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MARCH 2025

Presidential Election 2020 – In the Eye of the Storm

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Presidential Election 2020 - In the Eye of the Storm

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Written by J.Hawk exclusively for SouthFront

Biden His Time

The South Carolina primary and the Super Tuesday were clarifying events which yielded the surprising result of returning Joe Biden to the status of Democratic Party front-runner for the nomination. It does not appear likely the Party hierarchy desired this result. Given the hype surrounding some of the younger candidates such as Beto O’Rourke and Pete Buttigieg, it is more likely they were hoping to repeat the success of the Obama formula. Namely, a young, charismatic, inexperienced candidate who can be all things to all people and does not have any messy baggage that is inevitable with every veteran mainstream politician. But Beto imploded even before his campaign got off the ground, and Pete proved incapable of attracting the votes of Hispanics and African Americans.

Instead, the Sanders campaign tapped into the growing demand for genuine domestic reforms, giving Vermont’s self-declared democratic socialist a massive boost in the polls that simply frightened the Democratic Party elite. The initial reaction to Sanders consisted of enlisting New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg, a billionaire, to run as a Democrat as insurance against Sanders’ apparent dominance of the field whose massive campaign advertising spree had the effect of suffocating the efforts of his rivals by driving up ad prices. The second part of anti-Sanders campaign became evident during the most recent debate, in which virtually everyone ganged up on Sanders, even the supposed “moderate” Warren. Thirdly, behind the scenes machinations by Party leadership prompted several candidates (Steyer, Buttigieg, Klobuchar) to drop out in order to promote consolidation around either Biden or Bloomberg, with Warren being kept on in order to siphon the votes away from Sanders. Super Tuesday primaries made Biden look more viable than Bloomberg who then promptly dropped out in order to allow the status-quo support to coalesce around Biden. But the heavy-handed intervention to aid Biden carries two risks.

Dr. Demento

The state of Biden’s health is such that the decision to abandon Bloomberg as “insurance policy” may have been premature. To state it plainly, Joe Biden’s cognitive skills have sharply declined since his time as Vice President. Biden’s arguably greatest asset to Obama was as a ferocious campaigner with a certain presence of mind. Today’s Biden forgets what he said two minutes earlier, seems unaware of which city and state he is in at the moment, cannot decide whether he is running for the Presidency or the Senate, and is prone to making incoherent, stream-of-consciousness rants that the dutiful media continue describe as “gaffes” and  his most ardent supporters as “stutter”. When giving Super Tuesday victory speeches, Biden had to resort to reading prepared text off a teleprompter, leading one TV pundit to praise Biden’s ability to “finish his sentences” without even a hint of irony. But should Biden suffer an impossible to conceal cognitive lapse in the middle of a debate with Donald Trump, who is still a formidable stage performer, it will lead to demands for Biden’s medical records or even a new medical evaluation to ensure he is not suffering from the onset of Alzheimer’s. Unless Biden can muster a lucid mind in time to face Donald Trump, the state of his mental health will become a significant liability.

A Party Divided

The other problem is the now-evident and very deep Party polarization. Bluntly put, there are now great many Biden supporters who would never vote for Sanders, and great many Sanders supporters who would never vote for Biden. Worse, many of the Biden supporters, including in the ranks of the American punditry and commentariat, have developed such an intense dislike for Sanders that they are hinting at voting for Trump rather than a “socialist”. One can readily sense the degree of polarization when hashtags like #BernieBros are trending at the same time as #IDoNotLikeJoeBiden.

The level of division within the Party is such that no single candidate can possibly bridge it. No matter who is nominated, he will not have the full and enthusiastic support of a major faction of the Democratic Party coalition. Potentially complicating matters even further is the institution of super-delegates, or die-hard party loyalists who can declare their support for a candidate irrespective of the will of the voters in their state.

