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Prigozhin’s Death Makes Him Immortal

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Prigozhin’s Death Makes Him Immortal

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Prigozhin’s Death Makes Him Immortal
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Prigozhin’s Death Makes Him Immortal

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On August 23, a business jet belonging to the head of the Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, crashed in the Russian Tver region. Two aircraft linked to the company flew from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

One of them crashed from a height of 9 kilometers. Its wreckage and 10 bodies were found at the crash site.

The Federal Air Transport Agency has published a list of seven passengers and three crew members, who, according to the registration information, were supposed to be on board. In addition to Prigozhin, the list includes Dmitry Utkin, chief warlord of the PMC, and Valery Chekalov, who was reportedly responsible for the transport logistics of the businessmen, as well as for the supply of ammunition to the battlefields , etc.

Various sources referring to contacts in the Wagner PMC confirmed the death of Prigozhin and Utkin. A businessman’s personal smartphone was reportedly found next to one of the bodies.

However, the bodies of those killed in the crash are not officially considered identified. As of the morning of August 24, Prigozhin’s official press service has not yet confirmed on the businessman’s death.

Shortly after the crash, sources close to the Wagner Group claimed that the jet was shot down by Russian air defense, as indicated by the alleged traces of a missile in the sky. A terrorist attack on board is also one of possible causes of the crash. Locals reported two explosions in the sky.

It should not be excluded that the special services of Ukraine, which received such a gift on the eve of the Independence Day, and their partners in NATO could be involved in the incident. Prigozhin’s assassination would be easier after he lost his state guard as a result of the mutiny two months ago.

Perhaps the incident was aimed to stage the death of Prigozhin, who had already allegedly died in another crash in 2019. There is a probability that the businessman and other leaders could have been on board the second aircraft, which safely landed at the Ostafevo business airport in Moscow. It is also suspicious that high-ranking figures flew together, since this contradicts basic security measures.

The attempt to behead the Wagner PMC out of revenge or contradictions within the Russian elites with an air defense missile strike seems too superficial and direct. The magnitude of Prigozhin’s personality and Wagner’s role for Russia will certainly generate a lot of suspicions about the incident, even after the official explanation of its causes.

Nevertheless, the crash is unlikely to have a decisive impact on the Wagner Group. As in any military campaign whose leaders are deployed in hot spots together with their fighters, there are various mechanisms to continue effective work in the event of their death.

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Herbert Strohwasser

rip jewgeni !!!!

Fat Cat

you guys obsess over jews too much. jew this, nazi that, it loses currency and meaning. there is kooky stuff in the talmud and israel is corrupt af but settle down, strudelwaffen88. you meet nice people of all kinds. if we in the west preserved family and valued education like the red sea pedestrians… we would be better off.


besides putin, here are some of russia’s current oligarchs (all jewish):

beral lazar, pincus goldschmidt, roman abramovich, alexander abramov, oleg depripaska, mikhail prokhorov, german khan, viktor vekselberg, pyotr aven, vitaly malkin, arkady rotenberg, vladimir gusinsky, boris berezovsky, yuri milner, eugene shividler, alexander knaster, yevgeny primakov (formerly finkelstein).

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric
Fat Cat

>pincus goldschmidt

no he sounds like a good irish catholic, like me! old pinky o’goolde!


he’s an ashkenazi jew.


you dont obsess enough over jews, they want to wipe the aryan race out, what more do you need to know.


my trust in the putin administration has risen 200 % now that they took this jewish trash out, i was concerned about this jew from the start.


of utmost importance is for the russian investigation to look at cia or terrorist west sabotage. if proof is found, level that country embassy around russia

Stand United With South-front!

im here because of what npr reported, because i was not even aware of this guys passing. they said that his death was a revenge killing from putin, because of his failed rebellion, which to me sounds at least plausible, either regardless of who is responsible, it sad that he had to die like that, after he fought so hard for russia’s major victories in ukraine!


that’s how putins chabad lubawitch russia honours its heros. they murder them and then send more precious young christian men into the meatgrinder. while the fat greedy jewish oligarchs and government leaders, who are running ukraine and russia as well, are counting the profits they make from all the bloodshed.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

you are out of this world prigozin probably was a double agent working for the jewish cia


well, of course. scott ritter said litterally that he’d be surprised if he prigozhin would survive for long: “russia doesn’t take kindly to traitors”.


i was also undecided until i heard npr denial,now of course its obvious the alphabet bois took em out,coupled with what going down in mali/sahel it makes the most sence

Fat Cat

cute comment

Demons > Humans

finally southfront brought the comments. also i can’t wait for prigozhin to come out and say “sike, that is the wrong passenger list.”

