nation united by the Russian language and our multi-ethnic culture.

Friends, I will do everything its takes, everything I can, to justify your confidence in me, using the powers granted to me as the head of state by the Constitution. At the same time, I would like to emphasise that the success of this endeavour depend above all on our unity, integrity and our desire to serve our Fatherland, protect it, and work to the best of our abilities.

Today, we must answer to our thousand-year-long history and our predecessors. They attained seemingly insurmountable heights because they always put the country first. They knew that truly challenging goals can only be achieved together with the country and its people, and they created a great power, our Fatherland, leaving a legacy of glorious achievements from which we continue to draw inspiration today.

We look forward with confidence and plan our future by outlining and already carrying out new projects and programmes, which are designed to inject even more momentum in our development effort and make it even stronger.

We stand as a united and great nation. Together we will overcome all obstacles and ensure that everything we conceive becomes reality. Together we win!


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the problem with the five veto power countries is not conquer all the countries issues.it always end when their have dialoque or fake peace settlement among them self.their never raise one another imperialism and robbing and suppression of africa and middle east.


because they are white or white vassals. africa and the middle-east must become their own super powers, able to defend themselves against white aggression and imperialism.

Gneaus stapo

good luck with it, wish them all the best, only problem is,we are talking about africa and middle east. doomed to be shitholes until they get their acts together.

Satanic Anglo Scum!

i’d love to hear any u.s president make a speech like this. 😂🤣😂


awesome speech by a great leader. it is sad we don’t have many leaders of nations like him in the world today. russia must realize how lucky they are to have a leader like president putin.

Angela Merkel

it doesn’t matter how much “the west” rages, it doesn’t matter what is “painted” in western mainstream media, history has proved иосиф виссарионович сталин right, the present time proves владимир владимирович путин right. ❤️❤️❤️ 🙋🇩🇪 🏛

Massa John

votre you down…holms group 1.05

jens holm

fx from cnn.

with most opposition candidates either dead, jailed, exiled or barred from running – and with dissent effectively outlawed in russia since it launched a full-scale invasion of ukraine in february 2022 – putin faced no credible challenge to his rule.


eat icecreams with the forehead is a russian specialty

jens holm

0 id–i sniff glue worship money—cnn think like my glue brain

AM Hants

think they muddled russia for ukraine. or even the us, come to that. not a good look, over in the us, trying to imprison your political opponent.


but who is the opposition in the us? 2 wings of 1 masonic party rules for 250 years. where is an independent candidate for the president or another big (federal-scale) parties? how much times they won elections?

Caesar Kunikov

putin’s fifth term starts amid war, censorship, repression and media control.

Siberian Gulag

rooskie bastards have almost always lived under state terror. mongolian influence cured by drinking vodka heavily.

AM Hants

think you are mistaking russia for ukraine. remind me, how much territory did ukraine actually have when russia was under mongolian influence? remind me, how did the mongolian empire end?


there was no such state before 1917. kiev was russian city, capital of ancient rus’ (soft s). russia is how greeks named rus’. ivan iii the great married sofia palaiologos, niece of the last emperor of the east roman empire, in 1472. in 1480th russia becomes fully independent state, a tsardom, and ivan iii becomes a tsar – russian form of “caesar”, i.e. emperor.


kiev was lost and destroyed in 1240 under mongolian strikes, then it was a part of lithuania, then lit-a became part of poland. back into russia in 1667 (andrusovo peace treaty with poland). there was no such state as ukr, bur rus’, poland, lit-a, zaporojian sech’ (russian cossacs autonomy) and crimean horde as vassal of osmanian empire.

AM Hants

all because nato would not respect the promises made back in 1989. now why was that? remember, when president putin first took control of the bankrupt russia, which was in a similar state as ukraine now finds itself? courtesy the same oligarchs that stripped russia in the 90s, then ukraine in the 21st century.

Boris Godunov

85000 russian soldiers killed until until 15 march 2024.

Degeneration Of Russia

name lists of 51,679 killed russian soldiers confirmed but lots of especially wagner and dpr casualties missing.

Charlie Morningstar

what about missing, captured or deserted?

AM Hants

so why is zelinsky trying to mobilise 700,000? same amount as those he has lost.


500, not 700, though no difference for judeo-banderites and their western pimps.

AM Hants

according to an ukrainian spokes person, who ignores the 700,000 dead ukrainian soldiers.


only 1% of killed russian soldiers lived before the war and military service in moscow. almost 4 times more came from kuban and baskiria. putin is sending poor working class and rural men to been slaughtered in battlefield. putin jugend in big cities are saved.

Shoigu's Clown Army

putin jugend are though patriots and “brave” – internet soldiers. 🤣

AM Hants

projecting for ukraine. hear they are recruiting from kindergarten and maternity wards, this month.

Crocus Shooting Gallery

pooh-tin shit his pants again…heheheh

AM Hants

nafo trying to reach target for monthly bonus?

Ramses II

only idiots listen to vladolfs zombie speech


this robot translation is terrible.

Gneaus stapo

i totaly agree, lost me when i read the term fatherland… russians have a motherland,but damn sure no fatherland

Last edited 9 months ago by Gneaus stapo
Paul Citro

the weight of responsibility that putin carries is huge. not only must he defend his country from aggressive adversaries, his decisions could decide that fate of humanity. let us all keep him in our prayers.

AM Hants

wish he could be cloned to lead all nations. might get peace in the world, when politicians and diplomats can behave with courtesy, respect and love for their nation and people.


don’t make putin an idol or an icon. he’s far from perfect, but not so evil even at 5% as portrayed in western msm. though idea with clones is good. 1 leader for all times and no head illness when elections come, he-he. when top is stable, people below can live and progress in all spheres, even morally, if they wish.


many people in the west wish they had a real patriotic leader like vladimir putin to lead their countries rather than the corrupt weak and blackmailed tyrants we have in the west today!

Gneaus stapo

traitors, lunatics and idiots…i agree there are a lot… important differenz is: in the west they are the useless bottom of society,in russia these kind of folks are the elite.

Gneaus stapo

facist dictator speak in purest form. reagan was right,evil empire indeed.

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