The Known Unknowns

The outcome of the race will furthermore depend on several factors which are guaranteed to play a role in the outcome, but whose impact cannot yet be accurately predicted. In no particular order, they are

  • The Economy. If United States suffers from a recession or even a full-blown financial crisis, 2008-style, Trump is toast almost irrespective of what Biden does on the campaign trail. Trump has made the economy the centerpiece of his presidency—if anything bad happens to it, it will doom the chances of his second term. However, at the moment there are no indications anything like that will happen. Rather the opposite—the Federal Reserve’s lowering the federal funds rate by half a percentage point represents an endorsement of Trump for a second term.
  • Coronavirus. If the United States are hit hard by the pandemic and its ramshackle for-profit health care system copes with it less effectively than China’s, this too would be a major problem for Donald Trump, particularly if it triggers an economic crisis whose effects are felt before November. Trump’s appointment of Pence to deal with the anti-pandemic measures shows the White House is taking this threat very seriously.
  • VP pick. There are no indications Trump would have a different running mate in 2020, and Pence has proved himself to be if not a Cheney-style power-behind-the-throne, then at least a reliable and discrete troubleshooter for the administration. Biden’s or Sanders’ VP picks are still unknown and, in the light of their own lack of executive experience, selection of a capable, experienced administrator.
  • Election rigging. Research conducted after Super Tuesday showed significant discrepancies between tabulated votes and exit poll results, in some states reaching 8%, which is an unusually large amount well outside the margin of error. Ironically, US AID own guidelines for election monitoring state that such discrepancies may constitute an indicator though not proof that the election was tampered with. That possibility cannot be ruled out, since voting is done using electronic machines leaving no paper trail, making verification all but impossible. Given the post-2016 emphasis on “securing elections”, ostensibly to prevent “Russian hackers” from influencing the outcome in the future, one also cannot rule out the possibility the “Russia scare” was used as cover under which mechanisms for influencing vote scoring were embedded in many if not all US states. It also remains to be seen whether such tactics could be used in the general election, given the inevitable outcry it would provoke among the republican electorate. For now, it appears more likely for them to be used only in intra-party power struggles, to eliminate status quo challengers like Sanders.

Four More Years

Unless one of the above-named unknowns manifests itself in the coming months, Donald Trump is well positioned to win the second term. Not only can Trump boast certain successes in domestic and foreign policy, the schism among the Democrats will result in a demotivated base no matter whether Biden or Sanders are the nominee.

In practical terms it means United States foreign policy run by the “deep state” for at least four more years, leading to more wars, fewer arms control agreements, deeper deficits, and the general deterioration of international security, which will make the global multipolarity even more evident than it is right now.

Biden’s victory would not change the trajectory of US politics, either. Joseph Biden Jr. represents the corporatist pro-war wing of the Democratic Party, and Biden’s own involvement in Ukraine is so well known that it requires no additional elaboration. And whereas Trump at least made efforts to rein in the “deep state” and paid a price for it in the form of impeachment, President Biden will do no such thing.

Finally, in the unlikely event of a Sanders victory, there is no reason to expect he would be any more successful than Trump in thwarting such subversion of Constitutional authority. Even though he might be willing to do so, and his extensive domestic agenda practically demands reductions in the colossal national security budget, his own party simply will not let him. If anything, it will back the “deep state” against him as it did against Trump.

Thus at the moment the US political system is a functioning replica of the Titanic heading for the iceberg, with intense struggle on the bridge over who will control the steering wheel. Except that there’s a catch: no matter who seizes it, the ship’s course will not change sufficiently to avoid catastrophe.

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Shy Talk

The theatrical farce that is American politics, never ceases to amuse.


US politics and elections are what I would expect in a lunatic asylum with the patients voting for the most deranged and perverted idiots in the hospital to run the facility.



LOL…you’ll go with the Mussolinis, Hitlers and Putz Putins of the world. Got it, Adolf or Igor as the case may be. Doesn’t seem much difference anymore.

Jimmy Jim



Stfu mason sic demented coksuking maggot racist piece o shts,burn in hell! with your phaedo kweer liberal baby blood drinketh californicators of pizzagate! Have no heart ,you have no right creepshow!

