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MARCH 2025

Pro-Barzani Media Releases Details Of Alleged Deal Between Iraqi Government And Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

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Pro-Barzani Media Releases Details Of Alleged Deal Between Iraqi Government And Patriotic Union of Kurdistan

Massoud Haidar, a Kurdish Gorran (Movement for Change) party member, released details of the alleged deal reached between the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) on October 16.

The released info argues that PUK-linked Peshmerga units are to surrender control of the contested territories to the PMU. Reports based on it was widely spreaded by media outlets linked to the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and its leader, Masoud Barzani.

The agreement was supposedly signed by the son of the leader of PUK, Pavel Talabani, and states that the contentious regions are to be surrendered to the PMU.

The released document further stipulates that a new region with a new government should be created in the provinces of Kirkuk, Sulaymaniyah and Halabja. 17 territorial districts of Kirkuk are to be handed to the Iraqi government. For six months 15 districts are to be controlled by the Kurds, and 25 districts are to select which government they want. Sulaimaniyah International Airport is to be allowed to function again; all contested territories are to be returned to Iraq along with control over oil deposits. Baghdad is to pay salaries to the civil servants in Sulaimaniyah and Kirkuk, as well as select PUK Peshmerga according to a list devised by Talabani.

The same day Iraqi forces had moved into Tuz Khurmatu and Kirkuk, as well as its airport and a military base. Kurdish party headquarters inside Kirkuk had been abandoned. Baghdad said the Peshmerga had withdrawn “without fighting”.

Following this, Rakan al-Jibouri was appointed the new governor of Kirkuk instead of Najmiddin Karim, who had supported Kurdish independence. A new mayor was also reportedly appointed in Tuz Khurmatu.

On October 4, Major General Qasem Soleimani of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps was meeting with members of the PUK. KDP-affiliated media outlet Rudaw called the meeting an attempt to discourage a referendum on independence in the Kurdistan Region.

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Maybe that is what Barzani should have done as well, negotiate a better deal, rather then hold useless referendums. Now he’s left with holding nothing and his rival can point to a better deal.

But I reckon that’s part of his plan to begin with. Not that he’s a good chess player, but more of the he would rather rule in hell then serve in heaven variety of leader. He’d rather ruin the KRG to remain its leader then step down as its leader.


Well I didnt know much about barzani until I read about him yasterday, the fact that he does not bow down to Iraq, Iran or Turkey, makes me want to respect him. And that kurdish party that made a deal with Iraq are actually traitors. Its almost like catalonia where a faction of the catalonians are with spain and wants to betray catalonia.


Loyalty to any movement or state is relative. One can make the case that the rebels are traitors, and that Spanish and Iraqi loyalists are patriots.


Barzani has been ruling the KRG as his personal fiefdom to exploit for his personal gain. He used the referendum to prop up his failing popularity. He can’t bow down to Iraq because then he would lose power. He would rather see the KRG ruined then lose power. If such politicians earn your respect, I would rather respect one whose willing to sacrifice himself for the good of his country, rather then the reverse.

As for Catalonia. It’s not been an independent country since the Middle Ages. As such many Catalonians have the right to feel part of Spain and not want a minority to drag their country, both Spain and Catalonia, into ruin. Where you live, which is not something most of us had any say in, should not have to determine where your automatic loyalties lie. Loyalty is based on respect, and respect has to be earned. Saying ‘My country, right or wrong’, is just as stupid as saying ‘My mother, drunk or sober’.

Solomon Krupacek

talk what about? they hve maximum. like catalonia in spain. more is only to be independent.

Free Syria

So hes like Assad.


Probably the end of Talabani Family Influence on PUK. Video clips today show protestors being beaten in Sleimani, so the Talabani are viewed as traitors to Kurdistan and may be hung for treason if caught. Abadi overplayed his hand by resorting to violence like Saddam instead of political negotiations — result is that Kurds & Arabs will never trust him again.

