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Pro-Government Forces Shelled Turkish Convoy In Western Aleppo – Reports

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On January 29, Syrian pro-government forces targeted a Turkish military convoy in Aleppo city outskirt, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR).

The London-based monitoring group said that the incident took place during the afternoon in the district of al-Rashidin, west of Aleppo’s city center.

“The shelling burned a Turkish military vehicle, there is no information so far about any casualties,” the SOHR’s report reads.

Several other sources, including Iba’a the news network of al-Qaeda-affiliated Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), confirmed the SOHR’s claims. Some activists even shared photos of the alleged incident.

Pro-Government Forces Shelled Turkish Convoy In Western Aleppo – Reports

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Pro-Government Forces Shelled Turkish Convoy In Western Aleppo – Reports

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Turkey’s Ministry of National Defense has not commented on these claims, so far. The Turkish military maintains four observation posts in the northwestern, western and southwestern countrysides of Aleppo.

The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is now conducting a large-scale offensive in the outskirt of Aleppo city in order to secure it, once and for all.

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Hopefully many turkish soldiers were hit.

Mustafa Mehmet



This hopefully will raise the question among the Turkish soldiers WTF they are doing in a foreign country.

northerntruthseeker .

Yes… The Turks are blatant invaders of a foreign nation, and therefore under any articles of war they are indeed open to justifiable attacks by that sovereign nation as “invaders”!


They were warned! If they don’t want to cooperate, then it would be nice if they would obey for their own safety. Turkeys should stay away from hunting areas when tigers are hunting rats. If Turkeys continue to enter the hunting grounds without obeying the warnings, this is what will happen to them. (Boom … turkey kebab for everyone).


In old days occupiers would expect that the country they are invading will fight back. Nowdays invaders seem to be surprised when they are attacked in a hostile environment they are intruding upon.

Xoli Xoli

Very true.Just because their are treated special out of fear of nuclear war.Most recently Trump was suprise thinking that Iranians wont retaliate out of fear .Because USA is nuclear power.

Jim Bim

A convoy from Turkey crossed the border and terrorist supporter Turkey had put up a new post on M5 highway just before Saraqib.

northerntruthseeker .

Yes, to once again try to thwart the SAA offensive to seize Saraqib… For Saraqib is the key to the entire pocket… Saraqib is at a strategic crossroads between the M5 and M4 motorways and is therefore the main transportation key hub between the northern and southern parts of the pocket.. Seize that vital town and the transportation and communications links are severed and the entire pocket should collapse.

Jim Bim

Rumors tell that the Turkish convoy where shelled and hit by the SAA……..hopefully they get the message.

John Wallace

Sounds like a different Turkish group. This one shelled near Aleppo is maybe a different one spotted yesterday heading south or maybe it is the same one that turned and headed for Aleppo. Who knows what is going on there. Why were they going too Aleppo , no right and heading into a active situation of course must expect to be targeted . As for putting up a new OP . well again that is not agreed to by the parties so if so then it becomes a legitimate target. They don’t do anything except observe and report back. If they have put in a new post near Saraqib then it too will be surrounded and become impotent with more Turkish troops sitting on their hands.

Jim Bim

The convoy crossed the border yesterday and headed for Saraqib. Every time the Turks post ends in a liberated spot, they are setting up another post on the M5 where the terrorist are. According to the agreement in 2018, the Turks where supposed to free the DM zone and M5 for terrorist latest mid 2019, but nothing happened.

John Wallace

In that case then the Turkish convoy that was supposedly attacked near Aleppo is a different group also without permission to be there. I am well aware of the agreement for X number and places of OP’s by Russia, Iran and Turkey in the supposed de escaltion zone. The new OP’s were not agreed too so Turkey has no right to set them up but they are meaningless and ineffective anyway. But the main point is that a Turkish convoy of vehicles ” were ” bombarded near Aleppo which is not the same group heading for / arrived in Saraqib.This group can be surrounded or retreat back up the road . If they attack the SAA then they can be deleted .

Jim Bim

I agree.

John Wallace

I know we agree but just a little confusing on who and what is where. I hear there is another big American plane down in Iraq this time. Not looking after their planes as they are dropping out of the sky everywhere.. A CJ7 which looks like a transport plane.


Link please.

John Wallace

https://iuvmpress.com/48788 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U5jk9SAfeQ


Thanks a lot

leon mc pilibin

Turkeys southern border looks very vulnerable to invasion by Syrian forces,if they dont catch on to themselves.

John Wallace

Hardly think Syria would be stupid enough to cross into Turkey.. If one doesn’t count the US Turkey just happens to be the largest NATO standing military force. They alone would are stronger than Syria without even invoking NATO rule No 1 , attack one you attack all. Just what America would love , a legal right to go all out on Syria.

Ricky Miller

That would be a colossal blunder and might return all of Syria to neo-Ottoman rule. Make no mistake the SAA is no match for the Turkish Armed Forces. That’s not just an opinion, it’s a military fact. The Syrian Army should focus on what the Russian deployment gives them cover to do: eliminate the proxy gangs in Syria, including Idlib no matter their sponsor.

Xoli Xoli

Just destroy the whole rusty convoy.

Liberal guy

Ottoman empire 2.0 so called of course is now clueless they thought they would rule areas around Turkey what once their ancestors did so pathetic

Liberal guy

Hey carefully about Libya sultan

Liberal guy

Hahahahaha I forgot at least Erdoğan had his ice cream in front of Russian jet

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