Wayne Nicholson

You’re absolutely right. Most of the people of the world want strong effective leadership. The world is witnessing the ineffective shitshow that is the US government and are either laughing hysterically or gaping in horror and want nothing to do with the US version of ‘democracy’.

The idea of wasting time and money to vote for one of only two parties that are nearly identical in their positions is laughable. All it really is is a competition for political donations …. important US foreign and fiscal policies never change from administration to administration. The only difference between the parties is over bathroom access, abortion and who gets to pay less taxes.

The USA is no less a dictatorship than any other nation on earth …. try to run as a communist in the USA and see what happens to you. In a real democracy you don’t make ideas illegal.


Pave Way IV

Thank God we have lobbyists to guide the deranged and perverted idiots in the hospital on how they should run the facility. Speaking of hospitals and lobbyists…


Concrete Mike

Hah thats great, usually its mostly poor people affected, nice to see some “big wigs” get some for once!

Zionism = EVIL

Western “civilization” at its best as Negros and Chinese duke it out over toilet paper in supermarkets..democracy and human right to wipe your arse in action.



I’m glad you’re amused. It will still be around long after your RF has joined your Russian Soviet Empire in the dustbin of history.

Zionism = EVIL

Don’t you Jew BOTS ever tire of kosher baloney PUNK? now over 60,000 posts in a month ROFLMAO…..buy some toilet paper before the Jew media gets the shits :)


really gimp! https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/a1bc2fa317488b3e5819169a19ca32802c83f6d87ecc8754b3068b20108ed4a2.jpg

I Know whom i’d bet on,then again,truth is wiser than you kweers isn’t it,fkn oath it is!

Zionism = EVIL


Reports are coming in that the old pimp Saudi King is dead and the CIA and Kushner have backed the retard MBS into killing and arresting many of the al-Saud whores including Nayef and his own younger brother the “defence minister” .Saudi media has gone off air and there are reports of National Guard supporting Nayef and Americunt occupation forces supporting MBS…more to follow…


Post a link man.


Zionism = EVIL

There are million links, including the lead story on Jew York Times and Zionist mouthpiece BBC and many commentaries. I am sure SF will post an analysis soon too. I had known about since the Saudi scum cancelled all pilgrimages and most flights. There is trouble in the house of whores with the Americunts supporting the pig MBS while the older pimps of the Sudairi Seven supporting Nayef who still has loyalty if the Wahhabi tribal based national guard. The CIA wants MBS the moron in power, no surprise there and Kushner is the main adviser to the moron.

Three senior members of Saudi Arabia’s embattled royal family, including the king’s brother, have been arrested for unexplained reasons, US media report.

Two of the men were among the kingdom’s most influential figures.

The detentions have been linked to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s US backed efforts to consolidate power as the quagmire in Yemen and falling oil revenues take their toll on the shaky family run kingdom. Never in its 90 year old rule has Saudi Arabia faced such a mortal challenge..


The daily body bags and growing defeats in Yemen are causing total breakdown of Saudi morons Wahabbi based tribal systems,

And Syria too. They are still sending material aid and doing recruiting and sending slaves to fight and die, no doubt.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, even recruiting headchopper mercenaries is proving to be a problem as even the illiterate young Sunni men as seen on the Greek border now understand the insidious Turkeys agenda. The Turkeys MIT used to coerce these cannon fodder into terrorists but now ErDOG has turned the Turkeys into an openly terrorist Wahhabi stooge.


Bernie has street credentials, he was for legalizing hitchhiking decades ago. In the USA they try to make everything a crime, even though it is not a crime they still harass and use technicalities to stop people from asking for a ride. They call that freedom.

Zionism = EVIL

Yeah, this is tops though, a contest between two geriatrics who should be on death watch in a nursing home.

Furkan Sahin

they all is bad Trump = Zionister Biden = AL Qaeda Bernie = PKK


Bernie is be far the better of those, don’t be a total fool.