Barry Graves

whether sf needs the comments is questionable?

at the very least, it testifies to respect for readers and shows the censors how cumbersome and pointless their work is.


these days i don’t bother with any news media that can’t stand comments. there should be a direct path to push back against obvious misinformation.


in the west it was around the time that the comment features went down that news went from borderline reporting to full-blown telling you what to think. hardly a coincidence, the timing


also i am against this war and want russia to retreat from all foreign territory – ukraine, chechyna, kaliningrad etc. i demand the same from usa – they need to withdraw from iraq, syria, germany, okinawa (japan) and whereever else they put their occupation troops. and i want sf to keep existing. as dialog and exchange of thoughts is the only way to get to long-lasting peaceful solution of conflicts.


chechnya is integral part of russia for centuries, kalingrad is russian from ww2 (kind of war reparation)


whether this treasonous oligarch crook is alive or dead (my money is on the former, probably in switzerland having plastic surgery) the fact people were killed and innocent civilians’ lives put at risk to stage this bs theatre is sick. and of course putin knew nothing, as ever?

WT Baker

if the bodies have not been officially identified then everyone should resist participating in the game that has already begun. this is how coverups and conspiracy theories are generated. just watch media and see how they want you to repeat all the spins.


two jets leave? and let’s be frank, there is an easy source of ‘bodies’ at the moment. i’m not going to any conclusion. it’s schrodingers prigozhin, and he is both alive and dead until proven one way or the other.

Fat Cat

are you calling the russian government liars?

Crazy Canuck

of course they are eh.


i can’t see anything to gain by his death. he was already sidelined and pushed out away from power. he couldn’t even stay in russia. further the whole coup was a great big non-event, aside from the loss of the helicopter, and quickly resolved.


tell that to the mothers of the 13 dead servicemen. don’t forget the destruction of other aircraft, the destruction of rostov infrastructure, and the diversion of troops. this egocentric oligarch’s idiotic tantrum included him repeating the west’s propaganda that no donbass civilians had been killed. his was a treasonous act of gross subordination at a time of war that gave a propaganda victory to the west. meanwhile surovikin languishes under house arrest.

Last edited 1 year ago by B.F.Finlayson

prigozhin fought at the fronts with words and guns. he came from prison himself and dared to put the finger into the wound. telling the russian government and esecially the defence ministry directly about corruption and mistakes, that led to unnecessary piles of dead russian and wagner servicemen. ( for example not enough ammo). he was a bolt guy – and lately much more liked in russia then putin. hence became a danger to jewtin and got eliminated kgb style.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa
Fat Cat

prigo had balls. i like balls.


pity he didn’t have brains. i like brains.

Fat Cat

hard to empty someone’s brains into your mouth, just sayin’


prigo is/was good at self-publicity and self-advancement to the exclusion of all other things; including his country, russian soldiers, his own soldiers and political protocols. having been in prison is not a qualification, although he should have been back inside after 24 june if putin was serious.

Fat Cat

i don’t rate putin or his government after the last few years. please note this is not inter alia support for kiev, nato or the us. i just think it’s pretty obvious they are all the same faceless men, at least prigo was colourful and has some passion.


sein job war meisterhaft!


o alta voce diferita care a murit! va insoira pe multi!


@ va inspira


cand ajungi sus schimba traseele!


si securitatea l a tradat pe ceausescu! seful artei culinare si a apararii patriei e intr o istorie vie deja. bucureștiul si romanii cititori aici trasmit condoleanțe oamenilor cu care a interactionat.

Stand United With South-front!

also south-front please stop limiting our comments, i want to be able speak my mind, without constantly seeing comment to long! also it appears our comments now have to be approved before being posted, im against any free speech/ alternative news media platform doing this!


yes, i fully agree with you. censorship is bullshit & limiting comments that much is also kind of censorship. at least we need 30 lines to comment not just 5 or 6 like now.thats way not enough &makes true discussions near to impossible.i too hope that sf mods will change that.of course limitless space opens ways for spammers to do bullshit, so i understand sf’s wish to block such activities but 6 lines only? no.if they limit the size of comments to 30 lines,that’d be ok.

Last edited 1 year ago by MotherTeresa

it is limited because of all the spam posted here by unit 8200 and brigade 77

Fat Cat

copefront does the cute rt dance of being an alternative news source but is home to third worldists and hacks.


you can say everything here, except that israel is behind nato, ie the truth

Fat Cat

meh, israel is as powerful as people let them be. assume that if they are doing tech or sharing intel it’s leaky, be honest about human rights and trafficking there, just generally shine a light on it being a middling mid east country reliant on selling american secrets to china and vice versa.

Florian Geyer

it would be nice to be able use capital letters again.