Hussein Ahmad

fuck off


Hardly my fault that Abadi & QS just made massive blunder by asking too much of Iran Friendly Talabani PUK. Now Talabani are considered Despicable Traitors to the 50 million Kurds living in Kurdistan Region. There will be a reckoning.

Arguably, Barzani overstepped with the referendum — but no one will excuse the Talabani for their treason.

Expect lots of PUK will now join PKK, and those PKK guys & girls will fight.


From the same troll disinfo peddler who just a few days ago was saying that the Kurds had US air support and Iraq was going to stay out of Kurd controlled areas. Your posts are lies.


You know as well as I do that isn’t what I said. Please try to be a little more accurate.



Is this accurate enough for you:



Exactly, I never said Kurds had air support only that US wouldn’t allow Iraqis to bomb Kurds. Big difference.


Also from the same thread:



You’re an idiot talking out of both sides of your mouth making a fool out of yourself with your continuous lies.

Wahid Algiers

Proofs always stopp liars.


Kenneth only posts the US narrative of the day Richard.

We must all make allowances for such people. Its either his current job or a career in ‘Tele Sales’.


The CIA is infested with Jews. This guy sounds like one of their college educated trolls.

“As David Cohen becomes CIA’s No. 2, Jews appear to have smoother sailing at security agencies” https://www.jta.org/2015/02/18/news-opinion/united-states/as-david-cohen-becomes-cias-no-2-jews-appear-to-have-smoother-sailing-at-security-agencies


Perhaps a name change from the CIA to the CHEKA would be appropriate now Richard ?


You may not be that far from the truth judging from the Vegas attack to get the ball rolling.


Treason of ? Kurdistan ? Iraq exist Kurdistan isn’t. They’ve been good enough to be granted autonomous region of Erbil.


I hate the division of Iraq. Erbil is in Iraq. You cannot make country with in country.


Why don’t you go and join with the girls in the fight Kenneth?

Wahid Algiers

Kenneth the kurd girly fan.


Laugh all you want, those kurdish high school girls in tennis shoes are the only ones that ISIS never defeated.

Wahid Algiers

Kenneth? I thought you love boys. Now you are talking about sexy females with tennis shoes. Do you like them to wear a school bag too?


Very funny. Truth is that many times, When Iraqis & Syrians ran from Isis, the Kurds stayed and fought. (Other than KRG Peshmerga who abandoned Yazidis to Isis).

Although it is Given that there were many brave heroes among the Iraqi & Syrians; but their leaders were terrible.

Wahid Algiers

Right, but the SAA had hard times to redeploy between 2011 and 2014, exactly when ISIS came to Syria in 2014. The time after they did very good jobs on the ground as “SDF” too against ISIS. Now it is up to the kurds to decide what they want (to get).


By SAA we are talking about a depleted force today reliant upon Iranian/Palestinian & Russian Mercenary Forces in addition to pro Assad Militias. A few weeks ago SAA troops from Suweidiya revolted and refused to return to the front lines. Without support from the SDF/YPG it will be very difficult for SAA to eject Turks & Jihadis from Idlib. Even with SDF support, it may be impossible once Turks reach Idlib City and fortify their invasion.


So SAA & SDF must remain allies.


Not my fight, plus they would be better at it than me. ISIS defeated Iraqi Army, SAA, Russians, Iranians, Turks & FSA in numerous battles.


ISIS and indeed Al Nusra in Syria are generally well trained and armed by some of the wealthiest countries on Earth. They have also been shown to benefit from US and NATO ‘intelligence ‘ assets and also with command structures manned by NATO and Israeli operatives.

It is therefore quite understandable why these terrorist organisations have been so hard to expunge.

Wahid Algiers

Kenneth wrote yesterday, look above: Kennethllindsy Wahid Algiers • 18 hours ago – Laugh all you want, those kurdish high school girls in tennis shoes are the only ones that ISIS never defeated.