Furkan Sahin

I don’t think so, unfortunately Bernie can become like Obama Bernie will destroy other countries as well


It is nearly impossible to be as much of a war monger and criminal as Obama. I repeat, Bernie Sanders was out running a campaign with a platform based on legalizing hitchhiking in the 70’s, they are different people fundamentally. Bernie is an imperialist but nothing close to Obama.

Furkan Sahin

everyone said Obama was very good before elections but he is miserable

Zionism = EVIL

Obama was a house nigger and a tool of the Jews, he caused more death and destruction than even Trump. The Ameriucunt oligarchy like Russia is run by Jews, the rest if a delusion of “democracy” and an illusion for the the brainwashed fuckwits in the trailer parks hoarding toilet paper and ammo.


Really?maybe you need to focus on masonic templar british nazi kunts,instead! never mind gorbachev their heir successor aka utter failure of cultivated peoples! either way soros,nwo,cia,mason templars,mi6 are the destruction of mankind reast are more or less securing their peoples away from sick incest wannabes!

Zionism = EVIL

The Brits are the real cancer behind Zionism too. They had planned on planting this insidious disease in Palestine long before the Balfour chickenshit.

Zionism = EVIL

Bernie being a progressive Jew was too much for the deep state and Zionists. Like Corbyn in UK they would have never allowed him to get a thousands miles of the White House. In any case, the rednecks will not allow a Jew or a woman to become the POTUS, at least in my lifetime.


Too late Obama was half Jewish, heritage wise if not by blood. His physical appearance is other but nonetheless technically, half Jewish. This argument that the USA won’t elect a Jew, therefore support Biden is being used by the Democrat party to elect their man, now that CIA Pete is gone and the populace did not fall for the Bloombergy billionaire attack.

Zionism = EVIL

Obama was just about everything mongrel, he claimed his father was Kenyan, then Indonesian and he was born in Hawaii, I think he was the biggest CIA fraud Manchurian candidate so far.


Bernie is a hitlary muppet just like biden,owned by the incestive kweer disordery!liberals rigg it that way,he is just the clever mouth piece,they will never allow it to bid (period)


Trump is a piece of shit who is 100 per cent owned by isreal the best outcome we can hope for is that all the candidates suddenly die


“And whereas Trump at least made efforts to rein in the “deep state” and paid a price for it in the form of impeachment, President Biden will do no such thing.”

This is outright delusional, must be coming from somebody who believes the US Zioterrorist coporation is a “democracy” or “republic”. While Trump’s regime is supporting ISIS/al-Qaeda thru Turkey in Syria, he’s supporting paramilitary terrorist narco-trafficking Colombian/Venezuelan extremists in Venezuela against Maduro, so much for. Trump isn’t an even bigger piece of “deep state” AIPAC shit because he’s not any taller and fatter. Berny Sanders wouldn’t even have to kiss AIPAC ass like Trump and Biden because he’s a tribesman himself.

Biden’s candidacy just proves how broken the US corporate system with elections is.


LOL…yep, we know you are an 88 type guy, Adolf.


Earning your keep, are ya, Ziotroll dancing monkey.

Zionism = EVIL

It is a battery of Jew trolls with different log ins, this one has posted over 60,000 posts in a month :) from different time zones…

Cui bono

In reality it is not a real election, but a theater. Because they can only vote. They can not select/choose/pick. The satanique clique make this for the people. The 3 persons are all puppets of this global clique. Finally at the end it is only an election of 2 persons. It is the same they vote in the USA, they come frome the same source. OK maybe one person is more terrible than the other, but approximately the same. That is why this is not a democracie in USA and until now never change something in the USA. John F. Kennedy was probably the only president not from the clique, thats why the CIA has killed him.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

The TV debates should be in a quiz format.

Presidential Trivial Pursuit.