William Wallace

no he’s dead. and he deserved it. he’s a traitor to the established russian government and i’m sure from putins condolence words he gave less than two shıts about him and probably gave the ok for his removal. the deal was to stay out of russia, whitch he violated aswell. loud mouth had it coming. this was not cia this time. putin doesn’t screw around. he’s the only boss of wagner.

Fat Cat

how are the gays at the duran spinning this?


duran&friends + eric are busy licking gonzalez lira!

Fat Cat

the rusted on putinist/centre right orthodox types let real warriors like papa eugene and utkin go so the mod can sell weapons to ukraine. ukraine still buying from russia. f@ck this, i want to see putin get serious. instead of jailing patriots, the mod needs serious reform and war aims need to be made clearer, reports checked, arms and supplies and morale ensured.


oh, a traitor to the establishment… so such a one deserves to die? how sick are you? why do you go by the name of william wallace. they’d say the same about him. deserves death… many that live deserve death and some who die deserve life. can you give it to them? don’t be so quick with your death sentence. mercy is a divine quality. such killings always come back to haunt the perpetrators.

Last edited 1 year ago by Dave
Fat Cat

st peterburg has worryingly liberal instincts, gay model sons and roman villas. russia should invade russia after ukraine imo.


i agree that putin is the only boss.

Last edited 1 year ago by Diaspora
Stand United With South-Front

i don’t understand how you can be a traitor when he fought in every major battle and then some, since the start of the so called special military operation! honestly i have more respect for him and everyone else that is like him, that are actually fighting on the front-lines, instead of the beurocrats in kremlin, sitting in their comfy homes, while ordering men to the frontlines!


i have some doubts about his immortality, since god has power to destroy body and soul in gehenna. but we can pray for him anyway.


no evidence of gods, souls, hells or life after death. only science will bring us a form of immortality, such as crisper and sens research foundation

Fat Cat

in conclusion war sucks hairy goat nuts. thank you.

Fat Cat

prighozin’s charred remains have tested positive for covid 19.


uçak’in şarap sandik na yerleşti̇ri̇lmi̇ş yüksekli̇k hava basinç ayarli 2 bomba i̇le uçak’in düşürüldüğü medya üzeri̇nde yapilan haberlerden anlaşilmaktadir bomba basinç patlama ayarinin 4000 metre fi̇t e göre ayarlandiği uçak in tami̇r nedeni̇yle bekledi̇ği̇ akşam saatleri̇nde saat 18.14 tahmi̇ni̇ hava basinçinin deği̇şmesi̇ nedeni̇yle basinç ayarinin 3700 metre fi̇tte ateşleme yaptiği ard arda 2 patlama gerçekleşerek uçak in düştüğü anlaşilmaktadir


the western press, and all the ‘newspapers’ here in britain the next day were spinning their usual anti putin and anti russian line.

Gneaus stapo

rightfully so and based on previous expierence/ example


lots of people, organisations and countries had motif to kill prigozhin but not putin!

Fat Cat

i am of two minds, on one hand there were competing pmcs and big players with their eyes on africa and he did step on putin’s credibility. on the other it’s such an end that confirms all stereotypes about dictator monke, and zesnortsky is low on good news, so…

Karl Pomeroy

who benefits? france.

Gneaus stapo

why? how? france? whom do u wanna kidding? they hav a tradional tool to deal with situation like this. trust me, the french have sharpest knife/ solution. used for decades, no rashnik flathead pmc (still illegal in russia?) can match it.


no one on this planet had more of a reason to kill progozhin than putin did , and putin murdered him and all on board that plane , just like mh17 eh


there was a bomb on that plane, identical to the one put in enrico mattei’s plane by the “seven sisters” of oil.


sorry, but that’s utter bs and hypocrisy. he was killed by the state. there is nothing ‘immortal’ here. his life was cut down. he was murdered. he’s dead. a rotten corpse. no heroics, just cold blooded murder for political reasons.

Fat Cat

nah he had big nuts for an ethnic lawyer. he was a character, even if he made mistakes. civil servants don’t have that rough charm.

Karl Pomeroy

if assassinated, it was no doubt by the west. he had promised to defend niger.

Karl Pomeroy

i wonder if prigozhin was assassinated by the west because he promised to defend niger. france really needs niger’s uranium. btw, tass this morning says still not 100% sure prigozhin is dead.

Crazy Canuck

i bet putin knows what was said as that plane lost the gravity fight eh.


southfront should host live debates. we could host and stream from hotel lobby. 50-100$ tickets. depending on who’s debating.


immortal is when you dont get wacked bro


since prigozhin has been gone, ukrainian rats have been dancing.

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