I answered today, look above:

Kenneth? I thought you love boys. Now you are talking about sexy females with tennis shoes. Do you like them to wear a school bag too?

He is perverse.


I surprise that in 2017 the total population of Iraq including kurds is less than 40 million. So how kurds population reached to 50 million why baby chicken hatched from eggs.


Greater Kurdistan includesign parts of Turkey, Iran, Syria & Iraq; not just KRG in Iraq.


Whether that is greater Kurdistan or greater Israel I don’t wanna put myself in that discussion but this is true that Iraq has full right and responsibility to defend his whole country from disintegration and from foreign threats.


One thing is clear – at the start of this stand-off over Kirkuk, the talk was all about “marching on Baghdad” and how Kirkuk would “never return to Iraq”. Look how quickly that story ended. It all sounded pretty crazy to me anyway – I mean, the Kurdish and Iraqi militias were fighting together in Mosul not so long ago and now they are suddenly supposed to be deadly enemies? I think this guy Barzani is either a fool who tried to exploit the fight against ISIS to seize more territory for the imaginary Kurdistan or an agent of the imperialists who has acted on some very bad advice.Either way, the gambit has backfired – there was no way the central government in Baghdad could accept the loss of major cities like Kirkuk and Mosul without a fight. That would lead to a Libya-style disintegration of Iraq, which would be more likely to lead to a larger Turkey and Iran, not a new Kurdistan. This deal is a much better option – now that the foreign mercenaries seems to be almost wiped out it is time to sort out regional military independence for Iraq and Syria – Lebanon, too.


No no there was no deal between Abadi and barzani these are just roamers. Abadi said I wanna full control of whole Iraq.


They add a million to this imaginary number every year. They’re using the same modus operandi as their Holohoax bullshit, just make up a large number, keep repeating it and hope the dumb Goys eventually believe it. And the biggest joke of them all they always try to portray every single Kurd as identical in thought and politics.

Wahid Algiers

Well spoken. Absolutely right.


Harsh but fair :)


Major General Qasem Soleimani, the mastermind!


Ironically Barzani accused PUK being a traitor.


Barzani: Wanted Dead or Alive. This is what I see. America will not get involved except to mend wounds and keep Iraq intact. Kurdish people are being mislead by Barzani.


If this is in fact true it is a victory of diplomacy rather that the destruction of war.


With a no fly zone, a border blockade, and Israel their only “ally” (with friends like that, who needs enemies?). The Kurds with every other government on the planet against what they’re trying to do. Aren’t in a real good position to start a war with the only government that has ever given them any type of real autonomy.


In the end of the day. its about how Iraq will treat the Kurds? Will they repeat Saddam’s mistakes or will they respect the kurds to live their own way of life without forcing them to accept being an arab. If Iraq makes those mistakes like Saddam did, the kurds will rise again at some point and take back all areas lost. Right now the kurds are wondering how the Iranian PMU will treat kurds, will they be racist and beat up kurdish men and rape women? Or will they treat them like a human being? My own judgement is the iraqi army is good people, but the shiite PMU will mess it up.

Solomon Krupacek

Right now the kurds are wondering how the Iranian PMU will treat kurds, will they be racist and beat up kurdish men and rape women?

they are not kurds


The Jews rape 1,000 babies every week and you deny that it’s even happening.


Shut up kike


Why encourage sectarianism? Kurds and Shia were both treated badly by Saddam, so should really be working together. I think it would be a terrible mistake to try and create ethnically or religiously “pure” regions or states – just look at “Israel” and the mess that state is in. It is very well-documented that the US (and lackeys) encouraged the sectarian fighting in Iraq to cover up their failure to win the war decisively – by perpetuating that schismatic behaviour you would be doing the US military’s work for them. Quite simply, they don’t want Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, or basically any Muslim nation except for the Gulf states to be militarily strong and politically independent.







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