.Al Nusra deploys to front line in Donbass

Reinforcements from the ranks of terrorist groups in the Middle East arrived at the Kiev militants on the front line with the Lugansk People’s Republic, according to the Office of the People’s Police of the LPR.“Due to the low staffing of units of the armed forces of Ukraine and the unsatisfactory level of combat training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the Ukrainian leadership continues to attract Islamic mercenaries from the countries of the Middle East to the punitive operation zone in the Donbass



Democrats have a communist with failing health, an another old senile man that forgets half of everything and has never accomplished a single thing in his pathetic life.


And even so, with Comfy Unky Joe and the Dems the likely winners, bye bye Putz Putin the Poisoner and your RF.



Zionism = EVIL

It is a a Jew BOT dear.

Daily Beatings

Did you say Jewbot?


Dick Von Dast'Ard

This 2020 presidential election within the U.S. should be known ever after as the Battle of the Leaky Bladders.


You should be happy. It’s more for you to binge on.

Zionism = EVIL



LOL…now try writing that after you awake from your delusional wet dream. Or write it yourself instead of using a Kremlin Party Line cheat sheet. Putz Putin the Poisoner and his failing RF will be playing footsie with the thankfully dead Russian Soviet Empire deep in the dust bin of history long before the US is gone, Igor. Oh, when Biden and the Dems win in November they will take vengeance and help more quickly deep six the Putz and your RF.

Daily Beatings

Please ask your doctor to up the dosage on your medication since it’s definitely not working.

Jimmy Jim


Dick Von Dast'Ard

Biden will be the second Dem contender Trump will threaten with prison in front of the live TV ‘debate’ cameras, then go on to do nothing about.

Peter Jennings

Obomber? charismatic? No chance. Fooling oneself is the easiest thing to do. He was a fair reader.

Obomber was a cocaine dealer from Chicago who would rather talk than work for a living, and that’s all he will ever be. A fast talking cocaine dealer. He became president of the united states by telling the electorate exactly what they wanted to hear, without ever having the intention of honouring any of the promises. He reduced the Nobel Peace prize to a mere trinket of zealots whilst sending more death to the ME.

Biden has the same campaign trail problems as hilarity and he will end the same way. The Trumpster is certainly going to have a field day bringing up Biden’s corruption in Ukraine, with new revelations along the way. Maybe he will plead alzheimer’s when he goes to court.

‘Democratic’ voters will soon need to decide whether they want the new social corruption or good old gov’t corruption.


If Obama were a processed plant seller that would be an honorable thing as long as he had good prices and quality plant material. What he was iin fact was a corporate shill lawyer and eventual war criminal.

If you lack the mental faculty to recognize that Sanders is vastly better than Iraq war criminal drug war claimed self architect Joe Biden I feel sorry for you. Let me ask you directly so we can not waste time, is Sanders better for the planet, animals, environment and people than Biden?

Peter Jennings

If you had read the post correctly, you would find that ‘None Of The Above’ is the only statement i make about any of the current runners. I certainly do not endorse Biden and Sanders threw all his supporters under the bus when he was reduced to a running mate of hilarity. That doesn’t bode well for his electorate. Flip-flopping was never a good look.

If Sanders wins, which is very unlikely, his supporters will get what they usually get. A watered down version of promises and services which fall short of any meaningful result. The people will pay for it all just the same.


I’m driving rideshare every night at the epicenter of the US Corona virus outbreak where over 90% of the death are occurring and most of the new infections are being reported. The company whose app I’m using has implemented hazmat procedures that I’m following every day for transportation workers. My perspective is that 80% of the cases can’t be differentiated from the cold and flu unless you’re tested. And that 95+% of the cases go untested because people don’t want to get quarantined unless they get more sick than they would be from the cold and flu.

The death rate of confirmed cases is 10 times higher than the flu. But 95% of the cases are unreported. So the death rate is the same as the flu. I’m probably being exposed and am developing immunity as long as I don’t get sick. Whether it will help in my ET contact work as the interaction increases, I don’t know. I have hazmat gear and training for that also.



Dick Von Dast'Ard

8% chance of any three of the main candidates to drop dead of COVID-19 before the presidential race is over.

Sounds good to me…

Candidate watch.

Zionism = EVIL

Two 80 year old fuckwit geezers, what a choice :)

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Yes reflects what a vibrant and energized society the U.S. isn’t.

Zionism = EVIL

So much lack of diversity even among the geriatrics from the nursing homes.


Looks like your mortality risk from the Coronavirus is some 40 times greater than from the Seasonal Flu. You need to get out and about even more.

Zionism = EVIL

This is more hype than reality as only idiots are panicking thanks to Jew media, everyone has to die somehow someday, nothing to worry about, the real news is unraveling in Saudi shithole, no wonder morons are stocking up on toilet paper around the world.


The numbers bear that out. https://www.anti-empire.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/106362398-1580727197721coronavirusvsallflustrains.png

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, I believe this is the Jew plan to fuck up the Chinese economy and also create a global scared police state. One thing Trump has done right is to play it low key, imagine if the dumbass Americunt population armed to the death panicked and started fighting over toilet paper and food like Zombia Apocalypse.


I agree.

Zionism = EVIL

Some of us grown-ups who have seen a lot of shit in our life know this is all part of a bigger plan and the Bilderberg agenda was unraveling in China and rest of the world and they had to come up with some new paranoia peddling, the average fuckwit roaming around with a “smart phone” is easy to panic and control. BTW, interesting developments in Saudi Arabia, stay tuned on that one. The price of oil is also kaput.


Children are raised to trust and believe authority rather than using the judicial process and scientific method to fact check the information that they’re being provided. I’ll be 62 in May. 90% of the population is younger than I am. And a significant portion of the younger generations haven’t figured out that they’re being led around by the nose by liars and scam artists peddling bulls—.

The Saudi coup story isn’t tanks in the streets. But it does show that there’s a problem.

The city is far less busy here than normal. The fear mongering effecting the economy negatively.

Zionism = EVIL

It is already freaking out the retards with shit for brains as the morons are only focusing on hoarding https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/23e35aa60d5ef2123752934db8b0e5c5498ae3a681f99aebdea8021ce6399e87.jpg toilet paper. This beyond bizarre as if wiping your arse is more important that food or medicine.


Very true. The Jew media needs to be replaced with something more truth based, rational and positive.


Damn, them Jews have taken over China. Amazing.


On that last note, great. There goes Putz Putin, the Islamist Irans and the Castro want-to-be in Venezuela.


Perhaps you are the super spreader up north, but shows no symptoms ? For God’s sake, stay away from the nursing homes!


That’s were a lot of the Chinese deaths are probably coming from also.


South Korea did a LOT of testing. Mortality rate currently at 0.6%. But this may go up as severe cases are in the hospital over time. Of coarse they might have a better health care system than most countries.


As long as I don’t catch the zombie space virus I’m not going to worry about the current “epidemic” fear mongering.


I like your attitude. Please keep at it.


” The death rate of confirmed cases is 10 times higher than the flu. But 95% of the cases are unreported. So the death rate is the same as the flu.” Thank you , that is a VERY good observation – seasonal flu last year infected millions and killed off tens of thousands. Covid19 no different except that I smell a rat here – excessive/abnormal infections and deaths in China, Iran, Korea (DPRK ??) – trial run for upcoming bio-germ warfare by US ??


Nahhhhhhhhhh…but it is a thought.


Actually it is 35 times higher and lots of people in China and elsewhere are getting it twice. So much for becoming immune to it. You may not take it too seriously but the the Chinese sure have. To the extent that they have crippled their economy and will likely have negative growth this quarter and possibly a recession this year. But I forgot. You know better than anyone. And the Chinese, WHO, CDC and all others should beg you for the truth.

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Think I read a statistic that 30% of U.S. households have less than $1000 saved for a coronavirus day… Big trouble for some American households looming with repossessions.


Well think how bad it will be for you Russians where 90% have what little savings they have invested in Vodka. And think the only way to cure anything is by binging themselves to an early grave.


Lol, either way the Democrats are stuffed this year.

Biden (Aging old swamp-creature slowly losing his mind): Trump will constantly bring up Ukraine and everyone will be forced to realize he’s corrupt. Also his senility will be a constant issue. If Trump’s smart he’ll also bring up Libya/Benghazi.

Bernie (Aging old Communist nutjob promising free-shit): Trump will bring up the fact that he’s basically achieved nothing in life, despite being in politics for decades. Along with his support for various Communist regimes over the years, and his earlier life in an Israeli commune (which kicked him out for being lazy, lol).

I’m not a big fan of Trump since he backed-down on many of his campaign promises, but he’s still a hell of a lot better than these two idiots.


Trump is a war criminal imperialist scum attacking Iran and Venezuela.Trump has actively worked to destroy every environmental act regulation and protection and is building a massively environmentally destructive animal species genocidal geomentric wall / prison cage. You know jack shit Republican.


I ain’t a Republican, but the Democrats are a bigger bunch of scum.


There is probably at least a 50-50 chance the election will be postponed given the covid-19 spread and lack of US testing kits & labratories … seems they were so busy demonising China they forgot to prepare for the inevitable spread on their own doorstep.


Not to worry Colin. CDC says 50 new test kits shipped out today ! Meanwhile Trump says he would like Grand Princess passengers to stay on board the Corona effected ship, so the US total is not increased. This idea worked out well in Japan?

Zionism = EVIL

I think they should be sent to Saudi Arabia on a medical pilgrimage and everyone has to shake hands with MBS.


In the meantime even without that, the Islamist Iranian leadership seems to be dropping like flies from the virus.


You mean Moron Trump & Company were asleep at the wheel…and still are.

Concrete Mike

Trump couldnt see, as he had israeli ass in his face. Anyways all your doing is undermining your country, some patriot you are!

Rodney Loder

Trump’s doing a great job uniting Russia China and Iran why would you want Jew Sanders who for sure will garner China away from Russia and Russia away from Iran.


So much for democracy, I mean the Democrats. Dems changed the rules and will not allow Tulsi Gabbard in the coming debate even though she might have by existing rules. Sad, 4 more years of Trump.

Zionism = EVIL

I agree, Biden is unelectable and the Jews have Kushner in the White House anyway. It is baffling that in a country of over 300 million people, they could only find two nursing home incumbents.

good american

Call them the ‘fill in the blank’ candidates. The elite want nothing else.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, they want amenable idiots, they can control. Reagan beat Jimmy Carter who was a nuclear engineer but too peaceful for the likes of Jews.


Come on. Be honest. You hated Carter.


Dems afraid of a joint Sanders-Gabbard ticket


And that ticket would be the only one to beat Trump.

Zionism = EVIL

Do you think? Bernie was labelled a “socialist” so for the average redneck hoarding toilet paper that is heresy, and same goes for Gabbard as the deep state would not have allowed that. They always put up safe old geriatric WASPS.


“Socialized” medical programs threaten two money pits, ..the “Medial community’ and ‘Big Pharma”, so cross out Bernie. And the MIC crosses out Tulsi.

Zionism = EVIL

Also access to basic medical care is a luxury for the rich in the US and not a universal human right and the Bilderberg Jew corporations have invested trillions in controlling all aspects including access and pharma, so that is not going to happen. They also control the HMO’s and guarantee that the average worker tows the corporate line or end up begging in the streets. There was PBS documentary recently that showed how they chew up veterans and then discard them on the streets. Very shameful and now apply that policy on the national level.



If you missed it, all veterans have VA medical, government owned and run. The next step Bernie would like for everyone.


It’s not final but does look like Bernie is crossed out. Tutsi was never anyplace you be crossed out. Now we have a good chance of removing Moron Trump.


LOL…if you missed it, dodo, it is Bernie himself who labels him a Socialist, continuously and incessantly. And has been doing that for the past 45 years. Damn, he was even a Trot official not long ago.


LOL…sure, Igor.

cechas vodobenikov

it will be Homer Simpson—biden vs Peter griffin—trump


Yep, we would like to beat Trump, not help him win.

cechas vodobenikov

the best the US ruling class can do is choose an Alzheimer’s afflicted corrupt plagiarizing fool w a coke addicted child , creepy Joe, to challenge their current figurehead, trump


She had her chance and was in several previous debates. She’s just another loser like you but prettier.

cechas vodobenikov

the US was designed to be an aristocracy—today an oligarchy….”the interests of the opulent must be protected from the masses”. Madison “of, by and for the people means anything, everything and nothing”. J Adams…..the ruling class document described as their constitution(Beard) encourages dictatorship (Godel) predicted that Jackie lies—Gabbard was only permitted in 1 nationally televised debate according the censored US media (pornogrphy as described by Philip Slater)


Too bad soros bots,TRUMP 2020 by the landslide,fake news media,stocks down,all the way to hell!


LOL…don’t hold your breath. On second thought, please do.

Xoli Xoli

Putin is controlled by Trump and Satanyahu.Soon in Turkey their will removed Erdogan as majority dislike Putin.Out of fear Putin decided to avoid going for meeting to Turkey.The Oman was to kill Putin as the way ambassador were killed.Trump will be assassinate by M16 and CIA.War will soon break out between Iran and Israel and Satanyahu will be humiliate and force to sign year treaty.Obama will be call up to Run the presidency.Turks will kill Putin.

AM Hants

Headlines to make you smile and must admit the only one I have bothered reading, relating to the C Virus.

2 Individuals At AIPAC Conference With Pence, Pompeo, McConnell & Others Test Positive For Covid-19… https://www.zerohedge.com/political/2-individuals-who-attended-aipac-conference-pence-pompeo-mcconnell-others-test-positive

Would be marvelous if the Coronovirus cleaned out our Governments for us and the lobbyists that go with them.

cechas vodobenikov

senile bygone vs cretin trump…and amerikans r so stupid —a bureaucratized mind (goffman), incapable of dialectical thinking or making connections (Tocqueville, Gorer, Lakoff, Sennet,, Fussell etc) living in a corrupt kleptocracy ruled by oligarchs (Gilens, Page, Lessig, JShapiro, Jimmy Carter, ) that they actually vote….unaware that they live in a military dictatorship (Mills, Cole, etc) and a police surveillance state (Drake, Binney, Kirakou, Binney) where election laws only exist in dictatorships like Azerbijian (Ackerman, Chomsky) and political parties have no principles except for money (Williams, Gorer, Ostrogorski), these automatons (Riesman, Slater, Golstein, Horkheimer, Koestler)…these comic book reading children where 69% of US university grads r NOT English proficient (US dept of Education ) submissively infected by passivity and narcissism —self hatred (Simmel, Gorer, Sennet, Konrath, Lasch, Twenge and Campbell), one should expect a rapid demise into the dustbin of history “nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded w a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans–they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in Europe’. Paul Fussel obvious…as Boorstin observed only amerikans r so stupid that they purchase products advertised by celebrities that don’t use the products “of all peoples in an advanced stage of ECONOMIC civilization amerikans r least accessible to long views…always and everywhere in a hurry to get rich, they give no thought to remote consequences—they see only present advantages…amerikans do NOT REMEMBER, THEY DO NOT FEEL—THEY LIVE IN A MATERIALIST DREAM”. MOISEDE OSTROGORSKI Enough said….

Dick Von Dast'Ard

Sanders younger and new supporters would be better off backing Gabbard as Bernie is already showing signs of having thrown in the towel at his Detroit rally.

Jonathan Cohen

Warren is well positioned right between Bernie and Joe to be the compromise pick at a brokered convention, as is Michelle Obama. I could vote for either, unlike Joe.


Readers may enjoy this analysis posted recently with information of Biden’s record.

It suggests a possible novel outcome to the convention:


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